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人教版九年级上学期英语期中阶段性检测试卷A卷一、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)根据短文理解,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。Dear Kangkang,How is it going? I have1 to tell you.Last Sunday, my family went to Beidaihe2 car. We got there at about 9:30 a. m. It was fine. There were many people3 in the water. We changed clothes,4 to the water and swam in it. After an hour, we had a rest and5 some water. Then Mom, Kate and I6 the sand(沙子)to build some beautiful houses. Dad went back to swim again.At noon, the sun7 and it was very hot. We ate some food8 a big umbrella. After lunch, we walked on the sand and9some photos. Suddenly (突然), it10 windy and cloudy. We had to go home at once. But when we got back home, it was sunny in Beijing. I had a wonderful day.Yours,Michael(1)A . everything interesting B . anything interesting C . something interesting D . nothing interesting (2)A . drive B . by C . in D . on (3)A . to swim B . swam C . swim D . swimming (4)A . walk B . run C . ran D . walking (5)A . drank B . ate C . have D . drink (6)A . use B . used C . make D . made (7)A . shines brightly B . shining brightly C . shone brightly D . shine brightly (8)A . under B . in C . on D . at (9)A . had B . took C . got D . brought (10)A . changed B . changes C . turned D . gets 二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)2. (10分)根据短文内容,故答案选择正确答案。Lost:My school ID card.My name is Mike.Please call 685-6034.Found:A new watch.Is this your watch?Please call Rebecca at 235-0285.Found:A set of keys. Please call Lily at 498-2456.Lost:My pencil box.Blue and white.Call Tom at 456-8700.Found:Is that your black schoolbag?Please call Mary at 476-5993.(1)Is Rebeccas phone number 235-0285? A . Yes,it is.B . No,it isnt.C . Its Marys.D . I dont know.(2)If(如果)you lose your keys,you can call _. A . 476-5993B . 498-2456C . 456-8700D . 685-6034(3)_ lost a pencil box. A . MikeB . LilyC . TomD . Mary(4)Mike lost his _. A . blue and white pencil boxB . school ID cardC . new watchD . black schoolbag(5)Mary found a _. A . watchB . pencil boxC . school ID cardD . schoolbag3. (8分)阅读理解 Breakfast is often called the most important meal of the day, and there are good reasons for that.Eating breakfast is good for both adults and children in many ways:Energy for your dayYour body has been fasting during the hours when you are asleep at night. So caring breakfast means you break the fast and give your body and head the energy that they need to work. Starting the day with more energy means youll feel better throughout the day.A healthy eating habitBy eating breakfast, you will feel more pleasant and be less likely to overeat later in the day. If you are trying to lose weight, dont try to cm calories by skipping(略过) breakfast. Studies have shown that most people who have lost weight eat breakfast every day.Better at work and schoolStudies have shown that adults who eat a healthy breakfast are more energetic during their workday than those who do not. Children who dont have breakfast get sleepy at school, have a harder time paying attention, and eat more junk food later in the day. Kids who do eat breakfast get higher test scores and perform better in sports.Good Nutrition(营养)Breakfast is a great chance to eat nutritious foods like whole grains, fruits, and dairy products to make sure that you are getting all of the nutrition you need. So we should make breakfast a part of our day. Heres some advice: Start smallIf you dont feel hungry in the morning, start with something small, like a cookie. Once you get used to eating earlier in the day, start adding more to your morning meal. Or try having a glass of water or juice when you wake up, and eat breakfast after an hour or so when you want to.Pack and goIf you cant eat before you leave for work or school in the morning, have plenty of packaged(包装好的 ) foods on hand to take with you, such as some bread, a bag of puddings, boiled eggs or a can of milk.Plan aheadIf you wake up a bit earlier each day to have time to enjoy a healthy breakfast, its worth(值得) it.(1)The writer thinks its necessary and helpful to eat breakfast in ways. A . threeB . fourC . sixD . seven(2)If you dont feel hungry in the morning, you should do the following EXCEPT . A . drinking some waterB . eating a cookie firstC . eating nothing until noonD . taking some puddings to eat later(3)From the passage, we can learn that . A . we shouldnt eat apples for breakfastB . we should skip breakfast to lose weightC . getting up early to have breakfast is goodD . children will get full marks without breakfast(4)Which of the following can be the best title of this passage? A . The Importance of Eating BreakfastB . The Best Time of Eating BreakfastC . The Results of Eating BreakfastD . The Habit of Making Breakfast4. (8分)阅读理解When I was five years old. I took a boat out on the river and went fishing by myself. I really wanted to catch a fish! But they were not biting.I stayed in my boat for three days, waiting. A few times, I thought I felt a fish at the end of the line. The first time I pulled in my catch, it was not a fish; it was an old bag. The second time, it was a shoe. Finally, at the end of the third day, I felt a strong pull at the end of the line. The pull was so strong they my boat raced around and around. I needed all my power just to hold onto the fishing rod. I pulled, and I pulled and I caught the biggest fish that ever swam on the Earth! It was heavier than everyone in this room put together! Then something terrible happened!After I pulled the huge fish into my boat, I saw that the boat was going under water! Water was coming into the boat from all sides! I was not a very good swimmer, so I was scared.Although it was the hardest choice I ever made. I had to let the fish go. I pushed it back over the side of the boat, and we waved good-bye to each other as it swam away.(1)How long did the writer spend in his boat? A . Two days.B . Two hoursC . Three daysD . Three hours(2)What did the writer get when he pulled in his catch the second time? A . A shoeB . An old bagC . A fishD . A small boat(3)Why did the writer let the fish go? A . The fish bit peopleB . The fish was too small to keepC . The boat started to go under water.D . There was a hole in the side of the boat.(4)The underlined word “raced” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”. A . walkedB . beat somebodyC . moved very fastD . swam5. (10分)New books this monthThe Long NightThis is David Reillys first book. David became a writer after teaching English for several years.Maha is a nurse in northern Australia. She works in a small hospital. One day a baby is so ill that Maha has to drive all night to get her to the nearest big city. They have a lot of problems getting there andHard WorkThis exciting story is Joannas twentieth. Hard Work is about Sombat. He works with his father, a carpenter, in Thailand. They work long, hard hours making tables and chairs, but they do not have any money. Then one day a man dressed all in black buys the most beautiful table in the shopHospital or CinemaMarcie Jacome, who studies English in London, wrote this story earlier this year.Tina is a young Indian woman whose dream is to become a doctor. She goes to London to study English and medicine, but one day she meets a man who asks her to go to the USA with him to become a film starWhat will Tina do?(1)The Long Night was written by .A . David ReillyB . MahaC . JoannaD . Marcie Jacome(2)The story of Hard Work happened in .A . AustraliaB . ThailandC . IndiaD . England(3)From the passage we can see Tina is _.A . a doctorB . a film starC . a writerD . a college student(4)is about a difficult journey.A . Hospital or CinemaB . Hard WorkC . The Long NightD . Harry Potter(5)The passage above is.A . an adB . a storyC . a novelD . a diary三、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共20分)6. (10分)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框中选出恰当的单词,将其正确形式填入短文空白处。(每词限用一次)what, pull, another, with, some, find,still, decide, success, teacherA professor(教授) told his students to go into the city slums(贫民窟) to study the life of 200 boys. He asked them to write reports about each boys life and future. One of the students wrote, “They dont have _hope”Twenty-five years later,_professor read about the earlier study. He told his students to find out _had happened to the boys. They tried very hard and _that 176 of the boys had become successful as doctors, teachers and scientists.The professor was very surprised and _to study it furtherLuckily, all of them were living near the place and he was able to ask each one, “What made you successful? ” Each one answered, “It was a _. ”The teacher was _living there, so the professor found her and asked the old woman what she had done to _those boys out of the slums, and change them into _people.The teachers eyes began to shine and said _a sweet smile, “Its really very easy. I love those boys. ”7. (10分)根据文章内容和括号内所给汉语的意思,写出各单词的正确形式(每空一词)。Dear Dad,Fathers Day is coming. Although I am _(忙)getting ready for the high school entrance exams, I want to celebrate it for you because you are my _(英雄). Id say, “I love you, Dad!”I do think you are the most _(耐心)father in the world. Every time I have trouble, you always give me advice and help me out. I remember _(一次)I failed in a competition, I felt terrible. Instead of complaining, you just said to me quietly, “A real man must learn to_(面对)many failures in life bravely. Cheer up!” I repeated your words many times and finally knew what _(它的)meaning was.Dad, I am going to buy you a _(明信片)as a present. I hope you will like it although I dont think it can _(表达)all of my thanks to you. I believe you can _(理解)me. Love you forever, Dad!Best _(祝愿)!Yours,Mike四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Pablo and I were walking home from playing football. On the way, I told him that our school needed _football team. At once, Pablo suggested, “Why not run for(竞选)class president so that you can set one up?”“Who would want _(I)?” I asked, surprised at the idea.Pablo made a list of reasons: I was the _(good) student of all in sports and lessons; I was _(friend) to everyone. When I told him running for president would be much work, he _(promise) that he would help me.I did run, and Pablo did help me. First, we made posters to hang in the hallway. Next, Pablo helped me _(write) a speech about why Id make a good class president.The big day came. I gave my speech in front of the whole grade, promising my _(classmate) that if they chose me, Id start a football team.As Pablo and I nervously waited _the results, I was told that my speech was so successful _I was the right person to be class president.Now we went _(happy) to Coach Simpson and asked how I could start our new football team.五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)9. (25分)阅读短文,根据短文内容,回答问题。When it comes to the letter grade on your test or homework, you might notice that there is no letter E. Have you ever thought about why that is so?In the A, B, C, D and F grading system, the first four letters are typically considered passing grades. An F in this system simply stands for“fail”.The word“fail”happens to start with the letter F, which seems to leave out the letter E. The fact”Some schools have U grade for“unsatisfactory”,or I grade for “incomplete”.Even with all this said, we should also point out that E grade actually has been used pretty commonly throughout the history of letter grades in the US.The first college in the US to use a letter grading system like the ones we use today is Mount Holyoke College. In 1897, they began to use the following grading scale:A: 95-100%(excellent) B: 85-94%(good) C: 76-84%(fair)D: 75%(barely passed) E: below 75%(failed)We can see the inclusion of E instead of F.Gradually,the letter grading system became more popular throughout the US. However, many schools decided to drop the E grade and go straight to F.There is no evidence(证据) to really support this, but one possible explanation is that teachers were worried that some students and parents might mistake E for “excellent”.Why do we have letter grades? Well, part of the reason is that they made grading simpler during a time of great change for schools. As the 20th century began,growing cities and an increase in immigration led to larger school classrooms. Most teachers at that time thought this new letter grading system was an easy, fair and clear way to grade students.Today, more and more people argue that letter grades dont fully reflect(反映) student learning. However,as teachers try to improve grading methods, many parents continue to favor the letter grades they got as kids, they are familiar(熟悉) and easy for parents to understand. So while they might not be perfect, the letter grades probably arent going away any time soon.(1)What does an F stand for in the A、B、C、D and F grading system? (2)When was the letter grading system first used in the US college? (3)What is one possible explanation for dropping the E grade? (4)What did most teachers think of the letter grading system in the 20th century? (5)Why do many parents still prefer the letter grades today? 六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)10. (5分)假如你校有几位来自美国的交换生,他们打算周末步行去翠湖公园。请根据提示为他们写出前往的路线,并简介公园情况。要点提示:1. 路线(见右图);2.3. 要求:1. 词数:80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。Cuihu Park is not far from here. Its easy to get there. Just go straight第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 完型填空。 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解。 (共4题;共36分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 词汇运用。 (共2题;共20分)6-1、7-1、四、 语法填空。 (共1题;共10分)8-1、五、 任务型阅读。 (共1题;共25分)9-1、9-2、9-3、9-4、9-5、六、 书面表达。 (共1题;共5分)10-1、

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