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人教PEP版英语六年级上册期末专项训练:单选姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . Here _ the nurses. ( )AisBcomesCcome2 . He lives a farm.AonBofCto3 . ( ) 1.A by bike B by plane C on foot D go to school( ) 2.A actor B actress C policewoman D artist( ) 3.A tomorrow B teacher C tonight D this moring( ) 4.A collecting stamps B riding a bike C a magazine D flying a kite( ) 5.A Im a teacher. B Im fine. C Im a policeman D Im an actress4 . Its _ a bag. ( )AredBareCin5 . Sarah likes _ computers. And she wants to work in _ office. ( )Auses; anBusing; aCusing; an6 . -_your math teacher? ( )- Mr Cao.AWhatsBWhosCWheres7 . -How do you feel now? ( )-Not _.AfineBgoodCwell8 . Whatsthis?( )AItsabanana.BYes,itis.9 . Mike is _ his homework. ( )AdoBdidCdoing10 . I like to run . Merry likes to run_AalsoBtooCeither11 . -How does Tina feel?-Not _.AgoodBwillCwell12 . She is _Aa engineerBengineerCan engineer13 . Eve likes, but she doing her homework. ( )Acook; dont likeBcooking; likingCcooking; doesnt like14 . Jill is afraid _ fire. ( )AtoBwithCof15 . What can I do_ you? ( )AtoBforCon16 . morning_ ( )AB17 . Lets _ a look. ( )AhasBhaveChaving18 . There _a football game this afternoon. ( )Ais going to beBhasCwill have19 . Happy birthday! ( ) .AHere it isBHere you areCThank you20 . Whats your favourite pet? ( )AI like apples.BI like pink.CI like dogs21 . -_do you go to bed? ( )- I go to bed _ nine.AWhen, inBWhen, onCWhen, at22 . _, children! ( )ACome atBCome hereCCome to23 . Do you want _to Chinese music?( )Ato listenBlisteningClisten24 . I want _ a new bike. ( )AhaveBto haveChas25 . can I get to the supermarket?( ) You can go there by bus.AWhatBWhenCHow26 . My dog is lost . I am very _.AsadBhappyCafraid27 . Whats this book _ ?AaboutBatCin28 . Whos _?This is Ken.AthisBthat29 . Here_her family photo.AisBareCamDbe根据汉语意思,选出正确的翻译。30 . 礼物 ( )ApresentBthingCnice31 . 春节 ( )ASpring New YearBSummer FestivalCthe Spring Festival32 . 家庭大餐( )Aa big family lunchBa big family dinnerCa big home dinner33 . 圣诞快乐( )AMerry ChristmasBHappy new yearCHappy the Spring Festival34 . 一本给你的书( )Aa book about youBa book of youCa book for you35 . Shall we move the factoriesour country?( )Aaway toBaway fromCaway for36 . Wheredoesshework? ( )ASheworksinahospital.BShesasinger.37 . ( )AsayBwrite38 . Wow. A _ robot! ( )AtalksBtalkCtalking39 . How old are you, Eve? ( )_.AIm nineteenBIm nine40 . _Hes a buniessman.AWhere does he work?BWhat does he do?41 . I am working the computer. ( )AbyBofCinDon42 . -_ he play football after school yesterday? ( )-No, he _.ADid; didntBDid; didCDoes; doesntDDoes; does43 . The mouse made a big hole in the net _his _. ( )Awith; teethBin; toothCwith; toothDin; teeth44 . The little bird can fly very _.AgoodBwellChappy45 . Here is a photo my family. ( )AofBoffCin46 . They knock the door and cry. ( )AonBtoCat47 . Does she_ her teeth after dinner every day? ( )AbrushBbrushesCbrushing48 . He _ art.AteachingBteachesCteach49 . It is easy for _,because shes good _drawing. ( )Ashe, forBher, atCher, in50 . a nice cake! ( )AHowBWhenCWhat51 . The big bad wolf likes _ little pigs. ( )AeatBeatingCeats52 . -_under the desk? ( )-There are some footballs.AWhat areBWhat isCWhat53 . _ the weather like in London? ( )Its windy.AWhatBWhatsCHow54 . Read and choose(读一读,找出每组单词中不同类的一个)。【小题1】Apost officeBcinemaCbookstoreDleft【小题2】AshipBtaxiCtrainDfoot【小题3】AeveningBtonightCnext weekDsee a film【小题4】AturnBslowCofficeDstop【小题5】AwhatBwhenCwhereDwith选出每组单词中同类的一项。55 . AangryBworriedCfeel56 . AwearBtakeCclothes57 . AdoctorBexerciseCcoach58 . AhospitalBhurtCchase59 . AcartoonBcatCdog60 . They very hard now.( )AworkingBworksCare working61 . My mother works near the sea. She is a _.( )ApilotBfishermanCfisherwoman62 . -Are the keys _ the door? ( ) -Yes, they are.AinBonCunder63 . Its cold, dont _your coat.( )Aput onBtake off第 12 页 共 12 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10、11、12、13、14、15、16、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、32、33、34、35、36、37、38、39、40、41、42、43、44、45、46、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、55、

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