牛津版英语七年级上学期Module 2 Unit 3 the Earth 同步练习C卷

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牛津版英语七年级上学期Module 2 Unit 3 the Earth 同步练习C卷_第1页
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牛津版英语七年级上学期Module 2 Unit 3 the Earth 同步练习C卷 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)You will come to my birthday party, right? Of course, And Ill bring a gift for you. A . SorryB . SureC . Great2. (2分)She can get along well with all types of people. A . numbersB . kindsC . topics3. (2分)Teddy is busy with the English Speaking Competition. That is, he cant go to your party. What a pity!A . At a timeB . By the wayC . In other words4. (2分)Which of the following words can NOT be added the prefix un- to give it the opposite meaning? A . happyB . healthyC . usualD . polite5. (2分) Did the man lie? No, he probably told us all the details we want.A . surelyB . certainlyC . possibly6. (2分)Dashan is from Canada, but his Chinese is excellent. A . very goodB . so badC . very boring7. (2分)Her friend always gives her a hand whenever she is in trouble. A . helpB . does.a favorC . needs.help8. (2分)I know I can always trust my father. A . followB . agree withC . believe in9. (2分)I have _ in learning math and Im so worried. Could you help me? Sure. Id be glad to.A . troubleB . interestC . joyD . fun10. (2分)Hello, Lucy, please give me some _ on how to improve my English! Youd better keep _ more English books.A . advices; readB . advice; readC . advice; readingD . advices; reading11. (2分)There _ an English test during the term. A . will haveB . isC . is going to haveD . is going to be12. (2分)Dictionaries are important to us students. When we meet a new word, we can _ in them. A . look it upB . look up itC . look for it13. (2分)Why _ go to the zoo?A . dontB . notC . are youD . you dont14. (2分)_, _, and_ should stay here. A . You, he and theyB . We, they and youC . I, you and heD . We, you and they15. (2分)Toby, its time to go to bed. Its already 11:30 pm. Oh, I cant. If I cant manage to finish the work tonight, Ill be_.A . in timeB . in piecesC . in personD . in trouble二、 填空题 (共10题;共11分)16. (1分)Do you enjoy _(当地的) food when you are in Nanjing? 17. (1分)That is an e_book. You should read it. 18. (1分)根据汉语提示补全短文。 Many museums keep works of art, and some have valuable pieces that can never be replaced. These museums give the _ (公众) a chance to enjoy their treasures. In the past, everyone had to be _ (几乎) silent when visiting museums. Today, rules arent that strict, but following some basic rules is still _ (必要的).Respect(尊重) the spaceAvoid standing against the walls.Remember that no bags are _ (允许) in museums.No food or drink _ (在.里面) most museums.Keep the museum space clean and _ (扔) away all litter.Respect the artNo flash phones. Bright lights can be _ (有害的) to the art,No 8_ (触摸) the art. Hands, fingers, heads or any body part should never come into contact with the artwork.Respect other visitorsRespect other visitorsKeep your _ (说话声) down.Watch when you go _ (往楼下).Stand in line while buying tickets or waiting.Following the rules above can help make everyone s museum experience safe and enjoyable.19. (1分)Dragon Boat Festival is one of the Chinese _(传统的)festivals. 20. (1分)Neither my parents nor my wife_(开车) to work. They take the underground every day. 21. (2分)Her mother is getting _ and _ (fat). 22. (1分)Who can tell us the _(different) between the two pictures? 23. (1分)The boys are _(cheer) because they will go for a picnic. 24. (1分)He didnt feel well yesterday, but today he is much _(well). 25. (1分)What _(country) are close to China. 三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)26. (10分)完形填空 Do you like reading stories? Maybe you will answer. No. I am not a child any more! Yes, children all over the world always love stories.Chinese children are1in Monkey Kings story. It2a popular bedtime story in China for many years. In fact, adults also love the story a lot. For them. Monkey King has become a very3part in the memory of their childhood. The clever and humorous monkey4the hearts of many Chinese people. British boys and girls all know Alices Adventures in Wonderland well. As the name5, its a story full of dangerous but exciting trips. Children laugh, cry and even get frightened with Alice together while reading the story. Most American kids have read The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, by the famous writer6. Everyone likes the brave boy who also has lots of7. Some scenes of the story may make your heart go faster, for Tom and his friends meet some very bad men and are usually8. Of course in the end, they beat the bad ones.You may also ask me9I like stories. Yes, I have liked them since I was very young. At that time. I often10all my pocket money on storybooks. For me. stories are much more delicious than chocolate!They help me learn a lot.So either the young or the old. lets enjoy stories!(1)A . bored B . interested C . worried (2)A . am B . was C . has been (3)A . unhappy B . comfortable C . unforgettable (4)A . beats B . wins C . hurts (5)A . spells B . smells C . shows (6)A . Mark Twain B . Confucius C . William Shakespeare (7)A . rules B . inventions C . risks (8)A . in danger B . in peace C . in silence (9)A . that B . what C . if (10)A . paid B . took C . spent 四、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)27. (10分)阅读理解 Life in space is much different from life on earth. How do astronauts live in space? Eating In the past, astronauts could only eat small pieces of dried food. But now they are able to eat more everyday food like fruit, vegetables and ice-cream. Sleeping All the people on the ISS(国际空间站)have their own rooms. They should be tied(系)to their beds, or theyll fly away! That seems like a hard way to sleep, but astronauts say sleeping is really not too bad. Exercising This is more important in space than on earth. Astronauts exercise on bikes and other machines(机器)for about two hours every day. That way, they can still be healthy when they get back home. Having fun Astronauts can read books, play cards, listen to music or send emails to their friends and families when they arent working. Sometimes they just sit and look out of the window. Its also much fun! (1)Which of the following is not mentioned(提到)? A . Fruit.B . Noodles.C . Vegetables.D . Ice-cream.(2)Why should astronauts be tied to their beds? A . It can stop them from flying away.B . It can help them keep warm.C . It can help them keep safe.D . It can stop them from feeling sick.(3)What dont astronauts do in their free time? A . Reading books.B . Playing tennis.C . Listening to music.D . Sending e-mails to friends.(4)Which of the following is TRUE? A . Astronauts think sleeping in space is really difficult.B . Astronauts exercise on bikes and other machines to keep fit.C . Astronauts feel bored to look out of the window.D . Astronauts have enough time to watch TV.28. (8分)阅读理解 More and more middle school students in Beijing are getting shorter sleeping time. Most students sleep fewer than nine hours every night, because they have much homework to do.Some homework is given by school teachers, and some by parents. Also, some students dont know how to save time. They are not careful enough while doing their homework, so it takes them a lot of time. Some students have to get up early every morning on weekdays to get to school on time by bus or bike. It can be a long way from home to school.Schools and parents should cut down some of homework so that the children can enjoy not less than nine hours of sleep every night for their health.(1)Who should do something (采取措施) to let the school children sleep longer? A . The governmentB . The schoolC . The parentsD . The school and the parents(2)The best title of the passage is . A . Do Less HomeworkB . Get Up LaterC . We Dont Like SchoolD . Let Them Sleep Longer(3)Why are the middle school students in Beijing getting shorter sleeping time? Because . A . they go to sleep too lateB . they have too much homework to doC . they dont want to sleep too longD . they watch TV too late(4)Why does it take them a lot of time to do their homework? Because . A . they want to save timeB . they dont know how to save timeC . they are careful enoughD . the time is too short(5)Besides too much homework, what is the other reason for their shorter sleeping time? A . They have to get up early to go to school on timeB . They go to school too slowlyC . They dont like go to schoolD . There are too few buses(6)Who should do something (采取措施) to let the school children sleep longer? A . The governmentB . The schoolC . The parentsD . The school and the parents(7)The best title of the passage is . A . Do Less HomeworkB . Get Up LaterC . We Dont Like SchoolD . Let Them Sleep Longer(8)Why are the middle school students in Beijing getting shorter sleeping time? Because . A . they go to sleep too lateB . they have too much homework to doC . they dont want to sleep too longD . they watch TV too late(9)Why does it take them a lot of time to do their homework? Because . A . they want to save timeB . they dont know how to save timeC . they are careful enoughD . the time is too short(10)Besides too much homework, what is the other reason for their shorter sleeping time? A . They have to get up early to go to school on timeB . They go to school too slowlyC . They dont like go to schoolD . There are too few buses(11)Who should do something (采取措施) to let the school children sleep longer? A . The governmentB . The schoolC . The parentsD . The school and the parents(12)The best title of the passage is . A . Do Less HomeworkB . Get Up LaterC . We Dont Like SchoolD . Let Them Sleep Longer五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)假如你是Jane,刚刚加入了“Dream”俱乐部,请根据以下提示,写一篇自我介绍,向大家介绍一下你自己,并希望能够在俱乐部里交到更多的朋友. 写作要点:加入俱乐部的心情(高兴)你的个人信息年龄及性别:14岁,女性格特点:外向,善于与人交流爱好及特长:喜欢跳舞,擅长英语你的梦想:当一名英语教师介绍你准备如何实现自己的梦想(至少写出两点)写作要求:不得使用真实的姓名和学校名;可适当加入细节,使内容充实,行文连贯;字迹工整、语言精炼、表达准确、条理清晰;至少80词。第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 填空题 (共10题;共11分)16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、三、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)26-1、四、 阅读理解 (共2题;共18分)27-1、27-2、27-3、27-4、28-1、28-2、28-3、28-4、28-5、28-6、28-7、28-8、28-9、28-10、28-11、28-12、五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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