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全国中小学“教学中的互联网搜索”优秀教学案例评选教案设计外研版八年级英语上Module 3 Journey to spaceUnit2 We havent found life on other planets yet.一、 教案背景1 面向学生: 中学 学科:英语2 课时:13,学生课前准备:复习第一单元所学的内容;了解太空旅行的相关知识,了解我国太空旅行相关的知识。二、 教学目标知识目标:1、词汇:planet, alone, also, part, light, beyond, none, environment, air, grow, part, light, cost, prefer, universe2、重点句型: just (already) have/ has +p.p havent/ hasnt + p.pyet. have/ Has + +p.p +yet?能力目标:能够写出有关太空探索的段落,用现在完成时介绍人类的太空探索经历。情感目标:了解中国“神八”、“神九”太空探索的壮举,增强民族自豪感。学习重难点:1、重点:读懂关于太空探索的文章,掌握文章大意。2、难点:运用现在完成时描述人类已经实施的太空探索。三、 教材分析本节是外研版八年级英语上Module 3 Journey to space unit2,是一节阅读课,本节课主要运用现在完成时态,介绍太空的存在时间,太阳系、银河系以及与星系的关系,目前人类探索太空的一些实践活动。 四、 教学方法学生自主学习法、合作探究法、教师精讲点拨五、 教学过程Step1: Pre-reading(2)观看一段神舟九号的视频.http:/v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTE4ODg2MTg0.htmlThen tell them “Do you want to know more about space ?This class well learn something about space”Step2: while-reading(25)Task1:Fast-reading 1分钟快速Read the passage quickly and choose the best title. a. Anyone out there?b. Life on earthc. Our solar systemd. The stars at night要求:阅读时不能从头到尾、一字不漏地读下去,而是采用跳跃式的默读方法,搜寻相关信息,并对文章的内容有一个总体的了解.Task2: careful readingTask1:Read Para12 and find out.1). How old is the life on Earth?2).How many planets go around the Sun?3).Why cant people and things grow on other planets?Task2:Read Para34,do the True or False.阅读之前让学生欣赏银河系图片http:/image.jike.com/detail?did=-1535732507820783971&pos=1&num=36&q=%E9%93%B6%E6%B2%B3%E7%B3%BB&fm=QH360#did=-1535732507820783971&pos=11). Our galaxy is the solar system. ( )2). There are many other galaxies in the universe. ( )3). There are more than 200 billion planets in the Milky Way. ( )4). The light from other galaxies has taken many years to reach us, because the light travels slowly. ( )Task3:Read Para56 and do the exercises.1. Have scientists sent spacecraft to look at other planets?A、Yes, they have. B、No, they havent.2. Is there life out there in space?A、Yes, there is. B、No, there isnt.3. Have we got information from other planets?A、Yes, we have. B、No, we haventStep3:Post-reading(17)Task1: Read the passage and find out these phrases. (4)在宇宙中_ 尽力做某事_ 他们当中的一个_绕转_ 给我们发信息_ 到达那里_在夜里_ 几百万年_ 在其它行星上 _Remember them in two minutes.Task2:合作探究,精讲点拨。(5)1.millions of 几百万hundred, thousand, million, billion前有具体数字用单数,不表示具体数字或后接of时要用复数。Translate:五百万_, 成百上千 _.2.none of 中没有一个, none of做主语时,谓语动词既可用单数,也可用复数。但与不可数名词连用时只能用单数。None of us _ been to Hong Kong.None of the money _ mine. 这些钱都不是我的.3. go around 绕着转,around是介词”环绕”造句:地球绕着太阳转._4. The sun and its planets are called the solar system.are called 是由be 动词+过去分词构成的被动语态,“被叫做,被称为”, 如:那个演唱组合叫S.H.E。 The pop group _ S.H.E.5. alone 孤单的,孤独的 lonely 寂寞的,通常指人在心灵上的“寂寞和忧郁”,带强烈的感情色彩。如: 我独自一个人,但是我并不感到寂寞。I was _, but I didnt feel _.Task3: Look at these sentences in this passage and try to remember them in three minutes. (3)1. The Sun and its planets are called the solar system.2. Scientists think that there has been life on Earth for millions of years.3. There are more than 200 billion stars in our galaxy, called the Milky Way. 4. Its hard to understand how large the universe is.5. We havent found life on other planets yet.6. However, no one has discovered any life in space yet.7. Have they tried to send information to us?Task 4:当堂检测(5)A: Translate into English.在宇宙中_ _ 尽力做某事_ _ 绕转_ _ 给我们发信息_ _ 到达那里_ _ 几百万年_ B : Complete these sentences.1 很难弄清楚宇宙到底有多大Its _ _understand how _ _ _ _ _ _ _.2. 科学家认为地球上的生命已有数百万年Scientists think that _ _ _ life on Earth for _ _ _ years.3. 来自星星上的光花了很长时间才到我们这儿来 The light from stars _ _ _ _ _ a long time _ _ _ _ us .4. 我们还没有在其他星球上发现生命We_ _ _ _ _ life on other planets_ _.5.他的朋友一个也没来看他。_ _ his friends came to see him.6.太阳和它的行星称作太阳系。The Sun and its planets_ _ the _ _ .Wish I hope some of you will become scientists and send spacecraft with astronauts to the space one day. So you should study hard now. And your dream will come true.六、 教学反思本课是外研版八年级英语上M3unit2,本节课是一节阅读课。在教学本节课过程,我从阅读前,阅读中与阅读后三个环节进行了设计。阅读前我通过让学生观看视频,导入本节课的学习,观看视频既能引出本节课要学习的内容,又能让学生了解我国神舟九号的一些信息,激发他们学习的积极性。阅读中我设计了泛读与精读,在精读环节一共设计了三个任务来进行分段阅读。阅读后我设计了找短语、精讲点拨、背诵重点句子与当堂检测四个任务。在实际的教学过程中,阅读中学生读的不够细,有部分问题学生回答的不是很准确,阅读后部分的精讲点拨部分学生讨论的不热烈,当堂检测部分处理的很仓促,学生没有时间进行巩固。在今后的教学过程中我认为要做到任务的设计要符合学生的认知情况,要把握好每节的时间安排,不要给学生造成夹生饭,要给学生一定的自由巩固的时间,以保证学习的效果。设计人:山东省昌乐县昌乐外国语学校 孟庆萍


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