上海版八年级下期末模拟英语卷(II )卷

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上海版八年级下期末模拟英语卷(II )卷姓名:_ 班级:_ 成绩:_一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1. (10分) My now 7-year-old grandson, who lives 100 miles away, has kept my phone number in his mind since he was 4. Since then, he has been 1me every night before he goes to bed to tell me about his day or just to say “Good night, Grandma.”He also often calls me at other times during the day just to 2 a happy or sad moment. Many times hes playing a basketball with one hand, or laughing with a friend about something that I 3quite understand, or crying about something he may or may not want to talk about while Im on the other end of the phone. I just listen and empathize (同情) or laugh with himjust share his current (当前的) 4. I always let him control the 5 , and the time hes on the phone with me. Many times I just listen to him play, or play games weve made up together that we can play over the 6.The only time I take control of the 7 is when hes ready to say goodbye at night. Often there are four special 8I say to him every night. One night I thought maybe he was tired to hear those, so I didnt say them. He 9called me back and told me that I forgot to say those sentences! I havent missed saying them since then!My friends all know that he is the most important for me. 10 Im in church(教堂), or some place where I really cant take his call, I always politely excuse myself and talk to him, even if its just for a minute to tell him Ill call him back in a few minutes.He knows that he takes first place in my heart. (1)A . troubling B . seeing C . promising D . calling (2)A . spend B . enjoy C . share D . experience (3)A . never B . ever C . nearly D . fully (4)A . secret B . problem C . plan D . feeling (5)A . action B . result C . topic D . team (6)A . experience B . letter C . Internet D . phone (7)A . work B . talk C . game D . voice (8)A . words B . messages C . sentences D . rules (9)A . immediately B . usually C . probably D . especially (10)A . Since B . Unless C . Before D . As 二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)2. (8分)根据短文理解,选择正确答案。On June 26, 2000, two scientists, called Francis Collins and Craig Venter, told the world that they could now read the whole map of the human body: DNA. DNA is something that everybody has, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our mother and father, because we get some of their DNA to make our own.People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Gregor Mendel discovered a special reason why we look the same as other people in our family. It is because of small things named genes in our body. In 1953, James Watson and Francis Crick made another discovery and found out that those small parts are real messages written in the DNA with a special language.In 1961, Marshall Nirenberg and Johann Matthaei found a message in DNA showing how DNA tells the cell(细胞)to build its parts. Scientists have now found all the words in the DNA map, but we still do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one word means, we can help save more people from several illnesses.Most people hope that this will help make better medicine and help sick people. Other people worry that when people begin to know more words and find out lots of other information, we might use it in a wrong way, just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people from getting jobs. Man would have to meet a lot of trouble if DNA technology(技术)wasnt limited(限制)in use.(1)When did we first know why we look like other people in our family?A . In 2000.B . In 1953.C . In 1961.D . In 1860.(2)What did the two scientists first discover in 1961?A . The map of DNAB . A new illnessC . A message of DNAD . The language of DNA(3)What can we do if we understand some words of the language inside the body?A . Make people get new jobs.B . Make medicine for illnesses.C . Make maps of human.D . Make people less attractive.(4)What do people think about this work?A . It can cause good or bad results.B . It can cause only good results.C . It can cause good results but wont work.D . It can cause only bad results.3. (10分)阅读理解。“Did you go skating a lot last year?” I asked. Jen shook her head and looked at me. Finally she said, “On Thanksgiving, Mom and I always went to visit some friends who lived on a farm. I especially loved seeing their big turkeys.”Until then, I didnt think about how Jen felt. She had a new stepfather (继父) and stepbrother,and had a new town and home, too. Jen and her mom used to live near a lake where Dad and I went every summer, and she had to move up north with us. She had more changes than me.Jen seemed sad, so I was busy thinking of some ways to cheer her up on Thanksgiving. I told her my plan and she was excited. First we made a huge snowball, and then a small snowball. Then we built a wall behind the big snowball as a tail. Jen mixed some food coloring with water, saying, “We can spray (喷) colors on the tail.” Our snow turkey had a red, blue, green, and yellow tail. We were so busy that we didnt notice our parents come outside. Dad found a hat for the snow turkey, and Mom wrapped her scarf around its neck.“Thanks for cheering Jen up,” Mom said. “Youre a good brother, and you always come up with great ideas. A happy feeling spread through me. I began to understand how much she cared about everyone in our new family.(1)What did Jen do on Thanksgiving in the past? A . She went skating with her friends.B . She went to the farm with her mother.C . She stayed at home with her mother.D . She made snow turkeys with her mother.(2)What can we learn from the second paragraph? A . Jen lived near a lake in the past.B . The writer was Jens stepfather.C . Jen moved up north for studying.D . The writer just moved out of his old house.(3)How many people are there in Jens new family? A . Two.B . Three.C . Four.D . Five.(4)Which of the following is the right order?made a small snowballfound a hatmade a huge snowballsprayed colors on the tailwrapped a scarf around the neckbuilt a wall behind the big snowballA . B . C . D . (5)What can we infer (推断) from the underlined sentence? A . Jens stepmother was not friendly to the writer.B . Jen didnt feel happy after moving here.C . Jens mother did a lot to make Jen happy.D . The writer felt happy because his stepmother liked him.4. (8分)阅读理解 We can easily and cheaply get all the wisdom of the ages, all the stories that have delighted(使快乐) mankind for centuries, but we must know how to use this treasure and how to get the most from it. The most unfortunate people all over the world are those who have never discovered how satisfying it is to read good books.I am very interested in people, in meeting them and finding about them. Ive found in books new friends, new societies, and new words. Reading is a pleasure of mind. It is a little like a sport: Your eagerness for knowledge and quickness make you a good reader. Your experience, compared with his, brings you to the same or different conclusions, and your ideas develop as you understand his.Every book stands by itself, like a one-family house, but books in a library are like houses in a city. Wherever you start reading you connect yourself with one of the families of ideas, and finally you not only find out about the world and the people in it, you find out about yourself, too.Reading can only be fun if you expect it to be. If you concentrate on books somebody tells you you ought to read, you probably wont have fun. But if you put down a book you dont like and try another till you find one that means something to you, and then relax with it, you will almost certainly have a good time, and if you become, as a result of reading, better, wiser, kinder, or more gentle, you wont have suffered during the process.(1)Which is WRONG according to the passage? A . Reading can find new friends.B . Reading is fun.C . Reading is a little like a sport.D . While reading youll have no imagination.(2)Whats the result of reading? A . Wiser.B . Kinder.C . More gentle.D . All of the above.(3)What does the underlined word process mean in Chinese? A . 过程B . 作用C . 手续D . 工序(4)Why does the author say books are connected with each other? A . They have the same idea.B . They have the same writer.C . Peoples problems are the same.D . Human problems repeat themselves in literature.三、 单词拼写 (共2题;共12分)5. (2分)The hotel is _the library _(在与之间) the dining hall. 6. (10分)语法填空 Hi Simon,I havent written till now. Ive been busy with the course and making new friends since I got here. Im speaking English with my classmates all the time and going out in the evening with _ (they). Were a real mix of nationalities: Chinese, Russian, Italian, Spanish . We talk about kinds of things _ English and Im learning a lot about other languages and countries too.My host family are very nice. The parents are very _ (friend) and kind. The children are both in primary school _ they are very sweet. But they can be a bit annoying(恼人的) too. If we have to watch the film Frozen together one more time, Im going crazy! I know all the _ (song) by heart now!We live near the school. Its a short bus ride from Edinburgh city centre. There is _ ancient castle(城堡) and we re going there next week. Yesterday my Italian friend invited me _ (watch) the free street shows. We _ (see) a magician doing card games- it was so much fun!I _ (send) you some photos of Edinburgh Castle next time. Take care and let me know what you _ (do) at the moment.Frank四、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)7. (5分)方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。spend weigh slow leaf succeed(1)Spring is coming and the_turn green.(2)If we walk_, well be late for the film.(3)-What are they doing? -They are _an elephant.(4)He is very happy because he has_in passing the exam.(5)Mrs. Smith_three thousand yuan on the gold necklace.五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)8. (10分)任务型阅读Most schools are trying hard to improve their lunch programs and they want to offer the best food they can.Even if your school provides healthy options(选择),you may still want to have something delicious outside.How do you take control? Take a packed lunch to school!Here are the four reasons to pack your lunch and snacks at least twice a week.Control Have you ever waited in the lunch line only to find when you get to the front that you dont like what theyre serving?VarietyIf youre eating the same food all the time , your body probably feels ready for a change. Packing lunch a couple of times a week means you can enjoy some favorites that you might not find at every school.Money ServingPacking healthy snacks so that you neednt go out for a fast-food lunch, chocolate or a soda! If so, you will save much money. And you can buy something you need.Warm Feeling Remember when your mom or dad used to pack your lunch? Pack a lunch for yourself, maybe that is your favorite healthy food.Whether you pack or eat in the cafeteria(自助食堂),whats important is that you make right choices. If you are worried that cafeteria doesnt offer enough healthy choices, try to make changes. Ask a teacher or someone in food service for advice on hoe to get started.Take a packed lunch to school_ for packing your lunch and snacks twice a weekTo control dietsIt helps _you eating the unhealthy food and you neednt wait in line.To be _Your body needs_and you can enjoy some favorites which are not_at schoolTo_moneyHealthy snacks from home are _than a fast-food lunch.To feel warmIn the past, your parents packed lunch for you while you just do it_now.ConclusionIts important to _the right food. Go for advice on how to start.六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9. (5分)三年的初中学习生活即将结束,你的父母亲一路艰辛,在学习和生活上给予你关怀、鼓励、支持与帮助,你心存感激。假如你的名字叫谢恩,请你给你的父母亲写一封感谢信,谈谈你对他们的印象,回忆他们是怎么帮助你的,并表达你对他们的祝福。提示词: kind, help, encourage, thanks, hope.注意:1. 格式要完整、正确;词数:6080;书写日期不限。2. 考生可以根据情节需要适当发挥;文中不得出现真实姓名和地名。_第 15 页 共 15 页参考答案一、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)1-1、二、 阅读理解 (共3题;共26分)2-1、2-2、2-3、2-4、3-1、3-2、3-3、3-4、3-5、4-1、4-2、4-3、4-4、三、 单词拼写 (共2题;共12分)5-1、6-1、四、 选词填空 (共1题;共5分)7-1、五、 补全对话 (共1题;共10分)8-1、六、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)9-1、

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