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上海新世纪版2019-2020学年九年级上学期英语期中考试试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 单项选择 (共15题;共15分)1. (1分)Our National Day is on first day in October. A . a; theB . the; aC . the;不填D . a;不填2. (1分) is it today? Its Tuesday.A . Whats dayB . What dayC . What seasonD . What time3. (1分)Teddy is a _ boy and everyone likes to play with him. A . difficultB . friendlyC . boringD . strict4. (1分)I have two friends. One is Mary, and is Tom. A . otherB . the otherC . anotherD . others5. (1分)The children decide their schoolyard this Friday afternoon. A . cleanB . to cleanC . cleaning6. (1分)Jane, could you help me my pen? Its under your chair. Sure, my pleasure.A . look forB . put awayC . pick upD . hand in7. (1分)What does your best friend _? She is tall and she has long curly hair.A . lookB . likeC . looks likeD . look like8. (1分)There is no doubt _ scientific knowledge is very important for teenagers. A . whetherB . thatC . ifD . what9. (1分)You _ out unless you _ all the work. A . cant go, finishB . can go, dont finishC . go, finishD . cant go, dont finish10. (1分)Do you know _. A . where will they plant trees.B . where they will plant trees.C . where they plants trees.D . where do they plant trees.11. (1分)We dont want _ many books because they are _ boring books. A . so; soB . such; suchC . so; suchD . such; so12. (1分)Your handbag looks nice. Could you please tell me ? In Taobao.A . where did you buy itB . where you bought itC . when you bought it13. (1分) Have you finished your report on green life? Not yet. Ill make it if I _ another two days.A . giveB . am givenC . will giveD . will be given14. (1分)When you go to Los Angeles next time, you can choose to_ Hollywood. A . take trips toB . provide toC . write toD . leave to15. (1分) Shall we go and have a picnic at the weekend? _ the weather report says there might be a cold front by then.A . Why not?B . No, lets not.C . It depends.二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16. (1分)先通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后在每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatment he would be able to walk, but would never run very well. He 1the first three years of his life in hospital. By the time he was eight, you wouldnt know he has a problem when you saw him 2 .Children in our neighborhood always ran around 3their play, and Joey would jump and ran and play, 4 . We never told him that he probably wouldnt be 5to run like the other children. So he didnt know.In 6grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he trained. He ran more than any of the others, 7only the top seven runners would be chosen to run for the 8 . We didnt tell him he probably would never make the team, so he didnt know.He ran four to five miles every day even when he had a fever. I was 9, so I went to 10him after school. I found him running 11, I asked him how he felt. “Okay,” he said. He had two more miles to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept 12 .Two weeks later, the names of the team 13were caked. Joey was number six on the list. Joey had 14the team. He was in seventh grade the other six team members were all eighth graders. We never told him he couldnt do it so he didnt know. He just 15it.(1)A . spent B . taken C . cost D . paid (2)A . talk B . sit C . study D . walk (3)A . after B . before C . during D . till (4)A . either B . too C . though D . yet (5)A . able B . sorry C . glad D . afraid (6)A . sixth B . seventh C . eighth D . ninth (7)A . so B . if C . then D . because (8)A . neighborhood B . family C . school D . grade (9)A . excited B . tired C . pleased D . worried (10)A . think about B . hear from C . agree with D . look for (11)A . alone B . away C . almost D . already (12)A . riding B . walking C . playing D . running (13)A . jumpers B . runners C . doctors D . teachers (14)A . got B . kept C . made D . found (15)A . did B . had C . left D . took 三、 、阅读理解 (共3题;共11分)17. (5分)阅读理解Chinese name: Wang YuanEnglish name : RoyBirthday: 8th November, 2000Hometown: ChongqingThe constellation: ScorpioHeight: 167cmChinese name: Wang JunkaiEnglish name : KarryBirthday: 21st Sept. ,1999Hobby: SingingHeight: 173cmIdentity(身份) : The captain of TFBOYSChinese name: Yi YangqianxiEnglish name: JacksonBirthday : 28th November, 2000Height : 168cmHobby: Singing(1)Wang Junkais English name is ? A . RoyB . KarryC . JacksonD . TFboys(2)How many boys are there in the passage? A . 3B . 4C . 5D . 6(3)How old is Roy? A . 10B . 16C . 20D . 25(4)Who is the captain of TFboys? A . Wang JunkaiB . Wang YuanC . Yi YangqianxiD . Roy(5)Jackson is tall? A . 173cmB . 167cmC . 168cmD . 151cm18. (5分)阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D中选出能填入句中空白处或回答所提问题的最佳答案。 The Real Chinese FoodIn China, there are many different kinds of food. Some of them are very popular. Dumplings are the real Chinese food. Now lets talk about them, OK?Everyone in China likes dumplings very much, and there are many different kinds of dumplings. Some have meat and vegetables in them, others have sugar( 糖 ), eggs and so on. I like dumplings with vegetables and pork best.Usually people make dumplings at home. If you have no time to make them, you can buy them in any supermarkets. Then you take them home and eat them with vinegar.The Spring Festival is very important in China. When it comes, we make dumplings, usually we put a coin (硬币) in a dumpling. If one eats the dumpling with the coin in it, he will be lucky in the year.Now tell me, do you like dumplings?Welcome to China, well ask you to eat the real Chinese food: dumplings.(1)In China, _ are the real Chinese food. A . noodlesB . dumplingsC . moon cakesD . only vegetables(2)The writer likes dumplings with _ best. A . meatB . seafoodC . vegetables and porkD . vegetables(3)You can buy dumplings in a supermarket when _. A . you have timeB . you are happyC . you are busyD . you are hungry(4)The word vinegar in the sentence means _. A . 糖B . 酱油C . 辣椒D . 醋(5)What will people feel if they eat the dumplings with coins in them? A . Theyll feel unhappy.B . Theyll be angry.C . Theyll feel lucky.D . Theyll be sad.19. (1分)Answer the questions(根据以下内容回答问题)In recent years, a number of Chinese technological innovation(科技创新) have been making waves around the world. Among them, four stand out. They are known as four new great inventions of modern China. They have made our daily lives more convenientHigh-speed trainsChina created its first high-speed railway line in 2008. Since then, the number of passenger trips has grown by over 30 percent every year. By 2016, more than 5 billion trips had been taken Chinas bullet trains(高铁), according to Xinhua News Agency.China is currently working on the next-generation bullet trains that will have a top speed of 400kilometers per hour. By 2020, one-fifth of the countrys 150,000-km railway network will be used by high-speed trains. This network will link more than 80percent of major cities across China, said Xinhua.Mobile paymentMobile payment is turning China into a cashless society led by third-party payment companies like Alipay. For example, instead of paying y cash, customers now pay for goods simply by typing a short password into Alipay app on their mobile devices.Users can also pay their bills through Alipay, such as their water and electricity bills. Alipay also supports cross-border(跨境的)online and in-store payment, which allows users to buy things on international websites and apps.Shared bikesShared bike services started in Western countries. But China has surprised the world with how quickly it has adopted dockless(无桩的)shared bikes.Unlike traditional bike-sharing method, dockless bikes allow users to simply pick up or park a bike on the street through GPS and smartphone To unlock a bike, you just need to scan a QR code on a shared bike with a smartphone app After you finish riding, you can park it at available parking areas, lock it and pay for ride through mobile payment services.Online shoppingWith around 751 million internet users, China has long been the worlds largest and fastest-growing online shopping market.Online shopping now accounts for 15.5 percent of total retail sales in China, according to Xinhua. Thanks to lower costs and fewer licensing requirements(执照要求),its easier for sellers to open an online shop in China than a brick-and-mortar shop(实体店)。It also helped to create jobs of rural areas. In 2016, online shopping created more than 20 million jobs in rural areas, with over 8.1 million running their own online shops, said Xinhua.(1)What is known as four new great inventions” of modern China?_(2)When did China create its first high-speed railway line?_(3)How do customers pay for goods if they dont pay by cash?_(4)What do people need to do to unlock a shared bike?_(5)Why is it easier for sellers to open an online shop in China than a brick-and-mortar shop?_(6)Which of the four inventions has influenced your life most? Give an example._四、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)20. (1分)Jims mother is _(worry) about her little son. He got his arm hurt when he played basketball.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)21. (1分)阅读下列短文,根据文章内容回答问题。 Hello, my name is Kate. Im in a middle school. This is my schoolbag. Its black. What is in it? There are two books. Are these books mine? No, they arent. They are my teachers. What are those? They are two pens. One is red, and the other (另一只) is blue. The red pen is mine. The blue pen is Lilys. There are some keys and a map in my schoolbag, too. They are not mine. The keys are my moms. Whose (谁的) map is it? Oh, I can see a name on(在上) it, MIKE. Its my good friend. I can call him(他). His phone number is 4569898.(1)What color is Kates schoolbag? (2)Is the blue pen Kates? (3)Whose(谁的) map is it? (4)What are in Kates schoolbag?(写出所有物品) 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)22. (1分)介绍你自己和你的朋友的情况。不少于8句话 First name: Linda Last Name: MillerAge(年龄): nineTelephone number:153-3685 Friend: Amy SmithAmys age: 13Amys phone number: 1479623第 18 页 共 18 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共15分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共1题;共1分)16-1、三、 、阅读理解 (共3题;共11分)17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、18-1、18-2、18-3、18-4、18-5、19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、19-6、四、 短文填空 (共1题;共1分)20-1、五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共1分)21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共1分)22-1、

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