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鲁教版八年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(无听力资料)C卷一、 听下面几段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C (共10题;共20分)1. (2分) (2017遵义) 选择与句子意思相符的正确图片( ) A . B . C . 2. (2分) (2018八下楚雄期末) 听句子,选出与所听句子内容相关的图画( ) A . B . C . 3. (2分) (2018九上蓬溪期末) 选择与对话内容相符的图片( ) A . B . C . 4. (2分) (2018八上嘉兴期中) Whats the girls favourite animal? A . B . C . 5. (2分) (2019九上泰兴月考) What is Miss Green like? A . Creative.B . Active.C . Organized.6. (2分) Where does David have to go this morning? A . To the museumB . To the hospitalC . To the cinema7. (2分) (2018八上湖州期中) What did Andy do at the weekend? A . He played basketball.B . He played the guitar.C . He read books.8. (2分) (2018江西) Where is Linda? A . In the laboratory.B . In the library.C . In the bookstore.9. (2分) What does Mary like doing after school? A . Playing computer games.B . Listening to music.C . Watching birds.10. (2分) (2017七下东营期末) How will the man probably go to the airport?A . By bus.B . By taxi.C . By bike.二、 听对话和短文回答问题,每段对话听二遍。 (共3题;共22分)11. (4分) 听对话,回答问题。 (1) Which story are they talking about? A . Yu Gong Moves a Mountain.B . Hou Yi Shoots the Suns.C . Nu Wa Repairs the Sky.(2) What does the girl think of the main character? A . He is brave.B . He is hardworking.C . He is silly.12. (8分) (2018九上萧山竞赛) 听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。 (1) What does the speaker think of schools today? A . They are much smaller than future schools.B . They have more students than future schools.C . They offer harder tests than future schools.(2) What will the students do in future schools? A . They will study with classmates having the same interests.B . They will choose the subjects and teachers that they like.C . They will solve problems with teachers around the world.(3) What should the students do to pass the history testing the future? A . Give a report.B . Write an article.C . Make a show.(4) What is the speakers opinion on future schools? A . Theyll be more creative and much easier.B . Theyll be more difficult but less exciting.C . They wont be easier but more interesting.13. (10分) (2018七上岳池期末) 听下面一段独白,回答问题。 (1) Whats Uncle Wang? A . A teacher.B . A doctor.C . A bookseller.(2) How far is the shop from his home? A . about 3 kilometresB . about 2 kilometres.C . about 4 kilometres(3) How does Uncle Wang usually go to work? A . By bus.B . By bike.C . On foot.(4) How long does it take him to get there on foot? A . Forty minutes.B . Twenty minutes.C . Thirty minutes.(5) What time does his work start? A . At 7:50.B . At 8:10.C . At 8:30.三、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)14. (2分) - We have few vegetables for dinner. Could you go and buy ?- Yes, sure. But I dont have money.A . any; anyB . some; anyC . any; someD . some; some15. (2分) (2017马龙模拟) I wont be able to understand what you say, you speak too quickly. A . ifB . thoughC . becauseD . but16. (2分) (2017九上上海期中) _ it was getting darker, they were still playing tennis on the playground. A . BecauseB . SinceC . IfD . Although17. (2分) (2016八下灌阳期中) The radio is too noisy. Father asked me _.A . turn off itB . to turn off itC . to turn it off18. (2分) (2017八上重庆期中) Jane is _ writer in this writing competition of Chongqing No. 1 middle school . A . a creativeB . more creativeC . most creativeD . the most creative19. (2分) (2017七下泰州期末) You look so tired. Why not _?A . stop to workB . to stop to workC . stop workingD . to stop working20. (2分) (2017八下东莞期中) Why are you so tired these days?Well, I have homework to do.A . too muchB . too manyC . much tooD . many too21. (2分) (2016八上巴中期末) Each of the club members_ ready to help those who were in trouble. A . wasB . areC . isD . were22. (2分) (2016九上西安期中) The Internet has made communication much .I agree. For example, I can communicate with my friends on WeChat any time.A . popularB . necessaryC . more convenientD . more important23. (2分) (2015七上杭州期中) _. Is this your ruler? Oh, yes. Thank you.A . HiB . SorryC . Excuse meD . OK四、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)24. (15分) (2017杭州模拟) 通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后在各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出一个最佳选项。Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In 1 words, we dont educate children only for the purpose of 2 them. Our purpose is to fit them for future. In some modern countries, it has for some time been fashionable to think that by free education for all 3 stupid or clever, poor or rich one can solve all the 4 of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that 5 education for all is not enough. We find in some countries a far 6 number of people with university degrees refuse to do what they think “low” work, and in fact, work 7 is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. But if we think only for a moment, we can understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than 8 of a professor. We can live 9 education, but we will die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the 10 away from our houses, we should get terrible 11 in our towns.12 , when we say that all of us must 13 to fit us for life, it means that we must have educated in such a way: Firstly , each of us can do whatever work suited to his brains and ability, and secondly, we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society and that it is very bad to be ashamed14 ones work. 15 such a type of education can be thought valuable to society.(1)A . another B . the other C . other D . others (2)A . loving B . educating C . helping D . giving (3)A . either B . neither C . whether D . if (4)A . problems B . things C . questions D . situations (5)A . high B . free C . expensive D . cheap (6)A . smaller B . longer C . larger D . shorter (7)A . by hand B . by brain C . on foot D . by arm (8)A . ones B . those C . one D . that (9)A . under B . with C . without D . by (10)A . rubbish B . grass C . trees D . flowers (11)A . toothache B . headache C . cancer D . disease (12)A . At least B . In fact C . By the way D . Even though (13)A . be educated B . educate C . to educate D . be educating (14)A . about B . to C . of D . at (15)A . Just B . Very C . If D . Only 五、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)25. (10分) 阅读理解CWen Feng Store SaleGoodsColorsPrice(each)SocksBlack,white,green$3SweatersBlack$15HatsBlue,white$4T-shirtsRed,green$14ShoesBlack and white$25BagsBlue$5(1) In all goods,the _ are the cheapest(最便宜的)A . bagsB . shoesC . hatsD . socks(2) Jack wants to buy two pairs of socks,one bag and two hats. How much are they?A . Twenty-one yuan.B . Nineteen yuan.C . Eighteen dollars.D . Nineteen dollars.(3) Mary only likes blue,so she will buy _.A . socks and bagsB . bags and sweatersC . hats and bagsD . shoes and hats(4) The store has the hat in _.A . all colorsB . blue,white and blackC . blue and blackD . white and blue(5) Peter has twenty dollars,so what can he buy?A . Two bags and one T-shirt.B . Three hats and two bags.C . One sweater and two pairs of socks.D . One T-shirt and one bag.26. (10分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。 Welcome to Findley Lake in New York! It is a beautiful small village. Its a good place to take a holiday all the year round. Therere lots of activities and they begin in March. At Findley Lake during summer, there is boating, fishing and water sports activities. You can watch a boat parade (游行) in July. The Harvest Festival and the following Autumn at the Lake in October show that autumn is coming. In November, Findley Lakes Christmas through the Village means the start of the holiday shopping season.Shopping at Findley Lake is wonderful. It is wonderful to walk along Main Street and visit all the shops. More than twenty shops sell different kinds of gifts.The Blue Heron Inn is in the centre of Findley Lake. It is a nice place to stay and the food there is delicious. You can eat dinner outside and look down the lake or you can eat inside the nice dining room. Take time to shop at its store, Nostalgia, for special things.Findley Lake has something for everyone. It is a fantastic place to spend an afternoon. With different kinds of shops, delicious foods and wonderful activities, it is sure to make the visitors love this village.(1) There arent any activities in _ at Findley village. A . FebruaryB . JulyC . OctoberD . November(2) Which of the following shows the correct order of the activities at Findley Lake in a year? Harvest FestivalChristmas through the VillageAutumn at the LakeA boat paradeA . B . C . D . (3) According to the passage, we can _ at the Blue Heron Inn. A . watch a boat paradeB . do water sports activitiesC . enjoy delicious foodD . learn the history of Findley Lake(4) What can we learn about Findley Lake? A . Its a small village far from New York.B . Its crowded with visitors all the year round.C . Its famous for its long history.D . Its a good place to spend holiday.(5) We can see the passage in a _. A . geography bookB . travel magazineC . history bookD . health magazine27. (10分) (2018河北) 阅读理解D“Volunteering makes you look at the world differently. You see how little things can change a persons life for the better, which makes everyone a better person.” Mason, a volunteer said.National Volunteer Week started in 1974 and is held every April. It is a time to thank volunteers for their achievements. It is also a perfect opportunity (机会) to encourage others to take their first step toward becoming a volunteer. Making the decision to take the first step can be the biggest problem, because they often wonder if they will be able to meet the organizations expectations (期望). Some people fear not knowing anyone else in the group. Not having enough time also prevents some from sharing their abilities.The following tips can help if you have some of these worries.Start out slowly, dont add too much pressure. Even a few hours a month can make a big difference in someones life.Choose an organization with the same interests and common values.Take part in a training meeting for new volunteers, even if it is not asked.Work with a veteran volunteer. He volunteered a lot, he can help you increase the confidence and completely understand the organizations expectations.Invite a friend or family member to serve. It is a good experience to volunteer with them.Finally, it is most important to enjoy the volunteer experience and to remember that not all volunteer experiences are perfect. If one experience doesnt work, dont give up and youll surely find the right opportunity.Spend some time on volunteer work and you will see great changes in peoples lives. As Mason discovered during his volunteer experience, “little things can change a persons life.”(1) Volunteering can help _. A . make a decisionB . see the world clearlyC . thank other peopleD . make persons life better(2) What could be the reason to stop people taking the first step? A . They dont have enough time.B . They are prevented by their families.C . They fear that their abilities are shared.D . They dont expect to become volunteers.(3) Which of the following can help people take the first step? A . Start out quickly.B . Organize a training meeting.C . Invite a friend to be with them.D . Join in a group with different values.(4) The underlined word “veteran” in the passage means “ _ ”. A . politeB . humorousC . youngD . experienced(5) What is the main idea of the passage? A . To tell people to make changes in their lives.B . To encourage people to start their volunteering.C . How to make great achievements in volunteering.D . How to keep on volunteering whatever happened.28. (8分) (2016南京模拟) 阅读理解As a kid, I read a story of a bird. It described a male bird which takes a lot of pain to build a house and the female bird takes care of the baby in it. When the baby bird learns to fly, the whole family flies off to a different place leaving behind the beautiful nest for other birds to grow their family in it. It made me confused(困惑的): How could they so easily give up their house built with so much effort?One night, I got this dream. I was walking on the endless road with beautiful trees on the either side. Attracted by the greenery, I went on, then I saw a wonderful house. I explored the house. There was a sloping(斜的) roof which matched with the greenery around; the large central open yard reminded me of the activities that might have taken place there which felt lively even now. The small water body that kept the house cool added to the beauty of the house of course, it was all dried up now. Such liveliness turns the house into a home. People say “THE HOME IS WHERE THE HEART IS”, and now I felt it and was attracted deeply.When I woke up from the dream, I was clear about everything. I realized what message my dream wanted to convey(传递) me. And years later, when I chose my career, I thought of the story of the bird and my dream, then I was sure what to do. I decided to choose architecture as my career. I wanted to do the same thing that the male bird in the story did, to take pain in building a beautiful house and let others stay in it. My dream comes true and the happiness that I gain now from this career is great.(1) When the writer read the story of the bird,he felt _.A . boredB . confusedC . amazedD . worried(2) In the writers dream, what part of the house attracted him most?A . The sloping roof of the house.B . The body of water that keeps the house cool.C . The large central open yard.D . The liveliness that he felt around the house.(3) The underlined word “architecture” in Paragraph 3 means _ in Chinese.A . 考古B . 天文C . 建筑D . 艺术(4) The passage is mainly about _.A . how the bird could give up their house easilyB . how the writer finally becomes an honest citizenC . what we need to do when we choose our careerD . why the writer chooses architecture as his career29. (10分) During the day we work and play,and at night we sleep. Our body rests when we sleep. In the morning we are ready to work and play again. Our body grows most when we are asleep. Children who are tired usually need sleep. We can get better at our lessons after having plenty of rest. Boys and girls who are eight or nine years old need ten hours of sleep every night. Our body needs plenty of air when we are asleep. If we do not get enough fresh air, we will feel tired when we wake up. While in bed we must not cover(覆盖) our head,our lungs need to get enough fresh air. If we open our windows at night,we can have plenty of fresh air. Cool air is better than warm air.(1) Our body grows most while we are _.A . eatingB . playingC . sleeping(2) Too little sleep makes us _.A . tiredB . hungryC . happy(3) What may cause us to feel tired in the morning?_ during the sleep.A . Too much airB . Not enough fresh airC . Too much cold air(4) How many hours of sleep should 9-year-old children have every night?A . 8 hours.B . 9 hours.C . 10 hours.(5) What do the lungs need most?A . Fresh air.B . Exercise.C . Warm air.六、 情景交际 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分) 根据对话内容从方框中选择能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。A:Morning, Zhou LinB:Morning, Lu ChengA:_B:YesIt isA:_B:SevenA:_B:Of courseI like playing sports thereA:_B:NoBut I can play in the school playground on SaturdayA:_B:OK.AIs there a sports hall?BThe weather is too hotCIs this your new school?DWhen do you go to school?EHow many buildings are there in it?FLets play there on Saturday afternoonGCan you play basketball there on Saturday?七、 短文填空 (共1题;共6分)31. (6分) 根据语境从方框中选择恰当的短语填空,有的需要变换形式for the first time, fish and chips, take away, get on, wait for, at the bus stop(1) Yesterday morning Simon met his old friend Helen_(2) Susan_your dictionary and put it on the desk. (3) Your brother is_you under that tree. (4) Three years ago, I met Jack_at a party. (5) Mrs Hand is cooking_in the kitchen. (6) As soon as I_the bus, it began to rain.You were so lucky!八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) 假如你是张红, 目前有个在美国的Homestay夏令营。你是否愿意参加, 请说明原因, 并介绍你自己的特长爱好, 及有什么样的要求。请以书信的形式回复。Dear Sir/Madam,Yours,Zhang Hong第 24 页 共 24 页参考答案一、 听下面几段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C (共10题;共20分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略二、 听对话和短文回答问题,每段对话听二遍。 (共3题;共22分)11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略三、 单项选择 (共10题;共20分)14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略四、 完形填空 (共1题;共15分)24、答案:略五、 阅读理解 (共5题;共48分)25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略六、 情景交际 (共1题;共5分)30、答案:略七、 短文填空 (共1题;共6分)31、答案:略八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)32、答案:略

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