人教PEP版英语三年级下册Recycle 2 单元测试卷(二)

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人教PEP版英语三年级下册Recycle 2 单元测试卷(二)姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的!一、选择题1 . -Will you go to England by plane? ( )-Yes, _.AI willBI am2 . -_do you watch TV? ( )-Every two days.AHow manyBHow oftenCHow muchDHow3 . Is that your book? _ it isnt .AYesBNoCSorry4 . Do you like pears? _. ( )A、thanksB、Yes, I doC、I like oranges5 . ,can I use your pencil?AExcuse me.BI am sorry.二、单词拼写6 . Look and write the missing vowels.看一看,填上所缺少的元音字母。l. C_nada 2. p_nda 3. s_ven4. b_d 5. th_n 6. g_raffe7. f _x 8. m_m 9. s_n三、英译汉7 . 翻译下列句子。1. I can get the pears._2. Open it and see!_3. Is she your mother?_4. Its under your desk._5. I dont like apples._四、句型转换8 . 完形填空Mr Green(1)a factory in a big town. He liked fishing very much and was very good(2)it. When he was(3), he went down to the small river behind the factory and tried to catch (4)fish, but he couldnt catch many,(5)the water was dirty. Then one summer he went to the seaside during his holidays and stayed at a small cheap hotel. (6)the first day he(7)a big fish and was very(8). He gave the fish to the hotel. The cook(9)the fish for all the guests, and they enjoyed(10)very much. After that he did this every day.( ) (1)A. working B. worked C. is work D. work( ) (2)A. of B. on C. in D. at( ) (3)A. free B. busy C. ill D. right( ) (4) A. little B. fewC. some D. a little( ) (5) A. so B. because C. and D. or( ) (6) A. On B. In C. At D. For( ) (7) A. catch B. catched C. caught D. catches( ) (8) A. cheap B. free C. happy D. happily( ) (9) A. cooked B. bought C. did D. put( ) (10) A. it B. him C. their D. himself五、选内容补全对话9 . Read and choose.(选择正确的句子完成对话,并将序号填在横线上。)A: Hello! Im John. Whats your name?B: A: Where are you from?B: A: Look! I have a toy elephant. B: A: Look at the long nose.B: May I have a look? A: B: Thanks.A: AOh, its so big.BYoure welcome.CIm from Canada. DSure, here you are.E. My name is Sarah.六、匹配题10 . 读一读,从B栏中选出A栏问题的答语。A(_)1. What colour is the chair?(_)2. Whats in your classroom?(_)3. Wheres the fan?(_)4. Lets clean the window. (_)5. Let me help you. BAOK. BIts near the window. CIts green. DThank you.EMany desks and chairs.七、连线题11 . 匹配连线。1. hicken a. 2. fork b. 3.chopsticksc. 4.bedd. 5.noodlese. 八、其他填入合适的字母组合补全单词并选择对应的图片。A.B. C. D. E. 12 . _ock (_)13 . _ant (_)14 . _ean (_)15 . _ate (_)16 . _oudy (_)第 8 页 共 8 页参考答案一、选择题1、2、3、4、5、二、单词拼写1、三、英译汉1、四、句型转换1、五、选内容补全对话1、六、匹配题1、七、连线题1、八、其他1、

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