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上海版2020届九年级英语二模试卷C卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_ 一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1. (0.5分)Mr. Wu is English teacher. He teaches English. A . they; themB . their; themC . their; theirD . them; their2. (0.5分)Whats this _English? A . onB . inC . forD . about3. (0.5分)_ do you come to school every day? On foot. A . HowB . WhenC . WhyD . Where4. (0.5分)Alice and Jason were sad, they were late for the meeting the heavy rain. A . because ofB . becauseC . since5. (0.5分)The dictionary belong to Sam. You can see his name on it. A . canB . mustC . needD . would6. (0.5分)Meimei thinks Maths is _ than Chinese. A . easyB . easierC . the easiest7. (0.5分)My father_ very busy this week. He _free next week.A . will be ; isB . is ; isC . will be ; will beD . is ; will be8. (0.5分)In the last few years, thousands of films _ all over the world. A . are producingB . are being producedC . have been producedD . have produced9. (0.5分)Hurry up. The last bus at 11:30 pm. Too late. It 10 minutes ago.A . left; leftB . left; leavesC . leaves; leftD . will leave; leaves10. (0.5分)Neither he nor I _ able to persuade her to change her plan. A . isB . areC . amD . /11. (0.5分)I think joining the English club _ the best way to improve your English. A . areB . wasC . isD . were12. (0.5分)David _a sports meeting tomorrow. A . takes part inB . took part inC . is going to take part in二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13. (8分)完形填空 Rick is an American boy. His parents have new jobs in China, 1Rick comes to China with his parents. He lives in Wuhan with 2parents now. He 3in No. 2 Middle School. Today is Ricks 4birthday. Its half past six in the evening. Dinner is ready. There is5delicious food on the table. A round birthday 6is in the middle of the table. There are eleven7on the cake. Is there anything to 8? Sure! There is apple juice,orange juice and milk on the table. Orange juice is Ricks 9drink. The family will have the birthday dinner after Ricks father 10home. He usually gets home at a quarter to seven. (1)A . so B . but C . or D . if (2)A . my B . her C . our D . his (3)A . runs B . studies C . works D . sleeps (4)A . eighth B . tenth C . eleventh D . twelfth (5)A . no B . any C . little D . much (6)A . card B . party C . cake D . bag (7)A . ages B . bowls C . answers D . candles (8)A . describe B . make C . drink D . blow (9)A . difficult B . favorite C . straight D . noisy (10)A . arrives B . leaves C . orders D . climbs 三、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14. (6分)阅读理解 Love mysteries but cant find the ones that suit you fine? Dont worry! Here are some that young readers around the world highly recommend. There must be one that you will win your heart!Escape from Mr. Lemoncellos Library Mr. Lemoncello is a famous inventor in the town. Twelve kids are invited to visit his new library. However, this isnt a good place to spend the night! The kids must work together to solve the clues and escapes! Its a great book! I had my nose in it all the time!This must be the coolest library in the world! -Kate, 12Price: ¥38.60(hardcover)/¥31.70(e -book)From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler Claudia and her brother Jamie ran away from their suburban home to live in the Museum of Art in New York City. They enjoy the mystery of an angel statue that is nearly brought to the museum. Can they solve it?I have read this book twenty times! Its a must read for young fans of puzzles! - Alexa, 11Price: ¥48.70(hardcover)/¥34.60(e -book) The London Eye MysterySalim suddenly disappears. No one knows where he has gone. His cousins, Ted and Kate have to follow clues around London and find him before its too late. Can they make it? An amazing story full of puzzles! It will make you never want to stop turning the pages! - Gabe, 13Price: ¥74.70(hardcover)/¥66.60(e -book)(1)Sam is always interested in stories that take place in museums. He would choose_. A . Mrs. E.L. KonigsburgB . The London Eye MysteryC . Escape from Escape from Mr. Lemoncellos LibraryD . From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. BasilE . Frankwiller(2)In the London Eye Mystery, _. A . twelve kids try to escape from LondonB . two children try to find their missing cousinC . twelve kids try to escape from a new libraryD . two children try to solve the mystery of a statue(3)By saying I had my nose in it all the time! Kate wants to show that_. A . the book was really cheapB . she enjoyed reading the bookC . she liked the smell of the bookD . the book was easy to understand.15. (6分)阅读理解 Dereck and Beverly are wildlife animal filmmakers(电影制片人). They have made lots of films about animals and plants. Their job is to keep and protect the big cats of Africa from damage(伤害). Beverly also takes photos of the lions and her pictures have appeared in National Geographic magazines.When they were kids, Dereck was quiet and healthy, he was good at math and science. Beverly had a twin brother. At that time, her brother and she often got their mother into trouble! Beverly was a dancer, an athlete, played the piano (not very well), and was a class leader. Her favourite subject was science and she always got excellent grades in her science exams.When in the field, their work starts at around 4 am. After drinking a cup of tea, they drive out into a bush(灌木丛)to find their subjects. Sometimes that is a lion pride(群). Lions are family animals, they usually live in groups of 15 or more. Sometimes that is a single leopard(花豹). They follow the animals for the day, filming, researching, and collecting facts, information or pictures. They dont stop working even when they have lunch. They are often back in camp by 8 pm.When talking about the favourite places to explore, Dereck says, “We live in it!” Beverly thinks being in nature is her favourite. Dereck thinks running or taking a swim in the Okavango swamp(沼泽)especially swimming close to crocodile(鳄鱼)is great fun, but Beverly says, Swimming is fun but crazy in these waters.(1)From the second paragraph, we can know when they were kids,_. A . Dereck was outgoingB . Beverly was quiet and healthyC . Beverly could play the piano very wellD . Dereck and Beverly were both good at science(2)When Dereck and Beverly are in the field, the right time order(时间顺序)is that they_. drink a cup of tea follow the animals drive out find their subjectsA . B . C . D . (3)How many hours do they usually work every day? A . Eight.B . Ten.C . Twelve.D . Sixteen.(4)What does the passage mainly talk about? A . Animals and plants.B . The story of Dereck and Beverly.C . National Geographic magazines.D . Dereck and Beverlys childhood.(5)From the passage, we can infer(推断)that _. A . Dereck and Beverly dont love at allB . Dereck and Beverly are famous film starsC . its safe to take a swim in the Okavango swampD . their work is dangerous sometimes, but they like it16. (6分) Soon computers and other machines will be able to remember you by looking at your eyes! The program works because everyones eyes are different. So in the future you wont have to remember a number when you want to use a machine or take money out of a bank. Youll just have to look at the machine and it will be able to tell who you are.The eye-recognition(眼睛识别) program is already being tested in shops and banks in the USA, Britain and France. Soon, this technology(技术) will change all other ways of finding out who people are.However, scientists are working on other systems. Machines will soon be able to know you from the shape of your face or hands or even your smell! We already have machines that can tell who you are from your voice or the mark made by your fingers.Eye-recognition is better than other kinds because your eyes dont change as you get older, or get dirty like hands or fingers. And even twins have different eyes, so the program can be up to 94 correct, depending on(依靠) how good the technology is. Some programs may only be right 51 of the time. In Britain, it was found that 91 of people who had tried it said that they liked the idea of eye-recognition.In the future your computer will be looking at you in the eye. So smile!(1)What is the advantage of using the eye-recognition program?A . You neednt use a machine.B . You neednt remember a number.C . You neednt look at the machine.D . You neednt take some money with you.(2)How does the eye-recognition program work?A . You type in your number.B . You show your ID card.C . You look at the machine.D . You say your name.(3)Why can the eye-recognition program be up to 94 correct?A . Because eyes hardly change.B . Because hands or fingers can get dirty.C . Because people like the idea of the program.D . Because the program is widely used around the world.(4)Which recognition program has been already in use?A . Remembering eyes.B . Remembering smells.C . Remembering fingerprints.D . Remembering the shape of faces.17. (8分)根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。In junior high school in America, kids study English, writing, math, science, biology, music and art.At 12 oclock, the students eat lunch at school. They have meat, vegetables, fruit, bread and a drink, but they like hot dogs and hamburgers best. American kids like sugar (糖), and after the meal they can have a small piece of cake.Students sleep (睡觉) for a short time after lunch. They begin classes at 1:30 in the afternoon. They go to school on weekdays and have classes for six hours every day and then return home.Parents let their kids play or watch TV until dinner at 6:00 p. m. After dinner, they do their homework. Sometimes kids and their parents have a family activity after dinner.(1)What do the students like best for lunch at school? A . Meat and fruit.B . Hot dogs and hamburgers.C . Hot dogs and sugar.D . Bread and hamburgers.(2)In America, students go to school _ days a week. A . 4B . 5C . 6D . 7(3)The American kids usually have dinner_ in the evening. A . at five oclockB . at six thirtyC . at six oclockD . at five thirty(4)Which of the following is NOT true? A . American students like hot dogs and hamburgers best.B . After lunch students sleep for a short time.C . The classes begin at 2:00 p. m.D . Sometimes students have a family activity with their parents.(5)The best title(标题)for the passage (短文) is _. A . Favorite foodB . Junior high schoolC . Outdoor activitiesD . School life in America四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18. (10分)配对阅读:左栏是学生在日常生活中容易出现的安全事故,右栏是相对应的解决方案,请为每一位选择最适合的方案。 _As students, we should remember that making a fire in the bedroom is very dangerous _Running after each other during the break time between two classes may make you get hurt._When you get angry with anybody, you may fight against him. It isnt good at all._If you go to swim in the river nearby without your teachers permission, it will be dangerous._Riding a bike fast inside the schoolyard is regarded as one of the most dangerous things at school.A. When its time for you to go to bed, you should turn off the lights and lie on your bed to sleep. B. Because you may burn the things inside your bedroom and even be killed by the fire.C. So students must wait in line when they are waiting to get their meals in the dining hall.D. If you go home by bike, please dont ride on it inside the schoolyard until you are on the street outside your school.E. All classmates are your friends. Even if you cant agree with anything, you neednt quarrel or fight. You should learn how to get along well with others.F. Some students die in this way. Without their parents or teachers nearby, they may not know how to deal with the danger they meet when swimming.G. When class is over, you should have a short rest either inside or outside your classroom. But dont run here and there.五、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19. (10分)假如现在是周六上午10点,天气晴朗。 Lucy和她的同学正在公园里玩。Lucy和 Kate正在湖边画画,Sam 和Lily 在树下跳舞,Linda 在树后面弹吉他, Julie 在湖边拍照,Tom 和Ken在湖上划船。 请你根据以上提示写一篇60词左右的短文,描述一下他们的活动。可适当添加情节。提示词:behind 在后面, near the lake在湖边, go boating划船第 17 页 共 17 页参考答案一、 单项填空(共6分,每小题0.5分) (共12题;共6分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、二、 完形填空(共8分,每小题1分) (共1题;共8分)13-1、三、 阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D (共4题;共26分)14-1、14-2、14-3、15-1、15-2、15-3、15-4、15-5、16-1、16-2、16-3、16-4、17-1、17-2、17-3、17-4、17-5、四、 任务型阅读(共10分,每小题2分) (共1题;共10分)18-1、五、 书面表达(共10分) (共1题;共10分)19-1、

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