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江苏省淮安市2011年中考模拟英语试题(二)第卷 (选择题 共55分). 单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案。( )1. This is book I borrowed yesterday. Isnt it interesting one? A. the, the B. the, a C. a, the D. the, an( )2. Are Mr. and Mrs. Wang living alone in the house? Yes,they have three sons, but of them live with their parents. A. neither B. both C. all D. none( )3. What do you think of Toms speaking? No one does in our class. A. good B. better C. well D. best( )4. I havent got a chair .Will you make room for me ? Of course. A. to sit B. to sit in C. for sitting D. sitting on ( )5. The passage is too hard to understand. Yes, its very short and there are no few words in it. A. so B. as C. because D. though ( )6. The sports meeting will because of the terrible weather. Sorry to hear that. A. put on B. be put on C. put off D. be put off ( )7. He is a lovely boy that everyone likes him. A. so B. very C. such D. quite ( )8. When Jane came to the interviewer, she was at first but soon relaxed. A. happy B. nervous C. interested D. sad( )9. It is kind you me with my English. A. for, to help B. of, to help C. for, help D. of, helping ( )10. Every morning I try , but Im still late sometimes. A. not to late B. to not be late C. not to be late D. to be not late ( )11. This young man is so strange. I have never seen such a person before. . A. Me too. B. Me neither C. So do I D. Me either( )12. Would you like coffee or tea? I prefer tea milk. A. to B. in C. with D. on ( )13. Do you mind my taking this seat? . Its for Mr John, our headmaster. A. Better notB. Yes, please C. Not at allD. No, of course not( )14. Could you please feed my pet dog for me while Im away? . A. Its a pleasure B. My pleasure C. With pleasure D. Youre welcome( )15. Jim didnt understand . A. which is the way to the museum B. why his wife always goes shopping C. what was the way to the museum D. how I could get to the station . 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。The students in Shanghai No 3 Girls High School have a flower-arrangement (插花) lesson every week. The course is the first of 16 kind among middle schools in Shanghai. It helps the students to enjoy the 17 of flowers better. Thats 18 the course has become very popular among the students.The teachers of the course are all 19 trained. They are good at this art and work hard at passing on the skill 20 students. So far, many students in the school have 21 a lot of prizes in this field. In order to further 22 the students skills, the teachers usually play 23 while students are arranging flowers. Students are pleased with the music, and they 24 more good ideas for flower-arrangement.Besides, the teachers 25 teach the students other skills at the same time. For example, they ask the students to 26 compositions about flowers. 27 , students not only get art 28 but also improve their writing skills.Several months ago, some foreign teachers 29 the school. When they saw common flowers become 30 lively and meaningful, they were amazed (震惊的) and interested. They made videos and would play them in class for their own students after they returned home.( )16. A. itsB. itsC. itD. its( )17. A. color B. beautyC. smellD. shape( )18. A. how B. whenC. whyD. what( )19. A. clearlyB. speciallyC. politelyD. friendly( )20. A. with B. forC. toD. for( )21. A. beaten B. hitC. wonD. struck( )22. A. drop B. decideC. developD. train( )23. A. music B. gamesC. jokesD. sports( )24. A. come up withB. run out ofC. hold onD. put off( )25. A. always B. neverC. hardlyD. seldom( )26. A. read B. playC. writeD. work( )27. A. on this wayB. by this wayC. to this wayD. in this way( )28. A. educational B. education C. educate D. educating ( )29. A. arrived B. wentC. gotD. visited( )30. A. muchB. moreC. manyD. most. 阅读理解(共15小题;A、B两篇每小题2分,C篇每小题1分,满分25分)阅读下面短文,从所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。AElectricity makes wonderful things possible. It keeps us warm in winter, cool in summer, cooks our food, heats our water, cleans our clothes and powers our TVs, radios, video games and computers. Electricity can travel easily through our bodies. Do you know why?Because electricity moves quickly through water and the human body is 70 percent water!Electricity can be very dangerous. What will happen if you get shocked?You will find it hard to breathe, your heart will stop beating and you will get burnt and even die! As electricity travels at the speed of light, its almost impossible for you to pull away if you really get shocked. And, you should never try to touch anyone whos been shocked with your hands, because you can become part of the circuit as well!It sounds terrible, and it is, but if you remember the safety rules, you can always use electricity safely:1. Never touch an electric appliance if you are standing in water or if your hands are wet. 2. Never touch broken electrical cords. 3. Never put a metal object into an appliance or plug. 4. Keep kites away from power lines. 5. Keep away from downed power lines. ( )31. The first paragraph tries to tell_. A. how to use electricity B. electricity can run different appliances C. electricity is dangerous D. electricity gives us benefits( )32. Why can electricity travel easily through our bodies? A. Because we easily get shocked. B. Because electricity has a treat power. C. Because our body has much water. D. Because our body has electric charge. ( )33. When you get shocked, you will_. A. find blood flows down B. find your body is wet C. always get burnt and even dieD. become part of the circuit( )34. For your safety, you had better never_. A. fly kites B. touch an electric appliance C. touch broken electric cordsD. use electric appliance( )35. How much water does the human body have? A. 30 percent B. 50 percent C. 60 percentD. 70 percentBFriendship Restaurant We have different kinds of Japanese food here. The food menu is in Japanese and Chinese. All the waiters or waitresses can speak at least one foreign language. Tel: 312-9997 Time: 11:30am-10:00pmVolunteer Project Maybe you want to help others but dont know how to do. Then Volunteer Project will help you. Here you will get the best idea of volunteering. Call 822-5566 to join it. E-mail address: Lisasina.comThe Dream Corner Do you want to improve your English? Do you want to practice your English with native speakers? If yes, why not join the Dream Corner? Come here on Friday afternoon every week.Red Bird Club Do you like dance? Do you want to show off your cool dance at parties? Join us and make your dream come true. Closed on Tuesday. Call 822-3331 for more information.The Underwater World Here you will find different kinds of fishes and even some kinds of sharks. You will feel you are in the sea but of course this is not true. If you like fishes, I suggest that you pay a visit to it. Time: 9:30 am-5:30 pm( )36. In the Friendship Restaurant you can eat _ food. A. Chinese B. Japanese C. English D. French( )37. Sarah wants to do some volunteer work. She can call _ to get some ideas. A. 846-3809 B. 312-9997 C. 822-3331 D.822-5566( )38. Red Bird Club is closed on _. A. Tuesday B. Monday C. Saturday D. Thursday( )39. According to the ad, you can see _ in the Underwater World. A. volunteers B. excellent dancers C. sea animals D. waiters and waitresses( )40. If you want to practice English with native speakers, you can join _. A. the Red Bird Club B. the Volunteer Project C. the Dream Corner D. the Underwater World C A famous foreign company in China wanted a clerk for its public relation department (公关部). A beautiful girl with a masters degree (硕士学位) went through a lot of challenges and her name was on the list. In the final stage she faced an interview together -with another girl. Both of them were outstanding, not only in looks but also in education. The girl was successful in the interview. It seemed that she would get the chance. At last the examiner asked her, Can you come to the office next Monday? Shocked by the unexpected question, the beautiful girl couldnt make a decision at the moment, so she said, I have to talk with my parents before I give an answer.” The examiner felt surprised but said calmly, If so, let s wait till you are ready. The next day, the girl came to tell the examiner that her parents had agreed to let her begin work next Monday. But the examiner said regretfully (遗憾地), Sorry, another suitable candidate (选手) has got the job. You had better try another place. The beautiful girl was surprised. She asked for an explanation (解释) and was told, What is needed here is a person who knows her own mind. That was how a good opportunity right under the nose of a beautiful girl ran away.( )41. The beautiful girl wanted to ask her parents for advice because . A. she didnt like the job B. she didnt expect the examiner would ask such a questionC. she didnt want to answer the question D. her parents would be angry if she didnt ask them( )42. We can learn from the passage that . A. the company lost its best clerk B. no girl got the jobC. the other girl who failed at the last interview might get the job D. the examiner was very pleased with the girl( )43. The examiner regarded as the most important. A. a persons confidence B. a persons knowledge C. a persons age D. a person s beautiful looks( )44. The underlined phrase right under the nose of probably means . A. 就在鼻子下 B. 想要得到的 C. 没有把握的 D. 就在眼前的( )45. The best title for the passage above might be . A. Make Decisions With Your ParentsB. A Successful Interview C. Use Your Own Mind D. Answer the Examiners Question Quickly第卷 (非选择题 共65分). 词汇运用(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)A) 根据句子意思,从方框中选用恰当的词或短语填空。more than, sorry, beautifully, what to do, something wrong, wisdom, none, team spirit, how to do1. Have you forgiven the impolite boy? Yes. He has said to me.2. Has anybody been hurt in the accident? Yes, ten. 3. Thanks to his , we can work out the problem.4. Its a good chance for children to learn during Oxfam Trailwalker every year.5. The doctor told her that there was with her. She needed to have a rest in bed.6. If you dont know , why not ask the teacher?7. Do you have any apples in the fridge? No, is left.8. Her dream is to dance as as Yang Liping.B) 根据句意,用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。9. On March 23rd, 2011, Hollywood legend (传奇人物) Elizabeth Taylor (dead) on Wednesday at the age of 79.10. The more you practise, (interest) youll feel in English.11. China has done what it can (support) Japan after the 9.0-magnitude earthquake happened on March 11, 2011.12. Many teenagers have an (health) diet. Sometimes they eat little, sometimes they eat much.13. Its good for children to take part in some school (active)。14. Some children may kill themselves after (quarrel) with their parents.15. He has decided to go to Australia for (far) study. 完成句子(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据所给中文意思,用英文完成下列各句。16. 对他来说,像以前那样经常与他的一些老朋友见面就容易多了。 Its _ to see some of his old friends _.17. 我喜欢街道两旁长长的行道树。 I like the long line of trees _.18. 你是说他们这个星期天要庆祝结婚20周年? _ they will celebrate their _ this Sunday?19. 我不停地问自己,“这次慈善演出会成功吗?” “Will this charity show _?” I kept _.20. 使我惊讶的是他们毫不费力地找到我的家。 To my surprise, they had my house. 任务型阅读(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,根据要求完成下列各题。ADo you love your family? Then May 15, the International Day of Families, was a good day to celebrate!The United Nations started this special day in 1994. It wanted people to know how important families are. If all the families on Earth could be happy, then the whole world would be a more peaceful place.What makes a happy family? Our readers say its understanding!1. Zhao Wei, 15, girl, Harbin Liujiu Lianzhong Middle School, Heilongjiang:My parents seldom fight with each other. I fight with them sometimes. They think I should not make friends with some kids who they think are bad. I think Ive grown up and can make my own decisions. But most of the time, my parents are right.To me, family is like a soft sofa. I can be very comfortable on it!2. Wu Hao, 14, boy, Nanjing Foreign Language School, Jiangsu:My family is not rich. When I was a small child, other kids had a lot of good stuff but I didnt. I asked my parents why. They told me that we didnt have much money. I began to understand my parents then.I will do part-time jobs when I enter college. That way my parents wont have to work so hard.Family is like a nest. Its warm and safe.3. Zhang Xun, 15, boy, Hefei No 45 Middle School, Anhui:I am a naughty boy who doesnt study very hard. My parents always talk to me about this and they get very angry sometimes. I hope they wont get angry when they talk to me. And I should behave myself (好好表现) and be a good boy.My family is like my basketball. I love playing basketball. It makes me happy.根据上面短文的内容回答问题。21. When is the International Day of Families? 22. Why did the United Nations started this special day? 23. What is family like to Zhao Wei? 24. How is family according to Wu Haos opinion? 25. Does Zhang Xuns family make him happy or unhappy? B Tea bag drinking is most Westerners favorite way of drinking tea. Do you know how it came about? The tea bag was invented in 1908 by Thomas Sullivan, an American tea seller. He was sending out free tea in silk bags for people to try. People put the bags together with the tea leaves into the cup and added(增加) hot water. The tea tasted good, and people thought it was easy to clean the cup. They were not happy when Sullivan started sending them loose (散的) tea again. Sullivan realized that he had a hot new thing in his hands, and he built a machine to pack the bags. As tea bags became popular, they were changed from silk to gauze (薄纱) and later paper. In 1952, Lipton Tea made the tea bag even more popular with its invention of the four-sided tea bag. Tea bags were soon a hit in the UK, and today 85%of the tea in the UK is packed in paper bags. However, many people still prefer loose-leaf tea. This is because some tea companies put not very good tea in their tea bags. But for most drinkers, tea bags are still the easy and tasty way to go. 根据上面的短文内容填空。 26. Most people in _ like tea bag drinking _ when drinking tea. 27. Thomas Sullivan, a tea seller_ invented _in 1908.28. People were unhappy when Sullivan sent them _ again because they like _ putting the tea bags with tea leaves into the cup.29. In 1952, _ invented the _ tea bags and it made the tea bag even more popular.30. This passage is mainly about _. 书面表达(满分20分)关于学生在家帮父母做家务,有人支持有人反对。请以“Is it good for students to do some housework?”为题,谈一谈你对学生在家做家务的看法。注意:1.单词数在80100词之间; 2.至少从三个方面来阐述你对做家务的看法; 3.不要出现真实人名、校名和地名。Is it good for students to do some housework?_参考答案第卷. 单项选择15 D D B B D 610 D C B B C 1115 D C A C D . 完形填空 1620 A B C B C 2125 C C A A A 2630 C D B D B . 阅读理解 3135 D C D C D 3640 B D A C C 4145 B C A D C 第卷 . 词汇运用 1. sorry 2. more than 3. wisdom 4. team spirit 5. something wrong 6. what to do 7. none 8. beautifully 9. died 10. the more interested 11. to support 12. unhealthy 13. activities 14. quarelling 15. further . 完成句子16. easier for him, as often as before17. on both sides / each side / either side of the street 18. Do you mean, their twenty years of marriage 19. be successful / be a success, asking myself 20. no difficulty finding . 任务型阅读21. May 15. / Its on May 15. 22. Because it wanted people to know how important families are.23. It is like a soft sofa. / A soft sofa.24. Family is like a warm and safe nest. / A warm and safe nest.25. Yes, it does. 26. the West / the Western countries, best / most27. from the USA, tea bags 28. loose tea, the way of / the idea of 29. Lipton Tea, four-sided30. the history of tea bags . 书面表达参考范文I think it is good for children to do housework at home.First of all, its important to learn a skill about life. When we grow up, we have to live by ourselves. If we learn how to do housework from now on, we can solve some simple problems easily in the future. Secondly, to do some housework can keep you healthy and strong, some hard housework can be regarded as a kind of physical exercise. Finally, to do some housework can share your parents work. Its a chance for you to show your

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