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北师大版初中英语七年级上学期期中考试模拟试卷(2)(I)卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分) Please give this pencil to _. A . IB . hisC . himD . she2. (2分) By _ these students, we hope _ them good at drawing. A . training; to makeB . train; makeC . training; makingD . train; making3. (2分) _ he like French fries? A . IsB . DoC . DoesD . Are4. (2分) (2019铁岭) Humans can not make progress dreams. A . withB . withoutC . throughD . about5. (2分) Are Mike and Jack having lunch at school now? _.A . No, they areB . Yes, they doC . No, they arentD . No, they dont6. (2分) (2019中山模拟) _I return the book today, Mr. Lin? No, you _. You can keep it for two days.A . May; mustntB . Must; mustntC . Must; needntD . Can; shouldnt7. (2分) My brother joined the army two years ago and he has been _ for two years. A . soldierB . toolC . kidD . band8. (2分) Can you tell me something about the camera? Sure. Let me show you .A . which to useB . how to use itC . what to use9. (2分) (2019七上宜春月考) His name is Alan Smith. His family name is _ . A . AlanB . RobertC . Alan RobertD . Smith .10. (2分) (2019八下姜堰期中) So you gave her your mobile phone? _. She said shed return it to me after she bought a new one.A . My pleasureB . Not exactlyC . With pleasureD . No problem11. (2分) Unit _ is easy but _ unit is difficult. A . Sixth; sevenB . Six; sevenC . Six; the seventh12. (2分) The is a set of programs to tell a computer how to do a particular job. A . softwareB . engineerC . mouse13. (2分) Are your grandparents in the photo? Yes, are.A . they; theseB . those; theyC . they; thoseD . those; these14. (2分) The word is new.Do you need to in the dictionary? A . look up itB . look it upC . look for itD . look like it15. (2分) Would you like me to help you? _ .A . It doesnt matterB . Yes, I can do it myselfC . Not at allD . Thanks, I can manage it myself二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16. (10分) 完形填空 Five years ago, we met in a shopping centre. I was walking through the shops when I saw1. She followed me to my house. 2we became friends. At one time, she3her leg and had to go to hospital. I looked after her every day. I made4for her. I was not good at cooking, but she didnt5at all. At that time, nothing was more enjoyable than seeing her become6. She is quite different from me. I like writing and reading, but she loves outdoor activities. She likes playing balls best. Sometimes, I7her to pass balls. Its never a8game for us. She likes it very much. She will run all around the house to lick(舔) my face if someone9Kiss for Dad. That is the only10she knows me by-Dad, though I call her by many names-Pickle, Missile and Little. But her real name is Pixar. Pixar is my dog and this week she turns six years old. (1)A . it B . him C . her D . them (2)A . Then B . But C . Because D . Or (3)A . missed B . made C . hurt D . beat (4)A . the bed B . breakfast C . clothes D . chances (5)A . like B . smile C . mind D . speak (6)A . better B . careless C . usual D . easier (7)A . practise B . train C . advise D . complete (8)A . exciting B . boring C . pleased D . relaxing (9)A . shouts B . leaves C . holds D . guesses (10)A . game B . fan C . name D . stadium 三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17. (10分) (2019七上浙江期中) 阅读理解 My name is Frank. I have two cousins. They are Helen and Peter.Helen is my aunts daughter. She is a nice girl. She is in Red Star Middle School. She has five friends in the school. Her favorite color is blue, She always carries(携带) a blue schoolbag. And her pens, pencils and erasers are all blue. Her telephone number is 516-7296 and you can e mail her at helen2016163.com.Peter is my uncles son. He is in Red Star Middle School, too. He has many friends in the school. His favorite color is black. His hat, schoolbag and watch are all black, His telephone number is 536 - 9832 and you can e-mail him at peter88163.com. Peter is my good friend. He always watches basketball games with me.(1) Peter and Helen are Franks _. A . classmatesB . parentsC . grandparentsD . cousins(2) Helen has _ friends in the school. A . 3B . 5C . 7D . 9(3) Peters telephone number is _. A . 516-7296B . 516-7269C . 536-9832D . 536-9823(4) Peter always watches basketball games with _. A . FrankB . HelenC . his auntD . Helen and Frank(5) Whats the best title for this passage? A . My familyB . My friendsC . My sistersD . My cousins18. (10分) (2019八下义乌期末) 阅读短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Are you nearsighted? If you are, your parents might have tried to do something to fix it, such as having you get an eye massage (按摩), take medicine or even get surgery. People who offer these services or products often claim that they can reduce or even cure myopia (治愈近视).However, you will no longer see advertisements like this before long. The government has issued a notice targeting advertisements that make these claims. Specifically, the notice bans (禁止) businesses from using wording like recovery and myopia cure in their advertisements, Peoples Daily reported.The notice says that myopia cannot be completely cured with current medical technology. Therefore, these advertisements could mislead children and their parents.Young people can prevent and control myopia by spending more time outside and less time in front of books or computers. People who have vision problems should go to a hospital and let a doctor decide what to do.More than 450 million Chinese were suffering from myopia as of June 2018, Xinhua News Agency reported. Myopia rates are around 30 percent for primary school students, 60 percent for junior high students and 80 percent for senior high students. This is likely because students spend a lot of time reading books and using electronic devices (电子产品).To reduce myopia among young people, the government made a new plan last August. The plan is designed to limit the amount of time children spend playing video games, as well as limit the production of new video games, according to China Daily.(1) Some people claim that they can cure myopia to _. A . show off their high-leveled skillsB . sell more products and servicesC . share advanced medical technologyD . prove that eye massages are not helpful(2) Advertisements with the word _ will be banned in the near future. A . recoveryB . eyesightC . nearsightedD . reduction(3) If you have a vision problem, you should _ first. A . have surgeryB . get an eye massageC . take some medicineD . ask a doctor for advice(4) From the last two paragraphs, we know that _. A . students should be banned from using mobile phonesB . students in lower grades are more likely to get myopiaC . production of new video games will be limitedD . the law was made to protect the eyesight of elderly people19. (10分) (2018太仓模拟) 阅读理解For one group of children aged between ten and fifteen, Saturdays are spent_ learning the art of serious cooking. Their weekly lessons in small classes are so popular that there is a waiting list of 30 children who want to do the course. Parents pay $280 for the course where their children can have fun and learn how to make good food.Class member Bill, aged ten, says, I love my mums cooking and now I can do it better than her. The teachers make us laugh, especially when we sit down with them to share the food weve made.Flora is twelve, and shes having problems preparing onions. I love cooking. I did a meal for ten friends which they really enjoyed. Then my mum suggested I take up a hobby, instead of doing nothing at weekends. I was happy staying at home, so I wasnt too active at first. Im really glad I decided to come, though.Their teacher, Philippe, says, Its great fun. Children pay attention and remember things better than adults, although the kitchen isnt always tidy when theyre cooking! As adults, were always learning more about food. If parents interest their children in cooking while they are young, theyll have enough skill to make food for themselves when they leave home.(1) In this article the writer is trying to . A . warn parents not to expect too much from their childrenB . advertise schools to teach children how to cookC . describe how some children spend their spare timeD . explain why parents want to learn more about cooking(2) A reader can find out from this article. A . which dishes students prefer to cookB . why cooking classes are so successfulC . what parents do during the courseD . when the next classes begin(3) Why did Flora join the course? A . Her friends asked her to improve cooking.B . She wanted to learn to cook a big meal.C . She felt bored at home at weekends.D . Her mother wanted her to develop an interest.(4) What does Philippe say about his young students? A . They will be confident about cooking in the future.B . They have a good memory but dont always listen.C . They keep the kitchen cleaner than adults do.D . They teach their parents what they have learnt in class.(5) What would one of Philippes students say to a friend? A . B . C . D . 四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)20. (1分) China is an _(亚洲)country. 21. (1分) How are _ (你)? You look so tired. 22. (1分) Lisa can play _ very well. 23. (1分) My grandfathers sunny character has a great _ (影响) on me in my life. 24. (1分) I n_(注意) him playing computer games in the room at that time. 25. (1分) Can I _ (放;置) my bike here? 26. (1分) Sam h_his foot when he was playing basketball yesterday. 27. (1分) Last month, Tommy had a very exciting_(经历), he went to the mountains by himself. 28. (1分) Put on your s_. Its a bit cold. 29. (1分) There are seven days in a w_. 五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)30. (10分) 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。 As we all know, one of Thailands symbols _(be) the elephant. It is also a symbol _good luck. Elephants are smart animals. They can play soccer or music. They can also draw very _(good). People say that an elephant never forgets. Elephants can walk _a long time and never get lost. They can also remember places _water and food. This _(help) them to live. _elephants are in great danger. People cut down many trees so elephants are _(lose) their homes now. Today there are only about 3, 000 elephants. We must save the trees and not buy things _(make) of ivory. Elephants are our good friends. I think people all over the world must work together to save _(they)! 六、 句型转换 (共5题;共10分)31. (2分) (2019闵行模拟) They do much research work in many fields of science every year. (改为被动语态) Much research work_ in many fields of science every year. 32. (2分) The players in the football team are having a good time at the evening party. (同义句转换) The players in the football team are _ _ at the evening party. 33. (2分) My number is 942 381. (对画线部分提问) _ _ your number?34. (2分) There is a shoe shop near my home. (改为复数句子) There _ _ _ _ near my home.35. (2分) He cant stand soap operas. (对画线部分提问) _he_soap operas?七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)36. (5分) (2016七上大石桥期末) 根据对话内容,在横线上填上适当的句子使对话完整Daming: Linda,whats your classroom like?_?Linda: Yes, its very big. There are thirty students in my class._?Daming: There are forty students in my class._?Linda: Yes, there are a lot of things in my classroom.Daming: Are there computers on everyones desk?Linda: _But there is a computer on the teachers desk.Daming: Is there a map of England.Linda: No, there isnt. There is a map of the world.Daming: Do you like your classroom?Linda: _How about you?Daming: Me, too.八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)37. (5分) 你的朋友John 在本周六被要求去老师家做客,但是John初来中国,不是特别了解中国的礼节,请你给他写一封信,谈论一些关于中国人在做客时要注意的礼貌问题。80词左右。 第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)16、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共3题;共30分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共10题;共10分)20、答案:略21、答案:略22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略五、 语法填空 (共1题;共10分)30、答案:略六、 句型转换 (共5题;共10分)31、答案:略32、答案:略33、答案:略34、答案:略35、答案:略七、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)36、答案:略八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)37、答案:略


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