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人教版(PEP)六年级下册期中测试英语试卷(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . What _ Tom like doing? ( )He likes _ cartoons.Ado; watchingBdoes; watchCdoes; watchingDdo; watch2 . Weve got _very tall and big buildings in China?( )Aa lotBlot ofClots of3 . The is _.( )Awhite and brownBblack and whiteCyellow and orange4 . How _you go there?We went there by train.AdoBdidCdoes5 . I _ go out. I stayed at home. ( )AdidntBnotCdont6 . Hermotherisstrict.Herfatherisstrict, _. ( )AtoBtooCsometimes7 . A: Do you have a library ? ( )B: _AYes, we dont.BYes, we do.CNo,we do.8 . What are you_?( )AmakingBmakeCmakes9 . What did they doJuly 13th? ( )AinBonCat10 . There _two computers and three chairs in the room. ( )AhaveBisCare二、完形填空完形填空。Some people like going to bed _. It makes them get up very late next morning. They have _ time to cook breakfast, and even have no time to have it. So they go to work without(没有) breakfast. Its not a healthy lifestyle(生活方式), _ a good breakfast is very important for us.Maybe you _ know. By breakfast time, you havent eaten _ for about twelve house. Your body needs food, or you cant work _. For breakfast, you should have rice or bread, an egg, some milk and some fruit. It _ you work better. On a _ morning, you should have a cup of hot drink. You must get up _ to have enough(足够) time to have breakfast. So if you want to keep healthy, remember to eat a good breakfast every _.11 . AfastBlateCearly12 . AmuchBnoCsome13 . AbecauseBbutCso14 . AdoBcantCdont15 . AanythingBnothingCsomething16 . AgoodBhardlyCwell17 . AasksBmakesClets18 . AsunnyBcoldCbusy19 . AlaterBearlyClate20 . AdayBweekCweekend三、填空题21 . 根据句意,用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Who _(eat)the cake?I did.2. Look! The kids _(dance).3. I would like _(go)to Xian.4. Dont _(read)in bed.5. _(keep)healthy, my grandpa takes a walk after dinner every day.四、单词拼写22 . (增加一个字母)写单词:(答案不唯一) rain_五、阅读回答问题阅读短文,回答下面的问题。Tom has got a toy monster. Its blue. The monster has got two big heads. It has got three eyes. It has got two mouths and four ears. Look! Here are his legs. It has got six legs. And it has got ten feet. It is scary. But Tom likes it very much.23 . What colour is the monster?_24 . How many heads has it got?_25 . Has it got three mouths?_26 . How many feet has it got?_27 . Does Tom like the monster?_六、任务型阅读阅读短文,判断句子正(T)误(F)。A healthy(健康的) body is very important(重要的)to us. We need to eat healthy food to have a healthy body. But what kinds of food are healthy? I can give you some ideas.Different food can give you different nutrition(营养). So you must eat a lot of different food. Rice, noodles and bread are very important. You should eat some but not too much. You must eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. Meat, chicken, fish and eggs are good for you but dont eat too much. Every day, you can have some drinks and a lot of water. But you cant eat a lot of candy or chocolate. Too much salt is bad for you, too.You should go to bed early and get up early too. Every day, you should do some exercise.You can run in the morning and take a walk after meals. And you can swim to keep you healthy.28 . A healthy body is not important to people. (_)29 . We should eat different food to keep healthy. (_)30 . We must eat a lot of vegetables and fruit. (_)31 . We can eat a lot of meat and chicken, because they are good for our health. (_)32 . We cant eat too much salt but we can eat much candy. (_)七、汉译英33 . 根据中文提示补全英文。1. 这里有些巧克力是给你的。_ some chocolates for you.2. 我们可以开始聚会了吗?_ the party?3. 让我们一起点亮蜡烛,唱生日歌吧。Lets _ and _.4. 许个愿然后吹灭蜡烛。_ and _ the candles.5. 请吃块蛋糕吧!Have _ cake, please!八、英汉混合34 . 翻译下列词组,是英语的译为汉语,是汉语的译为英语。1.the birthday of the Communist Party of China_2.The Peoples Liberation Army Day_3.一年中的第六个月_4.儿童节_5.summer holidays_6. 我的生日_7.Mothers Day_8. 父亲节_9.在五月_10.the seventh month_九、改错下列句子中各有一处错误,请选出并改在后面横线上。35 . Whatin the study? (_)_A B C36 . Whendo you do in an English class? (_)_A B C37 . Theyaresheeps. (_)_A B C38 . How manystudentare there in you class? (_)_A B C39 . I have lunch in the bathroom. (_)_A B C第 9 页 共 9 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、二、完形填空1、三、填空题1、四、单词拼写1、五、阅读回答问题1、六、任务型阅读1、七、汉译英1、八、英汉混合1、九、改错1、

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