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八年级上学期英语(五四制)10月月考试卷B卷一、 单项选择(35分) (共35题;共35分)1. (1分)Thanks for _ so much help in junior high school.A . giveB . givingC . to giveD . gives2. (1分)High technology is used in EURO 2016 to the matches are fair enough in France. A . make upB . make sureC . come outD . come over3. (1分)_ have you been in Chongqing?For five years.A . How manyB . How soonC . How muchD . How long4. (1分)Would you please _ the light? I cant sleep well with it on. A . turn onB . turn offC . turn toD . turn around5. (1分)He should the teacher.A . explainB . explain toC . explainedD . explained to6. (1分)I was in a Western restaurant for the first time. I didnt know what I _ do. A . was supposeB . was supposingC . was supposed toD . was supposing to7. (1分)_? I hurt my legs.A . What are you doingB . What happenedC . How do you like itD . What can I do for you8. (1分)I think it takes a lot of practice to play football well. _. Practice makes perfect.A . No wayB . My pleasureC . Im afraid notD . Thats true9. (1分)Hurry up! The bus is coming. Wait a minute. Dont cross the street _ the traffic lights are green.A . untilB . afterC . whileD . since10. (1分)_ have you worked here? For just one month.A . How oftenB . How longC . How soonD . How much11. (1分) The room is enough to put two beds in. Yes. And we can put a large table the front.A . wide; toB . wide; atC . narrow; to12. (1分)How was the party yesterday?It was great! We all enjoyed ourselves so that we didnt want it to end.A . be overB . be againC . be on13. (1分)It is _ that Armstrong sent a message _ that UFO appeared when Apollo 11 landed on the moon. A . saying, saidB . saying, sayingC . said, sayingD . said, said14. (1分)Miss Smith is good _ music, and she is good _ her students. A . at, withB . for, atC . with, inD . to, with15. (1分)Kevin likes animals, _ monkeys and pandas. A . soB . so asC . such asD . such16. (1分)Where else would you like to visit? I also want _ the museum and the zoo.A . visitB . visitingC . visittingD . to visit17. (1分)Im hungry now. Lets stop _. A . having a mealB . to have a mealC . having a rest18. (1分)You hate that TV play, dont you? Not _. I just think its a bit boring.A . likelyB . exactlyC . nearlyD . carefully19. (1分)Is the supermarket very your house? No. It often takes half an hour to go there by bike. A . far toB . close toC . close fromD . near to20. (1分)Im sorry, Mr Hu. I _ my English exercise book at home. It doesnt matter. Please remember _ it here this afternoon.A . forgot; to bringB . left; to takeC . forgot; to takeD . left; to bring21. (1分)Well have a school trip to Fuzhou City Museum next week. _ And Im sure youll learn a lot.A . Have funB . Cheer upC . Best wishesD . Never mind22. (1分)Hello, boys and girls! _ my school. A . WelcomeB . Welcome toC . Welcoming to23. (1分)If you _ me with my English, I will appreciate _A . help, your helpB . will help, your helpC . help, youD . will help, you24. (1分)Simon is _ to make us all _. A . enough funny; laughB . funny enough; laughC . enough funny; to laughD . funny enough; to laugh25. (1分)Dont eat food in your bedroom. The food smells so _. Ants can smell things _ and they will come soon. A . well; wellB . good; wellC . good; goodD . well; good26. (1分)Stay away from junk food, please. Its bad for us, for children! I think so .Eating healthy food is very important.A . possiblyB . loudlyC . quicklyD . especially27. (1分)Lucy, what were you doing at nine last night? I _ the piano. I usually practice the piano at that time.A . playB . playedC . am playingD . was playing28. (1分) What does this new word “blanket” mean? Im not sure. ask the teacher for help?A . How aboutB . Why dontC . Why notD . Lets29. (1分)I dont know how to begin a talk with Betty. She can sit all day long _a word. A . byB . withC . ofD . without30. (1分)While Connie_ to music in her room, she heard a loud cry outside the house. A . listenB . listenedC . is listeningD . was listening31. (1分)There will not be enough space to the earth in the future.A . live onB . live inC . live on inD . live in on32. (1分)A computer _ think for itself, it must be told what to do. A . cantB . couldntC . may notD . might not33. (1分)Parents will be able to discuss their childs progress with their teacher.A . know aboutB . talk aboutC . share34. (1分)Many students write to Language Doctor to _ advice about learning English. A . look throughB . ask forC . give upD . worry about35. (1分)My mother doesnt like stories _have sad endings. A . thatB . whoC . whereD . those二、 完形填空。(10分) (共1题;共10分)36. (10分)根据短文理解,从所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选择最佳答案填空。My aunt, Jenny Lee lives in a town in Canada. She has a1 face like the sun. Her favorite2 is Hu Xinger. Now shes in the3 Wonderful Friends (奇妙的朋友) with five other stars. They live and play with many kinds of4 in the zoo in Guangzhou. These animals are very cute.My aunt often tells stories about animals to her son. Today she wants to take him to the5 to see animals. In the morning, Jenny gets up early and helps her son get dressed. They can 6 the subway to the zoo easily. Her son is only five years old, so he doesnt need to pay for the ticket(票). Its7. At the zoo, they watch the monkeys8 the trees. After lunch they enjoy drinking9in the park. They like to spend time in the park. In the evening, they have dinner in a10 and go home. The restaurant is near their house.(1)A . long B . round C . short D . tall (2)A . actor B . actress C . police D . teacher (3)A . movie B . book C . newspaper D . show (4)A . persons B . animals C . mountains D . trees (5)A . cinema B . bank C . hospital D . zoo (6)A . by B . get C . take D . ride (7)A . busy B . bad C . free D . young (8)A . crossing B . putting C . making D . climbing (9)A . juice B . salad C . vegetables D . fruits (10)A . restaurant B . school C . bus stop D . hotel 三、 阅读理解。(20分) (共4题;共17分)37. (5分)根据短文内容,选择正确答案。 Love, sometimes we cant see it!This is an old story. One day, a man was not happy when his 7-year-old daughter made a box with some paper. The family didnt have much money. So the father thought his daughter wasted(浪费)the paper. The next day, the little girl gave the box to her father and said, Dad, today is your birthday. This box is for you.The man was happy. But he was not happy again when he found there was nothing in the box. Why didnt you put anything for me in the box? He asked his daughter. The little girl looked at him and cried, Dad, I put my love in the box. Its all for you!The man felt sad and said sorry to his daughter. Sometimes, we cant see love with our eyes.(1)How old was the daughter? A . Six years old.B . Seven years old.C . Eight years old.(2)What did the daughter do the next day? A . She gave the box to her father.B . She put some money in the box.C . She gave some paper to her father.(3)Why was the father was not happy again when he opened the box? A . Because he didnt like the box.B . Because there was nothing in the box.C . Because he thought his daughter wasted paper.(4)How did the father feel at last? A . Happy.B . Sorry.C . Bored.(5)Which of the following is true? A . The family had lots of money.B . The daughter loved her father.C . The father didnt like his daughter.38. (5分)阅读理解 Saying no starts smallAll right then just one more piece. Words every girl has said when they are faced with the delicious cheesecake. Of course, many of us know we may eat the whole thing in the end.It isnt just girls. Most of us find it hard to say no to something attractive. However, scientists now say that willpower is very important to success and a happy life.Scientists in different countries have been studying the effects of willpower on peoples lives for a long time. The results are similar, according to an article on February 7 in the Guardian, a famous British newspaper.In one experiment, scientists told young children that they could either have a marshmallow (圆形软糖) now, or two marshmallows in 15 minutes. Waiting obviously needed more willpower. Scientists then continued studying the children as they grew up. They wanted to see if some children always had stronger willpower. They also wanted to see how having stronger willpower affected their lives. Years later, scientists found that the children who had waited for two marshmallows were all healthier, happier and richer adults. Oppositely, the children who had shown weaker willpower at that young age were more likely to be in low-paid jobs, to be overweight, to have social problems.But there is hope, Roy F Baumeister, an American social psychology(心理学) professor (教授) told the Guardian. Baumeister says we can train our willpower just like we train our muscles(肌肉). Even a little practice can strengthen(加强) our overall self-control if we do it regularly. You could start by making yourself stand up straight, speaking in complete sentences, or using a computer mouse with the other hand. Scientists have found that people who manage to change little habits often perform much better in laboratory willpower tests.Like muscles, willpower can get tired. Dont try to do too many things at the same time, or when you dont have enough energy, for example when you are ill. If you already feel tired, you can try to recharge(恢复) your willpower with a good nights sleep and by eating well.(1)The example of a girl eating cheesecake is used to A . prove that girls have weak willpowerB . introduce the topic of willpower to the readersC . show that cheesecake is especially attractive to girlsD . show the connection between willpower and success(2)What can we infer from the experiment? A . The scientists had already known the results before the experiment.B . It showed that willpower is the most important to success and a happy life.C . The children who chose to wait were more likely to be successful in their lives.D . The children who chose only one marshmallow at first had stronger willpower.(3)Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the training of willpower? A . You should have a goal every day.B . Good rest and proper diet can help.C . Willpower needs to be exercised regularly.D . Keep willpower from being used too much.(4)What is the article mainly about? A . How willpower and muscles are similar and how they can be trained.B . How willpower affects peoples lives and how it is similar to muscles.C . How willpower is important to success and how we can make it stronger.D . How willpower is connected with success and how they affect each other39. (2分)阅读下列短文,从下面每小题的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 Ryans life was nearly perfect. He had lots of friends on his block. They walked to school together every day, and after school they always had time to play.Ryan did have one problem. It was his two-year-old sister, Allie. She was too small to play ball games. She couldnt climb trees yet. Ryan and his friends didnt want her around.Ryan tried asking his mum to keep Allie at home. Why does my sister have to come along? he asked. Troys sister doesnt. Jimmys sister doesnt. Why me?Ryans mother just laughed, Troys sister is only six months old, and Jimmy doesnt have a sister. Allie is nice, isnt she?Today, Ryan was going to play baseball with his friends after school. Allie followed him as usual. The boys used to play football, but one of them broke a window at Mr Mcwhirters house. Mr Mcwhirter wouldnt give them their ball back.The game got started. Allie sat on a stone nearby. Minutes later it was Jimmys turn to hit the ball. Unluckily, it fell right into Mr Mcwhirters yard.The boys ran over to Mr Mcwhirters fence (栅栏). The ball was just out of reach.None of us can fit through the fence. Jimmy said.The boys looked glum.Suddenly, Jimmy got an idea. Allie, come over! he called. Would you like to get that ball for us?Allie looked at the boys. Then she slipped through the fence, picked up the ball and came back out of the yard.Wow, said Troy. So quick! Thanks, Allie.Nice job, said Jimmy.Come on, said Ryan, suddenly proud of his kid sister. Ill teach you how to swing the bat.(1)What can we know about Ryans sister? A . She could climb trees.B . She followed Ryan a lot.C . She was friends with Troys sister.D . She was two years younger than Ryan.(2)Why did Ryan and his friends not play football today? A . Their football was broken.B . They got bored with playing it.C . They lent their football to other boys.D . Mr Mcwhirter refused to return their football.(3)What does the underlined word glum in Paragraph 9 mean? A . Happy.B . Excited.C . Sad.D . Interested.(4)Which fact about Allie is the most important to the story? A . She was small.B . She was a girl.C . She sat on a stone.D . She knew the boys.40. (5分)阅读理解 If you want to do a school project on childrens rights(权力), you can look on the Interne for some information. A United Nations website can show you plenty of useful information for the project.The United Nations lists the rights of children. Most countries agree all of them, but some countries do not. The following are some of the most important rights of children:Children have the right to be properly fed, clothed and sheltered(庇护) by their family. If their family cant do so, the government should take responsibility.Children have the right to an education and medical care, which should be provided by the government.Children must not be cruelly punished(惩罚) by their parents or any others.Children have the right to expect the government to protect them from all kinds of abuse(虐待) and neglect(忽略).No child under fifteen should be made to fight in an army.Children have the right to be protected from being made to work too hard to make money for other people.In some countries children do not have these rights. Many young children are made to work long hours in factories and on farms. In some countries there are so few schools .that only rich children get an education. There are not enough doctors or nurses to help many children when they are sick.The rights of children are, therefore, the rights people think children should have. They are not always the rights children really have.(1) agree with the United Nations list of childrens rights. A . All countriesB . A few countriesC . No countriesD . Most countries(2)The underlined word responsibility in the passage means .A . something people have to doB . something people want to doC . something people know how to doD . something people love to do(3)Which of the following sentences is TRUE according to the passage? A . Parents should punish their children.B . Children should make money for other people.C . Governments should protect children from neglect.D . Children under sixteen should not fight in an army.(4)Some children cant get an education because . A . there arent enough schoolsB . there are no schoolsC . they come from rich familiesD . they want to work in factories(5)Whats the main idea of this passage? A . Children are made to work long hours on farms.B . The United Nations website is useful for the school protect.C . Children have the right to be properly fed, clothed and sheltered.D . The United Nations has listed the rights it thinks children should have.四、 根据首字母, 句意及汉语提示完成下列句子。(10分) (共10题;共10分)41. (1分)I need to have a cup of tea and r_ after I finish this project. 42. (1分)根据首字母提示补全单词。(1)Keep the cat out of library. In western countries it means keeping s_and do not tell others.(2)The mother p_her daughter for her great progress.(3)Dont talk too much, and keep silent. S_is gold.(4)Were all excited because our team won a v_.(5)Ive done some r_to find out the cheapest way of travelling there.43. (1分)In order to a_the traffic jam, David goes to work by car very early. 44. (1分)Youll never get that ball backIts lost f_ 45. (1分)根据句意及首字母提示完成单词(1)When a fire_(发生), you should keep calm and go out of the building as quickly as possible.(2)She is careless, she often makes some m_ in her homework.(3)Its our duty to help people when theyre in t_.(4)I want to i_ my English.(5)This team we are_(感到轻松的)about our homework.(6)Theyre _(成功)in business.(7)My father enjoys _(读)newspapers every evening.(8)Study hard and you will a _your dream.46. (1分)You are the only one w_ advice he might listen to. 47. (1分)I have two children, a son and a d_. 48. (1分)Shes won many world competitions,_(包括)four gold medals in the Olympics. 49. (1分)His friends are all _(商人). 50. (1分)The food t_ delicious. 五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) (共10题;共10分)51. (1分)Ten years in the mountain _ (be) too long for the young. 52. (1分)He_(dig) a hole and put the tree in it. 53. (1分)Jenny, I _ (lose) my homework. 54. (1分)The man refused to tell me the_(true) 55. (1分)The television isnt working _ (proper). We must repair it. 56. (1分)Which country is_(ancient),India or Spain?57. (1分)More and more green fruit and vegetables _ (sell) in the market. 58. (1分)_ for your help. (thank) 59. (1分)Mr.Miller _(provide) us with lots of useful information last year. 60. (1分)_ the boy _ (live) next to you? Yes, he does.六、 完成句子。(10分) (共10题;共10分)61. (1分)王彤的QQ号码是多少? _Wang Tongs QQ_?62. (1分)我经常在电脑上写我的家庭作业。 I often write my homework _ _ _.63. (1分)当我长大后,我想成为一名工程师。 I want to be an engineer when I _ _.64. (1分)My family are eating_(一起) now. 65. (1分)我想买一副太阳镜。 I want to buy _sunglasses. 66. (1分)My uncle buys_(两袋苹果) when he comes to see me 67. (1分)当他看见那起事故时,他立即叫来了警察。 When he saw the accident, he _ _ the police at once.68. (1分)吃些面包怎么样? _ _ having some bread?69. (1分)太多的压力不利于孩子的发展。 Too much pressure is bad for a _ _.70. (1分)我每个月都收到母亲的信。 I_my mother every mon

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