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安徽省中考英语试卷B卷一、 从B栏中选出与A栏相匹配的答语。(共10分) (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) (2019九上福州开学考) 当你看到有人在禁烟场所吸烟时,你应当这样对他说:_ 二、 单项选择(本题共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) (共10题;共10分)2. (1分) (2019八下融安期中) Susan is active girl. She likes taking part in all kinds of activities. A . aB . anC . the3. (1分) Whats on the desk. There_ some milk and apples. A . haveB . hasC . isD . are4. (1分) (2019长沙) So sorry, I took your school T-shirt by mistake. But where is _? Dont worry. Let me help you find it.A . yoursB . hisC . mine5. (1分) The tree is tall few people can climb to the top of it. A . such; thatB . so; thatC . very; thatD . too; to6. (1分) (2019南京) Read the sentence. I can tell her anything because she can keep a secret. The underlined word because is used to . A . connect ideasB . create new wordsC . show timeD . give examples7. (1分) I cant _ my pen. Can you _ it?A . find, look atB . look at, seeC . look for, look atD . find, see8. (1分) (2019武威模拟) _ popular the shared bikes in our city are! A . WhatB . What aC . HowD . How a9. (1分) (2019九上德惠月考) _ you practice, _you will be at math. A . The more, the betterB . The more, the bestC . The most, the betterD . The most, the best10. (1分) (2019七下杭州月考) _? They are having a test.A . Where are theyB . What are they doingC . What can they do11. (1分) (2019长沙模拟) Mr. Zhang has gone to Mexico, so the man _ be him. A . mustB . mightC . cant三、 完型填空(每空1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)12. (10分) When Ron Clark began teaching in 1995, his teacher gave him this advice, “If you can 1the life of one child, youll be a success.” Up to now, Ron still doesnt agree with that advice. When Ron entered a class, he decided to change every students life for the better.Ron never planned on being a teacher. After 2, he travelled around the world, living a life 3of adventures(冒险), but after getting terribly sick, he went back to his hometown, North Carolina. Then he got 4 again and taught at a school there. “From then on it was like magic I fell in love with teaching.” said Ron. After five years of teaching, he heard that some schools in East Harlem, New York were failing because there were 5good teachers. “At that moment I had a(n) 6 it was like a calling,” he said. “And so I said, Im going to do it.”Before school started, Ron went to every single students home to 7 with their families. He gave his students his home phone number, so if they had any 8 with their homework, they could call him. To connect with his students, Ron knew he should use special 9 of teaching. He learned to play funny games with them, gave them 10 lessons, and spent his time showing students 11 New Yorks tourist attractions. His students studied harder and behaved better in 12 .Because of his 13 in North Carolina and Harlem, Ron Clark has become one of the most successful teachers in America. And his book called The Essential 55, more than 14 else, has become very popular in the world.Sold in over 25 15 , The Essential 55 has encouraged teachers around the world to influence the lives of all of their students. Ron Clark is now starting a new school in Atlanta, Georgia probably his biggest adventure!(1)A . live B . influence C . make D . choose (2)A . school B . work C . class D . college (3)A . filled B . fond C . proud D . full (4)A . terrible B . well C . sick D . pleased (5)A . some B . few C . many D . more (6)A . feeling B . idea C . view D . mind (7)A . play B . study C . deal D . meet (8)A . information B . advice C . task D . trouble (9)A . ways B . goals C . rules D . aims (10)A . friendly B . nicely C . lively D . lovely (11)A . across B . along C . around D . at (12)A . subject B . lesson C . return D . score (13)A . effects B . affects C . works D . efforts (14)A . anywhere B . anyone C . anything D . nothing (15)A . towns B . cities C . countries D . universities 四、 阅读理解(本共20小题;每小题2分,共计40分) (共4题;共40分)13. (10分) 阅读理解 Once, some fish lived in a pond. One evening, some fishermen passed by the pond and saw the fish. This pond is full of fish! They told each other excitedly. We must come back tomorrow morning and catch them! they said. When the oldest fish heard this, he was troubled. He called the other fish together and said, Did you hear what the fishermen said? We must leave this pond at once. The fishermen will return tomorrow and kill us all! The second oldest fish agreed. But the youngest fish laughed. He said, We have lived in this pond all our lives, and no fisherman has ever come here. Why should these men return? I am not going anywhere-my luck will keep me safe.The oldest fish left the pond that evening with his family. The second oldest fish saw the fishermen coming the next morning and left the pond with all his family at once. The youngest fish didnt want to leave even then. The fishermen caught and killed all the fish left in the pond. The first fish that saw trouble ahead and acted before it arrived and the fish who acted as soon as trouble came-both survived. But the fish that only depended on luck and did nothing at all died. It is also the same in life. (1) Hearing the oldest fishs words, the youngest fish felt . A . boredB . excitedC . relaxedD . unworried(2) Who left the pond first? A . The oldest fish himself.B . The second oldest fish and all his family.C . The youngest fish.D . The oldest fish and his family.(3) The fishermen killed . A . all the fishB . the oldest fish and the second oldest fishC . the youngest fishD . all the fish left in the pond(4) What can we learn from this passage? A . Fish shouldnt live in a pond.B . We should stay in a pond when something bad happens.C . We cant always depend on luck.D . When a fish sees a fisherman, it should run away at once.14. (10分) (2019九下萧山月考) 阅读理解 Love mysteries but cant find the ones that suit you fine? Dont worry! Here are some that young readers around the world highly recommend. There must be one that you will win your heart!Escape from Mr. Lemoncellos Library Mr. Lemoncello is a famous inventor in the town. Twelve kids are invited to visit his new library. However, this isnt a good place to spend the night! The kids must work together to solve the clues and escapes! Its a great book! I had my nose in it all the time!This must be the coolest library in the world! -Kate, 12Price: ¥38.60(hardcover)/¥31.70(e -book)From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Claudia and her brother Jamie ran away from their suburban home to live in the Museum of Art in New York City. They enjoy the mystery of an angel statue that is nearly brought to the museum. Can they solve it?I have read this book twenty times! Its a must read for young fans of puzzles! - Alexa, 11Price: ¥48.70(hardcover)/¥34.60(e -book) The London Eye MysterySalim suddenly disappears. No one knows where he has gone. His cousins, Ted and Kate have to follow clues around London and find him before its too late. Can they make it? An amazing story full of puzzles! It will make you never want to stop turning the pages! - Gabe, 13Price: ¥74.70(hardcover)/¥66.60(e -book)(1) Sam is always interested in stories that take place in museums. He would choose_. A . Mrs. E.L. KonigsburgB . The London Eye MysteryC . Escape from Escape from Mr. Lemoncellos LibraryD . From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. BasilE . Frankwiller(2) In the London Eye Mystery, _. A . twelve kids try to escape from LondonB . two children try to find their missing cousinC . twelve kids try to escape from a new libraryD . two children try to solve the mystery of a statue(3) By saying I had my nose in it all the time! Kate wants to show that_. A . the book was really cheapB . she enjoyed reading the bookC . she liked the smell of the bookD . the book was easy to understand.15. (10分) (2019东营) 阅读理解 Whats a spacewalk? Any time an astronaut gets out of a spacecraft(航天器) while in space, it is called a spacewalk. Astronauts go on spacewalks for many reasons. For example, experiments can be placed on the outside of a spacecraft. This lets scientists learn how being in space affects(影响) different things. By going on spacewalks, astronauts can also fix things instead of bringing them back to the earth to fix.When astronauts go on spacewalks, they wear spacesuits to keep themselves safe. Inside spacesuits, astronauts have the oxygen(氧气) they need to breathe and the water they need to drink. To keep the astronauts and the spacecraft safe, the astronauts must leave and go back to the spacecraft through a special door. When on a spacewalk, astronauts use safety tethers to stay close to their spacecraft. Tethers are like ropes, connect the spacewalkers with the spacecraft. They keep astronauts from floating(漂浮) away into space. Another way astronauts stay safe during spacewalks is by wearing a SAFER. SAFER is worn like a backpack. It helps an astronaut move around in space.How do astronauts train for spacewalks? One way is by going for a swim. Floating in space is a lot like floating in water. Astronauts practice spacewalks underwater in a huge special swimming pool. For every one hour they will spend on a spacewalk, astronauts need to train seven hours in the pool. Another way astronauts practice for a spacewalk is by using virtual reality(虚拟现实). It looks and feels just like a spacewalk.Today, only three countries have finished spacewalks independently. They are Russia, the United States and China. The first person to go on a spacewalk in the world was Alexei Leonov from Russia. Zhai Zhigang is the first Chinese astronaut to go on a spacewalk. The world record of spacewalks is held by Russian astronaut Anatoly Solovyev. He has been on 16 spacewalks and spent more than 82 hours outside in space.(1) About the spacewalk, we can know . A . some things can be fixed by astronauts during spacewalksB . all experiments must be placed on the outside of a spacecraftC . an astronaut can get out of a spacecraft any time while in spaceD . a spacewalk lets scientists learn how being in space affects different things(2) How many ways to keep the astronauts safe during spacewalks? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(3) Whats the meaning of the word tethers in Paragraph 2? A . 吊篮B . 系绳C . 笼子D . 钩子(4) Astronauts train for spacewalks by . A . floating in spaceB . using virtual realityC . going on spacewalks outside a spacecraftD . training in water in a common swimming pool(5) According to the passage, which is NOT true? A . China can finish a spacewalk independently.B . Astronauts can breathe and drink in spacesuits.C . Astronauts can move around in space with the help of SAFER.D . Anatoly Solovyev is the first person to go on a spacewalk in the world.16. (10分) (2019江西) 请先阅读下面短文掌提其大意然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中选择五个还原到文中使短文意思通顺、结构完整。 Experts in nutrition(营养) suggest that we should eat at least five different kinds of vegetables and fruit a day. They are very necessary for our health and help our bodies work well. They can help reduce (减少) the risk of getting ill. There are a lot of vegetables and fruit to choose from and they taste delicious. _Its easy to buy our food from the local supermarket, so why do we go to the trouble of growing our own? Here are several good reasons: _You can pick and eat it at once. When you have tried it, you will agree that vegetables and fruit that are eaten straight from the garden taste better than anything you can buy in a supermarket.You may want to cut down on your food miles-the distance that a product has travelled before it reaches your kitchen. Many food packages are flown halfway across the earth. _Homegrown food is likely to be healthier. Food producers often use fertilizers(化肥) and pesticides (农药) which can end up in your food. If you grow your own, things are different._You might also choose to grow some traditional vegetables and fruit. These often have more of the vitamins, minerals(矿物质) and protein(蛋白质) that keep you healthy._And you can grow your own even if you only have a small backyard or a balcony(R E). Some food can grow well in pots, including lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes and carrots. You can recycle plastic bottles and cups to grow something. Just make sure there are holes for drainage (排水) and a small plate under them to catch drops of water.Happy gardening!A. Best of all, you can grow your own!B. But where to grow your own is a problem.C. Thats not so good for you, or for the planet.D. Food that you grow yourself is always fresh.E. If you have a large garden, growing your own is easy.F. You can control what goes on and into the food you eat.G. So its better to eat more vegetables and fruit in our daily life. 五、 根据手写字母的提示补全单词,使句子完整,通顺。将完整的单词写 (共5题;共5分)17. (1分) (2019岳池模拟) We will hold a party for my brothers _ (十九) birthday. 18. (1分) Look! The children are c_mountains. 19. (1分) We will have a(n) _(讨论) about the travel plans after class. 20. (1分) (2015七上玉环期中) You can find some books on the _ (椅子). 21. (1分) (2018拱墅模拟) Did Little Timmy make that snowman all by h_?Yes. Nobody helped him.六、 根据中文提示完成单词,使句子完整,通顺。(本题共5小题;每小 (共5题;共5分)22. (1分) (l,s,t,i,n,e) 23. (1分) (2018九上嘉兴月考) Many people like _(大自然的)wonders better than man-made ones. 24. (1分) Mark is Lindas _(丈夫). 25. (1分) (2019七上包河月考) His father often s_(发送) emails to his customers on the computer. 26. (1分) I stayed a_at night worrying about the lost friend. 七、 根据所给提示完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。(本题共5小题;每 (共5题;共10分)27. (2分) 这些旅行者休息三天后又上路了。 After a three-day rest, the travelers _ _ again.28. (2分) 在野外生存对于熊猫来说不容易。 Its not easy for pandas to live_ _ _.29. (2分) Its windy today. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _ like today?30. (2分) (2019贵州) These apple trees were planted by the students in Class 1. (改为一般疑问句) _these apple trees_by the students in Class 1?31. (2分) (2019闵行模拟) The headmaster will attend the meeting next week. (改为否定句) The headmaster_ the meeting next week. 八、 英语口语(本题共5小题;每小题1分,共计5分) (共1题;共5分)32. (5分) 用方框中所给的选项补全对话(有两个多余选项)。 A. What other animals do you want to see?B. What do you want to be?C. Lets go to see the pandas.D. That sounds interesting.E. Because they are cute, but a little shy.F. There are many animals in the zoo.G. Is there a panda called Tony?A: _B: Why do you like to see pandas?A: _B: _A: I like to see elephants too, because they can dance.B: Really? _ By the way, do you want to be an assistant(助手) in the zoo?A: Well, to work for animals is interesting, but kind of dangerous. I dont like it.B: _A: I want to be a reporter. I can meet many famous(著名的) people.九、 阅读填词(共10分) (共1题;共10分)33. (10分) (2019七上椒江期末) 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词仅用一次,每空限填一词。 her need see strawberry two(1) Peter likes to have some _ after dinner. (2) This is not my pencil box. Its _. (3) Dave _ a sweater, so he goes to the clothes store with his mother. (4) Mothers Day is on the _ Sunday in May. (5) Here is my family photo. You can _ six people in it. 十、 书面表达(满分15分) (共1题;共15分)34. (15分) 书面表达 请以“My hobby”为题写一篇短文,必须包含以下要点和词语提示信息。1)What is your hobby?2)How do you develop your hobby?3)Share your happiness you get from your hobby. Give at least one example.提示词语 : practice, different, forget, no longer要求:1)可以适当发挥,文中不得出现真实姓名和学校名称;2)语言通顺,意思连贯,条理清楚,书写规范;3)词数:80词左右。短文开头已给出,不计入总词数。My HobbyEveryone has his or her own hobby and so do I. 第 19 页 共 19 页参考答案一、 从B栏中选出与A栏相匹配的答语。(共10分) (共1题;共10分)1、答案:略二、 单项选择(本题共10小题;每小题1分,共10分) (共10题;共10分)2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略三、 完型填空(每空1分,共10分) (共1题;共10分)12、答案:略四、 阅读理解(本共20小题;每小题2分,共计40分) (共4题;共40分)13、答案:略14、答案:略15、答案:略16、答案:略五、 根据手写字母的提示补全单词,使句子完整,通顺。将完整的单词写 (共5题;共5分)17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略20、答案:略21、答案:略六、 根据中文提示完成单词,使句子完整,通顺。(本题共5小题;每小 (共5题;共5分)22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略七、 根据所给提示完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。(本题共5小题;每 (共5题;共10分)27、答案:略28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略31、答案:略八、 英语口语(本题共5小题;每小题1分,共计5分) (共1题;共5分)32、答案:略九、 阅读填词(共10分) (共1题;共10分)33、答案:略十、 书面表达(满分15分) (共1题;共15分)34、答案:略

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