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Unit 4Vocabulary1. Write down the part of speech of the following words.1. adj 2. adj 3. adj 4. adv 5. n 6. adj 7.n 8. adj 9. adj 10. adj 11.v 12. adj 13.adj 14.adj 15.adj 16.n 17.adj 18.adj 19. adj 20. adv2. Translate the following expressions, paying attention to the different use of the prefix “dis-”.1不老实的人 8一个残疾儿童 2使人极其失望的人或事 9不喜欢这种天气 3对这个结果不满意 10中断会谈 4违抗这一命令 11.不计成本 5有严重的不利之处 12.解除警卫的武装 6透露他们的业务机密 13.切断电源 7不同意某人 14.感到泄气3. Identify the different meanings of the prefix “un-” when it is added to a verb and when it is added to an adjective or an adverb. 1不幸的生活 6打开酒瓶2不必要的规定 7开始脱衣3这不大可能。 8. 揭露某些重要的事实4这食物没人碰过。 9拉开手提包的拉链5做了的事情,后悔也没用了(覆水难收)。4 Guess the meaning of “tele_”.“Tele-” means “far” or “over a long distance”.2 Complete the following verb + noun collocation or expression1. fit the (description; lock; theory)2. (make; receive; have; get; answer ) a telephone call3. (make; have; arrange; keep; break) an appointment4. risk (failure; life; health)5. affect the (health; future; economy; result; decision)6. raise (hell; hands; eyes; a finger; voice; glass; wages; prices; hope; issue)7. save (time; money; trouble; life; face; country)8. wave (a gun; arms; hand; flag; cloth)9. (do) harm10 bite (one lip; ones nails; nones tongue)11. (take; seize; miss; gives; have; get) chances12. cover (a table; ones body; somebody; ground; field; anger; nervousness, all subjects; all expenses; many miles; many pages)3 Complete the sentences by translating the Chinese in the brackets according to the sentence patterns in bold.1. where he claimed to have discovered the dead body (or: where he said he had discovered the dead body)2. where they secretly produced drugs3. where they can find business opportunities4. Living on the sixth floor of the building was an old man (or: On the sixth floor of the building lived an old man.)5. Deep in the forest stood a little hut6. Seated in the front row were7. Between the two hills runs a little stream/creek8. Had they decided to withdraw their troops earlier9. had you gone down the mine10. Had they accepted/taken/listened to his advice4. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions or adverbs.1. into, on, in, For, for 5In, to,of2. to, into, with, for 6. off, over, to3. By, in, against, with, to, before 7For, in4. as, of, on, for 8After, in 5 Rewrite the following sentence using the words or expressions in the brackets.1. He did not fit the description of a great scholar. For one thing, he was half naked. For another, he slept by the roadside of a busy city, hardly a setting for a philosopher.2. I wish I knew how they learned about this secret missile.3. Her face suggested a ripened apple, and she was otherwise very strong except for the loss of both her legs.4. They made an appointment in a restaurant that evening, where the waiter quickly slipped a note into the spys hand concerning the secret message.5. We waited for almost one hour and the food we ordered still did not come. I decided to raise the devil with the management.6. The government has promised that it will not hesitate to punish those who deal in cheating, gambling, black marketeering, and prostitution.7. Had the authorities agreed with the plan, it would have brought a lot of problems. Luckily, it was turned down and no harm had been done.8. We must make sure that the nuclear power stations are absolutely safe. We cant take chances. 9. I think we should mind our own business. But I will check on him anyway. 6. Translate the following sentences into English1. 他们别想当然地以为我们会接受他们的条件,把我们当傻瓜。我们不那么容易上当。Dont let them take it for granted that we will accept their conditions/terms. We are no fools, and we wont be so easily taken in.2. 我们只花了三年时间就使我们的村民收入增加了一倍。It took us only three years to double the income of our villagers.3. 他们要是不收回他们的话并道歉,我要给他大闹一场。If they do not take back their remarks and apologize, I am going to raise the devil with them.4. 我们提出的这个问题很复杂,有很多东西需要考虑。但是我们得碰碰运气吧。The problem we raised is complicated. Many things have to be taken into consideration. But we have to take our chances.5. 这孩子像他爹,对一切都好奇。 给他一个玩具,他立刻就拆开。The boy takes after his father/Dad. He is full of curiosity. Give him a toy, and he will immediately take it apart.6.你一定要确保他们带你去见他们的经理, 告诉他们,事情很重要, 很可能关系到我们的投资计划.你必须见他本人。You must make sure that they take you to the manager. Tell them that its very important and may affect our investment plan, and therefore you must see him in person.7. 他们告诉乘客说,天已晴朗了,飞机估计半小时以后起飞。They told the passengers that the sky had cleared up and the plane was about to take off in half an hour.8. 我建议你落实一下你们逮捕的那个人和描绘的犯人是否相符。I suggest you go and check if the man you have arrested fit the description of the wanted man.9. 你意思是假如我们采取这一步,就可能影响我们两国的关系吗?Do you mean that it will affect the relationship of our two countries if we take this step?7. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the appropriate word or phrase in the brackets.1 except, except for 6. hard- , hardly2 effect, affect 7. am used to 3. ordinary, common 8. glanced at4. cause, cause, course 9. staring at5. used to 10. gazing atGrammar1. Study the use of as in the examples and combine each pair of sentences. Leave out or replace words as required. 1. Joe said goodbye to his family and friends as he got on the train at Union Station.2. As my grandfather is getting old, his memory is getting poorer, but his experience is being broadened. 3. As Chinese people are becoming richer, they are spending more money on their childrens education.4. As she made slow but steady progress with her English, her self-confidence grew gradually.5. As Christmas approached, the children got excited.6. As he has a problem communicating with other people, the young man finds it difficult to make friends in his new workplace. 7. It is difficult to take full notes in our history class, as our teacher speaks too fast.8. The children can hardly find time for fun, as they have so much homework to deal with.9. Peace talks will be held between the two countries, as neither side wants fighting to breakout again.10. As it was getting late and there was still a long way from home, we decided to pass the night in a motel.2. Study the passive voice in the examples and turn the underlined verb in each of the sentences into the passive form.1. Passengers were informed that the airport was closed due to terrorist threats.2. The names of the prize winners are to be announced in a week.3. His report on the progress of the peace talks has been published in several newspapers.4. Much of normal business is done these days by voice or electronic devices. 5. All passengers are required to go through strict security checks.6. When youre insulted, youve got to protest.7. In the cotton mill women workers are not paid the same wage as men.8. Nowadays children no longer accept whatever their parents say, and the parents authority is often challenged.9. The visitors were invited to speak at the meeting to the students of the department.10. More effort should be made to prevent than to punish crime.11. During our three-day visit to Japan, we were deeply impressed by the clean streets there.12. The artists best paintings have been collected and kept in the museum in his hometown.3. Fill in each blank of the passage with ONE suitable word.1 time 2 buy 3 instead 4 with 5 did6 pushed 7 nobody 8 When 9 what 10 used4. Translate the sentences into English (1) using adverbial clauses of time and reason introduced by as1. As the final exams are coming nearer, students have stopped computer games, and they are busy preparing for them.2. As time goes by, it becomes easier to forgive and forget.3. The couple listened carefully as their daughter told them about her first day at school.4. As we approached the 21st century, we keenly felt the need for understanding and cooperation between nations.5. As he is learned and humors, Professor Yan is very popular with his students.6. As many important people will go to the party, the couple think they should be seen there, too.(2) using the passive1. Three subway lines are being built in the city.2. Shakespeares works have been translated into many languages and read all over the world.3. Almost half of the crops in the area have been destroyed in the rainstorm.4. If you were asked to list ten people you admire, who would you name?5. What would you do if you saw a stranger being bullied?6. Their relationship is based on shared dreams and interests. 5. Identify and correct the mistake(s) in each of the sentences.1. I dont think Im being fairly treated.2. The boy did not want his parents to divorce because/as he loved them both.3. Your grandma will be taken good care of when youre away.4. I wont go to the movie. For one thing, Ive seen it; for another, Ive got work to do.5. As time went by, his anger died down.6. Pan is a businessman dealing in seafood.7. Had there been a balcony, Ausable might not have defeated his enemy, Max.8. The street is lined with gardens. The fields are planted with crops, pears, and palm trees.9. When nobody was looking, a dark-haired beauty slipped something into the spy pocket.10. Why is it so quiet in the classroom? Arent the children having a music class?


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