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人教版九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷(I)卷 一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分)Yesterday I saw _ film. It moved me deeply. A . aB . anC . theD . /2. (2分)Good learners often connect what they need to learn with . A . interesting somethingB . something interestingC . interesting anythingD . anything interesting3. (2分)Its important _fruit and vegetables every day. A . eatB . eatsC . to eatD . to eating4. (2分)During the May Day holiday, we stayed in a mountain village with _ trees around. A . thousand ofB . thousandC . thousandsD . thousands of5. (2分) My father often stops me from _ in the river alone. Hes right. Its too dangerous.A . swimB . swimsC . swimmingD . swam6. (2分)Mother Teresa devoted her life to _ the poor.A . care forB . caring forC . take careD . taking care7. (2分)Huangshan is a good place to _.A . go sightseeingB . go for a sightseeingC . go to sightseeingD . go in sightseeing8. (2分) Does my question sound enough? I dont think so. You can ask more by using “could” instead of “can”.A . polite; politelyB . politely; politeC . politely; politelyD . polite; polite9. (2分)(2016黔西南)Can you tell me it will rain or not tomorrow? A . whetherB . ifC . thatD . when10. (2分)There are fewer and fewer tigers in India. The situation will continue _ humans stop hunting them for their fur and bones.A . ifB . unlessC . becauseD . since11. (2分)Id like you_ for a picnic with us.A . goB . to goC . goingD . goes12. (2分)There is a singing competition this afternoon. I hope excellent grades. A . getB . to getC . makeD . to make13. (2分)Excuse me, could you tell me _?Sorry, sir. I wasnt there at that time.A . how did the accident happenB . how the accident happenedC . how does the accident happenD . how the accident happens14. (2分)_ you help me with my homework? Of course if I _. A . Could; couldB . Cant; canC . Could; canD . Can; could15. (2分)Everyone in my family TV when it began to rain. A . is watchingB . was watchingC . are watchingD . were watching16. (2分)I want ice cream. A . to eatB . eatC . has17. (2分) Do you mind me sitting here? _. Take your seat, please.A . No, I doB . Yes, of courseC . No, not at allD . Yes, of course not18. (2分)_ foggy day!A . HowB . WhatC . How aD . What a19. (2分)I missed the concert last night because of the traffic jam. _A . I think so.B . What a pity.C . You are so careless.20. (2分)Kitty, do you know _?Sure, about forty minutes.A . when did their class meeting beginB . where their class meeting was heldC . how often their class meeting is heldD . how long their class meeting will last二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入文章中相应空白处的最佳答案。 When I was 14, I went to a boarding school (寄宿学校). At first I 1my family a lot. I often called them on the phone. But after two weeks, I found I 2being with my classmates at school.I had many friends and they were all 3. I often played and studied with them. I thought of them as my best friends. I never thought my friendships with boys would become a 4.One day, one of my friends told me that some girls said I was 5with boys all day long to get attention (注意) from them. A few weeks after that, Mr. Wang asked the class to 6some students to join the Student Union. I thought I could be chosen 7I was doing well in school. I was the top student in class. A week later, the result surprised me: I wasnt chosen. I was 8.Mr. Wang came to me after class and said, Dont be sad. I know youre an excellent student! Maybe you should be a little closer 9the girls in our class. They dont know much about 10. Try your best to get to know everyone and I think youll get chosen next time. I thought Mr. Wang might be right. I will try to be friends with everyone, I said to myself.(1)A . described B . missed C . served D . thanked (2)A . finished B . enjoyed C . minded D . remembered (3)A . boys B . girls C . teachers D . students (4)A . competition B . program C . habit D . problem (5)A . running away B . calling back C . growing up D . hanging out (6)A . accept B . invite C . choose D . tell (7)A . though B . because C . until D . unless (8)A . excited B . relaxed C . upset D . angry (9)A . to B . on C . by D . about (10)A . them B . her C . him D . you 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共65分)22. (10分)阅读理解As I grow up, I gradually know that life plays a very important role in my education I really wanted to achieve. What I mean is that life can teach you things no one else can. Luckily for you, its time to have lessons of life. Pay attention and you can know what I call the school of life.Use Your HeadYou have to be smart to survive (生存) in this world. Anytime you need to make a move, stop and think. Obviously there will be times when you need to take action first, but if youve been taking the time to plan, youll always make the right choice. Fail to plan, plan to fail.Set Your GoalsIn my team, if you dont finish the job well, we will fire you. Your goals should be on building a basic of solid and complete work. Make certain a list of what you have to do and start with the biggest and most difficult task. The key here is goals.Respect Your Superiors (上级)Your boss is in his position for a reason, no matter what you think of him. If hes not the best one, be patienthell be out of there soon. In the meantime, you have to respect him as your superior. That means following orders and closing your mouth. If you dont respect your boss, how will you expect the people under you to do the same?Keep Your CoolYou should never let your emotions (情绪) control you. You should learn to keep calm. Never lose your cool when dealing in business, or it will ruin the whole thing.The school of life can be hard, but if youre smart and play your cards right, you can come out with an A+. Just treat every situation as a learning experience. I hope youve studied. (1)From the passage, we learn that the author is probably _. A . a young studentB . a regular customerC . a magazine editorD . an experienced manager(2)It can be learnt from the passage that _. A . you will win your life if you fail to make your planB . setting goals isnt important when youre doing a jobC . it will ruin the whole thing if you lose your coolD . you can never get an A+ if you keep working hard(3)The underlined phrase “make a move” in the passage means “_” in Chinese.A . 移动B . 行动C . 感动D . 搬家(4)According to the passage, what should you do if your boss isnt the best one? A . Respect him as your superior.B . Dont follow his orders.C . Make him out of his position.D . Dont close your mouth.(5)Which would be the best title for the passage? A . The School of Life Can Be HardB . Learning from the School of LifeC . All of Your Favourite EducationD . Hoping for a Chance to Be on Top23. (20分)Reform the gaokaoThe college entrance examination is one of the most important tests in our lives. Now, the big exam has got a big change.The government announced a reform(改革) plan on Sept 4, 2014. According to the plan, there are only three required(要求的) tests that everyone to take Chinese, maths and foreign language. Each subject is marked out of 150. Students can take foreign language tests twice.Students also have to learn six other subject physics, chemistry, biology, geography, politics and history. They will have a final test after finishing their studies in each subject. They can choose three to hand in when applying for(报考) universities.Nowadays, liberal arts(文科) and science(理科) have different tests. For example, in some places, liberal arts students get easier math questions. Under the new system, everyone will have same tests.The reform will begin trials(试验) from this year in some cities. Current Senior 1 students in Shanghai and Zhejiang dont have to choose between studying liberal arts and science.Liu Yunsong, and English teacher at Beijing 101 Middle School, believes the reform is good news for junior students, especially for the English tests. “Two opportunities help the students show their real level better. As a result, we will pa y more attention to helping students be interested in the language instead of just teaching them the skills of dealing with tests. We will give them more chances to use the language, such as reading English.”(1)What will be reformed according to the passage?A . The college graduation examination.B . The middle s chool graduation exam ination.C . The college entrance examination.D . The middle school entrance exanmination.(2)What will be reformed according to the passage?A . The college graduation examination.B . The middle s chool graduation exam ination.C . The college entrance examination.D . The middle school entrance exanmination.(3)Which of the following is TRUE according to the reform plan?A . Everyone has to take five tests.B . Students can take all of the tests twice.C . Students choose their best English scores.D . Only Chinese and math are marked out of 150.(4)Which of the following is TRUE according to the reform plan?A . Everyone has to take five tests.B . Students can take all of the tests twice.C . Students choose their best English scores.D . Only Chinese and math are marked out of 150.(5)How many subjects do students have to learn?A . Three.B . Five.C . Six.D . Nine.(6)How many subjects do students have to learn?A . Three.B . Five.C . Six.D . Nine.(7)The underlined word “opportunities” in the passage means _.A . 机会B . 相反C . 看法D . 操作(8)The underlined word “opportunities” in the passage means _.A . 机会B . 相反C . 看法D . 操作(9)According to Liu Yunsong, _.A . students cant show their real levelB . the reform is bad news for studentsC . students have to read more newspapersD . students can benefit from the two English tests(10)According to Liu Yunsong, _.A . students cant show their real levelB . the reform is bad news for studentsC . students have to read more newspapersD . students can benefit from the two English tests24. (10分)阅读下列短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项 Every year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off before they start work or go to university. Some young people go to other countries and work as volunteers. Volunteers give their time to help people. For example, they work in schools or hospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment.Paul, 18, comes from Wales. Next year he wants to go to university to study Chinese, but now hes living in Belize. Paul says, Im working with other people here to save the coral reefs(珊瑚礁) in the sea near Belize. The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea water is very polluted, the coral will die. Im helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live around the reefs. All over the world, coral reefs are dying. We need to do something about the problem before its too late. Im staying with a family here and I help do same housework. I dont get any money, but thats OK. I love my work here, and Im learning a lot about the people of Belize.and myself. When I finish my work, I want to stay here for another three months. I want to travel around Belize and Central America.(1)What will some young people in England do after finishing school? A . Go to work for money.B . Go to other countries and work as volunteers.C . Start work in universities.D . Go to university in other countries.(2)Where is Paul living now? A . England.B . China.C . Belize.D . America.(3)What is Paul doing with other people in the sea near Belize? A . Working to save the coral reefs.B . Studying Chinese in a university.C . Helping do some housework.D . Doing some research in Wales.(4)From the passage, we know that the coral reefs _. A . are not as beautiful as beforeB . will probably be sold for moneyC . may die because of the pollutionD . cannot live without fish in the sea(5)What does Paul want to do after he finishes his work as a volunteer? A . Stay there for another year.B . Go back home to start work.C . Learn about the peoples home.D . Travel around Central America.25. (25分)阅读理解It was a cold night in Washington, D.C., and I was heading back to the hotel when a man came to me. He asked if I would give him some money so he could get something to eat. Id read the signs: “Dont give money to panhandlers (乞丐).” So I shook my head and kept walking.I wasnt prepared for a reply, but he said, “I really am homeless and I really am hungry! You can come with me and watch me eat!” But I kept on walking.I couldnt forget what happened to me that day for the rest of the week. I had money in my pocket and it wouldnt have killed me to hand over a dollar or two even if he had been lying. On a very cold night, no less, I thought the worst of a fellow human being. Flying back to Anchorage, I still couldnt help thinking of him.I was the writer of a weekly garden column (专栏)at The Anchorage Daily News. One day, out of the blue, I came up with an idea. Beans Cafe, the soup kitchen in Anchorage, feeds hundreds of hungry people every day. Why not try to get all my readers to plant one row in their gardens for Beans? Plant a row and take it down to Beans. Clean and simple.We didnt keep records back then, but the idea began to take off. People would call me when they took something in. Those who only grew flowers gave them away. Food for the spirit.In 1995 , the Garden Writers Association of America ( GWAA) held their meeting in Anchorage and alter learning of Anchorages program, Plant a Row for Beans became Plant a Row for the Hungry. The idea was to have every member of the Garden Writers Association of America write or talk about planting a row for the hungry.As more and more people started working with the program, many companies gave free seed to customers and had the logo (商标)seen in public.Garden editor Joan Jackson raised more than 30,000 pounds of fruits and vegetables her first year, and showed the public how the program could really work. Texas fruit farms gave away food to their local food bank alter hearing about Plant a Row. Today the program continues to grow.I am shocked that millions of Americans are threatened by hunger. If every gardener inAmerica - and were seventy million strong - plants one row for the hungry, we can make a difference in the number of neighbors who dont have enough to eat. Maybe then I will stop feeling guilty (愧 疚) about walking past a hungry man I could have helped.(1)Did the writer give money to the hungry man? (2)How did the writer feel alter flying back to Anchorage? (3)What did the writer try to get his readers to do? (4)What did the GWAA do for the “Plant a Row” program? (5)What is the purpose of the program? 四、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共9分)26. (9分)任务型阅读Little Bob was born in a poor village in New York. His father has been ill for a long time and can not do any housework at all. Bobs mother is very busy with the housework besides working. Bob understands how hard his mother works, and he always helps her with some housework. Though he has too much housework to do, his mother is still very strict with him. There are some family rules for Bob.He must take good care of his things in his room and keep them tidy. If he makes them dirty, he must clean them up at once.He is allowed to keep a parrot, a cat and a dog, but he must feed them often and give them water by himself every day. After school, he is allowed to play with his pets for a short time.As for his clothes, he isnt allowed to choose his own clothes. When his clothes are dirty, he should wash them by himself.On school nights, he cant go out alone and only on weekends, he is allowed to watch TV. Sometimes Bob hates the rules so much that he wants to break them, but he thinks the rules his mother has made are good for him, so he faithfully obeys them.阅读下面短文,根据短文内容完成下列各题。(1)Where was Bob born?Bob was born in _.(2)What should Bob do when his things are dirty?He must _.(3)What is Bob allowed to do after school?He is allowed to _for a short time.(4)Is Bob allowed to choose his own clothes? (5)When is Bob allowed to watch TV?He is allowed to watch TV _.五、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 (共10题;共10分)27. (1分)The bridge over the river _ (finish) three years ago. 28. (1分)Many foreign visitors like _ (tradition) Chinese food very much. 29. (1分)The _ (develop) of the food industry depends on agriculture. 30. (1分)Do you mind _(open)the window? Of course not.31. (1分)More than five children were_ injured in the traffic accident yesterday (terrible) 32. (1分)This story_(be)popular for many years33. (1分)Lets _(visit) the Great Wall tomorrow. 34. (1分)My mum _ (clean) the house tomorrow. 35. (1分)After finishing _(do)your homework, you can have a good rest. 36. (1分)Lets hurry. There are only two minutes_ (leave). 六、 单词拼写 (共5题;共5分)37. (1分)It is u_ that American Basketball Team lost the final game. 38. (1分)The Internet makes _ (沟通) easier, so the world becomes smaller and smaller. 39. (1分)Please drink lots of water .Its good for your h_.(健康) 40. (1分)It is a good idea for you to _ (改进) your English. 41. (1分)I often have_(三明治) for lunch at school. 七、 根据首字母提示,补全单词 (共1题;共10分)42. (10分)根据短文内容及所给首字母提示填空,使短文完整、通顺。MrsMarks bought a printer yesterdayShe was h_because she could print anything she wanted at any timeH_,after about an hour, she was angry because she couldnt print the color blueAll the other c_printed free, except(除了)blue,which was very unusualShe d_to call the after-sales service department(售后服务部)to help her solve the problemDavid answered the phoneHe t_everything he could think of to help MrsMarksHe asked her to reinstall(重新安装) the program,to reboot (重新启动)the computer and to turn the printer on and offN_of these things helpedAfter hours of trying,the problem s_wasnt solvedFinally, David asked MrsMarks if he could go to her h_and try to solve the problem in personMrsMarks agreed and t_him her address(住址)When he arrived at her house,she showed him her computer and the printer. David u_what the problem was right awayHe told her,“From now on,print on white paper instead of blue!”八、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)43. (5分)假如你是学生李华,你的笔友Frank下个月将来中国旅行,并且参观你的家乡衢州。他有几点困惑,你能给他提出一些建议吗?请你根据Frank的来信,用英语给他回信,词数80词左右,开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。 Dear

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