2019春三年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1《Will you take your ball tomorrow》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt

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2019春三年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1《Will you take your ball tomorrow》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt_第1页
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2019春三年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1《Will you take your ball tomorrow》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt_第2页
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2019春三年级英语下册 Module 5 Unit 1《Will you take your ball tomorrow》课件3 (新版)外研版.ppt_第3页
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Willyoutakeyourballtomorrow 三年级上册Module5Unit1 WhatareourfriendsgoingtodoonSaturday Theyaregoingtohaveapicnic will Willyoutakeyourkitetothepicnictomorrow No Iwon t Willyoutakeyourballtomorrow No Iwon t Genwpei 带着 Sam Sam Amy Amy Willyoutakeyourkitetothepicnictomorrow No Iwon t Willyoutakeyourballtomorrow No Iwon t face Willyoutake Yes Iwill No Iwon t zaza ball Friday ball why will kite take tomorrow picnic OnMayDay Iwill park zoo London FruitFarm takephotos 照相 feed 喂 thepandas takeahamburger takeacamera 照相机 seefruits seeflowers takesomebamboo 竹子 takeabasket 篮子 haveapicnic seeBigBen pickapples seepandas Willyoutake see do Willyougoto MayDayPlan OnMayDay Wewillgoto Wewilltake Wewillsee Wewilleat Wewill Wewillbeveryhappy Thankyou Homework 1 ListenandrepeatM5U1for3times 2 Use willyou toguessyourfriend splan TomorrowisFriday Readit 连词成句 Take will you tomorrow your picnic to kite the Willyoutakeyourkitetothepicnictomorrow 读一读 选一选 Willyoutakeyourballtomorrow A B Readandchoose Willyougotothezootomorrow A Yes Iwill B No Iwon t Readandchoose Willyouplayfootballtomorrow A Yes Iwill B No Iwon t WearegoingtohaveapicniconSaturday Readit Readit Yes Iwill No Iwon t Sam Amy Willyoutakeyourkite No Iwon t 你能帮Sam与Amy配配音吗 你能帮Sam与Amy配配音吗 Sam Amy Willyoutakeyourball No Iwon t Iamgoingto thisSaturday park zoo FruitFarm

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