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人教版2020年中考英语语法专练(十):动词的时态D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)He _ a subway to the market. A . takeB . byC . takesD . needs2. (2分) Where is Lucy? I cant find her now. She _ Shanghai on business. She _ back in three days.A . has been to; comesB . has been to; will comeC . has gone to; comesD . has gone to; will come3. (2分)He_ me his name, but I cant remember it now. A . tellsB . will tellC . toldD . is telling4. (2分)If there no buying and selling of animals, there no killing in nature.A . is; will beB . will be; will beC . is; isD . will be; is5. (2分)Dont turn on the TV. Grandma now. A . sleepsB . sleptC . will sleepD . is sleeping6. (2分)It seems that you are familiar with Nanjing. Thats right. I _ there for many times.A . have goneB . wentC . have beenD . had gone7. (2分)Hurry up! The film for half an hour. A . has begunB . beganC . has been on8. (2分)I missed his call because at that time I _ a shower. A . hadB . have hadC . haveD . was having9. (2分)The movement of boycotting(联合抵制) the South Korean goods in whole China _ for a few months by the time Lotte Group(乐天集团)agreed to provide land for USA. A . had been onB . had begunC . has been on10. (2分)Miss Gao isnt here. She _to the station to meet Mr. Brown. A . wentB . has goneC . has beenD . would to二、 句型转换 (共10题;共24分)11. (2分)I was watching TV when you called me. (改为一般疑问句) _ _ watching TV when I called you? 12. (1分)They will build a bridge here in three years time (改为一般疑问句并补全否定答语)_they_a bridge here in three years time?No,_13. (3分)Is that Annas ID card?(作肯定回答)_,_ _.14. (2分)Are those his books?(作否定回答)_,_ _.15. (2分)Jenny finished her homework. (改为现在完成时态) Jenny _ _ her homework.16. (2分)We have Chinese lessons this morning.(变否定句) We _ _ Chinese lessons this morning.17. (2分)This is a big apple. (改为复数形式)These _ some big apples.18. (2分)Give the goldfish some food. (改为否定句)_give the goldfish_food.19. (2分)I learn English from Mr. Green every Saturday. (用now替换every Saturday改写句子) I _ _ English from Mr. Green now. 20. (6分)Jacks tennis is in his room. (对画线部分提问)_ _Jacks tennis?三、 语法填空 (共25题;共27分)21. (1分)You _ (promise) to take our boy to Disneyland last year. Dont let him down again. 22. (1分)The English song _very nice and I like it very much. 23. (1分)The small boy_(jump)because he was happy24. (1分)She_(not want) to stay in bed while the others_(work) in the fields. 25. (1分)I respect Mr Smith but I _ with his decision. (agree) 26. (1分)She _(wash) her clothes at the moment.27. (1分)Look! The boy is _(lie) on the floor. 28. (1分)My dad told me that China _(have) the third largest area in the world. 29. (1分)So far, the couple _ (not change) their flat since they had a second child. 30. (1分)The Leaning Tower of Pisa _ (lie) on Miracle Square since 800 years ago. 31. (1分)It was six. The Greens _ (have) supper. 32. (2分) How soon _ the project _ (finish)? In two hours.33. (1分)Her mother_(cook) at 6: 30 yesterday. 34. (1分)I have _ (be) like this since Friday. 35. (1分)Mrs Li is a teacher and she_(teach) maths in our school. 36. (2分)I _(shout) to you at the gate, but you didnt hear me.Really? I _(call) my father then.37. (1分)What _you _(do)? I_(sing) an English song now.38. (1分)You should work harder _ its too late to catch up. 39. (1分)Tom _ (take) many photos on his trip to Xian last year. 40. (1分)Trust me! I _ (keep) it between you and me. Talk now. 41. (1分)I was too tired and still sleeping when my alarm _(go off). 42. (1分)Excuse me, can I speak to Mrs White, please?Oh, sorry. She_(go) to the supermarket.43. (1分) Have you told Mike about the exciting result? Oh, no, I forgot about itI _ (phone) him immediately44. (1分)Do you know where his father _ (work)? 45. (1分)_ you _ (make) up your mind to buy a new car yet? 第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 句型转换 (共10题;共24分)11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、三、 语法填空 (共25题;共27分)21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、


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