鲁教版2020届九年级上学期英语10月月考试卷(II )卷

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鲁教版2020届九年级上学期英语10月月考试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单选题 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)a worker, you should work hard every day.A . InB . ToC . WithD . As2. (2分)How do you study a test?I often study a group.A . to,forB . for,atC . at,inD . for,with3. (2分)Julia plans _ a very_ vacation. A . have, excitedB . have, excitingC . to have, excitedD . to have, exciting4. (2分)_ is the cap?Twenty Yuan.A . How muchB . How oldC . How manyD . How many yuan5. (2分)The more you smile, the _ you will feel. A . happyB . happilyC . happierD . more happily6. (2分)_ honest man he is!A . WhatB . What anC . HowD . How a7. (2分)What do you think of his opinion? Err! To a certain degree, hes right.A . In a wayB . In a secondC . In general8. (2分)The talent show is _ the game show. I like both. A . as interesting asB . not so bored asC . as boring asD . not so interested as9. (2分)Can you speak English, Mr. Gao?Yes, but only _.A . littleB . a littleC . few10. (2分)Hello, John! This is my friend, Tom. _.A . Tom is his friend.B . Nice to meet you.C . Fine , thank you.D . This is my given name.11. (2分)The self-service supermarket_ young people in big cities. A . Is known forB . is popular withC . is interested in12. (2分)Is your husband at home? I am not sure. _ he is in the office.A . MayB . May beC . MaybeD . Might13. (2分)My parents dont care what I work at Im happy. A . becauseB . as long asC . althoughD . before14. (2分)Is it easy _ from here to your home? A . walkingB . to walkC . for a walkD . to walking15. (2分)Do you know _ this hair band is?Let me see. Oh, it must _ Mary.A . who; belong toB . whose; belong toC . whose; beD . who; be二、 完型填空 (共2题;共21分)16. (6分)Choose the words to complete the passage. In our country there are street names everywhere. So it is 1for us to give directions. You can just say what street a 2is on. For example: Its on Guang Ming Street. Its next to the bank. However, there are no street names in some other countries. How do the people give directions then?Most visitors from other countries are often puzzledin Japan because most streets there dont have names. In Japan, people use 3. For example, when you ask the way to the hospital, the Japanese will say, Go straight down to the corner. Turn right at the big hotel and go past a bookstore. The hospital is there. People in California have no idea of distance in their minds. They give distance by means of time, not miles. 4is the hospital? you ask. Oh, they answer, Its about ten minutes from here. You say, Yes, but how many miles away is it? They dont know. People in Greece wont tell you 5the hospital is. Because visitors cannot understand the Greek language. But a Greek often says, 6me. Then hell lead you through the streets of the city to the hospital.(1)A . difficult B . hard C . easy D . impossible (2)A . tree B . building C . bus D . book (3)A . maps B . words C . landmarks D . signs (4)A . How far B . How long C . How often D . How soon (5)A . What B . When C . How D . Where (6)A . Excuse B . Watch C . Follow D . Believe 17. (15分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Smiles and tears are part of life. But do you find enough time for 1 ? Im not asking if you experience lots of good times. Of course, we should laugh during the happy times. But do you 2 laugh during the difficult times.Erma Bombeck is famous for her funny books. But she wrote 3 about a more serious subject cancer in children. The book is titled, I WANT TO GROW HAIR,WANT TO GROW UP. Erma talks with many children who 4cancer and learns important lessons from them. She learns, 5, that cancer survivors know how they should smile at life, though they are receiving chemotherapy(化疗).She tells about the experience of 6Jessica. Jessicas leg was 7at the knee because of cancer. She was learning to 8 a prosthesis(假肢). Jessica told about playing soccer. She hit the ball hard with her foot. The ball flew off in one direction while her man-made leg flew 9 way. Then the brave girl 10 on the floor, laughing happily.11 the saying goes, “Theres a time to cry and a time to laugh.” Do you find 12 time to laugh? You can laugh if you find reasons to laugh during the difficult times. Only survivors know 13. If you laugh even when youre in trouble, you will 14. Remember to laugh and the whole world will laugh with you. Cry and you cry 15!(1)A . crying B . shouting C . laughing D . calling (2)A . also B . as well C . either D . too (3)A . one B . it C . a one D . the one (4)A . has B . have C . having D . had (5)A . such like B . such as C . an example D . for example (6)A . 15 years old B . 15-year-old C . 15-years-old D . 15 year-old (7)A . cut up B . cut down C . cut out D . cut off (8)A . put on B . dress C . wear D . dress up (9)A . other B . the other C . others D . another (10)A . lie B . lay C . laid D . lain (11)A . As B . Though C . When D . Since (12)A . many B . plenty of C . a number of D . a lot (13)A . where to laugh B . how to laugh C . who to laugh D . when to laugh (14)A . work out B . come up C . make it D . success (15)A . own B . yours C . lonely D . alone 三、 补全对话 (共1题;共5分)18. (5分)补全对话。A:Hey,Dahai! _B:Im getting things ready for my tripA:Oh? _B:To Jiangsu.A: _B:For about a weekA: _B:Next TuesdayA:Ohthe weather will be hot in Jiangsu next weekB: _A:You should take some light clothesB:Youre rightAWhere are you going?BWhat should I take then?CWhen are you leaving?DWhat are you doing?EHow long are you going to stay there?四、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共4题;共28分)19. (6分) Once I thought love meant flowers, gifts and sweet kisses. So, I really doubted whether there was any love between my parents. Every day they were working hard to pay for my high school. They didnt act in the romantic ways that I read in books and saw on TV, and they certainly didnt send flowers to each other on Valentines Day (情人节).One day, my mother was sewing a quilt (被子). I asked her if there was any love between her and my dad. She stopped and raised her head in surprise. Then she went on with her work without saying anything. I was very worried because I thought I had hurt her feelings. But after a few minutes she said, “Look at this thread (线). Sometimes it appears, but most of the time it disappears in the quilt. If life is a quilt, then love is the thread. It can hardly be seen anywhere or at any time, but its really there, and makes the quilt long-lasting.” I listened carefully but I didnt understand her until the next spring.My mother suddenly got seriously ill and had to stay in hospital for about a month. Every morning and evening after she returned from the hospital, my father helped her walk slowly along our country road. There were many beautiful flowers, green grass and trees, and the sun gently shone through the leaves. All of this made the most beautiful picture in the world. Reading their eyes, I knew they love each other deeply. From this experience, I realized that love is just a thread in the quilt of our lives. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.(1)What does the underlined sentence in the third paragraph suggest?A . There is beautiful scenery where the writer livedB . There is true love anywhere in the world.C . There is no love without beautiful flowersD . There is true love between the writers parents.(2)Why didnt the writers mother answer his question immediately?A . Because her husband didnt love her.B . Because she was thinking of a better answer.C . Because she didnt love her husband.D . Because the writer had hurt her feelings.(3)What is the best title of this passage?A . Love Is EverywhereB . Love Is Always RomanticC . Love: Thread in QuiltD . Love Can Last Forever20. (8分)阅读理解 Mail, games, music, news, chat rooms and shopping!The Internet is part of the way we live today. Its easy to get onto the Internet. The only thing we need to do is use a modem which is used for connecting a computer to a telephone line. The Internet is changing and growing all the time. More and more people have computers and use the Internet. Using the Internet means surfing the World Wide Web(Thats the www you always hear about.).The Web has large numbers of websites in it. They are the places you go to get information and do things.Where do these websites come from?They are made by web designers. What happens when you click on a word or a picture?You are sent to another page. Its all because of the web designer. Web designers do a lot of work by using a computer programming(程序编辑)language.Is Web design all about computer programming? No. Its about making something new. Web designers must imagine a lot when they are making a website. It must look good and be fun to use. A big part of Web design is art. They choose the best pictures and colours to make the website look good. They also write the things that you see on the website. An important part of their job is to share ideas with the website manager about how to design the website well.(1)This passage is mainly about . A . computer programming languagesB . the Web designers workC . the website managers workD . the way to get onto the Internet(2)More and more people are using the Internet because its . A . easy and usefulB . beautiful and funnyC . colourful and hopefulD . changing and colourful(3)Its possible for us to change websites by just a click because of . A . the modems helpB . the telephone lines helpC . the Web designers workD . the website managers work(4)Which of the following is WRONG? A . Www means World Wide Web.B . There are a few websites on the web.C . The Internet has changed peoples lives.D . We can do things like shopping on the Internet.21. (6分)阅读理解In the 1920s, the airlines were just beginning. It was unusual for people to travel by air because it was expensive and dangerous. In those days, there were no flight attendants (服务生) to look after the passengers. Young men, or “stewards” helped the passengers onto the airplane and carried the passengers bags but they did not provide food and drinks. But then in 1930, a woman called Ellen Church invented the “stewardess”.Ellen Church was born in 1904 on a farm in Iowa. She was a different child. She didnt want to work on a farm or marry a farmer. She wanted a more adventurous (冒险的) life. Ellen studied to be a nurse at the University of Minnesota and then got a job in a hospital. For the next few years she stayed at the hospital and at the same time took flying lessons and got her pilots license.Ellen was 25 years old when she first got in touch with BAT (Boeing Air Transport). She loved flying but she understood that airlines were a mans world. Though women like Emelia Earheart were becoming famous, she realized it was impossible for a woman to have a career as a pilot. But she had another idea. Most people were afraid of flying because flying was still not a very safe way to travel. There were often delays (延误), many crashes and the bad weather made many passengers sick. Ellen thought nurses could take care of passengers during flights and BAT agreed.The young woman from Iowa and seven other nurses became the first air stewardesses.At first pilots were unhappy because they did not want stewardesses on airplanes, but passengers loved the stewardesses. In 1940 there were around 1000 of them working for different airlines. The early “stewardesses” had to be under twenty-five-year-old, single and slim. When a woman joined an airline, she had to promise not to get married or have children. It was a hard job and not well paid. They worked long hours and was paid $1 an hour.In the 1970s, stewardesses were unhappy in their job and airlines had to make some changes. Since the 1970s, “stewardesses” have been called flight attendants. They are well paid and work fewer hours than in the past.(1)From the first paragraph, we know that _. A . the word “stewardesses” was started from Ellen ChurchB . Ellen Church was the first woman who flew a planeC . food and drinks were offered on the plane thenD . traveling by air was very popular because of the flight attendants(2)Boeing Air Transport offered Ellen the job because of _. A . her flying experienceB . her university educationC . her nursing experienceD . her life attitudes (态度)(3)The passage mainly talks about _. A . the background of early flying pilotsB . the experience of flying passengersC . the history of early flight attendantsD . the development of airplanes22. (8分)阅读理解 The world is getting smaller, at least when it comes to language. More and more people speak the three most common languages: English, Spanish, and Chinese. As a result, local languages are being forgotten. In many parts of the world, grandparents speak a language that their grandchildren do not understand. Because these local languages arent taught to children or spoken at home, they are slowly disappearing(消失)。A language is said to be in trouble when less than 30 percent of local children speak it. It is considered a dying language. If children no longer learn to use a language, it will have fewer and fewer speakers over time and after a long time the language will be gone.Why should we keep languages alive? Languages show how a culture understands or explains the world. You need to look at different kinds of languages, because no one language gets it all, said researcher Dr. Linda Cumberland who is working to save Assiniboine, a Native American language.According to Dr. Cumberland, a dying language needs a dictionary and people to understand and record its grammar. More importantly, you need to listen to those who still speak the language. This can be very difficult, especially if there are very few speakers of the language left. For example, when researchers were working to save the language Ayapaneco in Mexico, it was hard for them to record anything. Why? The last two people on Earth who could speak the language declined to speak to each other.(1)Why are local languages being spoken less and less? A . Because people who know the languages speak to each other less and less.B . Because people prefer to learn and speak more common languages.C . Because children dont talk much to their grandparents.D . Because people use computers to communicate now.(2)When is a language considered to be in trouble? A . When it is only spoken by local people.B . When no dictionaries record its grammar.C . When about 50 percent of local people speak it.D . When fewer than 30 percent of local children speak it.(3)Which of the following is TRUE about Dr. Linda Cumberland? A . She does some research on local languages.B . She prefers to speak more common languages.C . She once worked to save the language Ayapaneco in Mexico.D . She doesnt think a dictionary is necessary for a dying language.(4)What does the underlined word declined mean in the last paragraph? A . Expected.B . Decided.C . Refused.D . Forgot.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)23. (5分)任务型阅读Courage is the ability to be brave in different situations in our life. Here and there, now and then, everyone needs courage to do something well. Courage may make you confident of your success. If you have courage, you will not show fear in face of anything difficult or dangerous. With courage, you may look at someone in the eye who you have wronged (冤枉) and say “I am sorry”, you may keep smiling even if you are seriously ill and know you are at the end of your life.How can we build up our courage?Believe you will be successful. Take chances and know that you have your own talents. Besides, your family and friends are always there for you.Exercise your courage. It can be compared to a muscle (肌肉). The more we use courage, the greater it gets.Know that giving up is not a choice. Its much easier to give up. But it takes courage to say or do what you think is right, even when other people think you are wrong.Read inspiring stories of brave people. Abraham Lincoln is one of the people who you may think of.阅读以上信息,用恰当的词完成下面的短文,每空一词。Courage is the ability to be brave in different situations. It is important to everyone. With courage, you will feel confident of your success; with courage, you wont be_of anything difficult or dangerous; with courage, you may look at someone you have wronged in the eye and say sorry to him or her; with courage, you may keep smiling even if you are seriously ill.Here are some useful _to build up our courage.First, believe that youll_. Take chances and know that you have your own talents.Second, exercise your courage. Its just like the muscle. The more we use courage, the _we will get.Third, dont_to give up although its much easier to do so, and you need courage to say or do what you think is right, even when others think you are wrong.Finally, read inspiring stories of brave people. Abraham Lincoln is such a kind of person.六、 单词拼写 (共5题;共22分)24. (5分)根据汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空一词(1)On our school fashion show, Daniel looks smart and _ (时髦的).(2)It is only 40 minutes from my home to school by _(地铁).(3)My brother is a _ (厨师), he is good at cooking.(4)I think_ (任何人) will like this kind of trousers.(5)Kitty _ (也) likes computer games.25. (5分)根据首字母提示,补全单词,使句意完整、正确。(1)Could you tell me what colour does Jane like?I think she likes r_.(2)Why are you in such a h_?Because I am going to have a meeting in five minutes.(3)The girl is so s_ that she is afraid of speaking in public.(4)Jack is much s_ than before because he exercises every day.(5)If we o_ the traffic rules, we may get a fine and even be in danger.26. (1分)We have a(n) _ (义务) to help people in need. 27. (10分)根据短文内容和所给中文提示,在空白处写出单词的正确形式,每空限填一词。Jeremy Lin, a basketball player for the New York Knicks, was only a bench(板凳)warmer in the USA. On February 4th, 2012. Knicks_(教练), Mike DAntoni, put Jeremy Lin into the game_(对)the New Jeremy Nets. Lin got 25_(分数)in 36 minutes. The Knicks won the game. From then on, Lin became an important player in the_(团队). Before Jeremy Lin showed himself to the world, he had sat on the bench for 21 games. When he got the_(机会), he did his best to do that. In fact, Lin is also good at studying. He graduated (毕业)from Harvard University.Now he is a very popular player in NBA. He still_(训练)hard. L

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