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期中复习 8AUnit 1 Encyclopaedias一 词语释义。1. include =have/ be a part of 包括2. die out =disappear 灭绝3. perhaps=maybe=possibly 可能4. nobody =no one= notanybody 没有人5. go for a walk=take/have a walk 去散步6. human being=person 人7. in the countryside=outside the cities and towns 在农村8. however=but 然而9. be born=come out of his/her/its mothers body 出生10. have the ability to=can 能够做11. intelligent=wise=clever=smart=bright 聪明的12. for example=such as 例如13. suddenly=quickly and surprisingly 突然地14. more than=over 多于15. the same age as=as old as 年龄一样大16. attractions=places of interest 景点,名胜古迹17. from an early age=whenwas very young 在很小的时候Unit 2 Numbers一 词语释义。1. realize=get to know=be aware of=understand 意识到2. wise=clever=smart=intelligent=bright 充满智慧的3. check=go over=examine 检查4. copy down=write down=put down=note down 抄写5. prize=reward=a thing that is given to the winner 奖品6. a long time ago=long long ago=once upon a time. 很久以前7. and so on=and so forth 等等8. realize the problem=know something is wrong. 认识到问题9. instruct=teach 指导,教10. copy=a thing made to be exactly like another 复制本11. traffic=cars, buses and people moving along a road and street 交通12. rest= something left 剩余部分13. double=make twice as much 加倍Unit 3 Computer一词语释义。1. tiny=very small微小的2. depend on=need help from=be decided by 依靠3. operate=makework=control 操作4. popular=liked by many people 受欢迎的5. in addition=andas well=besides=additionally 除以外(还)6. be unaware of=dont know/realize/understand 没有意识到7. alone=by oneself=on ones own独自8. what to do with=how to deal with 如何处理9. be able to=can 能够10. for example=for instance=such as 例如11. improve=make sth. better 提升12. change ones life=make ones life different 改变生活Unit 4 Inventions1.comfortable=nice and soft 舒适的2. passengers=people on the bus 乘客3. develop=create 生产4. century= one hundred year 一个世纪;centuries= a few hundred years 几个世纪5. practical=useful 有用的6. instead of= in (the) place of=instead 代替7. funny=amusing=a person or thing that makes you laugh or smile 好笑的8. start=beginning 开始9. invent= produce for the first time 发明10. create=make 创造11. comfort=make sb. feel better 安慰Unit1练习题一词语释义。1. This house includes five bedrooms and two living rooms.A. takes B. has C. collects2. Why did dinosaurs die out suddenly? Sorry, but I dont know. I think nobody knows the reason.A. go out B. run C. disappear3. Will he come here tonight? Perhaps. Im not sure.A. Exactly B. Carefully C. Maybe4. Dont be sad Each human being may make mistakes.A. person B. machine C. animal5. Mr. and Mrs. Hill prefer to live in the countryside.A. outside the city B. in the hill C. in the city6. There are more than 1,000 trees in the park.A. on B. before C. above D. over7. James is as old as Tom.A. younger than B. older than C. the same age as D. as young as8. Dinosaurs all died out suddenly.A. went out B. disappeared C. were alive D. appeared9. A human being is a(n)_.A. animal B. machine C. person D. object10. Birds have a musical ability. They_ sing.A. can B. cannot C. are happy to D. like to11. The baby panda was born on a cold winter evening.A. went to see a doctor B. left its parents C. came back D. came out of its mothers body12. A good British breakfast always includes sausages. The sentence means sausages are_ the breakfast.A. part of B. at the end of C. connected D. not13. Each human being has to die, but mankind goes on world without end.A. animal B. machine C. dollar D. person14. Australia also has many big attractions. Many people come to visit them every year.A. places of interest B. sheep C. kangaroos D. delicious food15. I feel healthier after a visit to the countryside.A. outside the cities and towns B. in the middle of the cities and towns C. inside the cities and towns D. in the center of the cities and towns二根据句子意思,用所给适当形式填空。1. The fee_(include) many different kinds of food-cakes fruit, coffee and so on.2. _(sudden), an accident happened in front of the supermarket.3. Einstein was outstanding and he loved_(scientist) very much.4. Can you tell me the_(invention) of the telephone?5. It will be nice to be_(ability) to afford to buy a big house in big cities.6. Can you say it in_(Italy)?7. Black is clever, but his sister is far more_(intelligence).8. I saw some interesting drawings of_(fly) machine in the museum.9. I saw some boys playing football on the ground. _(other) were watching them.10. Da Vinces is one of the most famous_(artistic).11. When she heard the news, she_(sudden) laughed.12. Yuan longping is a great_(science) and he works hard all the year.13. My little brother wants to be a_(music) like Beethoven in the future.14. Edison is one of the great_(invent) in the world.15. We finally_(win) the first prize after two months.Unit 2练习题一词语释义。1. He finally realized his mistake.A. achieved B. got to know C. told2. It was wise of you to walk on the muddy(泥泞) road with a stick.A. clever B. foolish C. rude3. You should check your test paper before you hand it in.A. go over B. finish C. look4. Listen to the teacher carefully and copy down the Math problems on the blackboard.A. look down B. come down C. write down5. Lisa won the game and she got a prize.A. a word that is given to the loser B. a cap that is given to the loserC. a word that is given to the winner D. a thing that is given to the winner6. If you ask a wise man for help, he will give you good advice.A. silly B. kind C. good D. clever7. To her surprise, she got a big prize in the game.A. reward B. gift C. smile D. present8. If you buy a new bicycle, it will cost more than double.A. made for two people B. twice the quantity value C. less than before D. having a second use9. If you realize the problem, you know something is wrong.A. follow B. understand C. recognize D. dont know10. Could you check if Pan am Flight 002 has arrived already?A. examine B. stop C. prevent D. look for11. His uncle instructed him in French.A. ordered B. asked C. taught D. told12. The painting is a copy of one in the museum.A. a single example B. a thing made to be exactly like anotherC. another real thing D. something real13. Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.A. Cars, buses and people moving along a road or streetB. Too many students in the schoolC. People moving along a road or streetD. Change the opinion14. Well eat some of the bread and keep the rest for breakfast.A. freedom from activity B. having nothing to do C. the condition of sleep D. something left15. I gave him advice instead of money. The sentence means_.A. I gave him both advice and money B. I gave him advice, but I didnt give moneyC. I didnt give him advice, but I gave money D. something left二根据句子意思,用过给单词的正确形式填空。1. The man always does things according to his bosss_(instruct).2. Tom promised_(come) to the party, but he didnt come yesterday.3. How many times should I take the pills, Mom? _(Two) a day.4. You must be careful and spell each word_(correct).5. Our classroom is on the_(five) floor.6. The king ordered his men_(bring) the wise man a lot of gold.7. A large number of students_(be) having chess on the playground now.8. We went boating in the park instead of_(stay) at home last Sunday.9. He fell in love with an_(India) girl at the first sight.10. There were a few_(grain) of rice left in his bowl.11. Read the_(instruction) before you begin to use the machine.12. The_(king) favourite game was chess.13. There are_(twelfth) chapters in the book.14. Will you come to visit me in_(Indian)?15. With age you will become even_(wise).16. If you promise_(do) something, you must not break your promise.17. Simon always_(rest) his head on his hand.18. Even with all the_(rice) in the country, he would still not have enough rice to put on all the square.19. I_(copy) out her notes into my notebook after class.20. You can find the_(correctly) answers at the bottom of page 8.Unit 3练习题一词语释义。1. The words in the letter are so tiny that I cant see them clearly.A. big B. small C. nice D. bad2. Can you tell me how to operate this new recorder?A. make something work B. make something stopC. make something grow D. make something continue3. You are more dependent on computers than you realize.A. allow B. understand C. decide D. want4. When you want to answer the question, you can raise your hand.A. put up B. put down C. take up D. take down5. Some young people always depend on their parents.A. help B. need help from C. leave D. live with6. He was unaware of the serious situation he was facing.A. understand B. didnt understand C. knew D. recognize7. She was dependent on others on her way to success.A. was in bad need of others B. needed too much help fromC. could stand on herself D. can not stand on herself8. The computer system can operate the railway system better than people.A. control B. ran C. go D. open9. She was able to swim three years ago.A. can B. must C. could D. may10. They realized that the methods must be replaced with new ones.A. understood B. knew C. came into being D. came true 二根据句子意思,用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. The Sichuan food is_(hot) than any other food in China.2. House_(price) have been rising these years.3. He made many small mistakes but he was_(aware) of them.4. Computers may be better than doctors at_(do) their job.5. The boy is only 19 years, but he owns four_(company).6. Computers can do important jobs like_(operate) railways and flying planes and spaceships.7. The Olympic Games can bring a good chance for the people all over the world to come to China. So they look forward to_(have) a better understanding of China.8. He is badly ill and need an_(operate) at once.9. _(mouse) help us control computers.10. The song is even_(popular)11. Jim is_(young) than Lucy.12. Which is_(easy) to learn, swimming or playing basketball?13. The_(hard) you learn, the_(happy) you feel.14. I think English becomes _and_(interesting).15. This picture is_(beautiful) than that one.16. Iron is_(little) expensive than gold.17. Johns parents have four daughters, and she is_(young) child.18. The short one is_(expensive) of the five.19. She will be much_(happy) in her new house.20. The Yellow River is the second_(long) river in China.Unit 4 练习题1. My new shoes feel comfortable, so I like wearing them.A. hard B. good C. soft and nice D. beautiful2. All the passengers got excited when they reached the Summer Palace.A. people on business B. visitors C. people on the bus D. tourists3. Our company developed a new umbrella last month.A. found B. made C. created D. sold4. This book was written centuries ago.A. a hundred B. a few hundred years C. a thousand D. thousands of5. Your invention is clever, but not practical.A. nice B. useful C. useless D. important6. The funny performances of the clown often make the audience clap their hands and laugh aloud.A. sad B. amusing C. unhappy D. clever7. At the start of the 20th century, cars became popular.A. beginning B. end C. middle D. first8. Since then, he has developed another bad habit.A. changed B. formed C. dropped D. created9. This story happened a century ago.A. a hundred year B. a few hundred years C. a thousand D. thousands of10. I wish someone would invent clothing that cant be worn out.A. use B. wear C. put off D. produce for the first time二根据句子意思,用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. Edison was famous as an_(invention).2. In the early_(nineteen) century, the first trains began to carry passengers.3. Alexander Graham Bell invented the first practical_(telephone) in 1876.4. Today_(million) of people across the world own mobile phones.5. India is a_(develop) country.6. They allow people_(keep) in touch with each other anytime, anywhere.7. With this pair of_(glass), you can see things more clearly.8. The flying car has four wheels and two_(wing).10. Taking a plane is the fastest and_(comfortable).11. Edison was famous for his_(invent).12. In the early_(twenty) century, cars became popular.13. American is a_(develop) country.14. Lucy is the_(tall) of the twins.15. He is so young that he is_(able) to speak.16. _(with) sunlight, plants will die.17. Taking a plane is much_(comfortable).

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