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高考必备词汇选择题汇编By:Gaven词汇专项第一节 名词训练名词是英语学习中的难点,同时也是高考的热点。名词的常见考点有:名词的可数与不可数;名词的格的使用和意义;名词作定语的用法及名词的一些习惯用法。1. He is such a man of many _ that all of us respect him. A. ability B. abilities C. competence D. talent2. The Xian _ happened on December 12, 1936 in Chinese modern history.A. Incident B. Accident C. Event D. Affair3. To tell you the truth, _, not words are what we need.A. actionsB. deedsC. behaviorD. acts4. He is one of her many _.A. admiration B. admirer C. admirers D. admirations5. Honest _, though unpleasant to the ear, induces good conducts. (prov.)A. advicesB. proposalC. adviceD. suggestions6. We havent seen each other for _, though we are in the same city.A. eras B. millennium C. epoch D. ages7. Our older generation used to advise us not to build _ in the air, but thats not realistic at all.A. atticsB. castlesC. buildingD. rostrums8. Usually passengers are required to arrive at _ one hour before _ takes off.A. airport; aircraftsB. the airport, aircraftC. an airport, a aircraftD. the airport, the aircraft9. Which of the following is not a flying machine? A. plane B. aircraft C. kite D. space ship10. As middle school students, raising pet _ all day long is a sheer waste of time.A. beastsB. creaturesC. catD. dog11. Dont judge a person only by his _.A. look B. appearance C. appearances D. faces12. - Whats on tonight?- I hear there is going to be a pop song contest. A group of famous singers from Hong Kong and Macao are _ in our village theatre.A. making his first appearanceB. appearing on the stageC. making their first appearancesD. appearing themselves13. The voyage diaries were handed down by his great grandfather, so their brothers have kept them as _ .A. the apple in their eyesB. the apple of their mouthsC. the apple of their eyesD. an apple of their eyes14. Traditionally in West, people usually play _ on April Fools Day.A. funsB. jokesC. foolD. fools15. Justice has long _ . (法网恢恢) Whoever breaks law will be punished by the people after all.A. shouldersB. handsC. fingersD. arms16. As a work of _ , we cant judge its value by appearances.A. artB. artsC. the artD. the arts17. With the help of our class, Little Mike made such great progress in Chinese that he can write a 200-character _ .A. compositionsB. papersC. essaysD. article18. Deng Xiaoping was our general designer of reform and opening up to the outside world(改革开放). After he passed away, his _were scattered over the sea.A. ashesB. ashC. dustsD. dust19. Russia is a country which extends across _ .A. AsiaB. EuropeC. Asia and Europe D. Africa20. What can I do for you? or May I help you? is a pet phrase used by _ .A. an assistant engineerB. an assistant managerC. a helperD. a shop assistant21. Move a few steps, and the oil-paintings look better _.A. in the distance B. at onceC. in the open air D. at a distance22. In fact, the untruthful words made _ on me. You must answer for that.A. a surprise attackB. much damageC. a personal attack D. a great harm23. Every Monday morning, all the teachers and students in our school stand at _ as our national flag is raised.A. attention B. attentionsC. at easeD. attentively24. - What are the greatest _ ?- A giant panda.A. attractionB. attractionsC. attractiveD. attract25. Australia is an island continent lying between _ .A. the Pacific Ocean and the AtlanticB. the Indian Ocean and the Atlantic OceanC. the Arctic Ocean and the Pacific OceanD. the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean26. The leaves of this tree turn red _ , so we visit it at the end of every October.A. in the autumnB. in autumnC. in early autumnD. in late autumn27. He is above _ in his lessons. Thats the results of his hard work.A. average B. all C. anyone D. everyone28. Do you happen to know the proverb, “Shoot two _ with one arrow”? A. birdsB. hawksC. dogsD. wolves29. On March 12, the students were planting trees _ the classroom. A. in the back ofB. at the back of C. to the back ofD. on the back of30. Once Jerry is back of you, there will be nothing halfway. The underlined part probably means _. A. hateB. supportC. beatD. face31. Dont throw out the _ with the bath water.(prov.) A. boy B. girl C. baby D. child32. According to the regulation, all _ should be examined before boarding a plane. A. suitcase B. baggages C. a luggage D. the baggage33. Yanan used to be a revolutionary _ for the Red Army. A. base B. basis C. foundation D. ground34. Youd better take more sun _ . It is good to your health. A. bath B. sauna C. baths D. shower35. Its reported in todays newspaper that street _ took place last midnight on the border of Israel and Palestine.A. fights B. battles C. campaigns D. wars36. - How did you enjoy the ball last night?- Very much.The underlined word means _.A. a basketballB. a ball-penC. a partyD. a dance37. There are many harbors on the east _ of our land.A. bankB. coastC. beachD. seashore38. Donkeys and camels are still widely used in some parts of the world _ of burden. A. for animalsB. as animalsC. as beastsD. instead of beats39. As you make your _, so you must lie on it. (prov.) A. clothes B. bed C. house D. bike40. - What did you have for supper, Jack?- I had some _. A. cow B. ox C. bull D. beef41. If you dont advance, you would be behind _.A. timeB. the timeC. the timesD. times42. Which of the following groups is meat? _A. mutton, beef, chicken, fish B. mutton, beef, chicken, porkC. egg, beef, chicken, fishD. mutton, beef, fish, pork43. A _ in the hand is worth two in the bush. (prov.)A. bird B. pigeon C. eagle D. sparrow44. With a _ of snow covered them, the small hills look very beautiful. A. cloth B. blanket C. bed D. sheet45. They are ready to fight the enemy _ the last drop of their _.A. to; bloodB. to; bloodsC. for; breathD. for; time46. With his own _ Huang Jiguang, a fighting hero _ the enemys machine gun. A. life; blocking B. body; coveredC. body; blocked D. body; stop47. He earned scarcely enough to keep _ together. A. body and heartB. body and soulC. heart and soulD. body and brain48. _ and butter _ the daily food in west countries. A. The bread; are B. Bread; is C. Both bread; is D. Many bread; are49. _ and friends should be few but good. (prov.)A. Money B. Jobs C. Books D. Interests50. John is on the bottle again. This sentence probably means _. A. John is standing on a bottle now.B. John is holding a bottle now.C. John threw away a bottle. D. John begins to drink wine again.51. - Who is at the _ of all this trouble. - I dont know. A. baseB. bottomC. reasonD. cause52. I shall walk with you to the bottom of the road. The underlined part means _.A. endB. topC. sideD. base53. - Please tell me how to work out this maths problem.- Use your _ , then your find a way. A. heart B. brains C. hand D. mind54. Because of the year 2008 Olympic Games, the American corporation board of trustees(董事会) decided to set up a Chinese _ in Beijing. A. room B. group C. counterpart D. branch55. All _ not baked in one oven. (prov.) A. bread is B. breads is C. breads are D. bread are56. He said under his breath that he would keep the secret. The underlined part means _. A. loudly B. shyly C. politely D. in a low voice57. The rain was coming down in buckets. This sentence means _ . A. The rain was coming down into the buckets.B. The rain was very heavy. C. There was some rain in the buckets. D. There were some buckets in the rain.58. The little boy has learned many Tang dynasty poems _ though he is very young. A. by heart B. by mind C. by the way D. by book59. Sorry, I took your pen _. A. by heart B. by mistake C. on purpose D. by the way60. Which of the following group all belongs to the same category (范畴)? _A. cabbage, carrot, tomatoB. cabbage, peanut, appleC. cabbage, cucumber, pearD. carrot, tomato, pineapple61. is a small inexpensive restaurant serving light meals and drinks. A. A hotel B. A cafe C. A canteen D. An inn62. A is a round stick of wax with a wick through it which is lit to give light as it burns. A. lantern B. candle C. lamp D. torch63. He was elected of the football team last year. A. a captain B. the captain C. captain D. captains64. I suggest you having plenty of exercise instead of playing _ day and night.A. with cardsB. at chesses C. for money D. the card65. We should roll _ for the distinguished visitors in five-star hotel. A. blue carpetB. red carpetC. green carpet D. yellow carpet66. Put on your raincoat, _ it rains.A. in any caseB. in case ofC. in caseD. in this case67. -I have no on me. May I pay by cheque? -Sorry, only by credit card A. dollars B. coins C. cash D. note68. Mind you. Dont bump your head on the low when you go upstairs for sleep. A. top B. tip C. bottom D. ceiling69. It is raining cats and dogs. This sentence probably means _. A. There are some cats and dogs in the raining.B. Some cats and dogs are falling down together with the rain.C. The cats and the dogs are all wet in the rain.D. It is raining heavily.70. We cant get rid of war until we get rid of the causes of war. Which of the following words has similar meaning of the underlined word? _ A. reasonB. consequenceC. outcomeD. result71. Look! There are _ grazing over there.A. two cattlesB. two head of cattlesC. two cattleD. two heads of cattle72. Which of the following groups doesnt belong to the same category?A. cows, bulls, oxenB. lamb, sheep, goatsC. dog, ram, houndD. hen, cock, chick73. All remarks should be addressed to the . A. chair B. meeting C. chairmen D. conference74. Its an untamed monkey. Keep it on a or it may attack others. A. chair B. chain C. corner D. cap75. _ ! You have at last passed PETS III before you graduate from middle school. A. CelebrationsB. CongratulationsC. Wish youD. No wonder76. I have no about me now. Lets go to a bank nearby for the big note . A. copy B. chance C. charge D. change77. Please take a chair and listen to me carefully. We can also use _ instead of the underlined word. A. benchB. sofaC. seatD. stool 78. Last Sunday I met my first teacher by in a minibus, which is beyond my expectation. A. chance B. far C. effect D. way79. Before there goes the bell for class, our math teacher took out a piece of and wrote his problems on the blackboard. A. brush pen B. chalk C. paper D. pencil80. We all dont like the boy for his miser(吝啬), but he has the _ actively to get near us because he has no little friends to play together with. A. cheer B. busy C. face D. cheek81. is a kind of food made from milk curds. A. Cheese B. Sandwich C. Cake D. Cherry82. The mansion built here last year is another _ palace in our city. A. childrensB. of a childC. childsD. childrens83. He is getting older and older, perhaps into his second , playing with his grandsons toy trains all day long. A. childish B. child C. boy D. childhood84. She is a British _, but she lives in India. A. people B. citizenC. citizenshipD. immigrant85. Surgeons are working round the to save his life. A. clock B. hour C. minute D. seconds86. - What does your father do?- He was a in the post office but now he is promoted to the postmaster. A. clerk B. cooker C. salesman D. barber87. - Where is the wounded now?- He is being treated at a private . A. clinic B. school C. army D. hut88. We wanted to buy a bigger house than this but we had to cut our according to the cloth.A. clothingB. clothesC. dressD. coat89. Be careful of those who are in sheeps _. A. clothB. clothesC. clothingD. dress90. It is said that a ship was wrecked on the .A. coast B. coastline C. seashore D. beach91. Dont count your _ before they are hatched.(prov.) A. eggs B. chickens C. hens D. birds92. My neighbour works as a technician in a manufactory. A. clothes B. clothing C. suit D. coat93. The little boy was crying because he had broken a _. A. cup of coffeeB. coffees cup C. cups coffeeD. coffee cup94. One of joint defence teams seized the pickpocket by the and escorted him to the police. A. hands B. collar C. hairs D. sleeves95. You are an expert in IT industry. Have you any to make on the latest developments? A. commands B. words C. remarks D. comments96. Everyone has his own belief. _ believe in _.A. Communism; communist B. Communists ; communism C. Communism; companion D. Companion ; companies 97. Yesterday we received a _ in which several customers have found fault with our products.A. letter of congratulationsB. letter of thanksC. letter of criticismD. commendatory letter 98. You can go swimming on _ that you dont go too far from the river bank.A. account B. purposeC. conditionD. situation99. A 100% _ dress can keep people refreshed in summer and warm in winter.A. cotton B. nylon C. dacron D. chemical fibre 100. In the battle we fought to the death in defence of our positions and paid a heavy _ for last victory.A. costB. priceC. valueD1. pay101. In the _ of my long life Ive known many changes which took place in this village. A. course B. cause C. way D. day 102. Some people say that smoking is a bad _. A. customB. habitC. mannerD. tradition103. The activity is called saving the earth which refers to more reduction of _ caused to the world by freon (氟里昂)of refrigerators. A. hurt B. harm C. destroy D. damage104. Oh, your coat is quite out of _. You should buy a newer one. A. ageB. periodC. stageD. date105. I saw a beautiful golden fish in the street market _. A. another day B. a few days C. other day D. the other day106. Dont scold him. He was just trying to do a good _. A. thing B. act C. manner D. deed107. When he was very young, my chemistry teacher took _ in reading detective stories. A. happiness B. delight C. joy D. like108. What you said just now is out of my depth. This sentence probably means _. A. I dont like what you said.B. I dont mind what you said just now. C. I cant understand what you said.D. I didnt hear what you said.109. Id like to buy a vase with a _ of flowers on it. A. outline B. design C. mapD. form110. He is a man of great determination. I am sure he will succeed in the end. The underlined sentence probably means _.A. He is a strong-minded person. B. He is a man who likes to make a decisionC. He is a very weak person.D. He is full of determination.111. Write something every day. Its a good habit to keep a _ . A. daily B. diary C. record D. letter112. When the school was over, all the students scattered _.A. in all directionsB. to all directionsC. at all directionsD. to every directions113. The main meal of the day, eaten in the middle of the day or the evening is called _. A. meal B. dinner C. breakfast D. supper114. One of these guards, whom I had cured of a painful _, was always praising my skill. A. illnessB. sicknessC. diseaseD. disorder115. The earth is divided into twenty-four time _, China lying on No: 8, eastward. A. zonesB. areasC. districtsD. regions116. This pocket English dictionary cost me 2 US _, that is more than 16 RMB _. A. dollars; yuansB. dollar; yuanC. dollar; yuansD. dollars; yuan117. Look. The soldier are at _ in the barrack yard. A. drillB. exerciseC. practiceD. training118. Which of the following is not a drink? _ A. beer B. whiskey C. coffee D. caster oil119. Through the customs at the capital airport, I had to pay _ on the camera I had bought. A. taxesB. dutyC. tollD. custom120. Nothing on can separate Taiwan from our motherland. A. earth B. world C. land D. globe121. The problem was that Einsteins family did not have enough money to pay for his further . A. school B. studying C. education D. schooling122. Inflation (通货膨胀) is having a disastrous (灾难性的) on the economy A. effect B. effort C. impression D. result123. I know you dont like that guy (家伙) , but you could make a(n) to be polite.A. try B. effort C. hard D. effect124. Albert Einstein had a great _ upon science and technology last century. A. effectB. affectC. effortD. afford125. The old man is quite able to take care of himself, he has seen the elephant. The underlined part means _. A. The old man knows the elephant.B. The old man once saw the elephant. C. The old man can take care of the elephant.D. The old man is full of experience. 126. Mary doesnt want to hear such a thing. If you say it again, you will make _ of her. A. an enemy B. a friend C. a hater D. a comrade127. Young people usually have more energy than the old. The underlined word probably means _. A. power B. trouble C. force D. spirit128. If you want to speak English fluently, you should first practise _ English _. A. everyday; everydayB. every day; everydayC. everyday; every dayD. everyday; everyday129. The researcher collected information, studied it, did a lot of and learnt from the experiences of farmers. A. experiments B. explanations C. experiences D. tests130. - How do you spend your weekend?- I usually earn for working. A. money B. salary C. wages D. extra

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