新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解(II )卷

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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解(II )卷_第1页
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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解(II )卷_第2页
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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解(II )卷_第3页
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新目标(Go for it)版2019-2020学年初中英语八年级上册期末复习(题型专练):阅读理解(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共100分)1. (10分)阅读理解ATom lives in the UKHis friend Jack is in DubaiHe will go to see his friendFirst he needs to go to London to take the planeOn Friday morning,Tom takes a bus to the train stationIt takes Tom about 30 minutes to get thereTom gets on the train at about 10 oclock:The train leaves at 10:15The train trip to London takes three hoursAt lunchtime Tom gets to LondonTom eats a hamburger for ltmchThen he goes to the airport(机场)by subwayAfter about one hour,Tom gets to the airportTom gets on the plane at 8 oclock in the eveningThe trip takes a long timeTom is tired(疲倦的)after a busy daySo he goes to sleep(睡觉)On Saturday morning,Tom gets to DubaiHe is very happy,because he will have a great time with his friend根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 (1)Where is Jack? A . In LondonB . Dubai.C . In New YorkD . In Beijing(2)How does Tom go to the train station? A . By carB . By busC . By bikeD . By subway(3)What does Tom eat for lunch? A . Some saladB . Some breadC . An appleD . A hamburger(4)When does Tom get on the plane? A . At 8:00 amB . At 10:00 amC . At 1:00pmD . At 8:00pm(5)What can we know from the passage? A . Tom takes a train to LondonB . Tom goes to the airport by busC . Tom is very happy on the planeD . Tom Rets to Dubai in the evening2. (10分)阅读理解After that, we went on down the river. It was very dark that night and it wasnt easy to see where we were going. Suddenly, a big steamboat came at us very fast, and the next minute it was right over us. Jim and I jumped off the raft (木筏) into the water. The boat hit the raft and went on up the river.When I came up out of the water, I couldnt see Jim anywhere. I called out his name again and again, but there was no answer. “Hes dead!” I thought. Slowly, I swam to the side of the river and got out. I saw that I was near a big old wooden house. Suddenly a lot of very angry dogs jumped out at me. They made a terrible noise and someone called from the house, “Whos there?”“George Jackson,” I answered quickly. “Ive fallen off a river boat.”Well, the people who lived in that house were very kind, and they took me in and gave me some new clothes and a good meal. I told them that my family were all dead, so they said I could stay with them as long as I wanted. It was a beautiful house and the food was good there, so I stayed.A few days later one of the slaves in the house came to me and said, “Come with me!” Together, we went down to some trees by the river. “In there!” he said and went away.On the ground, I found a man, asleep. It was Jim! I was really pleased to see him. When the steamboat hit the raft, Jim told me, the raft didnt break up. Jim swam after it and caught it. Then he began to look for me.We decided to leave at once. Its all right living in a house for a little while, but you feel more free and easy and comfortable on a raft. (1)What happened LAST in the story? A . George saw a big house.B . George got some new clothes.C . George found Jim on the ground.D . George jumped off the raft into the water.(2)Why did George Jackson answer “quickly” when someone called from the house? A . George felt afraid and nervous.B . George felt happy and lucky.C . George really wanted to stay there.D . George didnt want to lie to him.(3)Which of these old sayings best fits this story? A . It never rains but it pours.B . Every dog has its day.C . Burn the candle at both ends.D . Many hands make light work.3. (10分)Dick was driving a large American car. As soon as the race started, he pulled out in front. As the race went on, he kept the first place. And he was far ahead of Wilson, the man in the second place.When the race was almost over, some people stood up and left. “Why did stay?” they thought. They were sure they knew who would win.But things did not go as they thought. A strange noise came from Dicks car. It slowed down. Something was wrong. Dick knew his car would not go far. His only hope was that he would make it to the finish. But on his last lap(赛圈), the car stopped. Wilsons car roared (呼啸) by. Dick saw it go by. He knew he could not win now. “But I can finish the race,” he thought. And he got out of his car. So did his assistant. They began to push the car to the finish.Wilson went by them again and again. He was on his last lap. He was going to win. Dick and his friend did not care. They went on pushing.At first, all eyes were on Wilson. He crossed the line. And the race was over. He won! Dick and his friend pushed on. At last, the car crossed the line. By then all the people shouted for them. They shouted more than they did for Wilson. This was a different kind of winner!(1)Dick was driving a large car that made in _.A . ChinaB . JapanC . The United StatesD . Canada(2)Why Dicks car stopped on his last lap? Because_ .A . he wanted to have a restB . he wanted to have a drinkC . there is something wrong with himD . there is something wrong with his car.(3)Which of the following is True according to the passage?A . Dick wanted Wilson to win the race.B . Both Dick and Wilson are winners.C . Dick drove his car to the end.D . Dick drove slower than others at first.(4)What can we learn from the passage?A . American cars always break down in the race.B . Good cars always help people win the race.C . People should always shout for the loser.D . People should always keep trying.4. (10分)阅读理解 What do you do in a situation like this? Youre eating dinner with friends at a nice restaurant. Youre having a great time when a phone rings at the table next to you. A man takes out his phone and starts talking loudly about his problems he latest met. He talks for almost ten minutes! This happens all the time on buses or metros, in restaurants or supermarkets, nearly everywhere!Many people find cell phones useful in their day-to-day lives. But all of us have ever sat next to someone talking too loudly on a cell phone. You may want to tell the loudmouth to end the conversation, but let the management take care of the noisy customers. You can only control your own behavior. Here are a few rules.Off means off!Respect the rules of restaurants and other public places. If a sign says turn off cell phones, dont use your phone.Keep private conversations private!Speak softly and for a short time. Try to move away from other people.Lights off, phone off!Never take calls in a theatre or at the movies.Pay attention!Talking on a cell phone while driving is dangerous. And watch where youre going when youre walking down the street and talking on the phone.As more and more people use cell phones, things are only going to get worse. So, the next time youre getting ready to make a call, consider the people around you.(1)How many rules about controlling your own behavior on cell phones mentioned in the passage? A . NoneB . TwoC . ThreeD . Four(2)Many people think cell phones are _ in their daily lives. A . helpfulB . uselessC . unnecessaryD . out-of-date(3)The underlined word loudmouth in the second paragraph means _. A . someone who uses a cell phoneB . someone who has a conversation with othersC . someone who talks loudly on a cell phone in publicD . someone who starts talking when having dinner next to you(4)Whats the best title for the passage? A . Cell Phone FactsB . Cell Phone MannersC . Cell Phone HistoryD . Cell Phone Development5. (10分)阅读下面材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AFound Is this your pencil case? It is red. Please call Alan. Phone # 895-6320.Lost I lost my watch. It is black. My name is Cindy. Please call 832-9253.Found Is this your dictionary? It is green. Please call Sonia. Phone # 621-5679.Lost I lost my keys. They (它们) are one white key and two yellow keys. My name is David. Please call 514-8063.(1)Alan found _.A . a pencil caseB . a watchC . a dictionaryD . keys(2)Cindys watch is _.A . redB . blackC . whiteD . yellow(3)If you lost your green dictionary, you should (应该) call _.A . AlanB . CindyC . SoniaD . David(4)Davids phone number is _.A . 895-6320B . 832-9253C . 621-5679D . 514-8063(5)David lost _ key(s).A . oneB . twoC . threeD . four6. (10分)阅读理解Dear Mrs. Smith,I was a students of yours in Grade Six, and I hope you still remember me. Im writing this letter because I want to let you know that the school year with you was important and special to me. It made a big contribution to my life.I know I was very quiet in your class, and you never said much to me. But you did something that made a big difference in my life. You see, all through my first year in school, I hated to read. Books were just words that had very little to do with me, and I was bored by them. Ill never forget the first day of Grade Six when you took out a thick book and began to read the story to our class. Your voice seemed to change with the people in the story, I couldnt wait until after lunch when you would read to the class. You read us all kinds of wonderful books.During the summer after my year in your class, I missed hearing the stories you would read. So one day I picked up a book and read it all on my own. I found out that I could make the words interesting, too. I love to read! Thank you for opening the world of books for me.Yours,Jenny(1)Jenny was not sure if(=whether) Mrs. Smith could remember her because _ at school. A . She wasnt a good student.B . She wasnt good at her lessons.C . She had few words.D . She liked reading.(2)Mrs. Smith got Jenny to _. A . enjoy readingB . enjoy drawing picturesC . write booksD . read aloud(3)Which is NOT TRUE in the story? A . The teacher often said much to Jenny.B . The teacher did something important in Jennys life.C . The teacher opened the world of books for Jenny.D . The teacher read them all kinds of wonderful books.(4)How did Mrs. Smith teach reading? A . She changed the story with the people in the booksB . She read aloud, so the students could remember the stories.C . She read only the thick books to her students.D . She drew pictures as she read.(5)This letter is about a girl saying “_” to a teacher. A . Happy Teachers Day.B . Thank you.C . Goodbye.D . Sorry.7. (10分)THEME PARKS FUN AND MORE THAN FUN Disneyland will bring you into a magic world. As you walk around Disneyland, you may see Snow White and Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street. If you want to have fun and more than fun, come to Disneyland! Dollywood, in the beautiful Smoky Mountains in the southeastern USA. Although Dollywood has rides, the parks main attraction(吸引力) is its culture. You can even take a ride on the only steam-engine train still working in the southeast USA. Come to Dollywood to have fun learning all about Americas historical southeast culture! If you want to experience the ancient days, Englands Camelot Park is the place for you. Every area of the park is modeled after life in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. To enter a world of ancient England, come to Camelot Park! Some theme parks are not only for fun but also educational. Take the Polynesian Cultural Center(PCC) in Hawaii as an example. It not only shows visitors the Polynesian way of life but also protects their skills and culture for the future.(1)Which park will bring you into a magic world?A . Disneyland.B . Dollywood.C . Camelot Park.D . The PCC.(2)Whats Dollywoods main attraction?A . Magic shows.B . King Arthurs life.C . Polynesian cultureD . Americas southeast culture.(3)What can you enjoy in Camelot Park?A . Meeting Snow WhiteB . Experiencing ancient EnglandC . Riding on the steam-engine trainD . Feeling the Polynesian way of life8. (10分)Dear Mona,Can you bring these things to me? My math books, my jacket and my dictionaries. My math book is on the bed. The jacket and the dictionaries are on the sofa.Thanks,EricDear Frank,Your uncles tapes are on the dresser. Please take them(它们)to school. He needs them.Thanks,MomDear sister,I need my jacket and CDs. The jacket is on the bed. The CDs are on the table.Thanks,MikeDear Mike,Here is your jacket. Your CDs are not on the table. I cant(不能)bring them to you.Thanks,Linda(1)Where are Erics dictionaries?A . On the bed.B . On the sofa.C . On the dresser.D . On the table.(2)needs tapes.A . EricB . Franks uncleC . MonaD . Franks mother(3)Are Mikes CDs on the table?A . Yes, it is.B . Yes, they are.C . No, they arentD . No, it isnt.(4)Mike is Lindas.A . fatherB . uncleC . grandfatherD . brother9. (10分) Many years ago, when I was fresh out of school and working in Denver, I was driving to my parents home in Missouri for Christmas. I stopped at a gas station(加油站) about 50 miles from Oklahoma City, where I was planning to stop and visit a friend. While I was standing in line at the cash register(收款台), I said hello to an older couple(夫妇)who were also paying for gas.I took off, but had gone only a few miles when black smoke poured from the back of my car, I stopped and wondered what I should do. A car pulled up behind me. It was the couple I had spoken to at the gas station. They said they would take me to my friends. We chatted on the way into the city, and when I got out of the car, the husband gave me his business card.I wrote him and his wife a thank-you note for helping me. Soon afterward, I received a Christmas present from them. Their note that came with it said that helping me had made their holidays wonderful.Years later, I drove to a meeting in a nearby town in the morning. In late afternoon I returned to my car and found that Id left the lights on all day, and the battery(电池) was dead. Then I noticed that the Friendly Ford dealership - a shop selling cars - was right next door. I walked over and found two salesmen in the showroom.Just how friendly is Friendly Ford? I asked and told them my trouble. They quickly drove a pickup truck (小货车) to my car and started it. They would accept no payment, so when I got home, I wrote them a note to say thanks. I received a letter back from one of the salesmen. No one had ever taken the time to write him and say thank you, and it meant a lot, he said.Thank you - two powerful words. Theyre easy to say and mean so much.(1)The writer planned to stop at Oklahoma City _.A . to visit a friendB . to see his parentsC . to pay at the cash registerD . to have more gas for his car(2)The words took off underlined in Paragraph 2 mean“_”A . turned offB . moved offC . put upD . set up(3)What happened when the writer found smoke coming out of his car?A . He had it pulled back to the gas station.B . The couple sent him a business cardC . The couple offered to help him.D . He called his friend for help.(4)The battery of the writers car was dead because _.A . something went wrong with the lightsB . the meeting lasted a whole dayC . he forgot to turn off the lightsD . he drove too long a distance(5)By telling his own stories, the writer tries to show _.A . how to write a thank-you letterB . how to deal with(处理)car problemsC . the kind-heartedness of older peopleD . the importance of expressing thanks10. (10分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出最佳选项。BJogging is good for us and helps us live longer and healthier. Its easy to do and free. You do not have to spend money jogging. You can do it in a park or even in your home. But many people find it boring after jogging for a while. Then how can we keep jogging fun? Here are some ideas to make your jogging more interesting.First, you should choose to wear your favourite sports clothes and shoes when you jog. They make you more comfortable and more likely to run.Always jog outdoors. By changing your route, you can choose another street, and you will always have something interesting to enjoy when you jog.Take along with your MP3 player and listen to your favourite songs when you jog. The music can make you excited and run farther without feeling bored.Its always more enjoyable with a friend. Make friends while jogging. Join a running club, find a new running partner, or invite an old friend to go jogging. Its better to find a friend who runs a little faster than you. Then you can try to catch up with him or her.(1)Which is the advantage of jogging according to the passage?A . It is fun and interesting to do.B . It needs much money.C . It makes us healthier.D . Most of us cant do it because it is difficult.(2)How many ideas does the writer tell us to help make jogging fun?A . Three.B . Four.C . Five.D . Six.(3)What does the underlined word route mean in Chinese?A . 规律.B . 习惯.C . 路线.D . 场地.(4)How ca n the music help our jogging?A . By making us only think about jogging.B . By making us excited and run farther.C . It can make us run faster.D . It can be helpful to our body.(5)What can be the best title for the passage?A . The Advantage of JoggingB . How to Jog with OthersC . Ways to Make Jogging FunD . Help Your Friends Jog第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 阅读理解 (共10题;共100分)1-1、1-2、1-3、1-4、1-5、2-1、2-2、2-3、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、6-1、6-2、6-3、6-4、6-5、7-1、7-2、7-3、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、

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