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鲁教版九年级上学期英语9月月考试卷C卷一、 请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)_friends you have,_you will be A . More;happierB . More;more happyC . The more;the happierD . The more;the more happy2. (2分)The number of the volunteers in our city _3,000. And fifty percent of them _ students. A . is, isB . are, isC . is, are3. (2分)I went to the park with my mother and had a good time thereIts fun to play in the parkA . enjoyed myselfB . made some friendsC . had a good luck4. (2分)Summer is coming and the weather is getting hot A . all overB . side by sideC . from time to timeD . day by day5. (2分)Tom often _ two hours doing his homework. A . costsB . takesC . paysD . spends6. (2分)Hurry up, _you will miss the early bus.A . orB . andC . ifD . unless7. (2分)Is the price of the bag very _? No, it cost(花费) me only twenty yuan.A . expensiveB . cheapC . highD . low8. (2分) Shall we go on a field trip to Tenglong Cave by bike? No. Its _ far _ cycle. Lets choose other vehicles.A . too; toB . so; toC . too; not toD . so; that9. (2分)Cindy,you learn physics so well.Whats your _?Doing a lot of exercises.A . secretB . KnowledgeC . ideaD . ability10. (2分)I wonder if youfor a picnic tomorrow.If it,I will go.A . go, not rainB . go, doesnt rainC . will go, isnt rain.D . will go, doesnt rain.二、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当地句子补全对话。Shop worker: Good morning! What can I do for you?Lingling: _.Shop worker: _?Lingling: PurpleShop worker: All right. _?Lingling: Small.Shop worker: What about this one?Lingling: _?Shop worker: Certainly.Lingling: Look at the price. Its 198 yuan. Thats too much.Shop worker: But wait a minute! Theres a sale on today. _.Lingling: OK. Ill take it.A. What color does she like?B. Id like to buy a T-shirt for my mum.C. Everything is half price.D. What size does she take?E. May I try it on?三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分)完形填空 Washing clothes, making the bed, and cooking these were impossible for Liang Jingwei before. But after taking some living skill classes, its 1for this 12 year-old student.At one time, my parents had to 2me do these things. But now, I can do it all by 3he said.At Liangs school, students take a one-week long 4: eight students live in a room to learn living 5.Many of them have 6done these chores at home. They have no idea about these living skills. These classes make up 7that, said Zhang Jing, Liangs teacher.Zhang Yuanfan, 12, got better at cutting vegetables by making sushi(寿司).She canCut cucumbers and carrots into very thin pieces. But to keep those skills, she 8every day. its not easy. I understand my mother 9 she said. Now, she often makes sushi at home. These classes also help students enjoy their 10 Chen Siyu, Zhangs cooking teacher said.(1)A . impossible B . easy C . wonderful D . important (2)A . want B . make C . allow D . help (3)A . myself B . it C . help (4)A . class B . rest C . note D . ourselves (5)A . level B . ways C . experience D . skills (6)A . always B . usually C . never D . often (7)A . to B . for C . with D . from (8)A . reads B . listens C . practices D . cares (9)A . better B . worse C . faster D . slower (10)A . life B . home C . subject D . school 四、 阅读理解(一) (共7题;共62分)13. (25分)阅读短文,按要求完成下列各题 Sam hated doing chores. And he had many chores. For example, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays he took out the rubbish. And on weekends he always washed his fathers car. He also cleaned his own room once a week. Sometimes he even had to (1) look after his little sister and brother.Sam had a foreign friend at school. His name was Kumar. Doing chores in Kumars family was very different. In the house only the girl did chores. His sisters made all the beds and cleaned all the rooms too, even his bedroom. His mother always cooked the meals, and his sisters helped her to go shopping, and prepare(准备) the food. They worked hard at home, doing all the chores with their mother. So when Kumar talked to his friend Sam about chores, he felt very lucky. One day, Sam had an idea. He asked Kumar, Could I borrow your sisters? He wanted them to help him clean his room, but (2) they said no. Instead (相反), they asked Sam to teach their brother how to do chores, so that he could make his own bed.Sam and Kuimar are very good at science. They are going to be scientists after university. They want to make a robot to do the chores. Then everyone- -mothers and fathers, sons and daughters- will be happy!任务一: 根据短文,回答问题。(1)When did Sam take out the rubbish? (2)Who made Kumars bed? (3)What do Sam and Kumar want to make after university? (4)在横线上写出短文中(1)处的同义词组。 (5)在横线上写出短文中(2)处所指代的正确内容。 14. (10分)One day Einstein(爱因斯坦) was walking in the street in New York. His friend met him and said to him, Einstein, you should buy a new coat. Look, how old your coat is! But Einstein answered, It doesnt matter. Nobody knows me here.After a few years Einstein became a famous scientist. But he still wore the old coat.His friend met him again and asked him to buy a new one. But Einstein said, I neednt buy a new one. Everyone knows me here.(1)Einstein was _ scientist.A . an EnglishB . a ChineseC . an AmericanD . a Japanese(2)Einsteins coat was very old. His friend _.A . gave him a new oneB . asked him to buy a new oneC . helped him buy a new oneD . helped him mend(修理) the old coat(3)Einstein didnt want to buy a new one because _.A . nobodyknew himB . he likedthe old oneC . he had no moneyD . he didnt mind it(4)A few years later Einstein _.A . bought a new oneB . became a great scientistC . still wore an old coatD . B and C(5)The title(题目) of this article should(应该) be _.A . Einsteins CoatB . Einstein and His New CoatC . Einstein and His friendD . Einstein15. (5分)任务型阅读(Choose the right sentences to complete the article.)Say the words “reality TV” and the show that comes into most peoples minds is Big Brother_There have been varieties in more than seventy countries. The basic form is simple: put a group of strangers into a house, record everything they do and watch how they live together._A similar show, the Real World, was broadcast in 1992 on MTV. But the form really became popular with the success of Big Brother, and it was copied again and again_For examples, in wife Swap, a mother went to live with a family of strangers and tried to run their home.So what makes these shows so attractive? As we all know, living with people you dont know is full of pressures and personality problems are common_A TV presenter thought it was all about relationships and real people and if you were not interested in reality TV, you were not interested in people.But is it healthy to be this interested in other peoples private life?_Not everyone prefers such shows, including the first winner of Big Brother, Bart Spring. He said he wasnt a fan of the programme or of people becoming famous for being stupid.A. In similar shows, competitors were sent to different places, being with strangers.B. And what kind of people want to appear in front of TV cameras twenty-four hours a day?C. Competitors often have to share tasks and this also brings disagreement.D. Love it or not, the programme is worldwide popular.E. Actually the idea wasnt original.16. (5分)阅读短文内容,从短文后的ABCDE五个选项中选出能填入空白处最佳选项。 Friendship is one of the greatest pleasures that people can enjoy. _A true friend does indeed find pleasure in our joy and share sorrow in our grief. In time of trial, he or she is always at our side to give us his or her help and comfort._We must choose someone who has a good character, whose activities are good and who shows kindness of heart. _If you tell a friend your secrets, he or she wont tell anyone else. Friends share each others joys and sorrows. They help each other when they are in trouble and cheer each other up when they are sad._In conclusion, when you have made a good friend, dont forget him or her.A. Knowing how valuable friendship is, we should be very careful in our choice of a friend.B. It is very difficult to find a better definition of friendship.C. A true friend can always be trusted, loved and respected.D. The most important thing is that a friend always understands you.E. We should avoid these shallow people who are easily changed by adversities or misfortune.17. (6分)任务型阅读 (1)下面是有关于路标的一些信息,请根据描述,从A、B、C、D四幅图片中选择正确的图片与题目配对,并回答问题。 A. B. C. D. Road signs tell people the right way. Turn right? Turn left? Or go ahead? But in fact, some signs are not only helpful but also interesting. And knowing the meanings of these signs will help you stay happy when traveling outside. Look at the following signs. Do you know their meanings?_250dollar fine(罚款)! Dogs are popular pets in Western countries. In the evening or at the weekend, people take their dogs out for a walk. When a dog shits on the road, the owner has to clean it up. If not, he/she will have to pay a $250 fine for it. _There are lovely bears in zoos. Some visitors like to feed them meat or bread. But this is very dangerous. If the bear catches you, he will cat you!_This road is dangerous. On the sign, a car is driving near a hill. And there is a monster(怪物) behind the hill. The monster is going to eat the car. This road sign tells drivers to be careful at this place. _Do not hurt them! On the sign, a mother duck is taking her children for a walk. Drivers should slow down at this place. They shouldnt hurt the ducks. (2)Where can we find this passage? A . From a story. B . From an advertisement(广告).C . From a travel guide book.D . From a scicnce book.18. (6分)选词填空。skirt, look, pair ,buy, need, storeSally wants to go shopping (去购物). She needs a sweater and two _of socks. She asks her good friend Helen to go with her, because she _some advice (建议). They go to the clothes _ . Sally likes the yellow sweater, but it doesnt _nice on her. The blue one is better, so she wants to _it. Dont forget the socks, Helen says. Then she helps Sally select (挑选) some socks. At last, Sally takes the sweater and some socks. She takes a _for Helen, too.Helen is so happy.19. (5分)志愿者活动是社会和个人成长的需要。你有做一名志愿者的经历吗?你什么时间在哪里做的?感受如何?根据以上要求,以My Volunteer Experience为题,适当拓展,写一篇短文,词数在70左右。My Volunteer ExperienceI am a middle school student.第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 请你从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)11-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)12-1、四、 阅读理解(一) (共7题;共62分)13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、14-1、14-2、14-3、14-4、14-5、15-1、16-1、17-1、17-2、18-1、19-1、

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