2019春五年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1《We lived in a small house》课件5 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春五年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1《We lived in a small house》课件5 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1《We lived in a small house》课件5 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019春五年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1《We lived in a small house》课件5 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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Module1 change改变 Manyyearsago许多年前 Thereweren tanybuses Now现在 Therearelotsofbusesandcars Welivedinasmallhouse Manyyearsago许多年前 Now现在 Weliveinabighouse 有 Therewas were 没有 Therewasn t weren t 表示过去 有 或 没有 Q 1 Whoarethetwogirls 2 WhataretheytalkingaboutonTV Theyareanoldladyandaninterviewer Q 1 Whoarethemanandtheoldwoman Theyaretalkingaboutlife Oldlady LifewasverydifferentinChinamanyyearsago Q 2 WhataretheytalkingaboutonTV grandmother grandchildren 1It saprogrammeaboutChina 2TheoldladywatchesTVeveryday 3Thereweremanybuses 4Thereweren tanytelevisions 5Theoldladylivedinasmallhouse 6Therearelotsofcarsandbusesnow 7Theoldladylivesinasmallhouse 火眼金睛辨真伪 火眼金睛辨真伪 T T F T T T F Ilivedinasmallhousefouryearsago Therewasanearthehouse Iasmalldog ItsnamewasBobby NowIliveinabig abigtreenearit Ihavenow Bobbyisbignow Smalltree had house Thereis threedogs 1 WhatprogrammedidLinglingwatchlastnight AprogrammeaboutChina 2 Whatdidtheoldladytalkaboutontelevision Shetalkedaboutherlifemanyyearsago 3 Whatwastheoldlady slifelikemanyyearsago Shecookedonafire Shedidn thaveatelevisionoraradio Shedidn thaveatelephone Sheworkedinthefields Shecould treadorwrite 4 WhodoesLinglingmiss ShemisseshergrandmotherandDaming listenandanswer Dear I atelevisionprogrammeabout last Anoldlady abouther manyyears She ona She haveatelevision aradio She havea She inthe She read write Imissmy Imissyou too I youarewell Daming watched China night talked life ago cooked fire didn t or didn t telephone worked fields couldn t or grandmother hope Lingling everywhere evrihw 到处stay stei 停留same seim 相同的circle s kl 圆圈aeroplane r plein 飞机other 其它的 一 写出下列动词的过去时 goaredohaveliveiswatchtalkwritecook二 按要求填空 1 was 原形 2 were 否定 3 any 同义词 4 lotsof 同义词 5 change 现在分词 三 连词成句 1 Sam Amy still and in Lingling with is England2 China life was in different very ago many years3 small in house lived we a4 programme a I watched about China television lastnight 5 or radio television she didn t have a a Homeworkfortoday 回家后问问你的爷爷 奶奶 外公或外婆 他们以前的生活与现在的生活有什么不一样 把结果下节课用英语告诉老师 可用以下句型 Thereweren t Thereis are Welived Welivein 作文Mygrandpa1 他的职业 Mygrandpawasa 2 他的生活环境 Helivedin Hecookedon 3 他的教育经历 Hecould couldn t 4 社会环境 Thereweren tany MygrandpaMygrandpawasateachermanyyearsago HeteachedChinese Thereweren tanybusesorcars Hewalkedtowork Thereweren tanytelevisionsorradios Hereadbookseverynight Hecouldn tspeakEnglish Hedidn thaveenoughfood Hedidn thaveatelephone Buthewasveryhappy Iwanttobeateacher too HappyNewYearThankyou

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