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牛津版七年级英语上册期末复习(题型专练):单项选择(二)A卷 一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1. (2分)My clothes are dirty. I must wash them at once. A . tidyB . cleanC . not clean2. (2分) Do you like the programme? Yes. It lasted for two hours.A . developedB . gotC . continued3. (2分)He failed at last.But he has done his best.A . in the endB . in the pastC . in the present4. (2分)A celebrated scientist will come and give a talk. Do you know that?Yes. He is the Nobel Prize winner and many people know him.A . friendlyB . famousC . aged5. (2分) Can you help me with that? Wait for a moment.A . a long timeB . a short timeC . at once6. (2分)Where are you going this summer vacation?I plan to go on a trip to England.A . take a flightB . make a journeyC . go for a walk.7. (2分) Are you good friends? Yes, but we sometimes disagree with one another.A . each otherB . otherC . others8. (2分)Keep in touch with your family when you are away from home. A . Keep in contact withB . Be happy withC . Be bored with9. (2分)Is the store closed at weekends?Yes. It is only open from 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. on weekdays.A . in the daytimeB . on holidaysC . from Monday to Friday10. (2分)It is said that there is a wise man who can answer any question.It is amazing!A . cleverB . lazyC . hard-working11. (2分)Would you like to join in the activity with us? Yes, Id like to.A . take part inB . attendC . enter12. (2分)Do you like tigers? No, they are dangerous and fierce creatures.A . animalsB . toolsC . plants13. (2分)The Sun provides us with light and heat. A . givesB . showsC . buys14. (2分)Look! There is a crowd of people over there. What happened? A . a fewB . a littleC . a lot of15. (2分) Can you guess the height of the building? Sorry, I cant.A . the weight of the buildingB . the area of the buildingC . how tall the building is16. (2分)Some jazz musicians are great because they can music while playing. A . put upB . set upC . take upD . make up17. (2分)We must get up early we can catch the first bus to school. A . so thatB . such thatC . in order toD . in order18. (2分)She doesnt need any help. She _ finish the work next week. A . can able toB . will be ableC . be able toD . will be able to19. (2分)_ of us knew anything about soul. A . NoneB . NobodyC . No oneD . Nothing20. (2分)How far is your school from here? It _ me 15 minutes to go to school on foot every day.A . takesB . spendsC . pays21. (2分)_ gloves are these? Theyre my brothers. A . WhoB . WhatC . WhoseD . Whom22. (2分)-How about in the river with us?-Sorry,I cantMy parents often tell me thatA . swim,dont doB . swim,to doC . swimming,not toD . swimming,not to do23. (2分)Eating _ food is good for our _. A . healthy; healthyB . health; healthC . healthy; healthD . health; healthy24. (2分)As the new year is coming, they _and celebrate together. A . count downB . take offC . pick upD . write down25. (2分)Im Alice, my sister is Kate. She is tidy, Im not. A . and; andB . and; butC . but; butD . but; and26. (2分)I dont have much _. A . moneyB . friendsC . foodsD . book27. (2分)Mrs. Green _ her purse everywhere and finally _ it in the bag. A . looked for; foundB . looked for; looked forC . found; looked forD . found; found28. (2分) Im sorry I _ my exercise book at home this morning. It doesnt matter. Dont forget _ it here this afternoon.A . left; to takeB . left; to bringC . forgot; bringingD . forgot; to bring29. (2分)How was your weekend, Susan? I really had a great time.A . Good idea!B . Pretty good!C . Sorry.D . I dont know.30. (2分)The clock is big and black. Its _ the wall. A . inB . atC . onD . with第 10 页 共 10 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共30题;共60分)1-1、2-1、3-1、4-1、5-1、6-1、7-1、8-1、9-1、10-1、11-1、12-1、13-1、14-1、15-1、16-1、17-1、18-1、19-1、20-1、21-1、22-1、23-1、24-1、25-1、26-1、27-1、28-1、29-1、30-1、

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