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上海版九年级上学期英语调研试卷D卷一、 单选题 (共14题;共28分)1. (2分) (2017九上哈尔滨期中) Boys and girls, this exam aims to test what youve learned in the past few weeks.Believe in yourselves, and youll get _exciting results in all subjects.A . /B . aC . an2. (2分) At present, lots of people would rather _ in the country because there is _pollution in the city.A . live; moreB . to live; lessC . live; lessD . to live; more3. (2分) (2017九上颍上月考) We spend as much time as we can _ English. A . readB . to readC . readingD . have read4. (2分) (2017七下万州期中) _ does it take them _?About twenty minutes by bus.A . How far; to arrive atB . How long; arrive hereC . How far; to arrive inD . How long; to arrive there5. (2分) (2018无锡模拟) Mum is comingWhat present _ for your birthday? A . you expect she has gotB . you expect has she gotC . do you expect she has gotD . do you expect has she got6. (2分) If you _ a particular topic, you pay attention to it and think about it, discuss it, or deal with it. A . disagree withB . forget aboutC . focus on7. (2分) (2016八上钦州港月考) There _ a football match between Class Eight and Class Nine this afternoon. A . is going to haveB . is going to beC . will haveD . are going to be8. (2分) (2018广东模拟) An English speech to the children in two days. A . is givenB . has been givenC . will be givenD . will give9. (2分) He _ goes to Taian, so he wants to go there.A . alwaysB . never C . notD . usually10. (2分) My sister doesnt like listening to pop music,because she has trouble .the words A . understandB . understandingC . spellD . spelling11. (2分) (2017恩施) Henry,have you seen the English book on the _desk?If you see it,please take it to the _officeOK( )A . teachers;teachersB . teachers;teachersC . teachers; teachers12. (2分) Her homework is full of silly mistakes, and some of them make us laugh.A . bigB . dangerousC . stupid13. (2分) (2017七下江苏期末) Yesterday an old mans house was _fire. And now he is_ hospital.A . on; onB . in; onC . on; inD . in; in14. (2分) Could you tell me _? In August, 2014.A . where will the Youth Olympic Games take placeB . when will the Youth Olympic Games take placeC . where the Youth Olympic Games will take placeD . when the Youth Olympic Games will take place二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)15. (10分) Jack Black has a big 1. His grandfather and grandmother 2in England. They are at home. Their 3 are Nick Black and Anna Black. But Jacks parents are in China. Jacks 4 is an English teacher. He works in a middle school. Jacks mother 5 a teacher. She is a doctor (医生). Jack and his 6 Mary are students. They go to the same (同一个) 7 in Beijing. Jack is 8 Class One, Grade Seven. At school Jack has 9 good friends. They are Lin Feng, Li Lei, and Sun Weiming. Mary has many good friends, too. They 10 their school.(1)A . bag B . room C . family D . school (2)A . is B . are C . be D . am (3)A . names B . numbers C . address D . ID cards (4)A . sister B . mother C . brother D . father (5)A . is B . isnt C . dont D . are (6)A . sister B . brother. C . friend D . uncle (7)A . class B . grade C . school D . classroom (8)A . at B . in C . on D . under (9)A . two B . three C . four D . five (10)A . have B . like C . meet D . look 三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)16. (10分) A six-year-old British girl, Mollie Price, is opening up her third candy store. She is said to be one of Britains youngest bosses. Her stores are called “Mollies.” She sells both British and American candy. The girl would like to open more candy stores. “It might sound crazy, but believe me,” Mollie says.“It was Mollies idea to open up the shop. It is Mollie who runs the candy stores,” her mother Becky, her “business partner” says.Her mother says all the stores are put together and stocked(进货)by Mollie. Mollie works in one of the stores every Saturday, then gets up early Sunday to go to the companys product supplier(供应商). She asks her friends to test the sweets to decide which ones are good. Shes good at smart marketing. For example, if the weather is really cold, she sells the Mr Whippy ice cream cheaper than when its hot outside.“Children have the best ideas. I tell my mum what I think and she always says I have good ideas. Its just because I know what other children like,” Mollie says.(1) Whats Mollies plan for the future?A . Become Britains youngest bossB . Open more candy storesC . Work as a product supplierD . Make the best ice cream products.(2) How does Mollie know which kinds of candy are good?A . Her mother decides itB . She has her friends test the candy.C . She goes to the market to researchD . She asks the companys product supplier.(3) The prices of some ice cream products in Mollies stores change according to _.A . the number of the productsB . her friends ideaC . the weatherD . the dates(4) According to the passage, whats the key(关键)to Mollies success?A . She works hard and she is good at smart marketing.B . The companys supplier makes good productsC . She would like to open more candy stores.D . Her mother always has good ideas.(5) According to the passage, Mollie is a/an_ girl.A . kindB . honestC . smartD . polite17. (8分) Do you know there are many kinds of grass? Some are tall. The kind that grows around your house is short grass. But field grass often grows as tall as a man.Some food that we eat comes from plants of the grass family. Wheat and rice are two of them. We use wheat to make bread. We use both wheat and rice to make breakfast. At some places, people eat more rice than any other food.Animals as well as people get food from the grass family. Cows eat hay(干草). Do you know the kind of grass that horses like to eat?(1) Which of the following belongs to(属于) the grass family? A . WheatB . Rice.C . Apples.D . A and B.(2) We use _ to make bread.A . riceB . fruitC . wheatD . grass family(3) Which of the following doesnt get food from the grass family?A . Horses.B . Sheep.C . Dogs.D . Cows.(4) Which of the following is wrong? A . The grass family are all short.B . There are many kinds of grass.C . Field grass often grows as tall as a man.D . Horses get food from the grass family.18. (10分) (2016七上长春月考) 阅读理解I go to work at ten oclock every night. When I ride a bike to my office, I talk with other doctors. Then I go to help all the sick people. Some nights are very quiet, but some nights are really busy, especially on weekends. On busy nights, I even have to help other doctors.I can go home at six oclock every morning. On my way home, I can see only a few people on the street. When I get home, I eat breakfast with my family first. Then, I read newspapers. Thats my habit. I can get some news from the newspapers. After that, I go to bed. My job isnt easy, but I like it a lot because I can help people.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。(1) The writer goes to work by_. A . busB . bikeC . carD . subway(2) The writer is _ on weekend nights. A . freeB . busyC . happyD . lucky(3) The writer has breakfast with _. A . the sick peopleB . his workmates (同事)C . his familyD . his friends(4) What does the underlined word “it” refer to (指的是)? A . The writers breakfast.B . The writers jobC . The writers homeD . The writers life(5) Which of the following is Not true? A . Every weekend, the writer is at home with his familyB . Its the writers habit to read newspapers in the morning.C . The writer goes to work at night and comes back home in the early morning.D . The writer can see only a few people on the street on his way home from work.19. (8分) (2017九上扬州期中) 根据短文理解,选择正确答案。Some people think that singing can lift our spirits (情绪), while some other people dont think so. They dont like singing and they think singing can never make them happy. I do think singing can make us feel good, and it can lift our spirits. Let me tell you more about that.Some researchers (研究者) once did some surveys and proved it. The surveys show that singing can bring a lot of health benefits (益处). If you sing with your friends, the effects may be even better.John Lennon was once a teacher of Vocal Performance (声乐表演) at Emporia State University. He says, “Singing is an inborn (天生的) need. Babies sing to themselves and they seem so happy. Like babies, when we sing, we feel so good and singing makes us feel even better. I like singing and I am happy every day.”Music is a part of human nature. And singing is a form of expressionthat can be understood by everyone. Some people say that music is like a kind of language. The language can show peoples opinions and attitudes(态度) to their life. Some songs can cheer people up when they are in trouble. Some songs can make people happy and excited. Thats why the TV show The Voice of China is so popular with people.(1) According to some surveys, singing can bring _.A . health benefitsB . health problemsC . happiness and successD . some trouble(2) The underlined word “expression” probably means “_” in Chinese.A . 运动B . 表情C . 表达D . 放松(3) The TV show The Voice of China is popular because _.A . all the singers are good at singing and dancingB . songs make people happy and excitedC . all the singers look nice in cool clothesD . songs are written by the singers themselves(4) Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A . All people think singing can lift our spirits.B . Some people dont like singing and dont think music can make them happy.C . If you sing in a group, there will be no benefits.D . No babies ever sing to themselves.四、 句型转换 (共2题;共7分)20. (3分) My uncle used to work ten hours a day. (对划线部分提问)_your uncle use to work a day?21. (4分) 句型转换。(1) I was writing a letter when my mother got home. (对划线部分提问)_ you doing when your mother got home?(2) Could you give the book back to the school library tomorrow? (改为同义句)Could you _ the book _ the school library tomorrow?(3) “Are you mad at your sister?” Mary said to me. (改为间接引语)Mary asked me _ I _ mad at my sister.(4) 当我们遇到麻烦时,我们应该向警察寻求帮助。(完成译句)We should _the police _help when we are in trouble.五、 A. 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。 (共5题;共10分)22. (1分) Pandas eat a lot of_(竹子) 23. (6分) 写出下列单词的比较级 (1) tall _(2) big _(3) large_(4) new _(5) high_(6) funny _ 24. (1分) The camel couldnt see the roads clearly because it was b_in its left eye.25. (1分) Look at yourself in the_. Your face is dirty. 26. (1分) Youd better not ask too many _ (private) problems at the party.六、 B. 根据对话意思和所给首字母,写出完整正确的单词。 (共1题;共5分)27. (5分) 补全对话。A:Hi,Tim_B:YesAn old friend is coming to see meA:_B:Ohhave a look at the photoA:There are three boys_B:The one on the leftA:_B:By trainA:_B:At about two oclock in the afternoonA:Can I go to meet your friend with you?B:Of courseAWho?BWhen are you going to meet him?CYou look happyDWhich one is your friend?EHow will he get here?七、 C根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。 (共3题;共9分)28. (1分) 那些旅行者中许多参观了北京 (many of)_29. (3分) 莉莉使那个小女孩停止了哭泣。 Lily _ the little girl _ _.30. (5分) 根据汉语意思完成句子。(1) 多么漂亮的一个女孩啊!_beautiful girl!(2) 你的比萨饼看起来很不错。Your pizza _so nice.(3) 大多数孩子喜欢吃甜食。Most children _.(4) 我刚做了一个蛋糕。尝一尝吧!I have just made a cake. _.(5) 猫的毛摸起来很柔软。The fur of the cat _.八、 用单词的正确形式完成句子 (共1题;共5分)31. (5分) 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词,并用其适当形式填空,使句子通顺。three safe health they educate(1)In the modern world, we should pay more attention to food. We should eat very _.(2)Today is Childrens Day. The children are enjoying _festival now.(3)To support a big family, his father has to look for a _job besides delivering newspapers and milk.(4)For your_, you mustnt stand under the tree when its raining in summer.(5) Last month, Mrs Obama, U.S. First Lady, paid a week-long visit to China focusing on _. She visited some schools and universities.九、 阅读短文,完成句子 (共1题;共4分)32. (4分) (2017黄冈模拟) 任务型阅读When something great happens to a friend, a family member or a classmate, congratulations are in order! However, some people dont know how to congratulate others. Here are some ways to show your congratulations.Say “congratulations” with a smile. Remember to express your congratulations with a winning smile. The expression on your face is pretty important. If you say “congratulations” with a serious look on your face, the person will probably think you arent actually all that happy for him or her.Send an en email or a card. Besides saying “congratulations in person, you might want to send a congratulatory note. You can send a simple email or write a message on a card. You can buy some beautiful cards in the store.Send a gift. If the occasion is special enough, you can send a gift. You dont need to buy something expensive. Try to buy a suitable gift. All in all, choose a gift that lets the person know you want to celebrate with him or her.Spread the word. You can help spread the persons joy by telling other people the good news, so they can congratulate the person as well. If the person prefers to keep the good news private, dont spread the word.Title: How to _Say “congratulations” with a smile. Express your congratulations with a winning smile._congratulations with a serous look on your face.Send an en email or a card.You can send a simple email or _on a card.Send a gift.You can buy a suitable gift instead of something expensive.Spread the word.You can tell other people the good news.You can spread the good news around if the person _keep it private.十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33. (5分) (2016八上鄂托克旗期末) 为了使同学们更加他康快乐地成长。学校决定向同学们征求建议。假如你是刘波,请根据下面表格提示,以“Suggestions for a Better School Life”为题,用英语向校长写一封80词左右的建议信。注意:文中应包含所有要点,可适当发挥;语句流畅,使行文连贯;不能出现真实的校名和姓名;开头和结尾己给出,不计入总词数。Our school*open the library more often *organize(组织) more after-class activities*give us more time for sports *organize fewer testsOur teacher*make classes more interesting *talk less but more clearly in class*finish classes on time *give us less homeworkSuggestions for a Better School LifeDear Headmaster,Im very glad to write a letter to you. These days we are talking about how to have a better school life. Here are some of my suggestions. First, I hope our school willHope my suggestions will be helpful. Thanks for reading my letter!Yours sincerelyLiu Bo第 21 页 共 21 页参考答案一、 单选题 (共14题;共28分)1、答案:略2、答案:略3、答案:略4、答案:略5、答案:略6、答案:略7、答案:略8、答案:略9、答案:略10、答案:略11、答案:略12、答案:略13、答案:略14、答案:略二、 完形填空 (共1题;共10分)15、答案:略三、 阅读理解 (共4题;共36分)16、答案:略17、答案:略18、答案:略19、答案:略四、 句型转换 (共2题;共7分)20、答案:略21、答案:略五、 A. 根据句意和汉语提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。 (共5题;共10分)22、答案:略23、答案:略24、答案:略25、答案:略26、答案:略六、 B. 根据对话意思和所给首字母,写出完整正确的单词。 (共1题;共5分)27、答案:略七、 C根据所给汉语和句子意思,用英语补全句子。 (共3题;共9分)28、答案:略29、答案:略30、答案:略八、 用单词的正确形式完成句子 (共1题;共5分)31、答案:略九、 阅读短文,完成句子 (共1题;共4分)32、答案:略十、 书面表达 (共1题;共5分)33、答案:略

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