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简单日常口语:在餐厅催服务员上菜的英语说法1.惯用口语句子:Where is the rest room?洗手间在哪儿?Please direct me to the rest room.请告诉我去卫生问怎么走。direct v. 给指路,指点rest room 指“厕所,洗手间”,洗手问的说法还有toilet、bathroom、washroom、lavatory等。Please give me some napkins.请给我一些餐巾纸。Give me some disposable chopsticks,please.请给我一些一次性筷子。napkin n. 餐巾,餐巾纸disposable a. 一次性使用的 chopstick n. 筷子Where are our dishes?我们的菜怎么还没来啊?Our dishes havent been served yet.我们的菜还没上来。serve v.供应(饭菜)We are starving. Would you please hurry up?我们都要饿死了,能快点儿吗?We are starved.我们都饿死了。Please hurry up.请快一点儿。starve v. (使)饿得要死hurry up 快一点,赶紧Have you forgotten my order?你们忘了我点的菜了吧?You serve the dishes too slowly.你们上菜太慢了。Excuse me, I ordered a tuna salad half an hour ago. Is it ready?打扰一下,我半小时前点了金枪鱼沙拉,请问好了吗?I ordered my dinner about half an hour ago and it still hasnt arrived.我半小时前点了菜,但是到现在还没有上。tuna n. 金枪鱼Im impatient with being kept waiting.我已经等得不耐烦了。My friend is in an impatient mood.我的朋友不耐烦了。impatient a. 不耐烦的Will it be ready in ten minutes?十分钟之后能做好吗?If you cant get it ready in ten minutes, Ill leave.如果十分钟之后还没做好,我就走了。How much longer will have to wait?我还要等多久?How much longer?还要多久啊?My order still hasnt come. Why does it take so long?我的菜还没上。怎么这么长时间啊?My order still hasnt come. How come?我的莱还没上。怎么回事?how come 怎么发生的?(某事物)怎么解释?2.实用对话Complaining about Having to Wait Too Long for Your Food抱怨上菜速度Linda: Excuse me.琳达:打扰一下。Waiter: Yes, Miss. What can I do for you?服务生:你好,小姐。需要帮忙吗?Linda: I ordered my dish about half an hour ago, but it hasnt arrived yet.琳达:我半小时前点了莱,但是到现在还没有上。Waiter: Im sorry for that. Im going to check with the chef right now.服务生:非常抱歉。我马上去和主厨核对一下。(The waiter comes back from the kitchen.)(服务生从厨房回来。)Waiter: Miss, I just checked with the kitchen and they said your order will be coming right up next. Oh, here it comes.服务生:小姐,我刚才和厨房核对过了,他们说您点的莱马上就来。噢,菜来了。Linda: Thank you.琳达:谢谢。Waiter: Miss, Im very sorry for the delay. Please enjoy this free glass of wine for the inconvenience. Again, Im terribly sorry to make you wait so long.服务生:小姐,非常抱歉上莱晚了。请接受这杯免费的葡萄酒以弥补我们给您造成的不便。再次向您表示歉意,让您久等了。Linda: It doesnt matter.琳达:没关系。3.详细解说1.check(with sb.) 意为“问一下(某人)(以确认某事是不是正确的,是不是真的,或者允不允许)”。例如:Im not authorized to give you a refund.Ill have to check first.我没有权力为您办理退款。我先得去问一下。If youre unsure of your legal right,you can check with a lawyer.如果你对你的法律权利不明白,你可以咨询一下律师。另外, check 作此义讲时,后面还可以接that从句或由whether/how/who引导的宾语从句。例如:Ill call the factory to check whether the beds can be delivered today.我会给工厂打电话,问一下那些床今天能不能发货。2.your order is coming right up next.这句话是服务员用来表达“菜马上就能上”的。用了现在进行时表示将来时,come up的意思“上来,出现”,“right”用于口语中多表示“立即,马上”,因此该句的意思就是“您点的莱马上就来”。4.文化洗礼等待时的心理现象 Occupied time feels shorter than unoccupied time.有事情做比没事情做的时候,感觉时间要短。 People fear being forgotten.人们害怕被“忘记”。Anxiety makes waits seem longer.焦虑使等待显得更长。 Uncertain waits are longer than known, finite waits.不确定的等待显得比已知的、有期限的等待更长。 Unexplained waits are longer than explained waits.未经任何解释的等待比已做出解释的等待要长。6) Unfair waits are longer than equitable waits.不公平的等待比公平的等待要长。 The more valuable the service, the longer the customer will wait.顾客期待获得的服务越珍贵,可以等待的时间越长。Solo waits feel longer than group waits.独自等待感觉比集体等待更长。


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