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北京市中考英语试卷A卷一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) (2019八下宝山期末) My new computer is different from _. A . youB . yourC . yoursD . yourself2. (2分) Whats on the _ of the building? A . frontB . betweenC . nearD . right3. (2分) _ bookcase is this? It must be _. A . Whos; TomB . Whos; TomsC . Whose; TomsD . Whose; Tom4. (2分) The rain is beating (敲打) _ the window. A . againstB . withC . forD . in5. (2分) Every year, six million children die _ hunger in the world. A . byB . ofC . atD . for6. (2分) Clark, your room is really in a mess. It needs .A . cleanB . cleanedC . to be cleaned7. (2分) (2019九上吉林月考) Can you tell me why you learn English so well? Its very simple. _ you work, _ grades youll get.A . The hardest; the bestB . Harder; betterC . The harder; the better8. (2分) (2019宁江模拟) Were in the Palace Museum, and you _ talk loudly. A . may notB . needntC . mustnt9. (2分) I saw Jeff in the park. He on the grass and reading a book. A . sitsB . satC . was sitting10. (2分) (2019扬州模拟) I love the Internet. Ive come to know lots of friends online. _. Few of them would become your real friends.A . Thats for sureB . I couldnt agree moreC . Thats not the caseD . Im pleased to know that11. (2分) In the past few years there_ great changes in my hometown. A . had beenB . have beenC . wereD . are12. (2分) (2019中山模拟) Everyone wanted to know _ yesterday. Could you tell us, Ann? By bus, of course. It was too far away. A . how old are youB . where you will goC . how you went thereD . why you were late13. (2分) (2019六下密山期末) Why do you usually get to school the earliest? _ I dont want to _ late for school.A . For; isB . Because; beC . So; be14. (2分) (2019广西模拟) The girl got the chance to study abroad. _ proud her parents felt! A . HowB . WhatC . How aD . What a15. (2分) Good morning, class. _, Miss Zhou.A . FineB . Thank youC . Good morningD . Goodbye二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给三个选项(A、B、C)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 My name is Millie. I am 14 years old and I study in No. 1 Middle School of our town, I usually 1up at 6: 15 in the morning. I have breakfast 2home, but I have lunch at school. My school is 3my home, so I go to school on foot.We have six classes every day. I 4all the classes, because my teachers can make the classes lively and 5. My favourite 6is English, so I go to the English Corner every week. After class, I always do sports 7my friends. We play basketball, volleyball, table tennis and so on.I 8home at about 5: 30 in the afternoon. When my mother prepares our dinner, I usually do my 9. We often 10my study when having dinner. I usually go to bed at about 9: 30 p. m.(1)A . get B . gets C . got (2)A . in B . / C . at (3)A . far B . Near C . away (4)A . hate B . dislike C . like (5)A . interested B . interesting C . bored (6)A . subject B . sport C . exercise (7)A . for B . Among C . with (8)A . leave B . return C . get to (9)A . supper B . meal C . homework (10)A . talk B . discuss C . tell 三、 综合阅读 (共3题;共43分)17. (10分) (2019九上浙江期中) 阅读理解 A few years ago, I worked at a church(教堂) and since my son was home schooling, he went with me to the church every day. Most mornings, wed stop at a local convenience store, getting a chocolate drink for him and a cup of coffee for me.The clerk at the store we chose to visit refreshed our lives each day, and so we returned again and again. She had found her own way of enjoying life and her job. Im not even sure that she was realizing that her energy put a smile on the face of each customer.When a customer brought cookies to the counter, any other clerk could have asked, Would you like some milk with those cookies? Instead, she inquired, Would you like a lottery ticket(彩票) with those cookies? She might have asked me if I wanted a donut with my coffee. But instead, she asked, Would you like some batteries(电池) with that coffee?Yes, life is what you make of it. This clerks method of dealing with what some think is a boring job, and with the customers she met daily, made the hours in her day more enjoyable. In doing that, she also refreshed the lives of others and made them laugh.Sometimes, if my day at the church had been particularly tiring, wed stop at that store before heading home. Wed giggle(咯咯笑)as we left the store, the clerks words echoing(回响)behind us. Would you like some shampoo with that soda?(1) What did the writer do a few years ago? A . She was a teacher in a school.B . She was an office worker.C . She was a doctor in a hospital.D . She was a worker at a church.(2) When did the writer and her son usually stop at the local store? A . In the morning.B . At noon.C . In the afternoon.D . In the evening.(3) Why did the writer and her son usually stop at the local store? A . Because the drinks were delicious there.B . Because the food was cheap there.C . Because they felt happy there.D . Because there was only store.(4) What was the clerk like? A . She was serious.B . She was lively.C . She was nervous.D . She was foolish.(5) The clerk at the store may ask the customers, A . Would you like some milk with cookies?B . Would you like some bread with milk?C . Would you like some batteries with the coffee?D . Would you like some milk with cake?18. (8分) (2019江西模拟) 请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容从每小题所给的A,B,C,D,选出最佳选项。 What? You too? I thought I was the only one. Have you ever said to someone? If so, you may have ended up becoming friends.It seems that similarity often helps form a friendship. Aristotle once said, Some define (给下定义) it (friendship) as a matter of similarity; they say that we love those who are like ourselves.Now, there are some scientific explanations for this idea. The scientists from the University of California said friends have similar brains, Scientific American reported.The scientists invited 42 university students to take part in a scientific test. Each student watched the same set of videos. At the same time, the scientists scanned (扫描) their brains and recorded their brain activities.According to their study, friends who watched the same videos reacted (反应) in similar ways. Similar parts of their brains lit up while watching the videos, especially the parts that were connected with motivation, learning and memory. However, people who werent friends had different reactions to the same videos.Having close friends whose brains react like ours may be rewarding because it reinforces (加强) ones own values, opinions and interests, lead scientist Carolyn Parkinson told Business Insider.But brain similarity is not the only thing that can result in a friendship. Scientists from the University of Leipzig, Germany, found that a friendship is also based on how physically close you are to someone. They did a scientific test on first-year college students who met in class for the first time. In this test, students who sat next to each other were more likely to become friends.(1) According to Aristotles words, we can know thatA . We love those who like us first.B . All friends have similar brains.C . Friends may be like each other.D . Good friends all have similar habits.(2) What does the underlined word rewarding mean? A . GoodB . DifficultC . EasyD . meaningful(3) Which of the following can help form a friendship according to the passage? A . Being cheerful and popular.B . Being physically close.C . Living on the same street.D . Going to the same university.(4) What does the passage mainly tell us? A . How we pick our friends.B . Why we need friends.C . Whose brains are similar.D . Friendship means everything.19. (25分) 根据短文内容,完成下列小题。 On a very hot day, it is hard to know what to do to feel good. If you run around, you may feel sick in your stomach. However, if you just sit quietly and do nothing, you may feel bored. Are there things you can do to feel good and have fun when youre hot?Perhaps playing in water is a good choice to make you cool down. Taking a cool bath or shower, or even washing toys in a pan of cool water can also make you feel good on a hot day. Besides, you can read stories or paint in front of a fan. You dont need to move your body very much. These are just some of the cool things to do on a hot day.In addition, its important for you to drink water. On hot days, you can lose about 16 glasses of water in one day. If you feel thirsty, you are already short of water. So dont wait for thirst before you start to drink. You should try to drink as much water as you lose every day. Mixing a little fruit juice into your water is a fun way to help you drink plenty of water.The food you eat also makes a difference in how you feel in the heat. Cold foods such as ice cream and drinks with some ice can cool down your bodies. Fruits and vegetables are also helpful to stay cool in hot weather. So plan a healthy menu for a hot dayone that doesnt need any cooking.(1) Is it easy to know what to do to feel good on a hot day? (2) Is playing in water a good choice or a bad one? (3) How much water do we lose one day in hot weather? (4) What is a healthy menu for a hot day? (5) What is the writers purpose of writing this passage? 四、 双基综合运用(共20分) (共3题;共9分)20. (1分) His sister is a _ (护士). 21. (3分) 跟老师们道别的时间到了。 Its time to_ _ _our teachers.22. (5分) (2019七下柳州期末) 根据短文内容,从方框中选择恰当的单词完成句子。they finish water happily shortOnce upon a time, there was a rabbit living in a forest. One day, the rabbit felt thirsty(渴的) and went down to a river to drink some_. He saw himself in the river and said, Look at my long beautiful ears. Im so proud(骄傲的) of_. But my legs are too_and they make me look silly.After the rabbit_drinking, he turned around and suddenly found a tiger in front of him. With his short legs, he began to run as fast as the wind. The tiger couldnt catch up with(追上) him. Its safe now, said the rabbit_when he stopped running. But the tiger appeared(出现) again after minutes. Just at the moment, the rabbit wanted to run away, but it was late. The tiger caught(抓住) him by his long ears.五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分) (2019长春模拟) Miss Wang 将于下周调往其他学校,同学们想举办一次惊喜派对欢送Miss Wang。假如你是班长Maria,请你根据提示完成这封邀请函。(每空一词) Dear classmates,Im sure all of you have known Miss Wang is leaving _ to go to another school. Were sad that she is leaving _she is such a nice teacher. She is beautiful, friendly, patient and knowledgeable. To _how much we will miss her, lets have a party for her in our classroom at 4:00 p.m. this Friday. Can you come to the party? Please tell me if you can come _ this Tuesday. I m looking forward to _you all.Love,Maria第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16、答案:略三、 综合阅读 (共3题;共43分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略四、 双基综合运用(共20分) (共3题;共9分)20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略五、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)23、答案:略

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