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词形变换:also (同义词)too each (同义词)everykilo (复数)kilos watch (复数)watchesmouse (复数)mice expensive (同义词)dearwaiter (对应词)waitress try (第三人称单数)triessell (反义词)buyWhat can I do for you? 是服务行业的用语。商店售货员常用的句式。顾客如需购物可以回答:Yes, please. 然后说出所需的物品。如果仅想逛商店,可以回答:Im just looking, thanks.No, thanks.Im just have a look. madam,夫人,女士。用于对陌生女士或长辈的尊称。 男士称为:sir。 2. I want to buy some clothes for my daughter. buy 动词,买,购买 buy sth. for sb. = by sb. sth. 为某人买某物。 和give的用法类似。 3. The clothes are over there, madam. over there 在那边 4. Not at all. 不用谢, 没关系。 Thats all right. = Thats OK. = Youre welcome. = Not at all. not at all 一点也不 I dont want to go to school at all. 5. Can I try it on? try on 试穿 宾语为名词时,可以放在中间,也可以放在on之后。 宾语为代词时,必须放在try与on中间。 例如: Please try on this new sweater. = Please try this new sweater on. These are new shoes. Try them on, please. 6. How much is it? How much +be +主语? 用来询问价格。 be 动词用is还是are,看主语的单复数而定。 much后面其实省略了money. How much is your coat? Its 300 yuan. How much are these apples? They are 3 yuan. How much? 询问价格; 询问不可数名词有多少? How much water is there in the bottle? 7. Thats fine. 那很好。 fine 身体好的,健康的 Im fine, thank you. twenty 二十 thirty 三十 hundred 百 基数词不难掌握,找规律。 一至二十各相异,一个一个单独记。 后加teen变十几,thirteen, fifteen 看仔细。 eighteen更要准确记,其中只有一个t. 二十至九十加ty, twenty却是很奇怪。 thirty, forty, fifty和eighty, 一起来把规则坏。 十位后面各位倚,表示数字“几十几”。 排列顺序不费力,连字符号莫丢弃。 要表几百几十几,and 常把百十系。 13-19 的基数词,都以teen结尾。thirteen, fifteen, eighteen 例外。 20-90 整十都以ty结尾,twenty, thirty,forty,fifty,eighty例外。 十位数与个位数之间用“-” 百位数和十位数之间用and. 注意: 200 two hundred 500 five hundred “hundreds of” 概数,数以百计 thirty 重读在 thir. thirteen 重读在teen. 1. Seventy- five and five is e_. You can _ _ (试穿)the new clothes in many shops. 3. Mrs. Green b_ a new schoolbag for her daughter. 4. The boy _ _ (在那边)is my friend, Yukio. 5. The dress _ _ _ _ you. (你穿上这条裙子看起来很漂亮). 1. I have three _ yuan.A. hundreds B. a hundredC. hundred D. hundreds of 2. - The pink cap is nice on you. And its only twenty yuan now. - Thats fine. _.A. How much is it?B. Not at all. C. Ill take it.D. Can I try it on? 3. - Can I help you, madam? - I want a pen _ my son.A. at B. onC. with D. for 4. How much _ those pants? A. am B. is C. are D. be 5. This is a new kind of dress. You can try _. A. on it B. it on C. in it D. it in 1. Im just looking, thanks. just 仅仅,只是。同义词是only. He is just a boy. = He is only a boy. 2. How do you like the pants? How do you like? 表示对某物的看法。 = What do you think of? How do you like this dress? = What do you think of this dress? 3. They are too long. too用在句中,相当于very. 表示非常,太。 too,用在肯定句或疑问句末,表示“也”。 4. Why not try on that pair? that pair 指另一条裤子。 a pair of 一对,一双 This is a pair of shoes. These are two pairs of shoes. 根据pair的单复数而变化。 5. How about the blue one? How about? = What about? 用于询问或征求意见。 How about + 名词? How about + doing sth.? 例如: Id like some fish. How about you? How about eating out? 6. Are you kidding? Well, Ill think about it. Thank you all the same. kid 作名词为“小孩” kid作动词为“戏弄,开玩笑” think about 思考,考虑 I will think about this. think about 思考,考虑 I will think about this. - How do you like my T-shirt? - _.A. All right. B. It looks nice.C. Thank you. D. Its 280 yuan. - _ are they? - They are 5 yuan.A. Whose B. How muchC. How old D. What - What do you _ the blue pants?- They are _ short.A. like; too B. think of; tooC. like; very D. think of; a lot of - Excuse me. How do you spell “pair”? - Sorry. I dont know. - _.A. Not at all. B. Thank you all the same. This pair of pants_ blue. I like _ very much. A. is; it B. are; them C. is; them D. are; it 1. What do you _ _ (认为) the dress? 2. Why not _ _ (试穿)that blue pair? 3. Mary, your dress is _ _ (太长). 4. I _ like it _ _. (根本不,一点也不) 5. - Can I help you? - Were _ _ (只是看看), thanks. 6. Ill _ _ (考虑) that yellow jacket. 1. Could you help me do some shopping? do some shopping 购物,买东西 go shopping 购物 shop 名词,商店shop 作动词指 购物,买东西 2. We need two kilos of apples and some salt. need 需要, need + 名词 need to +动词 kilo 千克 two kilos of 两千克 量的表达: 1. 数词+容器+of Id like two bottles of water. 2. 数词+表示量的名词+of Please give me a piece of bread. 若修饰的名词为不可数名词,表示数量的时候,复数在量词上改变。 a bag of salt three bags of salt 3. Is that all? 就这么多吗? 陈述句: Thats all. 4. Yes, I think so. so意为:因此,所以 否定句:I dont think so. 5. Here you are. 给你。用于递东西。 Here it is. 用来表示某物找到了。 Here they are. 6. Dont worry. 祈使句:以动词原形开头,表示命令语气的句子。 祈使句的否定:句子开头用Dont worry 为不及物动词。 担心某事:worry about worried为其形容词形式。 常与about 连用。 I am worried about my mother. 6. Dont worry. 祈使句:以动词原形开头,表示命令语气的句子。 祈使句的否定:句子开头用Dont。 How many?与 How much? How many? 询问可数名词有多少 How much? 询问不可数名词有多少?/ 询问价钱。 - What can I do for you? - Id like two _.A. boxes of applesB. box of applesC. boxes of apple You can buy some school things in a _.A. hospital B. shopC. school D. park - Would you like some orange juice? -No, thank you. - _ some milk? - OK. Thanks. A. How about B. How much C. What D. What is - How many _ do we _? - Six bottles. A. bottle; need B. bottle; needs C. bottles; need D. bottles; needs - Some vegetables, a bag of rice and two kilos of eggs. Is that all? - I think _. A. so B. that C. it D. this Dont worry _ him. He is OK. A. of B. for C. on D. about Could you please help me to do some s_, Ben? Dont w_. I can help you. The bag of rice is too h_. Can you help me? We dont have any milk. We n_ some for supper. - What would you like then, Mr. Cat?- Id like a fat m _.Id like to buy _ _ _ _. (2千克盐) 名词分为可数名词和不可数名词。 a, an 只能表示一个,修饰可数名词。 some,many 用来修饰可数名词的许多。 不可数名词不能用a, an 来修饰。 some, much用来修饰不可数名词有许多 不可数名词做主语时,谓语用单数。 例如: Some bread is on the table 询问数量: How many + 可数名词。 How many apples are there? How much + 不可数名词。 How much water are there ? We dont have any milk. some 与any 的区别: some, any都表示“一些”,some 用在肯定句中表示一些。 any 在疑问句和否定句中表示“一些” We dont have any milk. some 与any 的区别: some, any都表示“一些”,some 用在肯定句中表示一些。 any 在疑问句和否定句中表示“一些” 注意:在疑问句中,表示“请求,建议”语气的时候,也用some. 例如: Why not do some shopping? May I ask you some questions some 既可以用来修饰可数名词,也可以用来修饰不可数名词。 虽然都表示一些,但是可数名词和谓语动词都要用复数。 不可数名词没有复数形式,所以谓语动词要用单数。 例如: There are some students in the classroom. There is some milk in the box. any 用在肯定句中,不表示一些,表示“任何,无论哪一个”。 You can eat any one of the apples. - _ milk do you need? - Twoglasses, please. A. What B. Who C. How much D. How many He has _ friends in Beijing. A. much B. any C. many D. a Look! Some bread _ here and some hamburgers _ on the plate (碟子). A. is; is B. are; are C. is; are D. are; is Please give me _. A. three boxes of milk B. three boxes milk C. three box milk D. three box of milk - May I have _ water? - Yes. Here you are. A. any B. some C. much D. little 用some或any 填空。 I want to buy _ bread. He doesnt like _ fish. Do you have _ vegetables? 用some或any 填空。 I want to buy _ bread. He doesnt like _ fish. Do you have _ vegetables? Could you help me do _ shopping? Would you like to have _ chicken?

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