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人教版九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷A卷一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) Saving money gives you freedom. If you have enough savings you may be able to give up your job. I know a couple (夫妻) who saved up 1money that they were able to leave their 2for a year, and travel across the country. You could see the wonderful experiences they had 3they were able to enjoy that time together.Saving money is improving your 4life. It is important to realize that5 saving money now you will be able to do so many more things in your later years. You can retire early and spend time 6around the world. By saving money now, you will be able to do as 7things as you like and enjoy a good life.Saving money will bring you peace of mind. Every dollar that you have in the bank is a dollar, which stands between you and disaster. People who have savings are not 8when a car breaks down, or someone becomes sick. They know that they will be okay if they lose a job, and it takes time to find a new 9.Saving money sets an example for your children. By teaching your children to save money and plan for the future, you are in control of where you spend your money, and what you do 10it. It may be one of the most important ideas that you teach your children.(1)A . no B . little C . enough D . a little (2)A . jobs B . job C . country D . garden (3)A . so B . because C . or D . but (4)A . childrens B . whole C . future D . present (5)A . in B . on C . at D . by (6)A . travel B . traveling C . to travel D . travelled (7)A . many B . much C . more D . most (8)A . happy B . nice C . worried D . glad (9)A . ones B . another C . one D . other (10)A . by B . with C . in D . through 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)2. (10分) (2019宁津模拟) 阅读理解 In 2011, when British photographer David J. Slater was visiting a park in Indonesia, his camera was taken away by a group of black monkeys. The result was hundreds of monkey selfies(自拍照). The best ones show a female monkey smiling toothily for the camera. Slater then sold the photos and they became popular on the Internet. Nobody knew they would create a copyright battle some years later. Last month, Wikimedia Commons put the monkey selfies online under a collection of free photos without Slaters permission. Slater asked the website to take them down since he owns the copyright. However, Wikimedia Foundation-the organization behind Wikimedia Commons-refused Slaters request. They said that according to US copyright law, whoever pushes the button on the camera owns the copyright to the photo. It was the monkeys but not Slater that pushed the button. Whats more, monkeys dont own copyright. US copyright law says that works that come from a non-human source(血统)cant ask for copyright, said Katherine Maher, Chief Communications Officer of Wikimedia. Slater argues that the pictures belong to him as they were taken from his camera. He said he bought the cameras, he spent a lot of money to travel to Indonesia, and it was his carelessness that allowed the monkeys to take his cameras away. All these have made him the author of the picture, no matter who pushed the button. In a sense(在某种意义上), the monkeys could be regarded as his assistant, Slater said. As of now(到目前为止), there has been no result in the Monkey Selfie case. Who do you think will win this interesting battle?(1) What can we learn from the first paragraph? A . Some monkeys grabbed Slaters camera.B . Slater took photos of the monkeys and sold them.C . The photos taken by Slater became popular on the Internet.D . Some monkeys took photos and sold them on the Internet.(2) The underlined word “copyright in the second paragraph probably means _bin Chinese. A . 网络B . 版权C . 材料D . 复制品(3) Who owns the copyright of the photos according to Wikimedia? A . The monkeys.B . David J. Slater.C . Wikimedia Commons.D . Nobody(4) Put the following into correct orders according to the passage. Monkeys took some photos with Slaters camera. Wikimedia Commons put them online.Wikimedia Foundation refused to take the photos down.Slater asked the website to take them down.A . B . C . D . (5) What is the story main about? A . A copyright battle over photos taken by monkeys.B . Why Wikipedia refused to take down some photos.C . How the photos taken by monkeys became popular online.D . How to win a copyright battle3. (10分) Some time ago I received a gift from both of my children. It had nothing to do with Fathers Day. Yet, at the same time it had everything to do with Fathers Day.My son was studying in a high school in Colorado. He lived in the school. While we were talking on the phone he shared some wonderful news with me.He said, “You know Dad, I am really happy with my life. I cant think of a thing that I would change about the way that I grew up, or the way that my life is now. ”My daughter was living with her mother in Northern California at that time. She said almost the same thing to me just a few days later.Of course, I was delighted to hear this from both of them. And I told them both how happy I was, not only that they were happy ,but that they expressed it to me.And that was the gift that they were giving me -with the heart to communicate. Certainly I hope for good news when I hear from them. But mostly I love that they will share their real feelings with me. Happy or sad, I love to be touched(感动)by their real thoughts and feelings.For a child, Fathers Day isnt really about giving Dad a gift. It is about understanding the love that fathers express when they help put food on the table, teach their child to ride a bike, cheer at a soccer game, etc.For a father, Fathers Day isnt so much about receiving gifts for a job well done. Remember, the greatest gift that we give our children is the real expression of our love. It isnt enough for them to feel love inside ourselves: we need to express that love.(1) The writers son saidon the phone.A . he was happy but wanted to have a changeB . he was really happy with his lifeC . he hoped to grow up quicklyD . he wished to get a gift from him(2) The writers daughter.A . loved her mother more than himB . was studying in ColoradoC . told him she was happy with her lifeD . once lived alone(3) The author is more touched by childrens.A . good newsB . real feelingsC . improvementD . gifts(4) For a child, what is the real meaning of Fathers Day according to this article?A . Realizing his fathers love through daily life.B . Receiving a gift from his father.C . Helping his father with some workD . Making his father happy.(5) What is the main idea of this article?A . Understanding the love of parentsB . Receiving gifts from childrenC . Feeling the love insideD . Expressing your love to your families4. (10分) (2016龙东) Choose the best choice from A, B or C according to what you read.(1) The charts above are about _. A . traffic accidentsB . safetyC . health(2) Which is not the factor from drivers? A . Drunk drivingB . SpeedingC . Road environment(3) How many factors cause traffic accidents? A . 7B . 4C . 3(4) What does the word “vehicle ” mean in Chinese? A . 安全带B . 机动车辆C . 行人(5) From the charts we know that _. A . road environment is the main factor of traffic accidentsB . tired driving is the most factor from driversC . a quarter of the drivers dont use seat belts5. (10分) Do you know HFMD? Its short for Hand-Foot-Mouth Disease. This year, in China, thousands of children were suffering from it. Whats HFMD? How to prevent it? Now, read the passage please.HFMD usually affects babies who are 14 years old, but adults can also be infected. Both EV71 and Cox A16 can cause HFMD, which usually starts with a slight fever followed by blisters (水泡) and ulcers (溃疡) in the mouth and rashes (皮疹) on the hands and feet. It can be spread through people with the mucus (唾液) or feces (粪便) of an infected person. It usually appears during the summer and autumn months. HFMD isnt Bird Flu, SARS or Mad Cow Disease, but its not a new one, either. It first appeared in New Zealand in 1957. About forty years later, it appears in Asia. Its reported that it breaks out every 2 or 3 years.HFMD is very terrible and there is no vaccine (疫苗) now, but we can do something helpful to prevent it. Children with HFMD should seek medical treatment as early as possible, experts say. They also suggest that parents keep the air fresh in a childs room, which should be kept clean, tidy and dry. Children should be taught to wash their hands regularly. Staying away from crowded public places is also basic.(1) HFMD is usually spread with _.A . fecesB . feces of an infected personC . waterD . mucus(2) Which isnt helpful to prevent HFMD? A . to keep the air fresh in a childs roomB . wash hands regularlyC . see a doctorD . stay in crowded public places(3) Can you guess the meaning of the underlined word infected in paragraph 3?A . 传染的B . 感染的C . 正常的D . 康复的(4) About HFMD, which one is right?A . Its the same as Mad Cow Disease .B . It first appeared in China.C . Adults can be infected too.D . There is vaccine now.(5) Can you give a title for the article?A . The history of SARSB . Whats and how to prevent HFMDC . HFMD in ChinaD . How to prevent HFMD三、 词汇运用 (共1题;共5分)6. (5分) (2019舟山模拟) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次(每空一词)。 proud sell attend help tell(1) The teacher can see in our eyes that we are Thirsty knowledge. She _us that knowledge will give us wings to fly. (2) Jessica Wong _her bags in a small shop, but she has also set up an online business to sell them. (3) Our teachers and parents will be_of us because we have grown up and can be responsible for ourselves. (4) Although you may not like to do chores. You should _your parents around the house. (5) We will _the junior high graduation ceremony tomorrow. It is a very special time for us. 四、 阅读填空 (共1题;共5分)7. (5分) (2016九下东台期中) 根据句意和汉语提示写出单词,完成句子。(1) Red will influence you when you make a _(选择).(2) Last Friday ,they _(取消) the sports meeting because of the bad weather.(3) I am wondering which is _(安全), traveling by train or by air.(4) Steve Jobs was a great_ (先锋,开拓者). And because of his great success, Apple can go further.(5) The whole world was surprised at many_ (成就)of China these years.五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8. (1分) (2017八上大石桥期中) I love this movie. I dont mind _ (watch) it again. 六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共20分)9. (20分) (2019八上九龙坡期中) 阅读下文并回答问题。 Hello, boys and girls. My name is Li Jing. I am thirteen years old. I think as students, we should work hard at school on weekdays. So I always study hard when I am at school, but on my day off(放假) I often do something else to relax myself.I had a very relaxing day off. In the morning, I got up at seven oclock. Then I went to run with my father. I think we need to exercise every day. After running, I took a shower and had breakfast. At nine oclock, I went to the zoo with my friends. We saw some pandas and lions there. Pandas are cute and lions are scary. In the shop, we bought many gifts. We had great fun there.In the afternoon, my parents took me to see my grandparents. They live in the beautiful countryside. They were very happy to see me. I talked with my grandfather for long and he told me many interesting things about him. My grandmother cooked lots of delicious food for us.In the evening, I watched TV with my cousins. We watched an exciting basketball match. We were glad when we saw our favorite team in the match.What a happy day off I had! I hope all of you can have an interesting day off!(1) What does Li Jing do when she is at school? (2) Who cooked dinner for Li Jing? (3) Did Li Jing watch an exciting basketball match in the afternoon? (4) If you have a day off, what will you do? Why? 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分) (2017嘉兴) 学校将举办“A Summer for Better English”活动。请你从下面的推荐书单中选择 2本想阅读的书刊,然后用英语写一篇短文说明你的选择意向及理由,在学校的English Corner 分享。A list of books for English skills and for fun Basic English Writing Secrets of English Words A Guide to English Listening 20 Topics for English Speaking Treasure Island RobinsonCrusoe Alices Adventures in Wonderland Time for Kids (a magazine)注意:1)必须从书单中选择 2本书刊,并阐述理由。2)文中不得出现与你身份相关的信息。3)词数:80100。短文首句仅供选择使用,不计入总词数。短文首句: To improve our English, the school has given a list of books for us to read this summer.第 14 页 共 14 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1、答案:略二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略三、 词汇运用 (共1题;共5分)6、答案:略四、 阅读填空 (共1题;共5分)7、答案:略五、 语法填空 (共1题;共1分)8、答案:略六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共20分)9、答案:略七、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)10、答案:略

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