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人教版2019-2020学年八年级上学期英语期中模拟卷A卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单选题 (共10题;共10分)1. (1分)The detective interviewed Jill and Jenny. They both denied _ the car. A . stealB . stealingC . to stealD . to stealing2. (1分) Can you hear me? No, I cant. Would you please speak ?A . clearly enoughB . clear enoughC . enough clearD . enough clearly3. (1分)Our teacher always suggests _ aloud in English class.A . to readB . readC . readingD . reads4. (1分) What things do you want ?Some storybooks , please .A . anotherB . the otherC . otherD . others5. (1分) Its too late. I have to go now. Oh, its raining outside. Dont leave _ it stops.A . sinceB . afterC . whileD . until6. (1分)_ useful advice she gave you ! You should listen to her.A . HowB . How aC . WhatD . What a7. (1分)I usually do sports _ weekendsA . forB . onC . in8. (1分) Listen! Who is singing in the next room? It must be Sally. I often hear her _ there.A . sangB . singsC . to singD . sing9. (1分)My grandma in the countryside, but now she lives in a big city. A . use to liveB . used to liveC . is used to liveD . used to living10. (1分)He came to our school to give us a talk yesterday. Which sentence element is the underlined part?A . subjectB . adverbialC . objectD . attributive二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11. (10分)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。My six-year-old granddaughter, Cindy, and I stopped at a food shop for some bread. Cindy had1 it for several days. As we were going out of the door, a young teenage boy was coming in.The boy had no hair on the side of his head but a set of blue spiked(成锥形的) hair on top of it. His nose was2 , and a ring ran through the hole. A chain went across his face and it was connected to his earring. He held a skateboard under one arm and a basketball under the other.Cindy, who was walking ahead of me,3stopped when he saw the boy. I thought he had4my granddaughter. I was wrong. My granddaughter backed up against the door and opened it as wide as it would go. Now I came face to face with the young man. I stepped aside and let him5. He replied very6, Thank you very much.On our way to the car, I7 Cindy for holding open the door for the boy. To my surprise, she didnt seem to be troubled by the young boys8 . But I wanted to make sure. I wanted to be ready to talk about freedom of expressing themselves and allowing peoples9 .As it turned out, the person10needed the talk was me. The only thing Cindy noticed about the boy was the fact that his arms were 11 . He held a skateboard under one arm and a basketball under the other. He would have a12 time to open the door, said Cindy.I just paid attention to the partially shaved (部分剃光的)head, the set of spiked hair, the piercing and the chain. She saw a person carrying 13 under each arm and heading toward a(n)14 door.What my granddaughter said reminded me that I should change my ways of judging people and15 my granddaughter to be open-minded and warm-hearted.(1)A . waited B . expected C . dreamed D . asked (2)A . pierced B . cut C . held D . treated (3)A . finally B . suddenly C . generally D . usually (4)A . knocked B . discovered C . afforded D . scared (5)A . pass B . past C . passed D . away (6)A . worriedly B . smoothly C . excitedly D . politely (7)A . praised B . forgot C . paid D . thanked (8)A . behavior B . appearance C . spirit D . request (9)A . styles B . tastes C . differences D . lives (10)A . who B . whom C . which D . what (11)A . heavy B . busy C . full D . open (12)A . long B . hard C . free D . busy (13)A . everything B . anything C . something D . nothing (14)A . open B . closed C . front D . back (15)A . learn about B . hear about C . learn from D . hear from 三、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共2题;共10分)12. (5分)选词并用其适当形式填空 push, instead, whatever, communicate, together, offer, nervous, argue, usual, relationMom and Dad are two of the most important people in your life. _ between you and your parents are important. Here are some ways to help you stay close with them. Spend time together. Dont just watch TV alone. _, you should ask your parents to watch TV with you. Take a walk and go to the movies _. If your parents live far from you, you can _ with them by talking on the phone or sending emails. Share your feelings and ask for help. You may need your parents help when youre upset or _. But they may not know that youre having a problem. So tell them when youre sad. Be kind. Little things may mean a lot to your parents. Before they _ you, it will be very lovely of you to _ to help fold the clothes or clean up your room. And if you try not to _ with your brothers or sisters your parents will be happy. Show your care. A _ way is to kiss, hug(拥抱) and say I love you. Your parents and you can understand each other better by showing love. Do your best at _ you do. You dont have to be prefect(完美的) , but when you do your best, your parents will be happy to see youre turning into a great kid.13. (5分)选词填空。call,possible,send,different,get,close,might,although,large,discoverLots of scientists believe theres life on other planetsBecause of this,they keep doing research about the universeThey have sent astronauts to the moonAnd they have _the answerTheres no life on the moonNot long ago they _spaceships to MarsThere,they didnt find lifeAnd they found the environment of Mars was _from that of the earthThen they knew it was_for people to live on Mars_they havent received a message from other planets,they believe their idea is rightRecently they have _a planetIts _Proxima CentauriIts very _to our earthIt is just over four light years awayProxima Centauri is _than the earthAnd theres water on this planetThat _mean that life is possible thereNow scientists are studying this planetSoon they will tell people the answer四、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)14. (10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。A:Hello, this is Laura. May I speak to Cindy?B:Hi, Cindy speaking.A:_B: I am watching a film on the Internet.A:_B: A popular film called Zootopia (疯狂动物城).A:_B:Yes, its about animals dreams. I am deeply moved by it.A:Sounds good. Ill enjoy it when Im free.B:Im sure youll like it._A:Oh, I found an interesting place to go for a picnic. Want to join us tomorrow?B:Umm, let me have a look first._A:Sure. Please do remember to give me a reply.B:OK. Thanks for calling.A.I hear its very popular.B.Is it about animals?C.What are you doing now?D.What film is it?E.Would you please send its information to me?F.When do you usually go to the movies?G.Well, but why do you call me?五、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)15. (10分)读短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。BMany people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks didnt work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a few network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.At first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it, too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made surfing the Internet easier.Today it is easy to get online and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mails is more and more popular among young people. The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of peoples life.(1)How long has the Internet been used?A . For about 10 years.B . For about 20 years.C . For about 40 years.D . For about 60 years.(2)What would happen when one computer in the network broke down after the new network system was set up?A . The other computers would wait.B . The other computers would still work.C . Some of the others still worked.D . The other computers wouldnt work.(3)Which of the following used the Internet first?A . Hospital.B . Universities.C . Banks.D . The government.(4)What is true about computers in the 1990s?A . They became cheaper and easier to use.B . They became larger and larger.C . People couldnt buy them anywhere.D . People could get information only from them.(5)What can we infer from the last sentence?A . People will die without the Internet.B . All people should set up their own network.C . People live easily without the Internet.D . People will more and more depend on the Internet.16. (10分)阅读理解How green are you? Do you know how to be green?We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day and it does harm to our environment.Though we are young, we can still do something to help. In fact, even the simplest everyday activities can make a real difference to the environment.Here are some ideas for you.ReduceReduce means “use less”.Dont waste things.This saves money and reduces pollution and waste going into the environment.Before we buy something new, think whether it is really neces sary or maybe the old one will be just as good! When we do buy things, choose local products if possible, and try not to buy too many things from abroad.ReuseReuse means use again.Use things for as long as possible.When we buy things, make sure that they can last a long time.We should look after them so that they will last, and we should repair them if we can instead of throwing them away and buying new ones.Dont use a paper cup or a paper bag.Its better to use a china cup and a lunch box because you can use them again.RecycleRecycle means “change things into something else”.Though it takes energy to change something into something else, its better than throwing things away or burning them.Find out what can be recycled in your neighborhood and take part in the recycling program.We should also buy products made from recycled materials,such as recycled paper, to help save trees.So please remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.(1)What is the passage about? A . How to produce things.B . How to burn things.C . How to help others.D . How to be green.(2)Which of the following is right? A . Dont waste things.B . Always throw away old things.C . Always buy new things.D . Buy too many things from abroad.(3)Why is it better to use a china cup and a lunch box? A . You can burn them.B . You can use them again.C . You can throw them away.D . You can change them into something else.(4)To protect the environment, we should remember three words: . A . waste, reuse and recycleB . repair, burn and recycleC . reduce, reuse and recycleD . reduce, waste and recycle(5)The passage may come from . A . a menuB . a dictionaryC . a storybookD . a magazine17. (10分)根据短文内容,完成下列各题。BEvery country has its favourite food. In some countries, people(人们) eat rice every day. They often eat it with meat, fish and vegetables. Australians(澳大利亚人) eat a lot of fish, and they eat a lot of rice, too. In England(英国), the favourite food is fried fish and French fries. In the USA(美国) people like hamburgers a lot. And they like to have cold drinks. In Canada, people eat bread with butter(黄油) on it. In India, people like to eat hot food. Some people eat only fruit and vegetables. They think green food is good for them. They dont like to eat meat and fish.(1)Different countries have food.A . sameB . differentC . manyD . good(2)Australians like to eat .A . fishB . riceC . breadD . A and B(3)In the USA, people like to have .A . fish and friesB . fish and riceC . hamburgers and cold drinksD . bread with butter(4)Some people like to eat fruit and vegetables because(因为) .A . fruit and vegetables are sweetB . they dont have meat and fishC . meat and fish are deliciousD . fruit and vegetables are good for them(5)Which(哪一个) is a kind of green food?A . Chicken.B . Fish.C . Banana.D . Hot dog.六、 写作题 (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)时光精灵带走了三年相伴的岁月,却给我们留下了满满的收获。作为实验人你一定学到了很多,成长了很多。请以“Im a wonderful teenager为题,写一篇文章,描述一下现在的你。要求:1)从自己拥有的优秀品质、特长爱好等方面描写2)不能出现真实姓名、班级、校名3)语言流畅、情感真挚4)不少于80词第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共10题;共10分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)11-1、三、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共2题;共10分)12-1、13-1、四、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)14-1、五、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、16-5、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、六、 写作题 (共1题;共10分)18-1、

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