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扬州闰土教育九年级上期中复习-英语完成句子80题1. 我不确定他们花了多长时间想出这么一个有创意的点子。I am not sure how long they have _idea.2.我的父母和我都认为我成不了一名好会计。Neither my parents_.3. 整天工作不说话对我来说是可怕的。Its_.4. 不戴眼镜,她简直和瞎子一样。Without her glasses,she was _the blind.5. 我们应尽力多加关注和关爱弱势群体。We should try our best to _the Weak Groups and take more care of them.6. 他的新书在上周的书展上并未得到任何关注。_his new book at the book show last week.7. 在一些考试中很多学生几乎不注意他们的拼写Many students _ their spelling in some exams.8. 孩子永远不会嫌玩具多。A kid can _toys.9. 她已经把她的大多数时间奉献给了慈善事业She _charity.10.他把一生都投入到保护环境上去了。He_.keys:1. spent coming up with such a creative2. nor I think I can make a good accountant.3.terrible for me to work without speaking all day long.4.as good as5. pay more attention to6. No attention was paid to7.pay little attention to 8. never have too many9. has devoted most of her time to10. He devoted all his lifetime to protecting the environment.11.红色和白色是很好的搭配, 因为强烈的红平衡了平静的白。Red and white_, as _12.你知道电影演多久了吗?Do you know how long _?13. 他想知道如何处理这件事。He wondered _it.14. 他被告知这个建议很值得采纳。He was told that the advice _.15. 这首歌很值得听。The song_.16. 我们要合理的安排时间,这样就能劳逸结合:We _well _study and rest.17. 王老师似乎比以前瘦多了。Mr. Wang _before.18. 许多来自山东的农民参加了星光大道的选拔。Many farmers from Shandong _ The Avenue of Stars. 19. 每次失败的时候我父母总是鼓励我不要失去信心。My parents always encourage _ every time I fail.20. 你是如何使你的父母改变主意的?How did you get your parents _?keys:11. are a good match; the powerful red balances the calm white.12. the film has been on13. how to deal with14. was well worth taking15. is well worth listening to16. should manage our time well so that we can achieve a balance between17. seems (to be) much thinner than before.18. tried out for19. me not to lose heart20. to change their mind21. 双胞胎哥哥出生时比妹妹重了1公斤。The twin brother _his sister at birth.22. 在今年的世界杯上, 梅西带领他的球队进入了决赛。Messi _the final at this years World Cup.23. 条条大路通罗马。All roads _Rome.24. 詹姆斯罗德里格斯的精彩表现引起了欧洲许多俱乐部对他的注意。James Rordriguezs wonderful performances _many clubs in Europe.25. 等车停稳了在上车。_it stops.26.填表登记后你方可入住本旅馆。You _at the hotel until the form is filled in.27. 他已经改变主意,决定继续留在国外学习了。He _and decides to _abroad.28.Webb证明了身高对于一个篮球运动员并没有太大关系。Webb_for a basketball player.29. 抗日战争爆发后,他们被迫搬到了另一个城市。After the War of Resistance Against Japan_, they _.30 .我不确定中国和日本之间是否会爆发一场新的战争。Im not sure if a new war between China and Japan_.keys:21. weighed/ was 1 kilogram heavier than22. led his team to23. lead to24. brought him to the attention of25. Dont get on the bus until26. arent allowed to stay(另一种答案是:wont be allowed to stay 备注:时代新课程上面给的第一种)27.has changed his mind; go on studying28. proved that height doesnt really matter(too much) 29. broke out; were forced to move to another city.30. will break out31.昨天发生了火灾。A fire _yesterday.32. 我不知道电影何时结束的。I didnt know when _.33. 据说已经有300多人在地震中失去生命。Its said_ in the earthquake.34. 西游记是一本很有名的小说,已经被翻译成十多种语言了。Journey to the West is such a famous novel _over ten languages.我的猫一听到我弟弟的声音,就立马躲了起来。35. My cat _it heard my little brother.36. 那位老人六十多岁时死于心脏病。The old man_.37. 我的自行车坏了,得找人修了。My bike is broken, so I_.38. 昨天你拔掉了一颗牙,是不是?You _yesterday, didnt you?39. 你不能来参加这次聚会,真可惜。_that you cant _.40. 我希望战争永不发生,所有人都能和平地生活。I hope_, and all the people can_.keys:31. broke out32. the film ended33. more than/over 300 people have lost their lives34.that it has been translated into35. went into hiding as soon as36. died of heart disease in his sixties.37. have to have it repaired38. had a tooth pulled out39. Its a pity; come to the party40. war never happens again; live in peace.41. 这个小国家的很多孩子仍然生活在失去生命的恐惧中。Many children in the small country _.42. 世界上还有很多人因为战争仍然生活在为生命安全担忧的生活里。Many people around the world still _.43. 这部科幻电影展示给我们未来世界的样子。This science fiction film shows us _ in the future.44. 那天早上,弥漫在整个城市的大雾使得飞机无法准时起飞。That morning, a thick fog which covered the whole city round kept the plane _.45. 妈妈想知道他在学业上是否已经取得了进步。Mother wonders _ in his studies or not.46. 你在这样的雨天没带伞,真是太粗心了。It is careless on such a rainy day.47. 他正担心不提供给那孩子一个学习机会。He is a chance to study.48. 更多注意力应该付诸细节上。 the details.49. 越来越多的年轻人宁愿通过QQ在网上聊天也不愿打电话。 More and more young people making phone calls.50. 阅览室的书不允许被带出去。The books in the reading room _.41. still live in fear of their lives42. live in fear of their lives43. what our world will be like44. from taking off on time45. whether he has made progress 46.of you not to bring an umbrella with you47.worrying about not offering48.More attention should be paid to49.prefer chatting online by QQ to50. are not allowed to take out51. 我有很多作业要做,我经常熬夜来完成这些练习。I have so much homework to do that I often _.52. 因为大雨,我们别无选择,只能放弃旅行。We _because it rained heavily.53. 彼得在学习上取得了很大进步,他的父母都很开心。Peter _that his parents are very happy.54. 他很有想象力,能很快想出各种办法。He is imaginative enough _.55. 现如今一些人离乡打工,他们没有其它办法只好把孩子留在家。Now some people leave their hometown for work, so they _ their children at home. 56. 通过合理安排我的时间,目前我已在学习和兴趣之间获取平衡。So far I _ study and hobbies by planning my time carefully.57. 他父母回来时,他没有选择,只好把电脑关了。He _ the TV when his parents came home.58. 她宁可尽力而为,也不轻易放弃。Shed rather try her best _.59. 众所周知,勤奋工作导致了他的成功。 It is known to all that _ his success.60. 你相信警察能根据脚印查明一个人的模样吗? Do you believe the police can _ his footprints?keys: 51. stay up late to finish the exercises52. had no choice but to give up travelling/ the trip53. has made such great progress54. to come up with all kinds of ways55. have no choice but to leave56. have achieved a balance between57. had no choice but to turn off58. than give up easily 59. hard work led to 60. find out what a man is like according to61. 你认为哪种音乐值得一听,流行音乐还是乡村音乐?What kind of music do you think _, pop music or country music?62. 比起写信来,他更喜欢发电子邮件。He prefers _ letters.63. 这些老照片常常使我想起30年前无锡的样子。The old photos often _ thirty years ago.64. 大雨使飞机无法准时起飞。The plane _ the heavy rain.65. 我真的发现很难和那个戴眼镜的男孩和睦相处。I really found it _ the boy with glasses.66. 似乎没多少希望赢这场比赛。There _of winning the match.67你要努力在事业和业余爱好上达到平衡。You should try_ your work_.68. 那时他别无选择只能处理这个问题。He _the problem at that time.69这部电影很值得一看,对年轻人也很有价值。The film is _young people.70. 他足够有创造力来想出最新的主意。He_the newest ideas.keys: 61. is worth listening to62. Sending e-mails to writing63. Remind me of what Wuxi was like64.was stopped/ prevented/ kept from taking off because of .65.(very )difficult to get along/on well with66. seems to be little hope 67.your best to achieve a balance between; and your hobbies.68. had no choice but to deal with69. well worth watching and also of great value to 70. is creative enough to come up with71.他从我身边走过,一点都没注意到我。He walked past me without _me. 72. 这个蛋糕最终分成三份,他们分享了它。The cake _parts and they shared it at last.73. 她的性格既不适合当工程师,也不适合当外科医生。Her personality is _.74. 你在开始工作之前担心太多,是不明智的。It is not wise _before you start working.75. 据说他不怕对着一大群人做演讲。_a large group of people.76. 我们的班长不仅完成了自己的任务,而且还过来帮助我们。Our monitor_came to help us.77. 他的进步已经几次得到总经理的高度赞扬。His progress _several times.78. 这位年轻人似乎对做生意不感兴趣。The young man doesnt _doing business.79. 从汶川地震中幸存下来的廖智,戴着假肢跑完了上海马拉松。Liao Zhi, who_Wenchuan earthquake, finished Shanghai Marathons with the artificial limbs.80. 每当同学在学习上遇到问题时, 他都很乐意帮助他们。_, he is always ready to help them.keys:71.taking any notice of 72. was finally divided into three73. suitable for neither an engineer nor a surgeon.74. of you to worry too much75. It is said that he isnt afraid of making a speech in front of76. not only finished his own task but also77. has won high praise from the general manager78. seem to be interested in79. survived80. Whenever his classmates have problems with their studies

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