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,o r g a n i z a t i o n a l b e h a v i o r,组织行为学,1,权力和领导力,Organizational Behavior MBA Program Communication University of China,2,主要内容,权力 Power 权力基础 Bases of power 领导力 Leadership 特质理论 Trait Theories 行为理论 Behavioral Theories (University of Michigan Studies, Scandinavian) 权变理论 Contingency Theory 认知资源理论 Cognitive Resource Theory 赫塞和布兰查德的情景理论 Hersey and Blanchards Situational Leadership Theory 领导-成员交换理论 LeaderMember Exchange Theory 目标-路径理论 Path-Goal Theory 魅力领导理论 Charismatic Leadership 变革型和交易型领导 Transformational vs. Transactional leaderships 当代领导者角色 Contemporary Leadership Roles,3,权利 Power,权力(power)指一个人(A)用以影响另一个人(B)的能力,这种影响使B做在其他情况下不可能做的事。 A capacity that A has to influence the behavior of B so that B acts in accordance with As wishes.,4,权利的基础 (Base of Power),正式权力Formal Power 建立于个人在组织中的位置。被授权或被告知有控制或者奖励的权利 Is established by an individuals position in an organization; conveys the ability to coerce or reward, from formal authority, or from control of information.,5,正式权力 Former Power,强制性权力 Coercive Power 强制性权力是建立在惧怕的基础上. A power base dependent on fear. 奖赏性权利 Reward Power 通过给人以益处来达到影响他人的目的. Compliance achieved based on the ability to distribute rewards that others view as valuable. 法定性权利 Legitimate Power 一个人通过在组织中的职位所获得的权利. The power a person receives as a result of his or her position in the formal hierarchy of an organization. 信息权利 Information Power 得到和控制信息的权利. Power that comes from access to and control over information.,6,非正式权利 Personal Power,专家性权利 Expert Power 来源与专长、技能、知识. Influence based on special skills or knowledge. 参照性权利 Referent Power 来源于人们对于拥有理想的资源或个人特质的人的认同. Influence based on possession by an individual of desirable resources or personal traits. 领袖权利 Charismatic Power 是参照性权利的延伸,源个人性格和气质。An extension of referent power stemming from an individuals personality and interpersonal style.,7,什么是领导力?,领导力Leadership 领导力是一种影响力,是影响个体、群体或组织实现所期望目标的各种活动的过程。The process by which a person uses influence over others and inspires, motivates and directs their activities to achieve group goals. 管理Management 拥有正式权力,使组织成员顺从组织。Use of authority inherent in designated formal rank to obtain compliance from organizational members.,8,领导者 vs. 管理者,领导者 Leaders,启发下属 innovate 以人为本 focus on people 建立信任 inspire trust 目光长远 have a long-range view 找出问题和原因 ask what and why 关注前景 have eyes on horizon 挑战现状 challenge status quo 做正确的事 do the right thing,管理者 Managers,管理 administrate 关注系统 focus on systems 控制为主 rely on control 关注短期目标 have a short-range view 关注时间和如何发生 ask how and when 关注底线 have eyes on bottom line 接受现状 accept status quo 将事情做正确 do things right,9,特质理论 Trait Theories,特质理论 Traits Theories of Leadership 研究领导者和非领导者的身体特征、才智特征、个性特征的不同。Theories that consider personality, social, physical, or intellectual traits to differentiate leaders from non-leaders.,Leadership Traits: Ambition and energy The desire to lead Honest and integrity Self-confidence Intelligence High self-monitoring Job-relevant knowledge,10,行为理论 Behavioral Theories,领导行为论Behavioral Theories of Leadership 指出领导者和非领导者在具体行为上的不同的理论。Theories proposing that specific behaviors differentiate leaders from non-leaders.,Trait theory: Leaders are born, not made. Behavioral theory: Leadership traits can be taught.,11,密歇根大学的研究,员工导向Employee-Oriented Leader 强调人际关系和关怀员工需求。并接受群体成员间的差异。Emphasizing interpersonal relations; taking a personal interest in the needs of employees and accepting individual differences among members. 生产导向Production-Oriented Leader 强调工作技能和任务,关心的重点是团体的任务完成与否。One who emphasizes technical or task aspects of the job.,12,权变理论 Contingency theory,费德勒模型Fiedlers Contingency Model 有效的群体绩效取决于与下属相互作用的领导者的风格以及情景对领导者的控制程度的匹配。The theory that effective groups depend on a proper match between a leaders style of interacting with subordinates and the degree to which the situation gives control and influence to the leader.,13,费德勒模型 Fiedlers Contingency Model,确定情景 Defining the Situation 领导者-成员关系 Leader-Member Relations 领导者对下属信任、信赖和尊重的程度. The degree of confidence, trust, and respect subordinates have in their leader. 任务结构 Task Structure 工作任务的程度化程度. The extent to which workers tasks are clear-cut 职位权力 Position Power 领导者拥有权力变量(包括雇佣、解雇、训导、晋升、加薪)的影响程度. Influence derived from ones formal structural position in the organization; includes power to hire, fire, discipline, promote, and give salary increases.,14,Findings from Fiedler Model,15,认知资源理论 Cognitive Resource Theory,压力能对领导情景产生影响,但是领导者的经验和智力水平能够减少这种影响 A theory of leadership that states that stress can unfavorably affect a situation and that intelligence and experience can lessen the influence of stress on the leader.,Research Support: Less intelligent individuals perform better in leadership roles under high stress than do more intelligent individuals. 不那么聪明的人在高压环境下表现更好 Less experienced people perform better in leadership roles under low stress than do more experienced people. 经验少的人在低压环境下表现更好,16,赫塞和布兰查德 (Hersey and Blanchard)的情景理论,Situational Leadership Theory (SLT) 一种重视下属的权变理论. A contingency theory that focuses on followers readiness.,17,赫塞和布兰查德 (Hersey and Blanchard)的情景理论,Willing,Unwilling,Able,Unable,Directive,High Task and Relationship Orientations,Supportive Participative,Monitoring,Follower Readiness,Leadership Styles,18,领导-成员交换理论,领导-成员交换理论Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) Theory 领导和少部分下属建立了特殊的关系,这部分圈内人的绩效较高,流失率较小,对上司的满意度也较高. Leaders create in-groups and out-groups, and subordinates with in-group status will have higher performance ratings, less turnover, and greater job satisfaction.,19,领导-成员交换理论,20,目标-路径理论 Path-Goal Theory,领导者的工作是帮助下属达到他们的目标,并提供必要的指导和支持以确保他们各自的目标和群体或组织的总体目标保持一致。 The theory that it is the leaders job to assist followers in attaining their goals and to provide them the necessary direction and/or support to ensure that their goals are compatible with the overall objectives of the group or organization.,21,目标-路径理论 Path-Goal Theory,22,领导类型,魅力领导理论 Charismatic Leadership Theory 当下属观察到这些行为时,会把他们归因为伟人式的或者杰出的领导能力。Followers make attributions of heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors.,领导魅力从以下几方面影响群众: 远见和表述清晰性 Articulating the vision 设置高绩效目标 Setting high performance expectations 提炼出一种价值观系统 Conveying a new set of values 做出个人牺牲 Making personal sacrifices,23,魅力领导的关键特征,远见和表述清晰性 Vision and articulation. 能深入浅出、言简意赅地向夏季说明自己的理想和远大目标并使之认同Has a visionexpressed as an idealized goalthat proposes a future better than the status quo; and is able to clarify the importance of the vision in terms that are understandable to others. 愿意承担个人风险 Personal risk. 愿意冒个人风险,包括经济或事业上的损失 Willing to take on high personal risk, incur high costs and engage in self-sacrifice to achieve the vision.,24,魅力领导的关键特征,对环境的敏感性 Environmental sensitivity. 实事求是评估组织内的各种环境资源和条件限制,并制定变革策略和非常规行动Able to make realistic assessments of the environmental constraints and resources needed to bring about change. 对下属需求敏感性 Sensitivity to follower needs. 识别下属的才能,为他们的需求而努力Perceptive of others abilities and responsive to their needs and feelings. 非常规行为 Unconventional behavior. 采取一些新奇、非常规的行为Engages in behaviors that are perceived as novel and counter to norms.,25,变革型和交易型领导,交易型领导 Transactional Leaders 通过明确角色和任务要求来指导或激励下属向着既定目标活动. Leaders who guide or motivate their followers in the direction of established goals by clarifying role and task requirements. 变革型领导 Transformational Leaders 拥有魅力,给与下属个别化关怀和智力刺激. Leaders who provide individualized consideration and intellectual stimulation, and who possess charisma.,权变奖赏Contingent Reward 积极介入管理 Management by Exception (active) 消极介入管理 Management by Exception (passive) 放任政策 Laissez-Faire,领导魅力 Charisma 激励 Inspiration 智力激发 Intellectual Stimulation 个别关怀 Individual Consideration,26,交易型领导特质,权变奖励 Contingent Reward: 对于工作努力、高工作绩效的员工给予奖励。Contracts exchange of rewards for effort, promises rewards for good performance, recognizes accomplishments. 积极介入管理 Management by Exception (active): 对于纪律中的偏差主动进行观察研究,予以纠正Watches and searches for deviations from rules and standards, takes corrective action. 消极介入管理 Management by Exception (passive): 在不符标准时才接入管理Intervenes only if standards are not met. 放任政策 Laissez-Faire: 放弃责任,不做决策 Abdicates responsibilities, avoids making decisions.,27,变革型领导特质,领导魅力 Charisma: 展现其领导哲学与价值时,会以个人魅力吸引成员的认同感。Provides vision and sense of mission, instills pride, gains respect and trust. 激励 Inspiration: 表达对部属的高期望,简要表达目标。Communicates high expectations, uses symbols to focus efforts, expresses important purposes in simple ways.,28,变革型领导特质,智力激发Intellectual Stimulation: 激发智力、理性和解决问题的仔细度Promotes intelligence, rationality, and careful problem solving. 个人化关怀Individualized Consideration: 给予个人化关怀,给予每个人个性化的指导Gives personal attention, treats each employee individually, coaches, advises.,29,情绪智力和领导有效性,情绪智力要素 Elements of Emotional Intelligence: 自我意识 Self-awareness 自我管理 Self-management 自我激励 Self-motivation 移情能力 Empathy 社会技能 Social skills,30,当代管理者角色:提供团队领导力,团队领导角色 Team Leadership Roles : 联络人 Act as liaisons with external constituencies. 解决纠纷者 Serve as troubleshooters. 处理冲突 Managing conflict. 提高成员工作绩效 Coaching to improve team member performance,31,当代管理者角色:指导者,指导者 Mentor 指导新员工的高级员工. A senior employee who sponsors and supports a less-experienced employee.,指导者行为: 清晰表达想法 Present ideas clearly 良好的倾听者 Listen well 移情 Empathize 交流经验 Share experiences 严以律己 Act as role model 勤于联系 Share contacts 提供政治引导 Provide political guidance,32,当代管理者角色:自我领导,自我领导 Self-Leadership 个人控制自身行为的过程. A set of processes through which individuals control their own behavior.,自我领导特质: 模仿其他自我领导者 Model self-leadership. 鼓励员工设定目标 Encourage employees to create self-set goals. 鼓励自我奖励 Encourage the use of self-rewards. 积极的思维模式 Create positive thought patterns. 引领自我领导风气 Create a climate of self-leadership. 提倡自我批评 Encourage self-criticism.,33,道德领导 Ethical Leadership,行为: 积极地改变员工的态度和行为. Work to positively change the attitudes and behaviors of employees. 参与有益于社会的行为. Engage in socially constructive behaviors. 不滥用权力. Do not abuse power or use improper means to attain goals.,34,35,

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