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沪教版九年级中考英语模拟考试试卷B卷一、 单选题 (共20题;共40分)1. (2分) Its very good _ you to help us. Thank you for your help. A . ofB . forC . toD . on2. (2分) (2016八上通化期末) She often helps her mother with some _ at home. A . homeworkB . houseworkC . homeworksD . houseworks3. (2分) The girl didnt water the flowers for so long. _, the flowers died. A . Except forB . As a resultC . So thatD . Whats more4. (2分) (2018福州模拟) You can read the _on the machine if you dont know how to use it. A . inventionB . instructionsC . instruments5. (2分) (2017八下重庆月考) The boy _ a new car. That means its _ new car. A . owner; his ownB . owns; own hisC . owns: his ownD . owner; own his6. (2分) (2017广东模拟) Some people eat with their eyes. They prefer to order a meal _ looks nice.A . whichB . whoC . whoseD . where7. (2分) The children had to repeat that story twice,_they?A . didntB . hadntC . didD . had8. (2分) He _China since he _ to China.A . learned , came B . has learned , comesC . have learned , came D . has learned ,came9. (2分) Things should _ here before you enter the library. A . keepsB . are keptC . be keptD . keep10. (2分) (2017七下广州期末) He broke my glasses, so he apologized to me this morning.A . said hello toB . said sorry toC . said goodbye to11. (2分) His story about ghost (幽灵) made us _. A . horribleB . to be horribleC . being horribleD . to feel horrible12. (2分) - We dont allow _ in the library.- So we had better _ outside.A . smoking, smokingB . to smoke, smokingC . to smoke, to smokeD . smoking, smoke13. (2分) Hello, may I speak to Mr. Smith?Sorry, he isnt in. He_ the office.A . has been toB . has gone to C . has been away14. (2分) NASA plans to launch a satellite to study cosmic rays. A . send outB . give outC . put out15. (2分) (2017九上安庆期末) _ of us felt very tired but quite happy after _ sports meeting.A . Everyone, a two daysB . Every one, the two daysC . Every one, the two-dayD . None, a two-day16. (2分) Lets _ hello to Mr. Green. Hes in the teachers office. A . go and sayB . go and to sayC . to go and to sayD . go to saying17. (2分) - is your birthday?- Its on March .A . When; twenty ninthB . When; twenty-ninethC . What; twentieth-ninthD . When; twenty-ninth18. (2分) We have worked for three hours. Now lets stop a rest.A . hadB . haveC . to haveD . having19. (2分) _ we go swimming in Xishuanghu Lake today? Oh, no. Its _ cold to swim on such days. I will catch a cold.A . Will; veryB . Will; tooC . Shall; veryD . Shall; too20. (2分) (2016七下安定月考) I cant wait _ play music for them. A . openB . to openC . opensD . opening二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)21. (10分) (2017九上潍坊期末) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。Mr. Black was over fifty years old. He sometimes made some mistakes in his work, and he lost his work. So he had 1time every day to do something. Then he often met his old friends under a big tree. They had drinks there and talked 2anything they liked.One day, some old men were sitting together again and talking about young people in this world. They all agreed that the old people were 3than young people. Then one of the old 4said that young men were stronger than old men. 5of them agreed that this was true, 6Mr. Black didnt. He said, “No. I am as strong now as when I was a young man.” His friends were surprised 7what he said. “Well,” said Mr. Black, “Near my house there is a big stone. When I was a young man, I used 8to move it, but I couldnt because I was not 9. I am an old man now, and when I try to move it, I still 10. So, I am as strong as when I was young.”(1)A . many B . a lot C . lots of D . lot (2)A . for B . to C . with D . about (3)A . clever B . cleverer C . cleverest D . a clever (4)A . man B . woman C . men D . women (5)A . All B . None C . Both D . Neither (6)A . so B . or C . and D . but (7)A . at B . to C . of D . on (8)A . trying B . try C . to try D . to trying (9)A . strong enough B . enough strong C . weak enough D . enough weak (10)A . can B . cant C . could D . couldnt 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共34分)22. (10分) (2017八下长泰月考) 阅读理解Mr. Smith made many tests with different animals and the monkey was the cleverest of all the animals.One day Mr. Smith put a monkey in a room. He also put some small boxes in it. In one of the boxes there was some food. How long will it take the monkey to find the food? Mr. Smith said to himself. Let me wait and see. He left the room and waited outside. Three minutes later, he put his eye to the keyhole. What did he see? He saw the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door and looked at Mr. Smith through the keyhole.(1) Mr. Smith made tests with _.A . different animalsB . the monkey onlyC . all the monkeysD . all of the cleverest animals(2) There was some food in _ of the small boxes.A . someB . noneC . oneD . each(3) Mr. Smith put a monkey and some boxes in a room because he wanted to know_.A . how much food monkey could findB . how many boxes the monkey could carryC . how long it would take the monkey to put its eye to the keyholeD . how long it would take the monkey to find the food(4) What was the monkey doing when Mr. Smith was putting his eye to the keyhole?A . The monkey was eating food.B . The monkey was looking for food.C . The monkey was eating on the other side of the door.D . The monkey was looking at Mr. Smith through the keyhole.(5) Mr. Smith is a _.A . teacherB . scientistC . doctorD . farm worker23. (6分) Once there was a little girl who lived in a small, very simple, poor house on a hill. From there she could see across the valley to a wonderful house high on the hill on the other side. This house had golden windows, so golden and shining that the little girl would dream of how magic it would be to grow up and live in a house with golden windows instead of an ordinary house like hers. She wanted to live in such a golden house and dreamed all day about how wonderful and exciting it must feel to live there.When she got to an age and got enough skill and sensibility to go outside, she asked her mother if she could go for a ride outside the gate and down the lane. After pleading with her, her mother finally allowed her to go, insisting that she should keep close to the house and not wander too far. The day was beautiful and the little girl knew exactly where she was heading! Down the lane and across the valley, she got to the gate of the golden house across on the other hill.As she arrived, she focused on the path that led to the house and then on the house itself. She was so disappointed as she realized all the windows were ordinary and rather dirty, reflecting(反映出) nothing other than the sad neglect of the house that was derelict(废弃的).So sad she didnt go any further and turned, and heart broken. As she glanced up she saw a sight to amaze her. There across the way on her side of the valley was a little house and its windows glistened golden as the sun shone on her little home.She realized that she had been living in her golden house and all the love and care she found there was what made her home the “golden house”. Everything she dreamed was right there in front of her nose!(1) Which sentence is True according to the passage?A . The girls mother finally allowed her to go to the golden house aloneB . The golden house was on the hill where the girl lived.C . What disappointed the little girl was that the house was locked.D . Actually, the windows of the golden house were common and covered with dirt.(2) What can we infer from the passage ?A . The girl didnt love or care for her parentsB . The girl had no idea where she was heading after leaving homeC . The mother thought that she neednt keep an eye on her daughterD . The girl made up her mind to go to the golden house at the beginning(3) The passage is intended to tell us that_.A . not all dreams will come trueB . girls often have amazing imaginationC . what we dream of may be just around usD . nothing is impossible to a willing heart24. (10分) As a child, I was really afraid of the dark and of getting lost. These fears were very real and caused me some uncomfortable moments.Maybe it was the strange way things looked and sounded in my own room at night that scared me so much. There was never complete darkness, but always a streetlight or passing car lights, which made clothes on the back of a chair take on the shape of a wild animal. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the curtains(窗帘) seem to move when there was no wind. A very low sound in the floor would seem a hundred times louder than in the day. My imagination (想象) would run wild, and my heart would beat fast. I would lie very still so that the enemy(敌人) would not discover me.Another of my childhood fears was that I would get lost, especially on the way home from school. Every morning I got on the school bus right near my home. That was no problem. After school, though, when all the buses were lined up along the street, I was afraid that I would get in the wrong one and be taken to some other strange places. On school or family trips to a park or a museum, I wouldnt let the leaders out of my sight.Perhaps one of the worst fears of all I had as a child was that of not being liked or accepted by others. Being popular was so important to me then, and the fear of not being liked was a serious one.One of the processes(过程) growing up is being able to realize and overcome our fears. Understanding the things that scared us as children helps us achieve greater success later in life.(1) The author had _kind(s) of fears when she was a child.A . oneB . twoC . threeD . none(2) _ would scare the author at night.A . Streetlight and car lightsB . Wild animals and enemiesC . Moving curtains and windD . Strange sights and sounds(3) When she went to some other places, she would _.A . walk away without othersB . take a bus by herselfC . follow others closelyD . make sure not to take a wrong bus(4) Which of the following would be possibly true when she was a child?A . She was usually popular among people.B . She was always the leader of the others.C . She always got poor grades.D . She was not at all liked by others.(5) The underlined word overcome means _ in Chinese.A . 接受B . 忍受C . 信服D . 克服25. (8分) (2017冷水滩模拟) 阅读理解Every year many young people leave school for a few weeks or months and enjoy an unusual type of educational program. They learn new skills by living in a different country and doing unusual jobs. There are several organizations. They help students to find the experience they are looking for. The table below shows a few possibilities for students.CountryJobTimeDescriptionIndiaTeaching young childrenOne monthTeaching music and danceHelping children learn how to communicateGhanaHealth care workTwo monthsSeeing how doctors work in a less developed countryHelping care for patientsThailandSaving elephantsThree weeksCleaning elephantsHelping train elephantsNew ZealandTeaching ChineseSix weeksHelping adults learn ChineseSpreading Chinese cultureOne interesting possibility is helping elephants in Thailand. Most people think of elephants as animals in zoos. In fact, many elephants in Thailand are no longer kept in cages. Now, hundreds of them are homeless. They dont have owners to care for them. Although they may look well, they are often in poor health and dont have enough to eat.One center in Thailand cares for these elephants. It gives them a safe and natural living space. When they are at the center, they stay in a building but are free to walk around. Students come from all over the world to help here. The student helpers work with the elephant keepers. These keepers train the students in caring for the elephants. In the morning, they go to the forest together and lead the elephants to the center. They clean them and give them food. In the afternoon. They take the animals back into the forest for the night. Helping at the center is interesting and the young people learn a lot.(1) Which country can you choose if you want to prepare yourself for a medical career? A . India.B . Ghana.C . Thailand.(2) Which job might be suitable for the students who love children and arts? A . Teaching young childrenB . Health care workC . Saving elephants(3) What does the underlined word “they” in the last paragraph probably refer to? A . The keepers.B . The doctors .C . The elephants.(4) What does the writer think of the unusual educational program? A . It is amazing.B . It is boring.C . It is helpful.四、 填写适当的句子补全对话 (共1题;共3分)26. (3分) 阅读对话,根据横线上标点符号的提示,在横线上填写适当的句子,使对话完整。A: Mike, you look worried.B: Yes, Ms Paula. Im having trouble leaving English.A: You said you liked English_?B: I cant get the pronunciation right.A: Well, why dont you borrow the teaches tapes? You can listen to them at home after school.B: _. But what about the new words?A: You can write the new words in your notebook and study them at any time.B: That might really help! Thanks.A: Can you understand when people talk to you?B: Not, not always.A: _? The English club can help you practice speaking English.It meets on Tuesday and Friday.B: I think I will go. Thanks a lot.A: Youre welcome.五、 任务型阅读 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分) 根据短文内容, 完成下面的短文。 Polar bears(北极熊) are soft and lovely, but they are also very dangerous. Marks best pal is Agee, just a big cute white polar bear! Mark is a Canadian animal trainer. He and Agee became friends when the polar bear was just about four weeks old. Now Agee is 16 years old and weighs 800 pounds. She cant live at Marks home now, but both of them are still best friends. They always play, swim and even wrestle(摔跤) together. Agee is not only Marks best friend, but also the worlds first trained polar bear star. She has acted in some films and TV advertisements(广告) . Polar bears usually live in the freezing Arctic region(冰冷的北极地区) . Unluckily, as the weather gets warmer and warmer, there is less and less room for the polar bears to live in. And they have to find their home and have less time to find food. So these make polar bears become fewer and fewer. Mark is a trainer from _. He has a good friend named Agee. Agee is not a girl _a polar bear. They became good friends when Agee was one _old. They always play, swim and wrestle together. Agee is also a polar bear star. Most polar bears live in the freezing Arctic region. But as the weather gets warmer and warmer, its more _for them to find home and _. Now polar bears become fewer and fewer. So we should work hard to protect them.六、 选择合适的句子补全对话 (共1题;共5分)28. (5分) 补全对话Jane: Tomorrow is Saturday. What do you often do on weekends?Bill:_What about you?Jane: I often go to the movies.Bill:_How often do you go to the movies?Jane:_Bill: Whats your favorite movie?Jane:_Bill: Who do you often go with?Jane:_Bill: Are you going there this weekend?Jane: Yes, do you want to go with/us?Bill: Sorry, I have a lot of work to do.A. Three times a month.B. I like movies, too.C. I usually do my homework.D. My good friend, Kate.E. Harry Potter.七、 补全短文 (共1题;共1分)29. (1分) Hes getting fatter. The doctor advised him to lose _ (weigh). 八、 信息归纳 (共1题;共5分)30. (5分) (2018九上韶关期末) 【信息归纳】请阅读以下文章,根据文章内容完成信息表:A Greeting is a way of saying Hello tosomeonePeople in different countries greet each other in different waysThe following are some examplesIn the United State,people usually shake handsThe handshake has an interesting origin(起源)It started long ago as a way of showing people that they werent carrying a weapon(武器)Shaking the persons right hand while looking him or her in the eye is the usual wayHandshakes are also common in other parts of the world,including Britain and RussiaIn Russia, a man often holds another mans hand very strongly during the handshakeMost people in New Zealand also greet each other by shaking handsHowever,the Maori people in New Zealand greet each other by pressing their noses togetherIn other countries,such as France and Belgium,hugging and kissing are more common when two people meet. In those cultures,people kiss each other on the cheek(面额)The number of kisses is different from country to countryIn Saudi Arabia,men might hug and kiss each other(but not with a woman)on the checkIn some Eastern countries,including Japan,bowing is the traditional way of greeting peopleInformation CardThe word that people say to greet someone_The reason that people shake hands long long ago_The way that Maori people greet each other_The ways that French use when two people meet_The traditional way of Japanese greeting people_九、 阅读短文,回答问题 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分) Lin Tao has a lot of problems now. Could you help him? Please choose the best advice for him._My mother is a doctor. She is too busy with her work to stay with me._I dont know what to wear for a party._I am not allowed to hang out with friends at all. My parents want me to study all the time at home._Im shy and I often dont know what to say or do._I get pimples when Im nervous.A.You should drink lots of water and ask your doctor for advice.B.Tell your mother you need her sometimes. Also you should do some housework with your mother so she can finish her work quickly.C.If I were you. Id wear a nice dress.D.If I were you, Id talk to someone who looks friendly.E.Let your parents know your friends are nice. You learn a lot from them as well as having fun with them. You study with them outside, too.十、 翻译 (共7题;共45分)32. (2分) 他们发现周围全是雾霾,而且门也是锁着的。They found there was haze _and the door _ too.33. (5分) 根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空词数不限。 (1) 这就是我没赶上火车的原因。_I didnt catch the train(2) 我妹妹感冒了,没有去上学。My sister_and didnt go to school(3) 不要吃太多快餐食品,它对你的健康有害。Dont eat too much fast food. It_to you health(4) 他太累了,不能跑了。Hes_(5) 她有两个孩子,她每天带他们散步。She has got two childrenShe_every day34. (2分) 昨天下午三点钟的时候莉莉在听音乐会。 Lily _ _ to a concert at three oclock yesterday afternoon.35. (1分) 宇航员已经到过月球。Astronauts_me moon36. (5分) (2018苏州模拟) 不要忘了和你的朋友分享你的幸福。 37. (25分) 将下列句子译成英语。 (1) 在我们学校图书馆里有有几千本书。(2) 扬州园林(Yangzhou Gardens)不仅在中国出名,而且在全世界也很有名。(3) 谁将应邀主持下周的演出?(4) 在这个公园里,除非你有地图,否则很容易迷路。(5) 对我们来说,像以前那样经常见到这样的美景不容易了。38. (5分) (2017九上达州期末) 汉译英,根据所给的中文意思完成句子,每空一词。(1) 钓鱼岛永远属于中国。Diaoyu


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