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一、Getting Started1.基本句型在问路时,我们通常先对别人说excuse me.表示“打扰一下”。用于问路的语句有:Is there a near here?Are there any near here?Is this the road/street to?Is this bus to?Which bus goes to?Where is please?Can/Could you tell me how to get to?Can/Could you tell me how I can get to?Can/Could you tell me the way to?在回答的句子当你确实不知道时:Sorry,I dont know.当你不是本地人时Sorry ,Im a stranger here.当你知道Yes,certainly.2.基本句型Turn left / right at the toundabout.Turn left / right atStreet.You cant miss it.Take the first /second turning at3. 基本句型The first picture should be “Mc Donalds”第一幅应该是麦当劳的照片The second picture should be “telephone booth.” 第二幅应该是电话亭的照片Pizza Hut 匹萨屋police station 警局restaurant饭店 health center医疗中心,健身中心 Central Park中央公园 Cinema电影院4. ahead adv. 在前方2.5 miles ahead被读成:two and a half miles ahead 在前方2.5英里5. 10 minutes walk = 10-minute-walk2 hours drive = 2-hour-drive6. Petrol Station 加油站petrol 汽油二、Chatroom1. along this road on the right 沿着这条路的右边2. guess v. 猜想3. lost adj. 迷路的be lost 迷路He is lost. 他迷路了。4. the Grand Theatre 大剧院 grand adj. 大的5. quite adj. 非常的 = very6. right adv. 恰好;正好7. You cant miss it. 你一定会找到的8. My pleasure.这是我的荣幸。/ 我很荣幸。三、Programme1. direction n. 方向 direction to 到的方向2. convenient adj. 方便的(多音节的形容词,因此比较级和最高级前要用more和most)the most convenient 最方便的3. Turn left down= Turn left and go down向左转并沿着走4. Take the second turning 在第二个拐弯处拐弯turning n. 拐弯处5. towards prep. 朝着6. the entrance hall 入口大厅entrance n. 入口enter v. 进入7. Jupiter n. 木星太阳系九大行星: Mercury (水星 ); Venus (金星); Earth(地球); Mars(火星); Jupiter(木星); Saturn(土星); Uranus(天王星); Neptune(海王星); Pluto(冥王星)8. travel through 穿过travel through China;travel through the desert9. Mars 火星10. ahead of 在前方He was ahead of me. 他在我的前方。11. go the wrong way 走错误的方向go the right way 走正确的方向go the same way 走同一条路go a different way 走一条不同的路He goes a different way today.go different ways 走不同的路They go different ways every day.12. past prep. 经过be past13. Washington D. C. 华盛顿 (美国首都)14. Tour USA 观光美国(一个旅行社的名称)15. take sb. around some place 带某人参观某处I will take them around our school. 我将带领他们参观我们的学校。The guide is taking us around the museum. 这个导游正带我们参观这个博物馆。16. capital 首都17. guide 导游18. start at 从开始 = start from19. the Capitol Building 国会大厦20. senator 参议院议员 (美国国会分为“参议院”Senate和“众议院”House of Representatives,Senate 主要负责立法,而House of Representatives 主要负责行政。)21. representative 众议院议员 (参考senator 注解。)22. vote on 对投票23. law n. 法律24. And there across the road is the Supreme Court. 这是一个倒装句,相当于:The Supreme Court is there across the road.倒装是为了强调状语。解释为:那儿,马路对面就是最高法院。25. court n. 法院26. the Library of Congress 国会图书馆27. imagine v. 想像28. copy n. 复制品;复印件29. print v. 打印printed 被复印的30. the Washington Monument 华盛顿纪念碑31. one of the most popular sights最受欢迎的景观之一在one of the + 最高级 + 名词的句型结构中,名词要用复数形式。He is one of the cleverest students in ourclass. 他是我们班最聪明的学生之一。This is one of the most interesting books in the library. 这是这个图书馆中最有趣的书之一。32. the White House 白宫33. president 总统34. see the rooms where the American president lives = see the rooms in which the American president lives看一看美国总统住的房间。这句话可以拆成两句:We can see the rooms where the American president lives.= We can see the rooms. + The American president lives in the rooms.35. the Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念馆36. Abraham Lincoln 林肯 (美国在1861年南北战争时期的总统,他废除了黑人奴隶制度。但因他的政策损害了南方农场主的经济利益,在任期内被暗杀。)37. the Potomac River 波托马克河,接临美国首都Washington市的河流。38. Arlington National Cemetery 阿灵顿国家公墓(在弗吉尼亚州)39. hero n. 英雄 (pl.) heroes40. be buried 被埋葬四、message box .1.wheres the paiting?Its on / at / above / in / under / beside / near/ behind the desk.wheres the post office?Its next to / opposite/ in front of / near the police station.五、databank1. Change lanes 变道2. Turn left 向左转3. Turn right 向右转4. Go straight 直行5. Get on / Enter a freeway 上高速公路6. Get off / Exit a freeway 下高速公路7. This car goes first. 这辆车先行。8. Yield right of way. 让别的车先行。9. Pass someone 超车10. Pull over to the side of the road 把车拖到一边六、Diy Lab 七、Culture Corner1. be taken as. 被认为是2. emergency 紧急事件八、Game Zone九、Highlights 十、Supplementary Reading

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