人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 2 How do you come to school_ 第三课时 练习卷

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人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 2 How do you come to school_ 第三课时 练习卷_第1页
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人教版(PEP)五年级英语下册Unit 2 How do you come to school_ 第三课时 练习卷_第3页
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人教版(PEP)五年级下册Unit 2 How do you come to school_ 第三课时 练习卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、填空题1 . 用所给词的适当形式填空。(1)Sam_(come) to school on foot every day.(2)Where_you_(live)? I live in Nan Tong.(3)How_she_to school? She_to school by bike.(come)(4)Liutao_(live)near school, so he_(go)to school on foot.(5)I usually_(come)to school by metro, because my home is far from school.二、单词拼写2 . 首字母填空。My p_ and I l_ in a new house. Its n_ a big park. We like the house very m_ . The house is far a_ from my school, so I have to go to school by bus. But its near my f_ factory. My father often goes to work on f_ . My mother w_ in a h_ , shes a nurse. She often goes to work by m_.三、英译汉3 . 根据中文,翻译句子。1.在森林里有一个大象。There is a _in the forest .2.它是非常大和强壮的。It is very large and_ .3.狮子抓住了老鼠。The lion _ the mouse.4.球在洞里吗?Is the _in the hall?.5.他有一个好主意。He has a good_ .四、汉译英4 . 翻译词组。1.你的新家_ 2.来学校_3.穿过树林_ 4.公交车上的轮子_5.一辆新自行车_ 6.去那里_7.住在学校附近_ 8.在街上_9.穿过城镇_ 10.去上班_五、英汉混合5 . 写出相应单词或短语。1. 喝水_2. 浇花_3. 回答问题_4. heavy rain_5. boating on the lake _六、句型转换6 . 根据要求完成句子。1. to / Disneyland / America / let s / go / in (.) ( 连词成句 )_2. Li Yans parents take her to the World Park. (对划线部分提问)_3.She wants to learn about the famous places around the world. ( 改为一般疑问句)_4. Well visit the Big Ben in London. ( 改为一般疑问句 )_5. I want to see all those famous places. ( 写出与本句意思相同的句子 )_第 4 页 共 4 页参考答案一、填空题1、二、单词拼写1、三、英译汉1、四、汉译英1、五、英汉混合1、六、句型转换1、

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