幼儿园大班英语教案:Let`s Do It

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幼儿园大班英语教案:Let`s Do It_第1页
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幼儿园大班英语教案:Let`s Do It_第2页
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幼儿园大班英语教案 Let s Do It 教学目标 1 学会说 reading singing drawing dancing 并知道其意思 复习单词ru ing walking hop 2 通过游戏活动 激发幼儿对学习英语的兴趣 教学准备 reading singing drawing dancing的图片各一幅 活动过程 一 Warm up 1 Greeting Hello song 2 Review sing the Ru ing song 二 Gue what am I dong reading singing drawing dancing 1 请学生安静 猜老师做的动作是什么 看书 唱歌 绘画 跳舞 2 请个别学生做动作 其他学生来猜是什么 3 Game I say you do If I say reading you are reading If I say singing you aresinging 三 Look at the pictures and follow me say the words and tell mewhat s the words meaning 1 Practice Game I do you say If I am reading you say the word reading If I am singing yousay the word singing 2 Game Traffic lights Teacher If I point to green light you should follow me say theword reading singing drawing dancing If I point to red light you should be no voice 四 Game Wood man All the children make a big circle sing a song when I say stop you should be a wood man do nothing 五 Cla is over sing Say Good bye


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