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外研版(一起)五年级下册期末检测英语试卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . He _ in the sea last Sunday. ( )AswamBswimsCswimming2 . Yo can _ some money. ( )AhaveBhadChas3 . _did he _to Beijing last week? ( )By plane.AHow; goBHow; wentCWhat; goDWhat; went4 . We shouldnt use plastic bags or bottles. ( )Atoo muchBtoo manyCmuch tooDmany too5 . Tomorrow we will _to the great wall. ( )AgoBwentCgoing6 . _ she have fun yesterday? ( )ADoseBDidCIs7 . _ you _the book to Jenny last week? ( )ADo; lendBDid; lentCDid; lend8 . 选出不同类的短语:( )Ado the high jumpBdo the long jumpCjump far9 . My parents often watch TV _home in the evening. ( )AinBatCon10 . - What should we do first when (当-时) we want to cross the road? ( )- To _.Alook for a zebra crossingBwait for the red lightsCwalk fastDlook out for your parents二、单词拼写根据句意和单词的首字母,补充单词。11 . There are three b_ in my house.12 . We c_ on the stove.13 . We w_ the dirty dishes in the s_.14 . The red toothbrush is y_. The green toothbrush is m_.15 . Lets help my mother m_ supper.16 . Now the dishes are c_ and d_.17 . I like to have my b_ and u_ on a rainy day.18 . Steven a_ wears pants. He n_ wears dresses.19 . Three lines make a t_.20 . My favourite s_ is a circle.根据句意及首字母提示填写单词。21 . We will w_ a movie tomorrow.22 . We can have a rest at h_ on Spring Festival.23 . They eat c_ and fruit at the birthday party.24 . Which festival do you like b_?25 . 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词:There w_ any buses.26 . 根据题意每空填上一个适当的英文单词。1. Lily goes to KFC to have a (_)and some juice for lunch.2. They go(_) home and have a rest(休息)at seven in the evening.3. The(_)the students like best is summer.4. John always does his homework(_)getting up.5. Many Western countries often have a “(_)Christmas” because it often snows in December.根据汉语提示,补全单词。27 . _old寒冷的28 . wea_er天气29 . w_m暖和的30 . h_t炎热的31 . co_凉爽的三、排序题32 . 找数词,用横线画出来,并将它们从小到大排列,写在横线上。1. Show me six.2. Im eleven.3. I have three pencils.4. I see fifteen boys.5. Id like ten apples._四、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答下列问题。In many English families, people eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, tea and dinner.People have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning. They have porridge, eggs or bread. English people drink tea or coffee at breakfast.Lunch comes at one oclock. Tea time is from four to five in the afternoon, and dinner is about seven thirty. First, they have soup, then they have meat or fish with vegetables. After that, they eat some other things like bananas, apples or oranges.33 . How many meals do English people have a day?_34 . What do English people have for breakfast?_35 . When does the tea time come?_36 . After dinner, what do English people eat?_37 . Do English people eat bananas, apples or oranges after dinner?_五、匹配题38 . 将句子对应的中文意思的序号填在横线上。(1)This is Bobby._A她是我的妹妹。(2)Sam is my friend._B他是麦克。(3)She is my sister._C萨姆是我的朋友。(4)He is Mike._D这是波比。(5)Goodbye, Bobby._E再见,波比。39 . 为下面问句选择合适的答句,并将正确答案序号写在题前括号内。(_) 1. Whos that man?AYes, she is.(_) 2. Whos that girl?BIm nine years old.(_) 3. Where are you from?CHes my grandpa.(_) 4. Is she your mother?DIm from China.(_) 5. How old are you?EHes my sister.六、书面表达40 . 写作。同学们,六年的小学生活已经结束了,六年里一定有好多老师陪伴你们一起成长吧!请以“My favourite teacher”为题,介绍一位你最喜欢的老师。要求:语句连贯通顺,不少于6句话。My favourite teacher_第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、单词拼写1、2、3、4、5、三、排序题1、四、阅读回答问题1、五、匹配题1、2、六、书面表达1、

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