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Unit 7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?一、教学目标:【知识目标】:能掌握本单元重点词汇,并能用比较级和最高级谈论“世界之最”。 【能力目标】:能听懂谈论地理和自然的话题。学会对事实和数字的比较,提高听说能力。【情感目标】:培养学生热爱大自然和保护大自然。二教学重点:短语: take in, in the face of, even though, risk their lives, challenge themselves, walk into, fall over, or so, run over with excitement, take care of, cut down the forests, in the remaining forests, endangered animals, wild animals 句子:1)Whats the highest mountain in the world? Qomolangma.2)How high is Qomolangma? Its 8,844.43 meters high. Its higher than any other mountain.3)Which is the deepest salt lake in the world? The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.4)Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? Yes, I did. Its much older than the US. 语法:形容词比较级和最高级。三、教学难点: Largenumbers Comparativeandsuperlativeformofadj.andadv.四、教具准备:PPTTheFirstPeriodSection A(1a-2d)TeachingAimsandDemands1KnowledgeObjects(1) KeyVocabularysquaren.平方 metern.米 populationn.人口 Asian.亚洲 walln.墙 (2)TargetLanguage Whatsthehighestmountainintheworld? Qomolangma.HowhighisQomolangma?Its8,844.43metershigh.Itshigherthananyothermountain.Whichisthe deepestsaltlakeintheworld?TheCaspianSeaisthedeepestofallthesaltlake.(3)Structure:LargenumbersComparativeandsuperlativeformofadj.andadv.2.AbilityObjects(1) Learntousethenumeraltotalkaboutthefactsoftheworld.(2) Learnandmastertheusageofthecomparativeandsuperlativeformofadj.and adv.3Moralobjects TeachSstoloveournatureandprotectourenvironment.TeachingKeyPoint LearnandmasterlargenumbersTeachingDifficultPoints Learntotalkaboutcomparativeandsuperlativeformofadj.andadv. byusingthetargetlanguage.TeachingMethods1 Thesituationalteachingapproach,task-basedlanguageteachingmethod.2Pair-work.TeachingAids1Ataperecorder 2TheblackboardTeachingProceduresStepGreetingand presentationsquaremeterdeepdesertpopulation Asiatour tourist wall amazing ancientwideStep2Warming-upSee thepictures on Page 49 and ask the students: Howbig/high/long/bigis? Then helpthestudentsto answer:Itsmeters/kilometers/cmbig/high/long/big. Step31aMatchthefactsyouknow.Practiceinpairsusingtheinformationin1a.Qomolangmaabout9,600,000squarekilometersinsizeTheSahara1,025metersdeepTheCaspianSea6,671kilometerslongTheNile8,844.43metershighStep4Explanation8,844metershigh.8,844米高metershigh(long,wide)米高(长,宽)。 英语表示有多长(宽,高)时,一般将数词和数量单位放在表示长宽高的形容词前作状语。e.g.Thewallis1.7meterswide.Step5Listening1.1bListen andcompletethesentences.1)Qomolangmais_ thananyothermountainin theworld.2)TheSaharais_desertintheworld.3) TheCaspianSeais_ofallthesaltlakes.4)TheNileis_riverintheworld.2.2aListenandnumberthefacts(1-4)intheorderyouhearthem. 2bListenagainandfillintheblanksin2awiththenumbersinthebox.6,3005,0005,464300_TheYangtzeRiverisabout_kilometerslongandtheYellowRiveris_ kilometerslong._Chinahasthebiggestpopulationintheworld.ItsalotbiggerthanthepopulationoftheUS._China isover_yearsold. Ithasamuchlonger historythantheUS.TheUSis noteven_yearsold._ChinaisalmostasbigastheUS,butitisthebiggestcountryinAsia.Step6Practice1cMakeconversationsinpairs.Examples:A:DidyouknowthatChinaifoneoftheoldestcountriesintheworld?B:Yes,Idid.Itsmucholderthanmycountry.Step72dReadtheconversationandanswerthequestions:1) Whichisthebiggestman-madeobjectsintheworld?2)WhichisthemostfamouspartoftheMingGreatWall?Step8Languagepointsandsummary1. FellfreetoaskmeanythingontodaysGreatWalltour.在今天的长城游中,尽管问我问题,不要拘束。feelfreetodosomething无需拘束,只管按照自己的意愿去做某事。e.g.A:CanIuseyourbathroom?我可以用一下你的卫生间吗? B:Yes,feelfree.可以,请随意。e.g. AsfarasIknow,Jacksgottwinsisters.就我所知,杰克有一对孪生姐妹。Step9HomeworkTomemorizetheimportantphrasesandsentences.Step10BlackboardDesignUnit7Whatsthehighestmountainintheworld?TheFirstPeriodSection A(1a-2d)Howbig/high/long/bigis?Itsmeters/kilometers/cmbig/high/long/big.The SecondPeriod Section A 3a3cTeachingAimsandDemands1KnowledgeObjects (1)KeyVocabularyachievement, southeastern, thick, include, freezing, condition, succeed, challenge, achieve, force, nature, take in, in the face of , even though,risk their lives, challenge themselves (2)TargetLanguage 1)One of the worlds most dangerous sports is mountain climbing.2)Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storm.2.AbilityObjects 能够掌握并运用形容词的比较等级去描述事物。3 Moralobjects 培养学生热爱大自然,保护环境的意识。.TeachingKeyPoint Talk about geography and nature.TeachingDifficultPoints 正确使用本课时词汇与句子;读写训练。TeachingMethods 情景教学法;任务型教学法。TeachingProceduresStep 1 PreparationLook at the photos. Answer the following questions.Which is the highest mountain in the world?Which is the longest river in Asia?Step2Presentation Leading-inWhat do you know about Qomolangma?IsQomolangma the most dangerous mountain in the world?Step3Practice1. 速读 (Fast Reading)自读文章,在书中划出重点、疑点后,翻译下列短语。先独立完成,后小组商议。2. 精读 (Intensive Reading)Read the article and match each paragraph with the main ideas.Paragraph 1 spirit of climbersParagraph 2 achievements of climbersParagraph 3 facts and dangers3. 朗读 (Loud Reading) Read the article again, and answer the following questions.1. What a mountain is Himalayas?2. Why is it dangerous to climb Qomolangma?3. When did the first Chinese reach the top of Qomolangma?Step4 Consolidation1. 3b. Read the article again and complete the chart.2.Retell the passage according to the questions. 1)Where are the Himalayas? 2)How high is Qomolangma? 3)Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even though it is dangerous?4)What does the spirit of the climbers tell us?3. 语法以及语言知识点的使用方法。1)One of the worlds most dangerous sports is mountain climbing, “one of + the + 形容词的最高级 + 复数名词”,意为“最之一”。如: Miss Wang is one of the most popular teachers in our school.王老师是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。2)It is also very hard to take in air as you get near the top. It is+ adj. + to do sth., it作形式主语放在句首,而把真正的主语放在句尾。常用于此句型的形容词有important, difficult, dangerous, necessary, useful, possible等,用来对to do sth. 进行说明。此句型可以转换成To do sth. is + adj.。e.g. It is important to study English well. 学好英语很困难。 Its very difficult to climb Qomolangma. 攀登珠穆朗玛峰很难。3)Even more serious difficulties include freezing weather conditions and heavy storms.difficulty 既可作可数名词也可作不可数名词。作可数名词时通常用复数,表示具体概念,即:各式各样的 “困难,难题,难事”,如:Hes having financial difficulties. 他正手头拮据。作不可数名词时,译作“困难,艰难,幸苦”,如:She had great difficulty in understanding him. 她很难理解他说的话。4)The spirit of these climbers shows us that we should never give up trying to achieve our dreams. give up 意为“放弃”,后面可以接名词、代词或v.-ing形式作宾语。注意:如果其宾语是名词,那么名词可以放在 give 和 up 之间,也可以放在 up之后;如果其宾语是代词,那么代词只能放在 give 和 up 之间。如:My uncle wants to give up drinking wine. 我叔叔想戒酒。Although English isnt easy to learn, I wont give it up. 虽然英语不易学,但我不会放弃。5)Why do so many people try to climb this mountain even though it is dangerous?even though 用作从属连词,意为“即使;尽管”,相当于even if,引导让步状语从句,一般不与并列连词but连用。如:Mr. Wang will come on time even though it rains.尽管下雨,但王老师会按时来。Step5 ExaminationAsk one of the students to say what they have learnt.Step6 Homework1)记忆所学单词、短语或重点句型。2) Preview the new words of Grammar-4cStep7 BlackboardDesignUnit7Whatsthehighestmountainintheworld?TheSecondPeriodSection A(3a3c)take in, in the face of , even though, risk their lives, challenge themselves The third period Grammar Focus-4cTeaching Aims 1. Knowledge aimsStudents can use the key structures:1)Whats the highest mountain in the world? Qomolangma.2)How high is Qomolangma? Its 8,844.43 meters high. Its higher than any other mountain.3)Which is the deepest salt lake in the world? The Caspian Sea is the deepest of all the salt lakes.4)Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? Yes, I did. Its much older than the US.2. Ability Aims Learn and master how to talk about geography and nature using comparatives and superlatives with adjectives and adverbs.3. Moral Aims Educate students to love our nature, love our life.Teaching Key PointsLearn to describe things using comparatives and superlatives.Teaching Difficult PointsLearn to talk about geography and nature using comparatives and superlatives with adjectives and adverbs.Teaching MethodsThe activity teaching method, the cooperative learning method, and the task-based language teaching method.Teaching AidsThe pictures about nature; PPTTeaching ProceduresStep1 Warming-up Sing the English song What a Wonderful World.Step2 Grammar Focus Show students some pictures to talk about nature.1)Show students the picture of Qomolangma and ask students to talk about it.T: -Whats the highest mountain in the world?Ss:- QomolangmaT:- How high is it?Ss: Its 8,844.43 meters high.T: Its higher than any other mountain. Its the highest mountain in the world.2) Show pictures of Caspian Sea ,China and ask students to work in pairs to talk about the pictures.3) Have students read and remember the sentences of Grammar Focus by themselves.4) Ask them to sum up.A. 形容词,副词比较级和最高级的变化规则规则变化 clever cleverer cleverest few fewer fewest 1) 一般情况下,单音节或双音节的形容词/副词比较级_, 最高级_。nice nicer nicest cute cuter cutest 2) 以e结尾的词,比较级_,最高级_ 即可easy easier easiest happy happier happiest 3) 以辅音字母y结尾的变_为_或_ fat fatter fattest thin thinner thinnest 4) 重读闭音节,单辅音结尾的,_这个辅音字母_ 或 _careful more careful the most carefuluseful more useful the most useful 5) 多音节和部分双音节的词需要在形容词原级前_构成比较级,_ 构成最高级。 不规则变化 good /well better bestbad/badly worse worst many/much more most far farther/furtherfarthest/ furthest old elder /older eldest/ oldest B 使用比较级和最高级的标志词Step3 Practice(4a) 1. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the worlds in the box. 2. Check the answers.Step4 Debate in two groups(4b)1. Divide students into two groups and debate about two cities and two animals, try to find which one is better.2. Write a report according to the debate.Step5 Group-work(4c)1. Write five questions about your classmates using comparisons. Then ask your partners in your group your questions.2. Write a reportStep6 Homework1. Compare your family members.2. Surf the internet to find something about panda and elephant.Step7 BlackboardDesign Unit7Whatsthehighestmountainintheworld? The third period Grammar Focus-4c 形容词比较级和最高级变化规则表 情况加词尾法例词 一般情况 直接加er,est small, smaller, smallest 以e结尾的词 加-r,-st large, larger, largest 以辅音y结尾的词 变y为i,再加er,est busy, busier, busiest 以“辅音字母”结尾的词将这字母双写再加er,est big, bigger, biggestThe Fourth Period Section B 1a-1dTeaching Aims1. Knowledge Aims(1)Key Vocabulary: cm, weigh, birth, at birth, up to, adult. (2) Target Language: many times more than/ 200cm taller than/ weigh much more than / eat much more(less) than/ eat many times more (less) than/live up to/ about one to two kilos (3) Structure: comparatives and superlatives with adjectives and adverbs2. Ability Aims(1)Enable students to learn about something about pandas and other endangered animals, hope students to protect them.(2)Teach students how to compare two kinds of animals. 3. Moral Aims To know the importance of protecting animals and environment.Teaching Key Points Students can grasp comparatives and superlatives with adjectives and adverbsTeaching Difficult Points Comparatives and superlatives with adjectives and adverbs.Teaching method The cooperative learning method, and the situational teaching method.Teaching Aids The pictures about endangered animals; PPT.Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming-up Look at the pictures in 1a and the numbers under the pictures, describe elephants and pandas using some simple sentences .eg: This elephant is 350cm tall. It weighs 5000 kilos. It eats 150 kilos of food a day. This panda is 150 cm tall when it is standing on two legs.It weighs 100 kilos.Step 2 Checking the words Ask the Ss to read and say the words and phrases by showing pictures.Step 3 Listening(1b,1c)1. Play the tape for students to listen and check the numbers they hear.2. Listen again and complete the sentences in 1c.3. Ask students to read the sentences in 1c. Students make sentences according to the chart as many as possible.a baby pandaan adult pandaweigh0.1 to 0.2 kilos100 kilossize15cm long150 cm long.Step 4 Role play(1d) 1. Make conversations according to the above chart in groups. 2. Show time: Act out their own conversations. 3. Writing: a short coconversation about a baby panda and an adult panda. Step 5 Homework To be a good learner, please search more information about other endangered animals.Step6 BlackboardDesign Unit7Whatsthehighestmountainintheworld? The Fourth Period Section B1a-1da baby pandaan adult pandaweigh0.1 to 0.2 kilos100 kilossize15cm long150 cm longPink , cannot seedoesnt have teethblack and white.can live up to 20 to 30 yearsThe fifth period Section B 2a2eTeaching Aims 1. Knowledge aims 单词:bamboo, endangered, research, keeper, awake, excitement, illness, remaining, artwork, government, 常用表达: walk into, fall over, or so, run over with excitement, take care of , cut down the forests, in the remaining forests, endangered animals, wild animals ,be awake 重点句式:1)They find that most of the babies are already awake and hungry.2)Pandas do not have many babies, maybe only one every two years.3) They send people to schools to tell children the importance of saving these animals.2. Ability Aims 正确使用形容词、副词的原级,最高级和比较级,学会对事实和数字的比较。3.Moral Aims Educate students to love our nature, love our life.Teaching Key PointsTalk about geography and nature .Teaching Difficult Points 正确使用本课时词汇与句子;阅读训练,掌握浏览技巧。Teaching Methods 情景教学法;任务型教学法。Teaching ProceduresStep1 PreparationMake a story according to the conversation in Section B 1b1c and tell them to your partner. Step2Presentation Leading-inTalk about panda in your class. Use these words to help you.big, bamboo, zoo, popular, cute, black and white, Sichuan, famous, endangered, beautiful, forest, protect, e.g. I think pandas are very big. They live in the zoos or forests.Step3Practice速读 (Fast Reading) Scanning(This means moving your eyes quickly down the page to find specific information.) Read the passage quickly and find the answers to the questions: 2b Scan the article to find out what these numbers mean: 2c Scan the article again and write short answers to the questions. 1. What is Lin Weis job? 2. What do the baby pandas eat for breakfast? 3. Why are pandas endangered? . Key: 1. A panda keeper. 2. Milk. .2. 精读 (Intensive Reading) 2d Complete the sentences using words and phrases from the passage.3. 朗读 (Loud Reading)1) Read after the tape. 2) Read the passage by yourselves, and then give you show time.4. 语言知识点的使用方法。1) they run over with excitement and some of them even walk into their friends and fall over!run over 跑上前去 over adv.穿越;从的一边到另一边e.g. She ran over to say hello, but I didnt recognize her. 她跑过来打招呼,但我没有认出她来。walk into(走路时意外)撞上e.g. As he was thinking too deeply and not playing attention to where he was going, he walked straight into a tree. 由于他陷入深思,没有注意看路,径直撞到了一棵树上。fall over 摔倒;倒下e.g. Dont run too fast, or you might fall over. 别跑太快,要不你会摔跤的。fall over something 被某物绊倒e.g. Tommy fell over the dog and broke his front teeth.Tommy被那只狗绊了一跤,磕断了门牙。2) Scientists say there are now fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the forests.living in the forests 是一个现在分词短语,用做定语,修饰pandas。e.g. the girls singing under the tree 树下唱歌的女孩Step4 Consolidation1. Repeat this article using the information you learned.1) Time : 8:30 am2) Place: Chengdu Research Base3) People: Lin Wei and the other panda keepers 4) Activities: prepare the milk for the baby pandas5) About pandas: Pandas are endangered , one way to help save pandas2. 2e Discuss what other ways you think children can help to save the pandas. 激励学生为动物献爱心,献计献策,保护大熊猫。Step5 ExaminationAsk one of the students to say what they have learnt.Step6 Homework1)记忆本课时词汇与句子,搜集关于大熊猫的信息。2) Preview the new words of 3a-Self Check.Step7 BlackboardDesign Unit7 Whats the highest mountain in the world?The fifth period Section B 2a2ewalk into, fall over, or so, run over with excitement, take care of , cut down the forests, in the remaining forests, endangered animals, wild animals ,be awakeThe sixth period Section B 3aSelf CheckTeaching Aims 1. Knowledge Aims Words and expressions in Unit Seven 2. Ability Objects Enable students to master how to talk about geography and nature using comparatives and superlatives with adjectives and adverbs.3. Moral Objects Educate students to love our nature, love our life.Teaching Key Points Learn to talk about geography and natureTeaching Difficult Points Learn to talk about geography and nature using comparatives and superlatives with adjectives and adverbs.Teaching Methods The activity teaching method, the cooperative learning method, and the situational teaching method. Teaching Aids The pictures about geography and nature; PPT. Teaching Procedures Step 1 Warming-up Review Grammar Focus and 2b on Page 54.Step2 Revision 1. Have a dictation. 2. Ask the students to sum up the words and useful expressions according to the two word trees. Complete Self check 1.Step3 Practice 1. Complete Self check 2: match verbs and objects. Then add one more object to each list. 2. Write some sentences according to self check. 3. Complete Self check 3.Step4 Show Time Ask students to imagine you are the geographer and compare two or more places. Prepare for the conversations in groups. According to the following structures. 1)Whats the highest mountain in the world? 2)How high is Qomolangma? 3) Which is the deepest salt lake in the world? 4) Did you know that China is one of the oldest countries in the world? Step5 Writing Write down the conversations between them. Step 6 Having a test and homework一、单选1. She is _ than _. A. busier / us B. busier / we C. more busy / us D. more busy / we 2. Jane is _ than Betty. A. less taller B. less tallest C. less tall D. not as tall

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