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人教版2019-2020学年八年级下学期英语第二阶段考试试卷(不含听力材料)A卷一、 根据你所听到的句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。 (共6题;共9分)1. (1.5分) 听句子,选择正确的应答语( ) A . In Beijing.B . It was interesting.C . Go to the zoo.2. (1.5分) (2019九上融安期中) 听句子,选择恰当的答语( ) A . For two days.B . Every day.C . In two days.3. (1.5分) (2019七上滨州期中) 选出能对每个句子做出适当反应的答语。 A . A hat.B . CAT.C . A book.4. (1.5分) 据所听到的内容选择正确答语( ) A . At ten oclock.B . I would like to work outside.C . I take after my father.5. (1.5分) 根据所听句子的内容,选择最佳应答语( ) A . Theyre mine.B . No, theyre Lilys.C . Theyre under the desk.6. (1.5分) 听句子,选择最佳问答语 A . Once a monthB . In a monthC . For a month二、 根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案 (共6题;共9分)7. (1.5分) What can we call the man? A . Mr Allan.B . Mr Jim.C . Mr Brown.8. (1.5分) (2019九上珠海开学考) Where is the man now? A . In the museum.B . On the bus.C . At the bus stop.9. (1.5分) (2019七下江城期末) Why does Bob like giraffes? A . Because they are cute.B . Because they are interesting.C . Because they are shy.10. (1.5分) (2019九上自贡开学考) Who is in Paris now? A . David.B . Jim.C . Lily.11. (1.5分) Which festival are the speakers talking about? A . B . C . 12. (1.5分) What will Frank do next Sunday? A . Go fishing.B . Fly kites.C . Sweep the floor.三、 根据你所听到的长对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。( (共2题;共6分)13. (3.0分) (2019九上宝安月考) 听对话,回答问题。 (1) What does Ron think of the Internet? (fun / so-so) (2) What shouldnt we tell others? (names / passwords) 14. (3.0分) (2017七下三台期中) 听第1段材料,回答问题。 (1) Who is Mrs. Green? A . She is Peters mother.B . She is Peters sister.C . She is Peters teacher.(2) What does Peter wear today? A . The school uniform.B . A T-shirt.C . A sweater.四、 根据你所听到的短文内容,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。 (共1题;共6分)15. (6.0分) (2018九上温州月考) 听一段独白,请根据内容从 A、B、C 三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录表 A famous French writerNameVictor HugoDate of birthOn 26th1, 1802.Place of birthIn France.ExperiencesIn 1824: his2novel came out.In 1831: he published The Hunchback of Notre Dame.In3: he ran away to Brussels after failing to give a good speech.In 1874: he finished his last novel4.Date of deathOn 22nd May, 1885.What do you think of Victor Hugo?5(1)A . January B . February C . March (2)A . first B . second C . third (3)A . 1859 B . 1855 C . 1851 (4)A . Ninety-Three B . TheMan Who Laughs C . Toilersof the Sea (5)A . Brave B . Great C . Helpful 五、 单项选择,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳 (共10题;共10分)16. (1分) Is this _English book? A . aB . anC . oneD . /17. (1分) The room was full _ smoke after the big fire. A . ofB . withC . inD . for18. (1分) (2019八下封开期末) Dont tell else about it Its between you and me. All right.A . anyoneB . someoneC . no oneD . everyone19. (1分) (2017九上蚌埠期中) My deskmate asked me _or not I wanted to be a player in the future.A . whetherB . thatC . whatD . if20. (1分) Thank you for _ me. A . helpB . helpingC . helpsD . to help21. (1分) (2019九上南充期末) He speaks English an American, so we all believe that he has stayed in America for many years. A . as good asB . as well asC . as bad asD . as badly as22. (1分) Nick is never late for work. He always gets to the office _. A . on timeB . in timeC . at timesD . by the time23. (1分) (2019七上江油开学考) Do you often stay up late at night? No, I _do. A . commonlyB . certainlyC . rarelyD . usually24. (1分) My mother dinner for us every day. She vegetables now.A . cooks; is washingB . is cooking; is washingC . cooks; washesD . is cooking; washes25. (1分) (2019广东) The weather report says we will expect a sunny day tomorrow. _. I am going to go climbing with my classmates. A . Bad luckB . I hope soC . Sounds terribleD . Im afraid so六、 完形填空(每小题1.5分,共15分) (共1题;共15分)26. (15分) (2019广州模拟) 阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项。You may know the song Happy Birthday very well. But do you know about its writer? It was written by an 1girl. And now she 2very rich woman already.When she was a child, she was poor. Once her friend Joan 3her to a birthday party. She was very 4but sad because she had not enough money 5presents for her.The party is coming soon. Now I have 6money. tears ran down her face.Late that night, she was in bed, thinking about the presents when the door opened and came in her grandma. What happened? her grandma asked. Hearing the girls story, she said, Dont 7. I think I can help you. How about 8song together? Happy birthday to 9beautiful song! They sang and sang. Suddenly, she woke up. 10it was a dream, she decided to write it down at once and sang it to 11friend at the party.When she sang the song at the party the next day, her friends 12attended the party were very happy. How 13she sings! We have never heard such a song before. Thank you 14giving me the special present, said Joan. And they learnt to sing 15song together. Later, the girl became well known in America.(1)A . Americas B . Americans C . America D . American (2)A . has become B . becomes C . became D . become (3)A . invite B . invites C . invited D . will invite (4)A . the most pleased B . most pleased C . more pleased D . pleased (5)A . buy B . buying C . to buy D . bought (6)A . little B . a little C . few D . a few (7)A . worried B . worry C . to worry D . worrying (8)A . sing B . to sing C . singing D . be singing (9)A . How B . What C . What a D . How a (10)A . So B . Though C . Because D . For (11)A . she B . hers C . herself D . her (12)A . which B . whom C . who D . whose (13)A . wonderful B . wonderfully C . wonder D . more wonderful (14)A . for B . to C . of D . with (15)A . / B . a C . an D . the 七、 阅读理解(共35分) (共5题;共35分)27. (3分) (2019浙江模拟) 阅读理解 Art, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Geography teachers are required to join this successful international college. Teaching experience at A Level. A college diploma(毕业文凭) is needed.For full information, please contact Christina Leach on:Chrinstina.leachoxford.kingscollege.com Providing a copy of your resume(简历). Closing date: August 23, 2018 Kings College works on guarding and improving the welfare(福利) of children and young people and expects staff and volunteers to share this job application. www.kingscolleges.com(1) Kings Oxford College is looking for . A . part-time cleanersB . full-time teachersC . excellent studentsD . full-time librarians(2) When is the final day of this job application? A . August 23, 2018.B . August 24, 2018.C . August 25, 2018.D . August 26, 2018.(3) Who may get the job in Kings Oxford College? A . Anna, with two years of teaching experience at B Level.B . Victoria, looking for a part-time job as a dance teacher.C . Bill, math teacher with a diploma from Harvard University.D . Owen, studies geography but hasnt graduated from college.28. (8分) (2016九上龙华期中) 阅读下列短文内容,回答问题。(C)How do you spend your spare time? There will be different answers to it. Most people in Poland have their own ways of spending free time. Sometimes they just want to have a rest, but they try to do something more pleasant most of the time. They have many different hobbies, which help them to get away from their everyday problems and spend their free time happily.Many Polish people like traveling. They look for new places that they have never been to and add new and exciting experiences to their journey. Some of them like to climb mountains, others like to go to the sea or a lake to swim, because these can make them get exercise and are good for their health.Many Polish people also like to do sports in their free time. They are usually crazy about football, and football is regarded as the Polish national sport. Many football fans may support a certain team, so they go to watch every match of the team they support, and they buy many things that have any relation with the team. Watching sport and doing it are both good ways to relax.In addition, doctors say that doing sports is very good for the health. Many people in town, especially young men, often go to the gym to attend the exercise classes to keep fit.Besides these ways, Polish people have many other ways to spend their free time. And they really enjoy their free time.(1) Polish people have many different hobbies in order to .A . solve their daily problemsB . make some friends C . relax themselves in their spare time(2) Why do some Polish people like climbing mountains?A . Because they can find a new place B . Because they can get exercise from itC . Because it is comfortable and funny.(3) What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A . Football is many Polish peoples favorite sport.B . Most Polish people like watching sport.C . All the Polish people do sports in their spare time.(4) The underlined word attend in the passage means _ in Chinese?A . 约会B . 观看C . 参加(5) What can we learn from the passage?A . Polish culture is colorful.B . We can have many ways of spending our free time.C . A doctor can give you good advice.29. (8分) (2017杭州模拟) 阅读理解Deisha walked up and down as she waited backstage. This would be her most important piano performance yet. At ten years old, she was the youngest performer in the recital (音乐演奏会). She had practiced playing her song more than 30 times that week. When she closed her eyes at night, the music played over and over again in her head.Now that the day had arrived, Deisha was not sure she was ready. She smoothed her hair and picked a piece of lint (绒毛) from the new dress that her mother had bought for her. She noticed that her hands were shaking. How could she play the notes of the song if her hands were shaking? She tried to concentrate on steadying (稳住) them, but they only shook more.Deishas piano teacher, Ms Neal, walked up to speak to her. “I have something for you,” she said, putting a smooth black stone into Deishas hand. “Its a special stone. Theres no other one like it in the world. Youve practiced so much, you dont need anything else.”The stage lights reflected off the rock. “Thank you,” Deisha said.When Deishas name was called, she rubbed the stone, stepped onto the stage, and played better than ever. After her performance, she noticed that Ms Neal had a whole bag of black stones. “Why did you say this one was so special?” she asked.Her teacher responded, “Because, like your talent, it belongs only to you.”(1) Why did Deisha hear the piano music in her head at night?A . She had practiced many times.B . She wanted to remember the song forever.C . She listened to the song every day.D . She liked this piece of music very much.(2) Before the performance began, Deisha _.A . was dissatisfied(不满意) with her new dressB . waited impatiently backstageC . was too nervous to keep her hands steadyD . forgot the notes suddenly(3) According to the text, Ms Neal thought that _.A . Deisha was fully prepared for the recitalB . it was difficult to play the pianoC . it took talent to play the pianoD . Deisha owned many things(4) What idea does the writer want to show?A . Practice leads to a perfect performance.B . People are talented in their own way.C . Rubbing a stone can bring good luck.D . Performing in front of people is hard.30. (8分) We all know the dangers of fires. Its good and necessary for a family to learn how to prepare for a fire. Here are some suggestions.Put a smoke alarm in the house. Smoke from a fire causes the alarm to go off. The alarm makes a loud sound. The sound tells everyone to leave the house at once.Make escape plans. We should know all the ways out of the house. If there is a fire, everyone follows the plan to get out. Part of the plan is to check all the windows to make sure they can be opened easily.Buy fire extinguishers(灭火器) in the house. Everyone in the family should know how to use them.Practise for a fire. We do fire practice because we teach children about fire safety. Everyone in the family should know the following fire rules:Dont open a hot door! The fire can grow more quickly if you open the door.Stay close to the floor! Smoke can be more dangerous than fire. The best air is near the floor because smoke rises.What will you do if your hair or clothes start to burn? First, stop! Dont run! The fire burns faster because of more air. Drop! Fall to the floor. Then roll! Turning over and over will make the fire go out. Put a blanket(毯子) around you to keep air away from the fire that may still be on you.There are many possible causes for fires. A wise family is ready all the time. If there is a fire, dont forget to call 119 for help.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。(1) When a smoke alarm rings at home, it means _.A . you have to get upB . water is running to the floorC . something is burningD . someone breaks your window(2) The writer advises us to do the following to prepare for a fire, which one is not right?A . we practise for a fireB . we make escape plansC . we buy fire extinguishersD . we use electrical cookers(3) When a fire happens,_ if you open the hot door.A . the door will soon be on fireB . the electricity will be cut offC . the fire will grow more quicklyD . the house will fall down(4) What are the right steps you should take when your hair or clothes catch fire?A . Stop, run, rollB . Stop, drop, rollC . Run, drop, rollD . Roll, drop, stop.(5) What is the best title for this passage?A . Be Ready for a FireB . The Causes of a FireC . Learn to Use a Fire Extinguisher.D . The Dangers of a Fire.31. (8分) (2017七下岳池期末) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Most children like the summer holiday. It is usually long. During the summer holiday, children like to have a good time outdoors (在户外).Jimmy is a 15yearold American boy. His summer holiday is coming. It is from July 1st to August 20th. He wants to travel. He usually travels in America, but this summer he wants to do something different. He learns a lot about China on the Internet, so he wants to take a trip to China. He also wants to learn about Chinese history, so he plans to visit Beijing and Xi an. He is going to leave on August 3rd and take a plane to Beijing first. He plans to stay in the two places for 10 days. During these days, he plans to visit the Summer Palace, the Great Wall, the Terracotta Warriors (兵马俑) and Huashan Mountain. He hopes he will have a great time in China. He cant wait!(1) How long is Jimmys summer holiday?A . About 30 days.B . About 40 days.C . About 50 days.D . About 60 days.(2) Jimmy usually takes a holiday _.A . in AmericaB . in ChinaC . at homeD . in a library(3) Jimmy doesnt plan to visit _ when he is in China.A . the Summer PalaceB . the Great WallC . the Terracotta WarriorsD . the Forbidden City(4) Jimmy will finish his holiday in China on _.A . August 3rdB . August 10thC . August 13thD . August 20th(5) Which of the following is TRUE?A . Jimmy plans to visit Xian first, then Beijing.B . Itll be Jimmys second time to go to China.C . Jimmy takes a holiday every two years.D . Jimmy is interested in Chinese history.八、 口语运用(每小题1分,共5分) (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。 A.Only 10 minutes walk from here.B.What a wonderful novel!C.In the Rose Bookshop.D.Hes a great English writer.E.How many times have you read it?F.What are you doing here?G.In 1974, the book came out and it became very popular.A:Hi, Bill. I notice you are reading the novel again._B:Three times. Every time I read it, I can learn something new.A:Really? Who wrote it?B:Richard Adams._ I like writers who have special opinions.A:Me, too. Could you please tell me more?B:OK. Richard wrote a book for his daughters in the early time._A:Sounds interesting. Where did you buy this book?B:_A:Is it far from here?B:No._ Just next to the Peoples Cinema.A:Oh, I see. Thank you!九、 任务型阅读(共9分) (共1题;共9分)33. (9.0分) (2016七上鞍山期末) 综合阅读。Its a Saturday morning. Mary doesnt need to go to school. She says to her mom, I need some clothes. Can we go to Nice Girls Store?Well, what do you need, Mary? Mom asks her. “My skirt is small, so I want to buy a skirt. And (A) I need a pair of sports shoes, too, Mary says.I see. Lets go and see now. In the store, Mary sees a blue skirt. Its nice. So she asks the clerk , “how much is it?The clerk says, Its twenty dollars. OK. Let me think about it. Thanks.Mary asks her mom, (B) What do you think of that blue skirt, Mom?Its nice, but I dont think blue is nice on you. What about this green skirt, Mary? Oh, its nice! Mary says.They take(C) it at a good price. Only 12 dollars! They buy a pair of green sports shoes, too. Its 32 dollars.(1) When do Mary and her mother go to Nice Girls Store?_(2) How much are the green skirt and the green sports shoes?_(3) 把(A)处翻译成汉语。_(4) 把(B)处翻译成汉语。_(5) (C)处“it” 指代什么?_十、 根据所给提示,完成句子。(每空1分,共10分) (共5题;共10分)34. (2分) The girl with glasses is my cousin. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is _cousisn?35. (2分) Ben comes from AustraliaJim tells meJim tells me_Ben_from Australia36. (2分) (2019贵州) These apple trees were planted by the students in Class 1. (改为一般疑问句) _these apple trees_by the students in Class 1?37. (2分) Lucy felt a little embarrassed last Friday.(改为一般疑问句) _Lucy _a little embarrassed last Friday?38. (2分) Tony collects Chinese kites!(改为一般疑问句)_Tony_Chinese kites.十一、 短文填空(每空2分,共16分) (共1题;共16分)39. (16分) 根据短文内容及首字母提示, 补全空格内单词, 使短文完整、通顺。Reading is an activity that people enjoy a lot in their free time.Some like reading newspapers and o_njoy novels or comic(喜剧的)books. My f_ books are those about the lives of great people. Reading them always gives me a lot of ideas on how to make my o_ life better.Great people are remembered not because they were handsome or beautiful, but because they did not give up w_their lives were difficult. They tried to use e_chance to change their lives and make the world better.One good example is Orville and Wilbur Wright, the two brothers who invented the airplane. The plane has m_ the world a small village. Hard work, not good luck, is the r_why the Wright Brothers could invent this convenient(方便的)machine and become great people. Today we will remember them when we see planes f_ in the sky.When

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