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Unit5 First aid Period2 Reading英语教者侯蒙学校陇县中学教学过程教学内容师生互动时间课型阅读课课时1教具Book,picture课题First Aid for Burns时间2013-9-19Picture2: The woman has cut her arm with something sharp and is bleeding.Picture3: The boy has badly sprained his ankle when playing football.Picture4: The girl is choking on a piece of food when eating.Picture5: She has broken her arm.Picture6: He has a noseblee Step3. Fast reading(快速阅读) Let the Ss read the passage fast and then find out the answers to the questions(1).How many parts does the passage have? There are five part. (2).Ask students to get the general idea of each part. Part1. The functions of the skin. Part2. Causes of burns. Part3. Types of burns. Part4. Characteristics of burns. Part5. First aid treatments.In this part I will ask several students to answer the questions and then I will give the right answers and write them on the blackboard.Step4.Detailed reading(详细阅读)Give students several minutes to read the passage carefully and then ask them to fill in the blanks in the paper that I have handed out to them.Detail Information (1) Fill in the blanks (based on the 1st Para.) 1.Our bodys largest organ(器官):_ 2.We have _ _ of the skin. 3.Your skin keeps you _ or _. 4.It prevents your body from _ _. 5.It gives you your sense of _ . answers: skin, three layers, warm ,cool, losing water, touch. 2) Types & characteristics of burns (based on part3 and part4).students fill in the following charts.Students read the passage quickly and then answer some questionsRead the passage carefullyFill in the blanks673知识目标1. Enable the Ss to get some first aid knowledge 2. Let the Ss learn the reading skill of getting the main idea of each part能力目标1.How to improve the Ss reading ability.2. Enable the Ss to learn how to use what theyve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.情感态度与价值观Competition and role-play method to arouse the Ss interest教学重点 How to grasp the main idea of each paragraph / part & each passage.教学难点 How to help the Ss use what theyve learnt to do first aid treatment for burns correctly.教学方法Skimming & scanning, Pair work and group work.学法指导Discussion methods to make the Ss understand what theyve learned in class.教学过程教学内容师生互动时间Step1.Greetings. Greet the whole class as usual.Step2.Lead-in(导入)(1).Ask several students to come to the front, and show them the pictures and they act them out, and the other students guess the meanings.(2) Let students know what first aid is.First aid is the kind of help given to someone who suddenly falls ill or gets injured before a doctor can be found. Often the illness or injury is not serious, but there are other times when giving first aid quickly can save livesStep3.Warming up1.look at the pictures in warming up and tell what has happened in each one2.Ask one or two groups to give their discussion in the class. Suggested answers:Picture1: The man has been bitten on his ankle.Role playExplain what first aid is16教学过程教学内容师生互动时间教学过程教学内容师生互动时间Types CharacteristicsFirst degree burns1. Affect the _ layer of the Skin2. Dry,red and mildly_.3. Mildly_.4. Turn_when pressed.Second degree burns1. Affect both the_and the_layer.2._, red and swollen.3._painful.4._, watery surface.Third degree burns1.Affect all_layers of the Skin.2. Swollen,_can be seen.3. _or_pain.4. Black and white and_.3.Read the text carefully and answer the ollowing questions. (1).What are the functions of the skin? (2).Why doesnt a third degree burn hurt? (3).Why do you think clothes and jewellery near burns should be removed? (4)If someone has a third degree burn, why might you see tissue? Suggested answers:(1) Protect you against diseases, poisons and the suns harmful rays;Keep you warm or cool; Prevent you from losing water; Give you sense of touch.(2) Because in the third degree burn the nerves have been damaged. If there are no nerves, there is no painStudents fill in the chartCheck the answersStudents fill in the blanks55(3) Because bacteria from the clothes and jewellery could infect the burns.(4) Because all the layers of the skin have been burnt showing the tissue Underneath.(3)Summary of first aid treatment for burns. 1_clothing and jewellery near the burns. 2._the burns with cool water. 3._cool, clean wet cloths on the burns. 4._the burned area gently. 5._the burned area with a dry clean bandage. 6._the burned area _ than the heart, if possible. 7._the victim to the doctor or hospital, if possible.Step7.Summary(总结)Step8 Homework (作业) (1) Finish the Exx on page 36. (2) Preview the next part extensive reading.students decide what I do is right or wrong.Learn small tips322板书设计First Aid for BurnsQuestions:1. How many parts does the passage have?2. The general idea of each part:Part1.The functions of the skin.Part2.causes of burns.Part3.Types of burns.Part4.Characteristics of burns.Part5.First aid treatment for burns.回顾成功不足5

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