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江苏省英语中考复习专项训练:单项选择(上)D卷一、 单选题 (共55题;共110分)1. (2分)How often _ your father wash clothes? _. My mother does it.A . is; UsuallyB . is; OftenC . does; Never2. (2分)They each a CD in their bags. A . haveB . hasC . isD . are3. (2分)Has he _ any story books? A . haveB . getC . buyD . got4. (2分)Its about two _ walk. A . hoursB . hoursC . hours5. (2分)He can _ computer games after he _ his homework. A . play; finishB . plays; finishC . play; finishes6. (2分)The old man was so _ the good news that he couldnt say a word. A . interested inB . excited aboutC . afraid ofD . worried about7. (2分)I missed my sister very much. I couldnt wait _ her. When I saw her at the airport, I couldnt help _. A . to meet, to cryB . meeting, cryingC . meeting, to cryD . to meet, crying8. (2分) In the present, most of us have no enough money to afford the houses. Yes, they are too expensive in Shenzhen.A . NowB . BeforeC . Soon9. (2分)There is a smile on Mr. Smiths face. He must be _with Toms work. I think so. No one did as _ as him in our class.A . angry; wellB . careful; goodC . strict; goodD . pleased; well10. (2分)Bobs mother is my aunt. He is my . A . uncleB . brotherC . friendD . cousin11. (2分)Can you help me _ my homework?A . withB . ofC . learningD . about12. (2分)_ do you go walking? Three times a week. A . How longB . How muchC . How oftenD . How many13. (2分)We play football _the playground_5:30_the afternoon. A . in; at; onB . on; at; inC . on; at; onD . in; on; in14. (2分)She showed her great _ in playing tennis when she was young. A . abilityB . toolC . speechD . luck15. (2分)There are twenty students in our class, five Americans. A . includesB . includingC . in addition16. (2分)You cant _ how beautiful the lake is before you see it with your own eyes. A . developB . imagineC . considerD . accept17. (2分)A _ is a piece of work that you have to do.A . taskB . planC . suggestion18. (2分)There are _ paper here. Please bring some. A . littleB . lessC . fewerD . a little19. (2分)When were you born? I was born Nov. 1935. A . onB . inC . toD . at20. (2分)She closed the door in order not to make her grandpa awake. A . angrilyB . loudlyC . clearlyD . quietly21. (2分)Can you catch what the speaker is saying, Tina? Sorry. He speaks so fast that I can _understand him. A . nearlyB . hardlyC . probablyD . exactly22. (2分)Where is my eraser? I cant find it. Look! Its your book, so you cant see it easily.A . underB . onC . at23. (2分) Could you _ me your bike, Tom? OK. And you can _ it for a week.A . lend; keepB . borrow; lendC . lend; borrowD . borrow; keep24. (2分) Where does the come from? I dont know, but it interesting!A . sounds; smellsB . sounds; hearsC . sound; sounds25. (2分) all the students in our class will go on a picnic next weekend. Really? It seems that I have no choice but with you.A . Nearly; to goB . Nearly; goC . Hardly; to go26. (2分)选出划线字母发音不同的单词( ) A . bikeB . timeC . sitD . like27. (2分)Your father works in a senior high school, doesnt he? Yes. He has _ there for over twenty years.A . gotB . leftC . taughtD . gone28. (2分)How many _ are there in your class? Fifty-four.A . childrenB . childrensC . childsD . child29. (2分)Scott has an interesting . He works at a radio station. He has much_ to do. A . job, workB . work, jobC . job, worksD . work, works30. (2分)The cat makes a _ like a babys cry. A . soundB . noiseC . voiceD . talk31. (2分)He is Tony Miller. Tony is his_. A . last nameB . family nameC . first name32. (2分)My mooncake is nicer _ his. A . likeB . withC . forD . than33. (2分)在字母表中排在第十三位的字母是 A . JB . LC . MD . O34. (2分)We all like Lucy as she is always thinking _ of others than herself. A . lessB . much moreC . muchD . better35. (2分)- Whose room is this? Is it the_?- Yes, it is _.A . twins; Tom and TimsB . twins; Toms and TimsC . twins; Tom and Tim36. (2分)Which stress of the following word is different?A . compassB . directionC . position37. (2分)Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others? A . Have you read the headline of China Daily today?B . Robert was really eager to talk about his life in the army.C . His friendship meant a great deal for her, especially when she was in trouble.D . Susan had a pleasant night on her birthday with her friends.38. (2分)选出下列单词中发音不同的那个单词 A . cakeB . DaleC . mapD . name39. (2分)Which of the following underlined parts is diferent in pronunciation? A . backB . chatC . hateD . taxi40. (2分)The key _ success is _ be ready from the start A . in; toB . for; onC . to; toD . for; for41. (2分)At night, we can see colorful lights on both _ of the streets.A . sidesB . sideC . sides42. (2分)- We can invite Nick and Nora to Shanghai Disneyland with us.- ? Ill give them a call right now.A . Why notB . What forC . WhyD . What43. (2分)I usually study on a _ /kmpju:t(r)/. A . communityB . completeC . communicateD . computer44. (2分)The underlined part in the word “grades” is pronounced as_.A . /ts/B . /dz/C . /des/D . /diz/45. (2分) Shall we go to Professor Tender s lecture tonight? A . I dont quite agree with you!B . That sounds great!C . Thank you for telling me so!D . I am glad you like it.46. (2分)Mary runs _ of all the girls in her school, and she won the 100-meter race last month. A . nearestB . highestC . fastestD . slowest47. (2分)In my senior high school, I will _ than I did in my junior high school.A . study more harderB . be hardworkingC . work harder48. (2分)According _ our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library. A . byB . toC . inD . about49. (2分)一 David _ has breakfast.一 Its bad for his health. I am worried about him.A . seldomB . oftenC . always50. (2分)The harder you study, the_ knowledge you will know.A . muchB . moreC . littleD . less51. (2分)When l walked past the park, I saw some old people Chinese Taiji A . doB . didC . doingD . are doing52. (2分)_ mothers cant go to the parents meeting because they are too busy.A . Jacks and PaulB . Jack and PaulC . Jack and PaulsD . Jacks and Pauls53. (2分)Its not safe for teenagers to give out too much_ about themselves on the Internet.A . informationB . questionC . ideasD . things54. (2分)There are _people in the city, and _ the people are from other countries. A . millions of, six thousandB . million of, six thousandsC . millions of, six thousand ofD . million of, six thousand of55. (2分)Is she Jane?No, she isnt. name is Cindy.A . SheB . HerC . His第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共55题;共110分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、31-1、32-1、33-1、34-1、35-1、36-1、37-1、38-1、39-1、40-1、41-1、42-1、43-1、44-1、45-1、46-1、47-1、48-1、49-1、50-1、51-1、52-1、53-1、54-1、55-1、


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