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4 Placesandactivities OpenDay Module2 Unit5 Lookandreview MissguoandherstudentsareplanningfortheOpenDay Let ssaysomecaptionsforeachpicture Time Place Activity 2 00p m schoolentrance parentsarrive Time Place Activity 2 15p m ourclassroom visittheclassroom Time Place Activity 2 30p m ArtsandCraftsroom lookatourclassprojects Time Place Activity 3 10p m hall listentotheschoolchoir Time Place Activity 4 00p m library lookattheEnglishClubnoticeboard Time Place Activity 4 25p m Musicroom haveteaandcakeswiththeteachers Listenandmatch l o o k v i s i l i s t a r r i l i v e s t u y t e n e v e d e d e d d d e d d i s t o p p e d s e e s a w h a v e d o g o g e t c o s t h a d d i d w e n t g o t c o s t i regregularverbs ularverbs regularverbs t a k e t o o k Read KittyandherclassmatestooksomephotosfortheEnglishClubontheOpenDay TheparentsarrivedatRoseGardenSchoolattwoo clock Theyvisitedourclassroomattwofifteen TheylookedatourprojectsattwothirtyintheArtsandCraftsroom Theparentslistenedtotheschoolchoiratthreeteninthehall TheylookedattheEnglishClubnoticeboardatfouro clockinthelibrary Theyhadteaandcakesatfourtwenty fiveintheMusicroomwiththeteachers Lookandlearn 1 2 3 4 5 6 They atourprojectsattwothirtyintheArtsandCraftsroom They attheEnglishClubnoticeboardatfouro clockinthelibrary They teaandcakesatfourtwenty fiveintheMusicroomwiththeteachers Theparents atRoseGardenSchoolattwoo clock They ourclassroomattwofifteen Theparents totheschoolchoiratthreeteninthehall OpenDay 26October Today 23October willarrive willvisit willlook willlisten willlook willhave 1 2 3 4 5 6 They atourprojectsattwothirtyintheArtsandCraftsroom They attheEnglishClubnoticeboardatfouro clockinthelibrary They teaandcakesatfourtwenty fiveintheMusicroomwiththeteachers Theparents atRoseGardenSchoolattwoo clock They ourclassroomattwofifteen Theparents totheschoolchoiratthreeteninthehall OpenDay 22October Today 23October willarrive willvisit willlook willlisten willlook willhave arrived visited looked listened looked had Lookandsay visit WewillvisittheOrientalPearlTVToweron2 A Whatwillyouvisiton25October B WewillvisittheOrientalPearlTVToweron25October A Whatdidyouvisiton10October B WevisitedShanghaiMuseumon10October ShanghaiMuseum theOrientalPearlTVTower lookat A Whatwill B Wewill on31October A Whatdid B We on3October thebeautifulmoon thebirdsinthebirdpark listento A B Wewilllistentothechoiron27October A B Welistenedtothereporton6October thechoir thereport have WewillhavedeliciousfoodatYuGardenon25October Wehadthebirthdaycakeon9October deliciousfoodatYuGarden thebirthdaycake SupposetheOpenDaywasover WeshoulddescribetheOpenday Use first next then afterthat and finally GroupWork HelpKittycompletethearticlefortheEnglishClubaboutherOpenDay Use first next then afterthat and finally RecitethepastformsofirregularverbsthatwehavelearnedWorkbook6A pages30 32 Homework

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