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北师大版2019-2020学年初中英语九年级下学期期中考试模拟试卷(1)B卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分)通读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。We see many animals, like rabbits, bees, dogs, birds, sheep,but do you know 1these animals say things? First,lets see a rabbit. When a rabbit sees 2dangerous(危险的),it runs away at once. When it runs, its tail moves up and 3.When others see this, they run away,4.Many other animals use this kind of language(语言). When a bee has found some food, it goes back to 5home. It cannot tell6bees where the food is by speaking to them,but it does a little dance in the air. This may tell other bees 7the food is.Some animals say things by8sounds like a man does. For example,a dog barks when a stranger(陌生人)comes near. Some birds can make several 9sounds, each with its own meaning. In a word, every animal10its own language.(1)A . how B . when C . why D . where (2)A . nothing B . something C . anything D . everything (3)A . up B . again C . down D . on (4)A . also B . too C . either D . back (5)A . their B . theyre C . its D . its (6)A . the other B . small C . all the D . many (7)A . what B . how C . where D . whose (8)A . making B . make C . taking D . take (9)A . strange B . interesting C . useful D . different (10)A . there is B . there are C . have D . has 二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)2. (10分)A. Choose the best answer(根据以下内容,选择最恰当的答案)April 13th, 1539Outside Mexico CityDear Mariana,Today we arrived safe. It was a long and dangerous trip over the ocean. The winter storms were strong. We were always a little sick from high waves.The journey from the shore to Mexico City is also long and dangerous. There are robbers in the countryside. We will travel together with the other ship passengers, thinking we will be safer as a group. Tomorrow we will travel into the city to find our uncle.Father says it will take a year for this letter to reach you. The trip from New Spain to Spain is very long.Your loving brother,TomasApril 20th, 1539Mexico CityDear Mariana,Father and I finally arrived at Mexico City. Here, old buildings are being pulled down; new ones are being built. Just around the corner from Uncles city house, Aztec workers are pulling down a small, beautiful pyramid. Father says it is one of the last Aztec temples.In the center of the city, I met an Aztec boy named Carlos. He speaks a little Spanish. Carlos learns Spanish at his new school. He told me that the Spanish set up new schools for the Aztecs. There he got his new name, Carlos. He says he likes his new school but misses his old city. I wonder what this city used to be like before Cortes came.Tomorrow we will go to Uncles farmland. He and father are talking about the Aztec workers that father will oversee.Your brother,Tomasfound v. 建立 battle n. 战役 conquer v. 征服(1)What was Tomas nationality? A . Spanish.B . New Spanish.C . Mexico.D . Aztec.(2)How was Tomas journey to Mexico? A . Stormy and cold.B . Easy and safe.C . Long but safe.D . Long and dangerous.(3)How long did it take Tomas to travel from the shore to Mexico City? A . One day.B . One week.C . A year.D . Two years.(4)Why did Tomas and his father come to Mexico in 1539? A . To visit Mexico.B . To meet Carlos.C . To see the temples.D . To look for a better life.(5)When did Mexico get its name New Spain? A . After 1539.B . After 1519.C . In the 1300s.D . In the 1400s.(6)What did the Spanish do to the people in Mexico in the early 1500s? A . They taught children there English.B . They built new temples for them.C . They destroyed the local culture there.D . They helped to feed the local people there.3. (10分)阅读理解 The other day, I got into a car accident, which was clearly not my fault. The other driver was so busy on his phone that he went right through a red light and hit my car.A traffic policeman arrived and started taking statements. I explained that my speed was about 55 km/h. So you were going about 50 km/h, my lady? he asked. No, I said I was going about 55 km,/h, I said. Right, so you were driving at a speed of about 50 km/h? he asked again.I was a little annoyed because I felt he wasnt listening to me carefully. So I shouted, No! I was going about 55 km/h.OK, if thats the way you want it, the officer simply replied. Because the city speed limit is 50 km/h, I only got paid from my insurance (保险) company for the damage to my car, but the other drivers insurance company couldnt pay me due to my speed. I didnt realize it at the time, but it turned out I was getting him wrong.He didnt mention the 5 km/h, but he certainly knew something about the rules of the insurance. Suddenly, I realized that the traffic policeman had been trying to help me out.(1)The best expression to explain the main idea of the passage is. A . the more slowly, the betterB . a careless woman driverC . a traffic policeman tried to offer helpD . no lies to anybody else(2)What happened to the writer that day? A . She went right through a red light.B . A traffic policeman came near to stop her.C . She made a call while she was driving.D . Her car was hit by another car.(3)Why couldnt the other drivers insurance company pay the writer? A . Because the traffic policeman had recorded the wrong speedB . Because she drove the car over the speed limit.C . Because the other driver didnt admit to the car accident.D . Because the accident was the writers fault.(4)Although it was her choice to insist on telling the truth, the writer _. A . understood that it was impolite to be angry with othersB . would not believe anybody else except herselfC . remembered the exact rules of insurance for everD . should say thank you to the traffic policeman instead of acting rudely4. (10分)根据短文内容回答下列问题。A poor farmer had a friend who was famous for the wonderful apple trees he grew.One day, his friend gave the farmer a young apple tree and told him to plant it. The farmer was pleased with the gift, but he did not know where to plant it.He was afraid that if he planted the tree near the road, strangers would steal the fruit. If he planted the tree in one of his fields, his neighbours would come at night and steal some of the apples. If he planted the tree near his house, his children would take the fruit. Finally he planted the tree in his woods. But without sunlight and good soil(土壤), the tree soon died.Later the friend asked the farmer why he had planted the tree in such a poor place. Whats the difference? the farmer said angrily and then told what he had thought.Yes, said the friend, but at least someone could have enjoyed the fruit. Now you not only have robbed everyone of the fruit, but also you have destroyed(毁掉) a good apple tree!(1)What gift did the farmer get from his friend one day?(2)How many people are there in the story?(3)Where did the farmer plant the apple tree at last?(4)Why did the apple tree soon die?(5)Who destroyed the apple tree?5. (10分)阅读理解 Techeng Island(特呈岛)lies in the southeast of Zhanjiang. The villagers there used to make a living by fishing. But now, most of them make much money by doing business. They believe that their island is a gift from nature and they give thanks to it every day. In 2003, President Hu Jintao came to visit the island and pointed out that the government of Zhanjiang should take the is land into a civilized new ecotourism island(文明生态旅游新海岛). Since then, the island has opened a new page in history. Today, the island has become a popular place for tourists. It takes you about 15 minutes to get there by boat from Maxie Pier(码头)near Haibin Park. But it is a just 8minute boat ride from Zhanjiang Port Pier. In the resort(度假村), you can not only enjoy the fantastic sights but also have a lot of interesting things to do, like walking on the beach, visiting the museum and enjoying the delicious seafood. The best way to relax yourself is to enjoy the hot springs(温泉)there. Welcome to Techeng Island! Its a place to visit!(1)How did the villagers on Techeng Island make a living in the past? A . By doing business.B . By enjoying the fantastic sights.C . By fishing.D . By giving thanks to nature.(2)When has the island opened a new page in history? A . In 2003.B . Since 2003.C . Nobody knows.D . In the past.(3)How long does it take to get there by boat from Zhanjiang Port Pier? A . 8 minutes.B . 15 minutes.C . A long time.D . 23 minutes.(4)The hot springs can help you_. A . enjoy the sightsB . relax yourselfC . eat seafoodD . visit the museum(5)Techeng Island is a place_. A . that lies in the west of ZhanjiangB . where all the villagers live a poor lifeC . that young people may find boringD . that tourists like to visit三、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)6. (10分)选词填空 afraid themselves unless listen key are interesting wisely easier comesResearches show that successful learners have some good habits in common.Good learners often connect what they need to learn with something _. Studies show that if you are interested in something, your brain is more active and it is also _ for you to pay attention to it for a long time. For example, if they need to learn English and they like music or sports, they can _ to English songs or watch sports programs in English.Good learners think about what they _ good at and what they need to practice more. Even if you learn something well, you will forget it _ you use it. Practice makes perfect. Good learners will keep practicing what they have learned, and they are not _ of making mistakes.Good learners usually choose the best way of the following methods when they study. For example, they may take notes by writing down _ words or by drawing mind maps. They also look for ways to review what they have learned. They may do this by explaining the information to _.Good learners often ask questions during or after class. They even ask each other and try to find out the answers. Knowledge _ from questioning.Learning is a lifelong journey because every day brings something new. Everything that you learn becomes a part of you and changes you, so learn _ and learn well. 四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共2题;共10分)7. (5分)请背诵词汇表,并默写单词。动 词:s_偷;窃取l_放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)a_欣赏;仰慕8. (5分)根据下列句子及所给单词的首字母写出所缺单词。在填写答卷时,要求写出完整单词。(每空限填一词) (1)Please open the w_and let some fresh air in. (2)The kind boy was happy to s_his food with the hungry man. (3)To keep healthy, you should do sports and have a balanced d_.(4)N_cross the road when the traffic light is red. (5)By reading 30 minutes a day, you can learn more words and i_your writing.(6)The students are very h_. They clean houses for the old people every weekend.五、 语法填空 (共2题;共15分)9. (10分)I shouted to the girl. I wanted to stop her from _(run) after the ball, but she didnt hear me. 10. (5分)用所给单词的适当形式填空(1)The pieces are usually cute children or _ (live) characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story.(2)They are seen as bright symbols of _ (happy) and good wishes.(3)Paper _ (cut) sounds very easy.(4)We _ (allow) to play basketball after school every day.(5)It takes several weeks _ (complete) everything.六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)11. (5分)根据短文内容,补全句子(每空词数不限)。 How are you? is a nice question. Its a friendly way people in the United States greet each other. But How are you? is also a very unusual question that often doesnt have an answer.When a person meets a friend on the street and asks How are you?, he only expects to hear the answer Fine. even if the other person isnt! The reason is that How are you? isnt really a question and Fine. isnt really an answer. They are simple ways of greeting people and saying Hello.Sometimes, people also dont say directly what they mean. For example, when someone asks Do you agree?, the other person might be thinking No, I disagree. But it isnt very polite to answer so directly, so the other person might say. Im not so sure. Its a nicer way to say that you dont agree with someone.People also dont say directly what they are thinking when they finish conversations with others. For example, many conversations over the phone end when one person says, Ive got to go now. Often, the person who wants to hang u gives an excuse: Someones at the door. Something is burning on the stove! The excuse might be real, or it might not be. Perhaps the person who wants to hang up simply doesnt want to talk any more, but it isnt very polite to say that. The excuse is more polite, and it doesnt hurt the other persons feelings.Whether they are greeting each other, talking about an opinion, or ending a conversation, people often dont say directly what they are thinking. Its an important way that people try to be nice to each other, and its all part of the game of language!(1)How are you? is a _ question. (2)How are you? and Fine. are _ of greeting people and saying Hello. (3)Its _ to say No, I dont agree. when people ask Do you agree?. (4)When people want 1o finish conversations with others, they should find _ excuses. (5)Its all part of the game of language for people to _. 七、 书面表达 (共1题;共10分)12. (10分)大熊猫是我国的国宝,现在正面临着灭绝的危险。请你根据下面的内容向人们介绍有关大熊猫的情况,呼吁人们来保护它们,并提出你的关于保护大熊猫的建议。80词左右。Kind of animal: pandaHabitat: warm, wet places such as SichuanCharacter: shy, gentle, interesting .Numbers: many pandas in the east of China (in the past),endangered, fewer and fewer (now)What to do: try to save pandas, establish reserves(建立保护区), let more people know about their situation.第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共4题;共40分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、2-5、2-6、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、4-5、5-1、5-2、5-3、5-4、5-5、三、 选词填空(词汇运用) (共1题;共10分)6-1、四、 单词拼写(词汇运用) (共2题;共10分)7-1、8-1、8-2、8-3、8-4、8-5、8-6、五、 语法填空 (共2题;共15分)9-1、10-1、10-2、10-3、10-4、10-5、六、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)11-1、11-2、11-3、11-4、11-5、七、 书面表达 (共1题;共10分)12-1、

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