人教版2020届中考英语模拟预测试卷(II )卷

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人教版2020届中考英语模拟预测试卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1. (2分)The _ of new inventions (发明) should be to make life easier, not to make it harder. A . secretsB . rulesC . subjectsD . Purposes2. (2分)His sister is so fat _ she eats too much and exercises little. A . likeB . thatC . becauseD . though3. (2分)The sign on the wall means you mustnt _ in the library. A . smokeB . speakC . drinkD . call4. (2分) I go to the concert with Ann tonight, Dad? Sure, but you must finish your homework first.A . CouldB . WillC . NeedD . Should5. (2分)Kate sometimes _ to school, but now she _ a bike. A . walks; ridesB . walks; is ridingC . walked; is ridingD . walk; rides6. (2分) Hi, Tom! Is this new red bike Tims? He told me he bought a new one. It _ be Tims. He never buys things in red.A . canB . mustC . cantD . mustnt7. (2分)The New Year Concert was so amazing that _ left in the middle of it. A . everybodyB . anybodyC . nobodyD . somebody8. (2分) Which dress do you prefer, the blue one or the pink one? The pink one. It feels _.A . uncomfortableB . as comfortableC . more comfortable9. (2分) Hurry up! The film is beginning. Dont worry. There is still _ time left.A . littleB . a littleC . fewD . a few10. (2分)I still cant understand this English article I have read it for three times. A . becauseB . even thoughC . soD . if11. (2分)Rose was sleeping, so Lily closed the door _. A . quietB . quietlyC . loudD . loudly12. (2分)They usually go shopping _ their lunch break.A . againstB . amongC . betweenD . during13. (2分)Neither my sister nor I _ been to Xian before. A . have neverB . have everC . has neverD . has ever14. (2分)it rained, the football match was put off. A . Because; soB . Because of; /C . Because; /D . As; so15. (2分)Would you mind closing the window? Its too cold. .Ill do it right away.A . Youd better notB . Of course notC . I hope notD . It doesnt matter二、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)16. (1分)完形填空 One morning Mrs. Smith was1home after she had been shopping. When she 2near a rubbish dump, she noticed a microwave(微波炉) not far3the side of the road. She stopped her car and looked 4the oven.John is a good 5, she said to herself. Perhaps he6repair this. Ill take it home and let him 7. She 8the oven and put it in the boot(行李箱) of her car. Then she drove on 9. A few kilometers later, she heard the siren(警报器声) of a police car10her. She looked in the driving mirror and 11a policeman waving to her to tell her to stop.Mrs. Smith was very puzzled. She 12down and then stopped at the side of the road. A 13policeman got out of the police car and walked to her.Whats wrong, officer? Mrs. Smith asked.The policeman did not reply. He looked in the car and then at the 14.I found the microwave oven a few minutes ago, she said, Im just taking it home to see if my husband can repair it. Thats not a microwave oven, he said at last, Thats our radar set. It was the start of a speed trap. Mrs. Smiths face turned15, Oh, she said, Im sorry. I didnt know what it was. (1)A . riding B . walking C . driving D . going (2)A . drove B . dragged C . pulled D . pushed (3)A . away B . to C . of D . from (4)A . at B . for C . up D . out (5)A . worker B . electrician C . physicist D . teacher (6)A . may B . must C . can D . should (7)A . do B . make C . manage D . try (8)A . raised B . lifted up C . picked up D . lowered (9)A . happily B . angrily C . hurriedly D . eagerly (10)A . before B . beside C . behind D . near (11)A . watched B . looked C . saw D . heard (12)A . sped B . slowed C . came D . pulled (13)A . angry B . uniform C . big D . traffic (14)A . front B . seats C . sides D . back (15)A . pale B . red C . angry D . a good look 17. (1分)阅读下面短文,从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出填入空白处的最佳选项。 Long long ago in a village, a farmer owned land near the sea. He always needed workers 1him, but most people did not want to work on farms near the sea. They were afraid of the terrible storms 2often hit and destroyed buildings and plants.Finally, a short man came to the farmer. Are you 3good worker? the farmer asked him. Well, I can sleep when the wind blows, answered the little man. Although 4by this answer, the farmer gave him the job, 5he really needed help. The little man worked very 6on the farm, and the farmer felt pleased 7his work.Then one night the wind blew loudly in from the sea. Jumping out of bed, the farmer 8to the short mans room. The farmer shouted, Get up! A storm is coming! 9things down before they are blown away! But the little man10in bed lazily and said, No sir. I told you, I can sleep when the wind blows.When 11the words, the farmer hurried outside to prepare for the storm on his own. 12his surprise, he found that 13was tied down and nothing could 14away. The farmer then understood 15the short man meant, so he returned to his bed to sleep while the wind blew.When youre prepared, you have nothing to worry about. Can you sleep when the wind blows through your life?(1)A . helped B . helps C . help D . to help (2)A . what B . who C . that D . where (3)A . the B . an C . a D . / (4)A . surprising B . surprised C . surprises D . surprise (5)A . so B . and C . because D . although (6)A . hardly B . hard C . hardest D . harder (7)A . at B . to C . with D . of (8)A . rushed B . rushes C . was rushed D . rushing (9)A . Tying B . Tied C . To tie D . Tie (10)A . lied B . lies C . lay D . laid (11)A . heard B . hearing C . had heard D . hears (12)A . To B . At C . With D . In (13)A . something B . nothing C . anything D . everything (14)A . blows B . blew C . be blowing D . be blown (15)A . that B . which C . what D . how 三、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)18. (1分)根据对话内容,从方框内选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。其中有两项为多余选项。 A. What kind of food do you eat?B. Do you do any exercise?C. How often do you go to see the doctor?D. Have you caught a cold?E. Do you have breakfast?F. Have you taken any medicine?G. How long have you been like this? A: Whats the matter with you?B: I feel ill. I have a stomachache and my head hurt.A: _B: Since Friday, Ive been ill for about three days.A: I see._B: No, I dont think soA: Let me take your temperature. Hmm, theres no fever _.B: Usually fast food.A: _B: No, not usually.B: No, not usuallyA: Thats the problem, Fast food and no breakfast. Thats why you have a stomachache._B: Not rally I havent done much exercise since I got my computer last year.A: You spend too much time in front of the computer. It is bad for your health.四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共52分)19. (8分)阅读理解 Kellys favourite subject is PE But she had a hard time in PE classes. She was not good at jumping very far, she had trouble throwing a ball, and she couldnt run really fast. Sometimes, some kids laughed at her .So why does Kelly love PE class?The reason is that her teacher Mr Burns always tells her to do her best. Though she only ran for a few minutes, Mr Burns said, Good job! Next time you will be able to go a little longer.Mr Burns even put a small box on the floor, so Kelly would be able to practise jumping over it.That night when Kelly finished dinner, she put three boxes and began practising jumping over them. She made it! Kelly thought to herself, Tomorrow I will be able to jump over those boxes in the PE class.There was a relay race(接力赛)on Tuesday. Kelly was afraid that she would not be able to go very far. When Kelly ran, she heard the kids shouting, Go Kelly! You can do it! That was all she needed to hear. Kelly ran fast. She finished first! The kids cheered for her. Kelly felt so good. Thank you, Mr Burns, said Kelly. Kelly, you ran in the race, not me. Yes, but you always said I could do it.(1)According to Paragraph 1, we can learn that Kelly had trouble in P.E. classes. A . playing soccerB . skatingC . swimmingD . running fast(2)How did Mr Burns help Kelly practise jumping? A . By jumping with her.B . By asking other kids to help her.C . By putting a small box on the floor.D . By giving her a book on how to jump.(3)In Paragraph 3, Kelly jumped over box(es) after dinner. A . 1B . 2C . 3D . 4(4)Kelly was afraid before the relay race because she was afraid that . A . she would fallB . she would not run very farC . other kids would laugh at herD . other kids would run faster than her(5)At the end of the story, we can learn that Kelly felt . A . happyB . boredC . sadD . worried20. (8分)阅读理解 Look at this. Whats this in English, do you know? Ah, its a photo. Whos that in the photo? Its Li Yan. Li Yan is my good friend. She is a beautiful girl. Whos that? The boy in black? Its Jim. He is an English boy. He is very cool(酷的).He is my friend, too. We are all in the same school. I like Jim and Li Yan.(1)What is this? A . A school.B . A friend.C . A photo.D . An English friend.(2)Li Yan is_. A . a good boyB . a cool boyC . a beautiful girlD . an English girl(3)What color is Jim in? A . Red.B . Yellow.C . Orange.D . lack.(4)Whos English? A . I.B . Jim.C . Li Yan.D . Jim and Li Yan.21. (8分)阅读理解 Try to imagine a life without a memory. It would be impossible. You couldnt use a language, because you wouldnt remember the words. You couldnt understand a film, because you need to hold the first part of the story in your mind in order to understand the later parts. You wouldnt be able to recognize anyone - even members of your own family. You would live in a present forever. You would have no past and you wouldnt be able to imagine a future.Human beings have amazing memories. Besides all our memories about our own lives, we can recall (回忆) between 20,000 and 100,000 words in our own language as well as possibly thousands more in a foreign language. We have all kinds of information about different subjects such as history, science, and geography, and we have many skills such as driving a car or playing a musical instrument. All these things depend on our memory.How well you remember things depends on many different factors. Firstly, some people have better memories than others, in just the same way as some people are taller than others. Secondly, research shows that, you can store different things in different parts of the brain. Ideas, words, and numbers are stored in the lefthand side, while the right-hand side remembers pictures, sounds, and smells. In most people, one side of the brain is more developed than the other, and this may explain why some people can remember peoples faces easily, but cant remember their names.(1)What does store mean in the last paragraph? A . 保存B . 翻译C . 吸收D . 隐藏(2)What does the first paragraph talk about? A . How to keep memory better.B . How the life would be without memory.C . How brain works to keep memory.D . How to remember things.(3)What can we learn from this passage? A . If we have no memory, we can use a lot of languages.B . We can remember our lives and keep a lot of information in our mind.C . All of people have good memories.D . People can remember words when they are using their right-hand brain.(4)Where can we probably read the passage? A . In an advertisement.B . In a storybook.C . In a magazine.D . In a news report.22. (8分)阅读理解 Wei Huixiao is a very beautiful woman. She was an officer on Chinese aircraft carrier(航母) Liaoning. Soon her great story became popular among people.Wei was born in 1977 in Guangxi, China. She always wanted to do something more meaningful, After graduating(毕业) from Nanjing University, she worked for four years. Then she went to Sun Yatsen University to go on studying for her PHD(博士学位) in 2007. During her study in this university, she wrote a letter to recommend herself for working on Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning.This aircraft carrier is the biggest stage for every Chinese officer. My dream is to spend my days fighting the wind and waves, she wrote in her letter.Many people didnt understand what Wei Huixiao wanted. She could get a better job because she was so great. Some even told her that she was crazy. However, she knew exactly what she wanted to do.In the end, Wei Huixiaos dream came true and she became the first woman officer with a PHD on Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning.(1)Wei Huixiao went to Sun Yat-sen University at the age of . A . 20B . 24C . 28D . 30(2)The underlined word recommend here means . A . 推荐B . 培养C . 训练D . 试用(3)Why did Wei always want to become an officer on Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning? A . Because she wanted to get a better job.B . Because it could help her finish her PHD.C . Because she liked traveling on the sea.D . Because she thought it meant a lot to her.(4)Which of the following is the right order about Wei according to the passage? She went to Sun Yat-sen University to go on studying for her PHD.She became the first woman officer with a PHD on Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning.She wrote a letter to introduce herself for working on the aircraft carrier.She worked for four years after graduating from Nanjing University.A . B . C . D . (5)What can we know from the passage? A . Wei Huixiao is a very great woman.B . Wei was born in Guangxi and she got a job there.C . All people know what her dream is.D . Wei is the first woman officer on the aircraft carrier.23. (20分)下面文章中有五处需要添加小标题。请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余项。A. Places to Stay B. Places to Visit C. WeatherD. Shopping E. History F. RestaurantsSavannah City Guide _ If you want to spend the night in Savannah, you have lots of place to choose from. You can stay at a big hotel a small inn, or a comfortable motel. Savannahs hotels, motels and inns are famous for their friendly service. Call one of these places to make your reservation. _ Savannah is well known for its wonderful restaurants Many restaurant serve local, seafood or old-fashioned Southern food. The following are sonic of the best restaurants in the area. _ If you like to shop, Savannah is the place for you! Youll find all kind of stores in Savannah. You can go shopping in small stores or big shopping malls. Are you looking for a special treasure or a great deal? Youll find it in Savannah. _ There are so many things to do and see in Savannah. The sightseeing is great. You can visit beautiful historic homes and museums. You can take a boat tour or visit Civil War forts. With all of Savannahs history, art, and beautiful buildings, be sure to take the time to enjoy all that Savannah has to offer! _ Savannah has lots of sunshine throughout the year. Summer are hot and humid. Winters are generally mild. Temperatures usually range between 30 degrees Fahrenheit (-1 degree Centigrade) and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Centigrade).五、 单词拼写,根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明 (共5题;共5分)24. (1分)Do you like watching these TED_(演说) online?Yes, Ive learned a lot from them.25. (1分)I like _ best.(绿色) 26. (1分)Since it will be rainy tomorrow, we have to_(选择) a different time to go jogging. 27. (1分)He is bad at cooking and he often _ (烧焦) food. 28. (1分)He spoke so_(清楚地)that I could hear every word. 六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29. (5分)随着科技的发展,未来生活会更加精彩纷呈。请根据以下图片,描述你对20年后生活的预测。 注意:1)作文必须包括图片中所体现的内容;2)合理展开想象,适当补充内容;3)词数80左右,开头已给出(不计人总词数)。参考词汇:have robots,less pollution,books on computersLife in 20 years will sure be wonderful. 第 26 页 共 26 页参考答案一、 单项选择 (共15题;共30分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、二、 完形填空 (共2题;共2分)16-1、17-1、三、 补全对话 (共1题;共1分)18-1、四、 阅读理解 (共5题;共52分)19-1、19-2、19-3、19-4、19-5、20-1、20-2、20-3、20-4、21-1、21-2、21-3、21-4、22-1、22-2、22-3、22-4、22-5、23-1、五、 单词拼写,根据首字母及汉语提示,完成下列单词的拼写,使句意明 (共5题;共5分)24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)29-1、

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