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译林牛津版2019-2020学年七年级下学期英语期末考试试卷B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) (2019七下秦淮期中) Do you know man over there? Yes He is _ artist. His name is Li Yundi.A . the; anB . a; theC . a; anD . the; the2. (2分) (2019七下赣榆期末) 选出横线部分发音不同的单词( ) A . horseB . workC . fortyD . sport3. (2分) (2019中山模拟) nice day! Would you like to go shopping with me this afternoon? , but I have to look after my younger brother, my mum is out.A . What a; Id love toB . How; Id love toC . What a; Sorry, I wontD . How; Sorry, I wont4. (2分) Our dream holiday turned into a nightmare. That was right.A . becameB . likedC . came5. (2分) The _ boy can play chess with his grandfather.A . six years oldB . six-years-oldC . six-year-oldD . six-years6. (2分) A large amount of rice _ sold to other countries last month. A . wasB . wereC . are7. (2分) (2019山西) You cant decide whether or not you like something until you try it, _ its important to try something new. A . butB . orC . so8. (2分) (2017七上深圳期中) You _ do something. You dont do it often. A . neverB . alwaysC . seldom9. (2分) Most students enjoy _ TV in the evening. A . watchB . to watchC . watchesD . watching10. (2分) (2019八下中山期中) How terrible the rubbish smells! Please_ when you go out. A . take it outB . take out itC . take them outD . take out them11. (2分) (2018乐山) _ exciting the news is! Beijing will hold 2022 Winter Olympic Games. A . HowB . What aC . What12. (2分) (2019九上洮北月考) Sorry, but I didnt quite catch what you said. Would you please_ your email address? OK. Itsandy19840313126.com.A . repeatB . returnC . review13. (2分) (2019八下博兴期中) At the time of the heavy rain, Bruce and his sister were making _ way to school. A . itB . itsC . themD . their14. (2分) (2019黄石) More and more foreigners come to visit the Great Wall. Thats true. It is the _ of China.A . praiseB . prideC . effortD . courage15. (2分) (2019山东模拟) You look sad, Bill. ? Sorry, dad. I didnt get good grades this time.A . How are youB . Whats todayC . How old are youD . Whats the matter二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分) (2019九上横山月考) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从各小题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,使短文连贯完整。Dear Micheal,Hows your vacation? Im visiting my uncle in Spain. He lives in the sunny and beautiful city of Valencia, in Spain.Yesterday, I had great fun. My uncle1me to the tomato festival in Bunol, which is just 30 miles away from where my uncle lives. You have2never heard of this festival before. Neither had I. The tomato festival is called La Tomatinain Spanish. It was3and messiest tomato fight in the world. When we first got to the square where the festival took place, it was very crowded4people from all around the world, and many trucks were carrying tomatoes. My uncle told me the crowded people here5around 38,000 and this was more than four times the population of Bunol.The tomato fight started as soon as the first banger was beaten. Then everyone including me started throwing6at each other. I took red tomatoes and threw7at anyone that ran, moved, bent down, or turned around. Tomatoes must be squashed before people threw them in order not8anybody.After a little while, the streets, people and nearby buildings were splashed with red. There was no winner in this fight,9we all had fun. As soon as a second banger was beaten, people stopped throwing.I really had10great time, I wish you were here, too. I hope I hear from you soon.Yours,Linda(1)A . take B . took C . will take D . takes (2)A . probable B . final C . probably D . finally (3)A . big B . the biggest C . poor D . the poorest (4)A . with B . to C . for D . from (5)A . is B . are C . was D . were (6)A . tomato B . tomatoes C . apple D . apples (7)A . them B . they C . he D . him (8)A . to hurt B . hurt C . to meet D . meet (9)A . and B . so C . but D . or (10)A . a B . an C . / D . the 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)17. (6分) (2019七上长兴月考) 阅读下面材料,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳选项。 Mum gives little Tom ten yuan. Then little Tom goes shopping. He gets on a bus and its down next to an old woman. Then he sees the old womans handbag is open.There is ten yuan in it. He quickly looks into his pocket(口袋).The money(钱)isnt there now! Little Tom is that the old woman is a thief(小偷). He decides to take back the money from the old womans bag. He carefully puts his hand into the old womens bag, takes the money and says nothing. Suddenly, the old woman shouts, Where my money? I cant find it. There is a thief on the bus. Little Tom feels strange(奇怪的).Then he sees ten yuan under his seat. Little Tom is thinking a question now, Am I a thief?(1) is sitting beside little Tom. A . A young womanB . An old womanC . A young manD . An old man(2) Little Tom sees in the old womans handbag. A . a walletB . a packetC . ten yuanD . tendollars(3) Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a . A . thiefB . teacherC . rich womanD . poor woman(4) Little Tom sees ten yuan under his seat. A . his own(自己的)B . the old womansC . the thiefsD . the drivers(5) Which of the following is TRUE(正确的)? A . Little Tom is a bad boy.B . Little Tom often steals(偷)things.C . Mum gives little Tom twenty yuan.D . Little Tom makes a mistake(错误).18. (8分) 阅读理解Mr Brown was a dance teacher. He was a nice man and always had a lot of students who came to his classes every week. One year he moved to a new town and taught a lot of students in a dance school there but then he decided to move again to a big city where he would have work.When one of the ladies who often came to his classes heard that he was leaving, she said to him, “The teacher who takes your place wont be as good as you are. ”Mr Brown was happy when he heard this. He said, Oh, no! Im sure hell be as good as I am, or even better. ”The lady said, No, five teachers have come and gone since I lived here, and each new one was worse than the last. ”(1) Mr Brown taught his students . A . where to danceB . to be a dancerC . to be a dance teacherD . how to dance(2) The students came to his classes . A . every dayB . every eveningC . every weekD . once a month(3) He taught one after another. A . a lot of ladiesB . in the same schoolC . in many schoolsD . many children(4) Mr Brown wanted to move to . A . a new town to teach new studentsB . a big city to get workC . a big town to see one of the ladiesD . a new city to go to a dance school(5) The lady thought. A . he was worse than the teacher beforeB . he was as good as the teacher beforeC . he was better than the teacher beforeD . he was the best teacher in the town19. (8分) (2019铁岭) 阅读理解 Maybe we three were the most unlucky graduates in our school history. Ill never forget the day when we had our graduation ceremony(毕业典礼). I was known for being careless. I often fell down for no reason. Since I fell off the stage(舞台)during my Primary Graduation Ceremony, my family bet(打赌)that I would fall down again during my next graduation ceremony. The day came so quickly. This time, I proudly made it through the whole ceremony without falling. but I knocked over the whole backdrop (背景板)used to take pictures for graduates! I felt so embarrassed (尴尬的)the whole morning. My friend Julia was even more embarrassed. When she together with all the graduates was sitting quietly in the hall at eight in the morning, she didnt expect her father to come to attend her ceremony because he was really busy then. The hall was very quiet and you could even hear a pin(针)drop on the ground. When all of a sudden, out of the silence, she heard Hey, Julia! Everyone in the hall looked behind and found Julias father, with a camera in his hand, smiling at her!Tiffany was the most beautiful girl of us three. She loved all kinds of dresses. On that day, she dressed herself beautifully and wanted to have some beautiful photos. Unluckily, it was one of the windiest days of our life. The wind blew her beautiful dress up in front of the whole graduate class! She didnt know whether to cry or laugh. Lucky? Unlucky? So lucky! All of these became the unforgettable part of our life!(1) The writer was very in her daily life. A . carelessB . carefulC . friendlyD . lazy(2) Julias father at the graduation ceremony. A . sat quietly in his seatB . was busy with his workC . took pictures for herD . dropped a pin on the ground(3) This story happened on a morning. A . cloudyB . windyC . sunnyD . rainy(4) Tiffany was embarrassed because that day. A . she fell off the stageB . she didnt have beautiful dressesC . her dress was blown upD . her photos werent unforgettable(5) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A . The girls werent in the same school.B . The writer knocked over the backdrop.C . Julia knew that her father would come.D . Tiffany loved all kinds of shoes.20. (8分) (2019宁夏) 阅读理解 Laura has an aunt who works in London. She loves Laura so much that she invites Laura toLondon every summer. Last year Laura was happy to go to London and see some famous places in London, including the British museum, National Gallery (画廊)and other great buildings. How beautiful! She fell in love with them, but one thing made her very unhappy. Its her first time to go to a big square, but when she passed the square alone, a thief(小偷)stole her wallet in her pocket. She had to walk to her aunts home angrily. This year Lauras aunt invited her to London again. One day, when she passed the same square with her aunt, she was more careful not to be stolen. After a while, she saw a man go close to her and put his hand in her pocket with a smile. Then he took out his hand quickly and left. She became very angry and shouted, Stop it, or I will call the police! To her surprise, she found her aunt and all the other people there laughing with the word Congratulations(祝贺)! In fact, the man was not a thief. Instead, he put ten pounds in her pocket. It was an interesting game. The organizers(组织者)wanted to correct the bad impression(印象)of the square, so they hired(雇佣) some thieves to do that game. (1) Why did Laura feel unhappy during her first visit to the square? A . Because she passed the square alone.B . Because people laughed at her.C . Because her wallet was stolen.D . Because she couldnt find her aunts home.(2) One of the organizers may be _. A . a thiefB . a policemanC . Lauras fatherD . Lauras aunt(3) They played the game to _. A . change the bad impression of the squareB . ask more people to join the gameC . give ten pounds awayD . catch the real thief(4) What can we know from the passage? A . On the square there were few people.B . Laura has been to London at least twice so far.C . The man stole ten pounds in Lauras pocket.D . Laura didnt want to go to the square any more.四、 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 (共5题;共5分)21. (1分) It is _(违反)the rules of the school to keep pets here. 22. (1分) He runs a_ the playground every morning. 23. (1分) He _(点头) to me in greeting when I entered the room. 24. (1分) My father is quite a _(严肃的) person. 25. (1分) Which of the _ is the biggest in that country? (集市) 五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)26. (1分) (2016八上余姚期中) 根据短文内容和所给汉语提示, 写出短文空白处各单词的正确形式。(每空一词)Saturday, October 25thIt was cloudy in the morning. I _(决定) to go to a movie _(和) my best friend. When we _(到达) at the movie theater. We found there were many people. This theater is _(受欢迎的) in our town. It has the most _(舒适的) seats, and the workers in it are _(友好的). My friend wanted to see a comedy, she thought comedies were funny , but I _(不喜欢) comedies. In my mind, they were _(无意义的). We spent more than an hour in the theater but watched nothing. Finally, both of us felt _(饿). So we went to eat something delicious. But it was raining hard outside. Unluckily, we didnt take an _(雨伞) with us. At last, we went back to the theater and watched a boring movie. What a bad day!六、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)27. (10分) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。drop attention seem although scientist compare like look spend importantWe love robot dogs, but do real dogs like robot people? It _that they do-if the robot does human things _talk and move._have found that dogs react(做出反应) socially to robots when the robots do things socially towards them. Looks(外貌) dont seem to be _. Even though a robot _nothing like a human and doesnt have a smell, it can catch a dogs _if it sounds like a human. Scientists discovered this by _the way dogs reacted to two different robots: one called them by name, and one just made beeping sounds(哗哗声). The dogs were more likely to react to the talking robot, find the food it _, and follow its orders. They _more time near the robot or looking at its head when the robot did things socially._the dogs probably didnt mistake the robot for a person, they might still help scientists make a more human robot.七、 连词成句 (共1题;共25分)28. (25分) 连词成句 (1) dogs, make, think, pets, that, best, I, the (.)(连词成句) (2) scared, wanted, brother, cat, my, touch, little, he, to, the, when, it (.)(连词成句) (3) shouldnt, the, you, noise, make, in, library, any (.)(连词成句) (4) you, dog, make, walking, a, can, healthy (.)(连词成句) 八、 完成句子,根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。 (共5题;共5分)29. (1分) 昨晚七点到九点,他在写小说。 He _ _ a novel from 7: 00 to 9: 00 last night.30. (1分) 在建筑工地上,那个强壮的男人正走在一块窄窄的木头上。 On the _, that strong man is walking on a _ piece of wood. 31. (1分) 妈妈想让我早起。 Mom_me_up early.32. (1分) 他昨晚出事故了。 An accident_ _ him last night.33. (1分) (2016连云模拟) 完成句子在横线上填入所缺部分,使句子完整 (注意:每空不止一个单词)。(1) You will have a job interview tomorrow, I think_(你最好不要迟到).(2) When she heard the good news, she was_ (太兴奋而无法入睡 ).(3) Xin Jinping _(高度评价) the advantages of 3-D printers at last years G20 summit(峰会)(4) Can you tell me_(这本词典你买了多久)? For a week.(5) Are you interested in reading Cao Wenxuans books? Yes. His books are interesting enough _ (吸引读者的注意力) .九、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)34. (1分) 任务型阅读 (1) 下面是有关于路标的一些信息,请根据描述,从A、B、C、D四幅图片中选择正确的图片与题目配对,并回答问题。 A. B. C. D. Road signs tell people the right way. Turn right? Turn left? Or go ahead? But in fact, some signs are not only helpful but also interesting. And knowing the meanings of these signs will help you stay happy when traveling outside. Look at the following signs. Do you know their meanings?_250dollar fine(罚款)! Dogs are popular pets in Western countries. In the evening or at the weekend, people take their dogs out for a walk. When a dog shits on the road, the owner has to clean it up. If not, he/she will have to pay a $250 fine for it. _There are lovely bears in zoos. Some visitors like to feed them meat or bread. But this is very dangerous. If the bear catches you, he will cat you!_This road is dangerous. On the sign, a car is driving near a hill. And there is a monster(怪物) behind the hill. The monster is going to eat the car. This road sign tells drivers to be careful at this place. _Do not hurt them! On the sign, a mother duck is taking her children for a walk. Drivers should slow down at this place. They shouldnt hurt the ducks. (2) Where can we find this passage? A . From a story. B . From an advertisement(广告).C . From a travel guide book.D . From a scicnce book.十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)35. (5分) 书面表达你班新转入一位来自澳大利亚的同学,名叫Sophia。请根据表格提供的信息,写一篇短文,介绍Sophia及班级的情况,并对Sophia的到来表示欢迎。About SophiaAbout the classfrom Sydney, 15 years oldhardworkingoutgoing, happyhelpful, get along wellgood at swimminggroupwork注意:(1)短文内容可适当增加;(2)文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;(3)词数:80100;(4)短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。短文首句:Hello, class, May I have your attention, please?第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共30分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略四、 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入一个适当的单词。 (共5题;共5分)21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略五、 单词拼写 (共1题;共1分)26、答案:略六、 选词填空 (共1题;共10分)27、答案:略七、 连词成句 (共1题;共25分)28、答案:略八、 完成句子,根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。 (共5题;共5分)29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略九、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)34、答案:略十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)35、答案:略

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