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Come to life, we are in swaddling clothes begin to listen to stories; school and we began to read stories, write their life story. Care of our minds the story, the story opens we are about life. Telling stories, listening to the story to become part of our lives into our spiritual sustenance. Us as we read and hear a good story, that is, in our hearts sowed a good seed. The role of small story very easy to remember, I like the students, too. 1, the temptation of a millet An irrigation birds stealing a millet, has been caught in a bird card, bird exclaimed: I am the worlds most unfortunate bird, do not steal the gold, do not steal money, only for a small valley tablets were killed a must. This story tells us not to lose the greater in our lives. 2 homes and have to There are many villages in northern Korea, persimmon garden. Every time after the harvest season, local fruit total number of ripe persimmon should remain on the books. People are curious asked: These red and ask what is not a big persimmon picked come? Growers said, That is reserved for magpie food. Originally wanted to go to spend the winter here each year magpies. One year the winter is especially cold in a row for several days under the snow, magpies fail to find food, were all frozen to death overnight. The following spring, persimmon tree blossom, persimmon garden has given rise to an unknown caterpillar, could not knot garden of persimmon fruit is almost never produced. After this incident, an annual autumn season, fruit will not forget to leave some mature persimmon, so come here to spend the winter Magpies have enough food. To the following spring, the Magpies are not busy flying away, for farmers to catch insects on the tree. The fruit of wisdom deeply felt: leave room for others, that is, left to its own vitality and hope. If the agricultural life of the homes, homes were being undone, small homes too small, large homes large enough. Shall not accept defeat.生命降临,我们在襁褓中就开始听故事;上学后我们开始阅读故事,书写自己的人生故事。故事呵护着我们的心灵,故事开启我们的人生智慧。讲故事、听故事成为我们生活的一部分,成为我们的精神寄托。我们当我们阅读和聆听一个好故事,就是在我们的心灵播下了一颗美好的种子。小故事作用大容易记忆,我喜欢,学生也喜欢。1、 一颗谷子的诱惑 一只灌雀鸟偷食一粒谷子,被鸟卡夹住了,这只鸟叹道:“我是世界上最不幸的鸟,没偷金子,没偷银子,只为一粒小小的谷粒就要命丧黄泉了”。这则故事告诉我们生活中我们不要因小失大。2、舍 与 得 韩国北部乡村有很多柿子园。每当秋收季节过后,当地的果农总要把一些成熟了的柿子保留在书上。人们好奇地问:这些又红又大的柿子问什么不摘下来呢?”果农说“那是留给喜鹊的食物。” 原来每年喜鹊都要来这里过冬。有一年冬天特别寒冷,一连下了好几天大雪,喜鹊因为找不到食物,一夜之间全部被冻死了。 第二年春天,柿子树开花,柿子园却出现了一种不知名的毛虫,园里的柿子结不了果,几乎绝产。这件事情过后,每年秋时节,果农都不会忘记留下一些成熟的柿子,让到这儿来过冬的喜鹊有足够的食物。到了第二年春天,喜鹊也不忙着飞走,为农民捉树上的虫子。充满智慧的果农深刻地感受到:给别人留有余地,就是给自己留下生机和希望。 人生如果农之舍,舍而复得,小舍小得,大舍大得。不舍则不得。

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