沪教版英语七年级上Unit 8 Fashion单元测试C卷

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沪教版英语七年级上Unit 8 Fashion单元测试C卷一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1. (2分)The underlined part of the word “message” sounds _.A . /B . /C . /e/D . /e/2. (2分)一 Lingling, I have understanding Beijing Opera.一 Dont worry. Let me help you.A . funB . troubleC . experienceD . advice3. (2分)How long has Mr Wang worked in the factory? 15 yearsA . SinceB . ForC . InD . To4. (2分)Joe Brown is drawing a picture of a_ . Hes a police artist. A . criminalB . crimeC . tigerD . mountain5. (2分)一 The _ world means trees, rivers, animals, birds and so on.一 Oh, I see.A . snowyB . largeC . natural6. (2分) Which of the two T-shirts will you take? Ill take _. One is for my brother and the other is for myself.A . eitherB . bothC . all7. (2分) Look! A blind man is in the middle of the street. Its too dangerous. Lets help him go the street.A . crossB . throughC . acrossD . along8. (2分) Mom, where is my eraser? Please help me it. Oh, its in the schoolbag.A . seeB . findC . lookD . look at9. (2分) Have you noticed that Annas spoken English is greatly improved? Yes, she sets us a good example. Hard work always_.A . makes a dealB . makes a differenceC . makes a problem10. (2分)Jane often _ TV on Sundays, but now she _an English book.A . watches; readsB . watches; is readingC . watching; is reading二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)11. (15分) When I was a teenager growing up in France, I wanted to leave school and have my own life. The only way I could 1this was to work in the local paper factory in my town, or get married. I was very nervous when I told my 2I wanted to leave school. I thought he would say, 3You are going to college (大学). I was very 4when he said, OK. Lets go to the paper factory.Two days later, 5took me to the factory. I imagined everyone to be friends 6 together and having fun. I even imagined there would be music and singing. I 7I had watched too many movies as a teenager.When we 8 the factory gate, my father spoke to the guard (门卫) and one minute later we were 9. I walked around the factory looking at the building, the workers, and listening to the noise. It was 10. I ran back to my father and said, I want to go home.He asked me, What do you think of the 11?Too bad, I answered.And marriage(婚姻) is even 12!he said.I went back to school the next day thinking about studying hard 13I could get into a good college. I 14studying English so I decided to major in languages at college. Thanks to my father and our 15to the paper factory, I now work at the United Nations and my father is very proud of me. I married a very good man and my life is much better than it would have been working in the factory!(1)A . say B . do C . receive D . find (2)A . teacher B . friend C . father D . husband (3)A . Yes! B . No! C . Really? D . OK? (4)A . angry B . tired C . nervous D . surprised (5)A . he B . she C . it D . they (6)A . working B . studying C . singing D . farming (7)A . guess B . mean C . say D . hope (8)A . looked at B . returned to C . arrived at D . left for (9)A . outside B . inside C . back D . away (10)A . terrible B . wonderful C . funny D . special (11)A . workers B . guard C . building D . factory (12)A . better B . harder C . worse D . easier (13)A . but B . if C . so D . or (14)A . enjoyed B . stopped C . disliked D . minded (15)A . way B . idea C . plan D . trip 三、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共18分)12. (8分)阅读下面的文本, 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。CHealthy eating doesnt just mean what you eat, but how you eat. Heres some advice on healthy eating.Eat with others. It can help you to see others healthy eating habits. If you usually eat with your friends or family, you will find that the food you eat is more delicious.Listen to your body. Ask yourself if you are really hungry. When you are thirsty, drink a glass of water. Before, during and after exercise, you need to drink more water. Its not a good idea to eat much food when you are thirsty.Eat breakfast. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Its really bad for you to go to school without breakfast. A good breakfast includes some bread or rice, an egg, milk and fruit. You also need to get up early to enjoy your breakfast. Dont hurry.Eat healthy snacks. You may think eating snacks is unhealthy. In fact, its a good idea to eat two healthy snacks like fruits, yogurt or cheese between your three meals. Of course, foods like cookies, ice-cream or instant noodles are not on the list of healthy snacks. Try to eat dinner at least 3 hours before you go to bed. For example, if you go to bed at 10 oclock, youd better have dinner before 7. This will help your body to digest most of the food before you rest for the next 8 to 10 hours.Eating healthily will help you keep fit and live well一for today and tomorrow.(1)Its healthy to .A . have meals aloneB . eat an apple between the mealsC . eat breakfast quicklyD . eat noodles when you are thirsty(2)There are pieces of advice on healthy eating in this passage. A . threeB . fourC . fiveD . six(3)which can be the heading(小标题)of the 6th paragraph(段落)?A . Eat dinner.B . Eat little for dinner.C . Eat dinner early.D . Eat dinner before you sleep.(4)What does “healthy eating” mean according to(根据) the passage?A . It means to eat healthily.B . It means to eat the food you like.C . It means to enjoy different kinds of food.D . It means to eat three meals at the right time.13. (10分)读材料,根据短文内容选择最佳答案。A Im really good at selling things. I also love helping people. But Im not so good at solving(解决) problems. I think Id like to be a salesman or a detective(侦探). I really like doing things with my hands. I also enjoy working with wood. I dont enjoy working in the same place every day, and I dont like being in noisy places. I think Id like to be a factory worker or a carpenter(木匠). Im good at explaining things and I really like children. I cant standworking long hours. I think Id like to be a doctor or a teacher. Im really interested in meeting people, and I enjoy wearing different clothes every day. Im not so good at organizing(安排) my time and computers. I am going to be a model or an accountant(会计).(1)Larry wants to be .A . a worker or a teacherB . a nurse or a doctorC . a salesman or a detectiveD . a model or a carpenter(2)Anita doesnt enjoy working in .A . the same placeB . different placesC . noisy placesD . A and C(3) wants to be a teacher or a doctor?A . AnitaB . JillC . MariaD . Larry(4)Maria likes .A . meeting peopleB . wearing different clothesC . A and BD . working nights and weekends(5)What does cant stand mean in Chinese?A . 不能忍受B . 不能站立C . 可以忍受D . 可以站立四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共19分)14. (1分)All the people are very busy with _(tire) faces.15. (1分)Did you use to _(walk) to school?Yes, I did.16. (1分)Kangkang is _ (read) in the library.17. (1分)I want to make more friends , but I dont know how to get others _ (talk) with me.18. (1分)Its nine oclock. Tom and I _ (chat) on the Internet.19. (1分)Are there any _ (library) in your school? No, there arent any.20. (1分)We must finish our homework _ (one).21. (1分)There are many _(shelf) in the room.22. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填空一词。John Allen, an American scientist once said, “ the Internet is the worlds largest library, but all the _(书 ) in it are on the floor!” What he meant is that the Internet is full of _(信息) . But it can be difficult to find what you really need . The Internet has _ (另一个) disadvantage anyone can_(创建)a website,so you can find websites about what ever you can imagine. Unfortunately, a lot of what is written on them is not always true.At the same time, the Internet provides many other things .On some websites, you can download music and films . They are usually very _(便宜) and some are even free. On some other websites, you can connect with people from all over the world . And there are some great online_(商店),too. For example,one Bay people _ (卖),used clothes, CDs, and even cars at very low prices .It is true that the Internet has changed the way we work and _ (交流). But we should not depend on it too much . Some people are also afraid that _(网上冲浪)the Internet has taken the place of other healthier activities, especially for_ (年轻的) people . Whether you love it or hate it, though, youd better get used to it because it is right here to stay .23. (1分)He has one brother and two _ (sister).五、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)24. (5分)根据对话内容,在空白处填入-恰当的句子,使对话完整、通顺A: Hey, Dennis! Last night I called you but you were not at home. _?B: I watched a film.A: _?B: Smurfs: The Lost village.A: _?B: Pretty good! I love it.A: Yeah! Its really good.B: Hey, Ben! Did you watch it?A: Yes. I watched it last week. _?B: Green Theater, Ben!A: _?B: Because Green Theater is close to my home.六、 词语运用。 (共1题;共8分)25. (8分)根据方框所给单词及短文内容的理解,用单词的适当形式填空。friendly, silence, trust, feel, lonely,become, one, alone, smileIt was the early autumn of my _year at a new school. At first no one knew me. I felt _and was afraid to make friends with anyone. I couldnt talk to anyone about my problem. Then one day, a girl looked at me and _when I sat in _. I felt the touch of something bright and _. It made me _happy, lively and warm. Day by day, I learnt to _people and the girl has _my best friend. Now I believe that the world is what you think it is. Smile at the world and it will smile back.七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共1分)26. (1分) ( would rather )_第 16 页 共 16 页参考答案一、 单项选择。 (共10题;共20分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、二、 完形填空。 (共1题;共15分)11-1、三、 阅读理解。 (共2题;共18分)12-1、12-2、12-3、12-4、13-1、13-2、13-3、13-4、13-5、四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 (共10题;共19分)14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、五、 补全对话。 (共1题;共5分)24-1、六、 词语运用。 (共1题;共8分)25-1、七、 书面表达。 (共1题;共1分)26-1、

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