2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 2《Last Weekend》(Part A)课件1 人教PEP版.ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Unit 2《Last Weekend》(Part A)课件1 人教PEP版.ppt_第1页
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Unit2LastWeekend Newwords watchTV watchedTV t washmyclothes washedmyclothes t cleanmyroom cleanedtheroom d visitmygrandparents visitedmygrandparents vizitid stay stel 暂住 逗留 常见用法1 stayathome 例 Istayedathomewithyourgrandma drinktea dranktea dr k 例 Idrankteaintheafternoon show 节目 演出 常见用法1 TVshow 常见用法2 children sshow 例 Iwatchedsomechildren sshowsonTV dosomethingelse 例 Imustdosomethingelse 例 Didyoudoanythingelse 日历 March 一MON 二TUS 三WEN 四THUR 五FRI 六SAT 日SUN 一MON 二TUS 三WEN 四THUR 五FRI 六SAT 日SUN thisweekend last l st weekend wi kend 上一个周末 week lastweek Whatdoyoudoontheweekend dodid Whatdidyoudolastweekend 表示过去的时间 lastweekendlastnightlastMondayyesterdaythedaybeforeyesterday Whatdidyoudo 过去的时间 I 表示过去动作的短语 1 watchedTV 2 washedmyclothes 3 cleanedtheroom 7 didsomethingelse 4 visitedmygrandparents 5 dranktea 6 watchedsomechildren sshowsonTV Howwasyourweekend It was fine good ok A Howwasyourweekend B It was fine good ok A Whatdidyoudo B I 表示过去动作的短语 1 watchedTV 2 washedmyclothes 3 cleanedtheroom 5 visitedmygrandparents 4 dranktea 6 watchedsomechildren sshowsonTV 找出读音不同的选项 1 A fearB pearC hairD chair 2 A babyB tailC catD day 3 A pineB bikeC thisD dive I e 找出读音不同的选项 4 A coatB loadC knowD how 5 A nowB southC houseD know 选择最佳答案1 What youdoontheweekend A areB doC did2 Iplayedthepiano A tomorrowB lastweekendC everyday3 ZhangPeng hishomeworknow A didB doesC isdoing 4 Whatareyoudoingnow Iam pictures A drawB drawingC drew5 Johnwenttothepark bikeyesterday A withB byC on 6 Iwalked Mike shomeinthemorning A forB toC in7 IstudiedEnglish him A inB withC and 连词成句 10分 1 was weekend your how 2 fine was it 3 did what do last weekend what Whatdidyoudolastweekend Itwasfine Howwasyourweekend 作业 休息 Unit2LastWeekend staydrinkshowwatchwashcleanvisitdo 洗做看打扫节目 演出看望喝保持 逗留 看望我的爷爷奶奶洗衣服打扫房间喝茶看电视做其他事情 drinkteawatchTVwashmyclothescleanmyroomvisitmygrandparentsdosomethingelse 表示过去的时间 lastweekendlastnightlastMondayyesterdaythedaybeforeyesterday Howwasyourweekend It was fine good ok Whatdidyoudo 过去的时间 I 表示过去动作的短语 Workinpair A Howwasyourweekend B It was fine good ok A Whatdidyoudolastweekend B I 表示过去动作的短语 1 watchedTV 2 washedmyclothes 3 cleanedtheroom 5 visitedmygrandparents 4 dranktea 6 watchedsomechildren sshowsonTV Howwasyourweekend 你的周末怎么样 That snice 很好 children sshow儿童节目Didyoudoanythingelse 你是做了其他的事情吗 Youareagoodboy 你是一个好男孩 MainPoints Workinpair 对划线部分提问I mfine Howareyou 2 Itwasfine Howwasyourweekend 3 Istayedathomewithyourgrandma Whatdidyoudo 1 Youareagoodboy 2 Didyoudoanythingelse 3 That snice 4 Icleanedmyroomandwashedmyclothes 你是一个好男孩 你还做了其他的事情吗 那是好的 我打扫了我的房间 并且洗了我的衣服 1 Howareyou 2 Howwasyourweekend 3 Whatdidyoudo 4 Iwatchedsomechildren sshowsonTV 你好吗 你的假期怎么样 你做了什么 我看了一些儿童电视节目 适当形式填空A What do you do B Well Istayedathomewithyourgrandma We drink teaintheafternoonand watch TV A do you anythingelse B I clean myroomand wash myclothes did do drank watched Did do cleaned washed 作业 Unit2LastWeekend have有havehad 过去式 短语 hadacold感冒 例 Ihadacold 我感冒了 fix修理fixfixed 过去式 例 OurfriendRobinfixedabrokenchair seeseesaw 过去式 短语 seeafilm 例 Isawafilm sleep睡觉sleepslept 过去式 readread 过去式 last la st 最近的 上一个before 在 之前magazine杂志better更好的faster更快的hotel旅店lamp台灯loud大声的enjoy享受 1 watchedTV 2 washedmyclothes 3 cleanedtheroom 5 visitedmygrandparents 4 dranktea 6 watchedsomechildren sshowsonTV 表示发生在过去的动词短语 Didyoudoanythingelse Yes I Didyoulikeit Yes Idid A Howwasyourweekend B It was fine good ok A Whatdidyoudo 过去的时间 B I 表示过去动作的短语A Didyoudoanythingelse B A Didyoulikeit B Yes Idid Itwasgreat 询问对方过去的上周末活动 Whatdidyoudolastweekend What did 主语 do 过去的时间 答语 Ivisitedmygrandparentslastweekend I We 动词的过去式短语 visited washed watched 过去的时间 询问他人的上周末活动1 第三人称复数Whatdidtheydolastweekend 2 第三人称单数Whatdidhedolastweekend 过去式 过去式 动词原形 对划线部分提问Shevisitedhergrandparentslastweekend Istayedathomewithmygrandma Jackwatchedsomechildren sshowsonTV Theycleanedtheirroomandwashedtheirclothes Whatdidshedolastweekend Whatdidyoudo WhatdidJackdo Whatdidtheydo 对过去发生的事情进行一般疑问句的提问 Ivisitedmygrandparentslastweekend 一般疑问句 Didyouvisityourgrandparentslastweekend Did 主语 动词原形 其他 回答 Yes 主语 did No 主语 didn t 变为一般疑问句1 Shevisitedhergrandparentslastweekend 2 Istayedathomewithmygrandmayesterday 3 Jackwatchedsomechildren sshowsonTV 4 Theycleanedtheirroomandwashedtheirclothes Didshevisithergrandparents Didyoustayathomewithyourgrandmayesterday DidJackwatchsomechildren sshowsonTV Didtheycleantheirroomandwashtheirclothes 连词成句 10分 1 did you What do yesterday 2 visited I grandparents my yesterday 3 played WuYifan football friends his with WuYifanplayedfootballwithhisfriends Ivisitedmygrandparentsyesterday Whatdidyoudoyesterday 作业 休息 Unit2LastWeekend A Howwasyourweekend B It was fine good ok A Whatdidyoudo 过去的时间 B I 表示过去动作的短语A Didyoudoanythingelse B A Didyoulikeit B Yes Idid Itwasgreat Let s 动词原形wantto 动词原形filmmagazine电影杂志read 过去式 readalotof 许多 可数名词 复数 It sfasterthanwalking 它比走路要快 MainPoints 英汉互译1 Let sgotothebookstore 2 Iwanttobuythenewfilmmagazine 3 Ireaditlastweekend 4 Wasitinteresting 让我们去书店吧 我想去买新的电影杂志 上个周末我读了它 它是有趣的吗 英汉互译1 Ittalkedaboutalotofnewfilms 2 Whatdidyoudolastweekend 3 Didyouseeafilm 4 Ihadacold 它谈论了许多新电影 上周末你做了什么 你看电影了吗 我感冒了 英汉互译1 Istayedathomeallweekendandslep 2 I mhappyyoufeelbetternow 3 Let sgobybus 4 It sfasterthanwalking 一个周末我都呆在了家里睡觉 我很高兴你现在感觉好多了 让我们坐公交去吧 它比走路快 Storytime 1 wenttothepark去了公园2 wentfishing去钓了鱼3 cleanedmyroom打扫了我的房间4 visitedmygrandparents看望了我的爷爷奶奶5 playedfootball踢了足球6 watchedTV看了电视 选择最佳答案 1 What youusuallydoontheweekend A areB doC did 2 Iplayedthepiano A tomorrowB lastweekendC everyday 3 DidLucy thenoodlesyesterday A cookingB cookC cooked B B B 4 Iwasverygrateful thedog A withB forC to 5 ZhangPeng hishomeworknow A didB doesC isdoing 6 Whatareyoudoingnow Iam pictures A drawB drawingC drew 7 Johnwenttothepark bikeyesterday A withB byC on B C B B 8 Iwalked Mike shomeinthemorning A forB toC in 9 Hejumped thelake A onB toC into 10 IstudiedEnglish him A inB withC and B C B 连词成句 10分 1 did you What do yesterday 2 you Did go the to park weekend last 3 visited I grandparents my yesterday 4 played WuYifan football friends his with 5 ZhangPeng to Mike s walked home Ivisitedmygrandparentsyesterday Didyougototheparklastweekend Whatdidyoudoyesterday WuYifanplayedfootballwithhisfriends ZhangPengwalkedtoMike shome 作业 Unit2LastWeekend 一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态 动词要用过去式形式 通常在动词词尾加ed 例 IwatchedTVyesterday Iplayedfootballlastweekend A规则动词的过去式 1 动词 edwatchedwashedcleanedplayedvisited2 词尾是哑e 动词 dlike liked live lived B不规则动词的过去式 sumary 总结 3 以辅音字母 y结尾 要变y为i 再 ed studied do did go went C辅元辅结构 双写 ed study stop stopped 巧学妙计 变过去式有规律 一般词尾 ed 如果结尾哑巴e 只在后面加个d 结尾若是 辅 y 把y变I 加ed 若是重读 辅元辅 双写之后加ed watch watched wash washed clean cleaned play played visit visited listen listened want wanted study studied like liked stop stopped ontheweekend lastweekend playfootball playedfootball watchTV watchedTV cleantheroom cleanedtheroom washclothes washedclothes visitgrandparents visitedgrandparents 1 在浊辅音和元音后读 d cleanedplayed2 在清辅音后读 t washedwatched3 在 t d 音后读 id visitedneeded Howtoread 总结 Canyouread play playedfootballclean cleanedtheroomlisten listenedtomusicwash washedclotheswatch watchedTVcook cookedthemealsvisit visitedgrandparentsplant plantedtrees ed d ed t ed id 不规则动词过去式 do didhomework go wentshopping 1 did you last what weekend do 2 cleanedroomIthe Whatdidyoudolastweekend Icleanedtheroom Finishthesentences 1 WuYifan visit hisgrandmalastweekend 2 LastMonday he playfootball withhisfriends 3 He and yesterday visited playedfootball washedhisclothes cleanedhisroom 巩固练习 填入所缺的单词 1 ChenJie theroomlastweekend 2 WuYifan TVlastweekend 3 Sarah homeworklastweekend 4 John clotheslastweekend 5 I mygrandparentseveryweekend 6 ZhangPeng footballlastweekend cleaned watched did washed visit played 替换句型操练 A Whatdidyoudo B I Howaboutyou A I B Didyouanythingelse A Yes No watchedTV playedping pong cleanedtheroom Idid Ididn t Iwashedmyclothes Let swrapandup 1 I cook dinnerlastMonday 2 I play footballlastweekend 3 I like thefoodyesterday 4 I visit mygrandparentslastweekend 5 I stop tolookattheflower 6 I study Englishlastnight cooked played liked visited stopped studied Readandwrite 1 housekeeper房间清洁工2 madethebeds整理床铺3 customer顾客4 Howwasyourstay 您住的怎么样 5 Average一般6 Comments评价7 fixedabrokenchair修理一把破旧的椅子8 lamp台灯9 Wedidn tenjoyourstayverymuch 我们不是很享受我们的住宿 1 listenedtoloudmusic2 gotsomehamburgers3 theywerecoldandtastedbad4 wantedtoreadabook5 wastoosmall Thankyou


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