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冀教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期末教学质检试卷D卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Is the boy in white clothes your friend, Kangkang? No. _ in black clothes is.A . OneB . ThisC . ThatD . The one2. (2分)What are ?They are blue bagsA . thisB . thatC . theseD . them3. (2分)I feel a bit hungry now. Why not_ for dinner with me? A . to goB . goingC . goD . gone4. (2分) Tom likes _ and he reads _ magazines. Well, thats a good hobby.A . reading; muchB . read; a lot ofC . read; anyD . reading; lots of5. (2分)_ April 26 was an exciting day. China put its homemade aircraft carrier (国产航空母舰) in the water in Dalian, Liaoning province _ the first time. A . On; forB . In; atC . At; atD . /; for6. (2分)I couldnt wait _ his gift and couldnt help _ when I saw it. A . to open; to cryB . to open; crying C . opening; to cryD . opening; crying7. (2分) Everything is on sale. Lets go and see.Great. We can buy what we like at the _ price this time of year.A . lowestB . cheapestC . low8. (2分)_ shall we meet in the park? A . WhatB . WhereC . When9. (2分)_?Shes in her school.A . How is MaryB . Where is MaryC . Whats in Marys school10. (2分)_riding our bikes to the park?Good idea.A . How aboutB . Why notC . Would we likeD . Lets11. (2分)How long you Liutle Women? I am due to return it in two weeks.A . have;borrowedB . will;lendC . will;keep12. (2分)While the woman the accident happened. A . shoppedB . is shoppingC . was shoppingD . shops13. (2分)- Is ready for the trip?- No, we still need to buy a map before we start the trip.A . anythingB . somethingC . everythingD . nothing14. (2分) When is your music lesson? At half _ ten.A . inB . pastC . forD . on15. (2分)Which book is _ to understand, this one or that one?A . easyB . easierC . easiestD . the easiest二、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)16. (15分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。I could have easily gone through life without getting to know one of the most romantic feelings-love for a dog.For at least ten years my1had been suggesting that we get a dog. There were several reasons why the idea came up. We had noticed that, on our block, couples with no children as a rule2 one large or two small dogs. So we got one puppy3 we two had no children.He flew into the house with the speed of a Formula 1 (一级方程式赛车). In several minutes he ran over all the house,4 from my shoulder onto the bed, and ended up in the5, where my wife washed him with motherly6. From that day on, the invisible(看不见的)7 for the love of the new member of our household began at my home.He seemed to understand that at once. Most of the meals that my wife had8 for him with greater care than those for me-he didnt9 look at.Every evening I went out walking with him. I could not know who was walking whom 10 one evening, when, tired from work, I11 the walk. The dog was very angry and dragged me out.Last night our dog pulled me by the ear with his teeth,12 me up in my dream, and dragged me into the kitchen to make me turn off the13 which had disturbed(干扰) his sleep. I meekly(乖乖地) admitted that I had forgotten to switch off the light, but that was not14 . He looked at me like a teacher at a pupil who repeatedly makes mistakes.Now we finally know whos the15 at home, and for twenty years we had seriously argued whether it was my wife or I. (1)A . wife B . son C . husband D . daughter (2)A . kept B . rose C . carried D . invited (3)A . if B . unless C . since D . before (4)A . climbed B . jumped C . covered D . stopped (5)A . yard B . street C . bathroom D . kitchen (6)A . worry B . care C . identity D . power (7)A . signal B . work C . war D . truth (8)A . reached B . searched C . looked D . prepared (9)A . even B . still C . ever D . yet (10)A . while B . because C . until D . as (11)A . gave in B . gave up C . gave away D . gave out (12)A . broke B . woke C . picked D . packed (13)A . water B . heater C . cooker D . light (14)A . enough B . good C . bad D . true (15)A . boss B . member C . adult D . child 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17. (10分)阅读理解 Oxford(牛津)is a city in the UK. Its in the west of the UK and its famous for the University of Oxford. Its an old university-about 900 years old. It has a longer history than Cambridge(剑桥)University, Its the oldest university in English-speaking world.There are about 20, 000 students and they are from all over the world. Many students go to school by bike. There are 31 colleges(学院)in the University of Oxford, but Cambridge University has only 31 colleges(学院). There are 104 libraries in the University of Oxford. Stephen Hawking was a student of the University of Oxford. Hes a great scientist. Clinton(克林顿), the 42nd American president was also a student of the University. (1)How old is the University of Oxford? A . About 800 years old.B . About 900 years old.C . About 700 years old.D . About 600 years old.(2)How do students go to school? A . carB . trainC . bikeD . plane(3)There are libraries in the University of Oxford A . 104B . 114C . 140D . 31(4)The underlined(划线的)word president means . A . 总理B . 教授C . 学者D . 总统(5)From the passage we can learn . A . the University of Oxford is in the east of the UKB . there are 31 colleges in Cambridge UniversityC . Cambridge University is older than the University of OxfordD . Clinton wasnt a student of the University of Oxford18. (10分)阅读理解New Payment Methods for Online Shopping in ChinaPayment WaysAlipay(支付宝)Tenpay(财付通)Yeepay(易宝支付)WeChat pay(微信)Appearing timeDec.12th,2004Sept,9th,2005Aug.8th,2003Jan,21st,2011CompaniesTao baoTencentYeepayTencentDescriptionA.transfer(中转) station(a third account(账户) between sellers and buyers)WaysThrough computers or mobile phonesThe number of cooperative banks1805911The number of users3000000030000001000003000000(1)According to the form above,we can know something about_. A . online shoppingB . new payment methodsC . online storesD . the uses of the Internet(2)Which are from the same payment service company? A . Tenpay and WeChat pay.B . Yeepay and WeChat pay.C . Alipay and Tenpay.D . Tenpay and Yeepay.(3)When you buy something on Taobao,the money you pay first goes to_. A . abankB . the seller directlyC . the sellers mobile phoneD . a third account between sellers and buyers(4)We can use_to pay for online shopping on the computer. A . Alipay onlyB . WeChat onlyC . all the four methods in the formD . the other three ways except WeChat pay(5)Which of the following is NOT true according to the form above? A . Yeepay was put into use earlier than the other three.B . Alipay and WeChat pay have the same number of users,C . Using Tenpay is the most convenient way for it has the most cooperative banks.D . When we use WeChat pay,our money goes directly to the sellers.19. (6分)Name / AddressSingleRoomDoubleRoomSpecial Attractions(吸引力)FIRST HOTEL222 Edward RoadTel. 4146433$25$35Air-conditioned (空调) rooms French restaurant, Night club, Coffee shop and bar, Telephone and TV set in each roomFAIRVIE HOTEL129 North RoadTel. 5915620$12$18Close to the airport, Telephone in each room, Bar, Restaurant, Garage (车库)ORCHARD HOTEL233 Edward RoadTel. 6416446$15$20Facing First Hotel, European restaurant, TV set, Coffee shop, Laundry (洗衣店) and dry-cleaning shopsOSAKA HOTEL364 Venning RoadTel. 6438200$30$50Air-conditioned rooms, Japanese and Chinese, restaurants, Swimming pool, Large garden, Shops(1)If you want to eat Chinese food, you will go to the restaurant in _.A . the Fairview HotelB . the First HotelC . the Orchard HotelD . the Osaka Hotel(2)The cheapest single room is in .A . the First HotelB . the Osaka HotelC . the Fairview HotelD . the Orchard Hotel(3)How much will you pay if you want a double room with a swimming pool in the hotel?A . $50B . $20C . $18D . $35四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20. (5分)用方框中所给的句子填空。请将正确答案的序号填在题后横线上。Receptionist: _Madam?Alice: I want a single room. I booked(预定)it three days ago.Receptionist: _.Alice: Its Alice. Alice White.Receptionist: Oh, yes. Here it is. You want a single room.Alice:_And if it is possible, Id like a room on the ground floor.Receptionist: _all the rooms on the ground floor have already been taken. But we do have a nice room that overlooks the hotel swimming pool. It is on the second floor.Alice: Thank you. _is the restaurant still open?Receptionist: Im afraid not. But you can order room service.Alice: OK. Thank you五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)21. (5分)下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题, 请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余选项。A. Always look on the bright side.B. Get help.C. Do not be crazy.D. Get excited.E. Try to solve the problem.F. Encourage yourself.How to stay relaxedHello, everyone. I am very glad to be here with you. As we all know, being stressed out is not a good thing. Here are some tips to share with you._Whenever you are in trouble, turn to your parents and friends for help. Its better to speak the worries out and get some advice from others. Sometimes youll feel relaxed when you find that someone else has the same problems as you do._If you find yourself stressed out, try to find a way to let the feelings out. Doing breathing exercises, listening to music, doing some sports and taking a walk may work. Or just shout it out if the other things dont help you feel better._When you calm down, its time to solve your problem. You should find out what the problem is and find a way to solve it. If you cant solve all of it at once, you may begin by solving part of it. When you dont know what to do with your problem, you may become stressed. But when youve found out what the problem is and have started solving it, you will find your stress gone._Every coin has two sides. Looking at the dark side can make you stressed and it wont help solve your problem. So why not look at the bright side? You may find your problem not too hard to solve when you are less stressed out. And more ideas will come up to you when you are relaxed._After you have solved the problem or part of the problem, buy yourself a gift, go and see your favorite movie or just hang out with your friends. You will enjoy the feeling of being relaxed.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22. (5分)Suppose your class is having a discussion about what kind of friends you would like to have. Please write about your opinion(s)and give reasons.(假设你们班级正在进行一场讨论,主题是关于希望拥有什么样的朋友,请谈谈你的想法和理由。)要求:1文中不得出现真实姓名和校名;2. 80-100词。第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完型填空 (共1题;共15分)16-1、三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)20-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)21-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)22-1、

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